The Faithful Shepherdess
The Faithful Shepherdess

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ln 0001THETHE
ln 0003ShepheardesseShepherdess.


ln 0005PrintedPrinted atat LondonLondon forfor R.R. BonianBonian
ln 0006andand H.H. WalleyWalley, andand areare toto bebe soldsold atat
ln 0007thethe spredspreadspred EagleEagle ouerover againstagainst thethe
ln 0008greatgreat NorthNorth doredoor ofof S.St.S. PaulesPaul’s.

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ln 0001ToTo thatthat noblenoble andand truetrue louerlover ofof learningearningearninglearning,
ln 0002SirSir VVALTERWALTER ASTONASTON knightknight
ln 0003ofof thethe BathBath.

ln 0004SIrSIr II mustmust askeask youryour patiencepatience, andand bebe trewtrue.
ln 0005ThisThis playplay waswas neuernever likedliked, vnlesseunless byby fewfew
ln 0006ThatThat broughtbrought theirtheir iudgementsjudgements withwith vm’em, forfor ofof latelate
ln 0007FirstFirst thethe infectioninfection, thenthen thethe commoncommon prateprate
ln 0008OfOf commoncommon peoplepeople, hauehave suchsuch customescustoms gotgot
ln 0009EitherEither toto silencesilence plaiesplays, oror likelike themthem notnot.
ln 0010VnderUnder thethe lastlast ofof whichwhich thisthis interludeinterlude,
ln 0011HadHad falnefallen for euerforeverfor ever prestpressed downedown byby thethe ruderude
ln 0012ThatThat likelike aa torrenttorrent whichwhich thethe moistmoist southsouth feedesfeeds,
ln 0013Drowne’sDrownsDrowne’s bothboth beforebefore himhim thethe riperipe cornecorn andand weedesweeds:
ln 0014HadHad notnot thethe sauingsaving sencesense ofof betterbetter menmen
ln 0015Redeem’dRedeemed itit fromfrom corruptioncorruption: (deeredear SirSir thenthen)
ln 0016AmongAmong thethe betterbetter soulessouls, bebe youyou thethe bestbest
ln 0017InIn whomewhom, asas inin aa CenterCenterCentre II taketake restrest,
ln 0018AndAnd propperproper beingbeing: fromfrom whosewhose equallequal eyeeye
ln 0019AndAnd iudgementjudgement, nothingnothing growesgrows butbut puritiepurity:
ln 0020(NorNor dodo II flatterflatter) forfor byby allall thosethose deaddead,
ln 0021GreatGreat inin thethe musesmuses, byby ApolloesApollo’s headhead,
ln 0022HeHe thatthat adsadds anyany thingthing toto youyou; tis’tis donedone
ln 0023LikeLike hishis thatthat lightslights aa candlecandle toto thethe sunnesun:
ln 0024ThenThen bebe asas youyou werewere euerever, your selfeyourself stillstill
ln 0025MouedMoved byby youryour iudgementjudgement, notnot byby louelove, oror willwill
ln 0026AndAnd whenwhen II singsing againeagain asas whowho cancan telltell
ln 0027MyMy nextnext deuotiondevotion toto thatthat holyholy wellwell,
ln 0028YourYour goodnessegoodness toto thethe musesmuses shallshall bebe allall,
ln 0029AbleAble toto makemake aa workework HeroyicallHeroical.

ln 0030GiuenGiven toto youryour seruiceservice

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ln 0001ToTo thethe inheritourinheritor ofof allall worthinesworthiness,
ln 0002SirSir WilliamWilliam ScipwithSkipwithScipwith.

ln 0003OdeOde.

ln 0004IfIf fromfrom seruileservile hopehope oror louelove,
ln 0005II maymay proueprove
ln 0006ButBut soso happyhappy toto bebe thoughtthought forfor
ln 0007SuchSuch aa oneone whosewhose greatestgreatest easeease
ln 0008IsIs toto pleaseplease
ln 0009(WorthyWorthy sirsir) II hauehave allall II soughtsought forfor,

ln 0010ForFor nono ichich ofof greatergreater namename,
ln 0011whichwhich somesome clameclaim
ln 0012ByBy theirtheir versesverses dodo II showshow itit
ln 0013ToTo thethe worldworld; nornor toto protestprotest
ln 0014Tis’Tis thethe bestbest
ln 0015TheseThese areare leanelean faultsfaults, inin aa poetpoet

ln 0016NorNor toto makemake itit serueserve toto feedfeed
ln 0017atat mymy needeneed
ln 0018NorNor toto gainegain acquaintanceacquaintance byby itit
ln 0019NorNor toto rauishravish kindekind AtturniesAttorneys,
ln 0020inin theirtheir iourniesjourneys.
ln 0021NorNor toto readread itit afterafter dietdiet

ln 0022FareFarFare fromfrom meme areare allall thesethese AmesAimsaims
ln 0023FittestFittest framesframes
ln 0024ToTo buildbuild weakenesseweakness onon andand pittypity
ln 0025OnelyOnly toto your selfeyourself, andand suchsuch
ln 0026whosewhose truetrue touchtouch
ln 0027MakesMakes allall goodgood; letlet meme seemeseem wittywitty.

ln 0028TheThe AdmirerAdmirer ofof youryour vertuesvirtues,

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ln 0001ToTo thethe perfectper●ectperfect gentlemangentleman SirSir
ln 0002RobertRobert TownesendTownshendTownesend.

ln 0003IFIF thethe greatestgreatest faultsfaults maymay crauecrave
ln 0004PardonPardon wherewhere contritioncontrition isis
ln 0005(NobleNoble SirSir) II needesneeds mustmust havehave
ln 0006AA longlong oneone; forfor aa longlong amisseamiss
ln 0007IfIf youyou askeask meme (howhow isis thisthis)
ln 0008VponUpon mymy faithfaith IleI’ll telltell youyou frankelyfrankly,
ln 0009YouYou louelove aboueabove mymy meanesmeans toto thankethank yeeye.
ln 0010YetYet accordingaccording toto mymy TalentTalentTalon
ln 0011AsAs sowresour fortunefortune louesloves toto vseuse meme
ln 0012AA poorepoor ShepheardShepherd II hauehave sentsent,
ln 0013InIn home-spunhomespun graygraygrey forfor toto excuseexcuse meme.
ln 0014AndAnd maymay allall mymy hopeshopes refuserefuse meme:
ln 0015ButBut whenwhen betterbetter comescomes ashoreashore,
ln 0016YouYou shallshall hauehave betterbetter, newernewer, moremore.
ln 0017TilTill whenwhen, likelike ourour desperatedesperate debtersdebtors,
ln 0018OrOr ourour threethree pildpiled sweetesweet protestersprotesters
ln 0019II mustmust pleaseplease youyou inin barebare lettersletters
ln 0020AndAnd soso paypay mymy debtsdebts; likelike iestersjesters,
ln 0021YetYet II oftoft hauehave seeneseen goodgood feastersfeasters,
ln 0022OnelyOnly forfor toto pleaseplease thethe palletpallet,
ln 0023LeaueLeave greatgreat meatmeat andand chusechoose aa salletfalletfalletsallet.
ln 0024AllAll yoursyours IohnJohnjohn
ln 0025FletcherFletcher


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ln 0001ToTo TheThe ReaderReader.

ln 0002IFIF youyou bebe notnot reasonablyreasonably assurdeassure ofof youryour knowledgeknowledge inin thisthis
ln 0003kindekind ofof PoemePoem, laylay downedown thethe bookebook oror readread thisthis, whichwhich II
ln 0004wouldwould wishwish hadhad benebeen thethe prologueprologue. ItIt isis aa pastorallpastoral Tragie-com-Tragic-comedieTragic-co|me dieTragicomedy
ln 0005medie,
ln 0005whichwhich thethe peoplepeople seeingseeing whenwhen itit waswas plaidplayed, hauinghaving euerever
ln 0006hadhad aa singulersingular guiseguise inin definingdefining, conclud[*]dconcludedconclud●dconcluded toto bebe aa playplay ofof coū-cou|̄trycountry
ln 0007try
ln 0007hiredhired ShepheardsShepherds, inin graygraygrey cloakescloaks, withwith curtaildcurtailed dogsdogs inin
ln 0008stringsstrings, sometimessometimes laughinglaughing togethertogether, andand sometimessometimes killingkilling
ln 0009oneone anotheranother: AndAnd missingmissing whitsunwhitsun alesales, creamecream, wasselwaffelwassail &and mor-morris-dancesmor∣ris-dancesmorris-dances
ln 0010ris-dances,
ln 0010beganbegan toto bebe angryangry. InIn theirtheir errorerror II wouldwould notnot hauehave
ln 0011youyou fallfall, leastlest youyou incurreincur theirtheir censurecensur●censure. VnderstandUnderstand thereforetherefore aa
ln 0012pastorallpastoral toto bebe aa representationrepresentation ofof shepheardsshepherds andand shepheardshepheardessesshepheard dessesshepherdessesshepherdess
ln 0013desses,
ln 0013withwith theirtheir actionsactions andand passionspassions, whichwhich mustmust bebe suchsuch asas
ln 0014maymay agreeagree withwith theirtheir naturesnatures atat leastleast notnot exceedingexceeding formerformer fic-fictionsfic∣tionsfictions
ln 0015tions,
ln 0015&and vulgarvulgar traditionstraditions: theythey areare notnot toto bebe adorn’dadorned withwith anyany
ln 0016artart, butbut suchsuch improperimproper onesones asas naturenothingn●turenothingnature isis s[*]idsaids●idsaid toto bestowbestow, asas subg-singingsing∣ingsinging
ln 0017ing
ln 0017andand PoetryPoetry, oror suchsuch asas experienceexperience maymay teachteach themthem, asas thethe
ln 0018vertuesvirtues ofof heartshearts, &and fountainefountain thethe ordinaryordinary coursecourse ofof thethe SunSun,
ln 0019moonemoon, andand starresstars, andand suchsuch likel●kelike. ButBut youyou areare euerever toto remem-rememberremem∣berremember
ln 0020ber
ln 0020ShepherdsShepherds toto bebe suchsuch, asas allall thethe ancientancient PoetsPoets andand modernemodern
ln 0021ofof vnderstandingvndersta●dingunderstanding hauehave receauedr●●eauedreceived themthem: thattha●that isis, thethe ownersowners ofof
ln 0022flockesflocks andand notnot hyerlingshirelings AA tragie-comedietragic-comedietragicomedy isis notnot soso calledcalled inin
ln 0023respectrespect ofof mirthmirth andand killingkilling butbut inin respectrespect itit wantswants deathsdeat●sdeaths,
ln 0024whichwhich isis inoughenough toto makemake itit nono tragedietragedy, yetyet bringsbrings somesome neerenear
ln 0025itit, whichwhich isis inoughenough toto makemake itit nono comediecomedy: whichwhich mustmust bebe aa re-representationre∣presentationrepresentation
ln 0026presentation
ln 0026ofof familiarfamiliar peoplepeople, withwith suchsuch kindekind ofof troubletrouble asas nono
ln 0027lifelife bebe questiondquestioned, soso thatthat aa GodGod isis asas lawfulllawful inin thisthis asas inin aa trage-tragedietrage|dietragedy
ln 0028die,
ln 0028andand meanemean peoplepeople asas inin aa comediecomedy. ThusThus muchmuch II hopehope willwill
ln 0029serueserve toto iustifiejustify mymy PoemePoem●Poem, andand makemake youyou vnderstandv●derstandunderstand itit, toto teachteach
ln 0030youyou moremore forfor nothingnothing, II dodo notnot knowknow thatthat II amam inin conscienceconscience
ln 0031boundbound.

ln 0032IohnJohnjohn FletcherFletcher.

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ln 0001ToTo mymy lou’dloved friendfriend M.MasterM. IohnJohnjohn FletcherFletcher, onon hishis PastorallsPastorall●Pastoralspastorals

ln 0002CAnCAn mymy approouementapprovement (SirSir) bebe worthworth youryour thankesthanks?
ln 0003WhoseWhose vnknownevnknwneunknown namename andand musemnsemuse (inin swathingswathing clowtesclouts)
ln 0004IsIs notnot yetyet grownegrown toto strengthstrength, amongamong thesethese rankesranks
ln 0005ToTo hauehave aa roomeroom andand bearebear offoff thethe sharpesharp flowtesflouts
ln 0006OfOf thisthis ourour pregnantpregnant ageage, thatthat doesdoes despisedespise
ln 0007AllAll innocentinnocent verseverse, thatthat letslets alonealone herher vicevice.

ln 0008ButBut II mustmust iustifiejustify whatwhat priuatelyprivately,
ln 0009II censurdcensured toto youyou: mymy ambitionambition isis
ln 0010(EuenEven byby mymy hopeshopes andand louelove toto PoesiePoesy)
ln 0011ToTo liuelive toto perfectperfect suchsuch aa workework, asas thisthis,
ln 0012CladClad inin suchsuch elegantelegant proprietiepropriety
ln 0013OfOf wordswords, includingincluding aa mortallitiemortality.

ln 0014SoSo sweetesweet andand profitableprofitable, thoughthough eacheach manman thatthat heareshears,
ln 0015(AndAnd learninglearning hashas enoughenough toto clapclap andand hissehiss)
ln 0016AriuesArrives notnot too’tto ’tto’t, soso mistymisty itit appearesappears;
ln 0017AndAnd toto theirtheir filmedfilmed reasonsreasons, soso amisseamiss:
ln 0018ButBut letlet ArtArt lookelook inin truthtruth, sheshe likelike aa mirrormirror,
ln 0019ReflectsReflects herher comfortcomfort, ignorancesignorance’s terrorterror

ln 0020SitsSits inin herher owneown browbrow, beingbeing mademade afraidafraid,
ln 0021OfOf herher vnnaturalunnatural complexioncomplexion,
ln 0022AsAs ouglyugly womenwomen (whenwhen theythey areare araidarrayed
ln 0023ByBy glassesglasses) loathloath theirtheir truetrue reflectionreflection,
ln 0024ThenThen howhow cancan suchsuch opinionsopinions iniureinjure theethee,
ln 0025ThatThat trembletremble, atat theirtheir owneown deformitiedeformity?

ln 0026OpinionOpinion, thatthat greatgreat foolefool, makesmakes foolesfools ofof allall,
ln 0027AndAnd (onceonce) II feardfeared herher tilltill II metmet aa mindemind
ln 0028WhoseWhose grauegrave instructionsinstructions philosophicallphilosophical,
ln 0029Toss’dTossed itit likelike dustdust vponupon aa marchmarch strongstrong windewind,
ln 0030HeHe shallshall for euerforeverfor ever mymy exampleexample bebe,
ln 0031AndAnd hishis embracedembraced doctrinedoctrine growgrow inin meme.

ln 0032HisHis soulesoul (&and suchsuch commendcommend thisthis) thatthat commaundcommand
ln 0033SuchSuch artart, itit shouldshould meme betterbetter satisfiesatisfy,
ln 0034ThenThanThen ifif thethe monstermonster claptclapped hishis thousandthousand handshands,
ln 0035AndAnd drownddrowned thethe sceanescene withwith hishis confusedconfused crycry;
ln 0036AndAnd ifif doubtsdoubts riserise, loelowlo theirtheir owneown namesnames toto cleare’emclear ’em
ln 0037WhilstWhilst II amam happyhappy butbut toto standstand soso neere’emnear ’em.
ln 0038N.N. F.F.

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ln 0001ToTo mymy friendfriend MaisterMaster IohnJohnjohn FletcherFletceherFletcher,
ln 0002vponupon hishis faithfullfaithful ShepheardesseShepherdess.

ln 0003II KnowKnow tootoo wellwell thatthat nono moremore thenthan thethe manman
ln 0004ThatThat trauelstravels throughthrough thethe burningburning desartsdeserts, cancan
ln 0005WhenWhen hehe isis beatenbeaten withwith thethe ragingraging sunnesun,
ln 0006HalfeHalf smotherdsmothered withwith thethe dustdust, hauehave povverpowerpower toto runnerun
ln 0007FromFrom aa coolecool riuerriver, whichwhich himselfehimself dothdoth findefind,
ln 0008EreEre●eEre hehe bebe slak’dslakedslacked: nono moremore cancan hehe vvhosewhosewhose mindemind
ln 0009IoiesJoysjoys inin thethe musesmuses, holdhold fromfrom thatthat delightdelight,
ln 0010WhenWhen naturenature, andand hishis fullfull thoughtsthoughts bidbadb●dbidbade himhim writewrite,
ln 0011YetYet wishwish II thosethose whomewhom II forfor friendsfriends hauehave knovvneknowneknown,
ln 0012ToTo singsing theirtheir thoughtsthoughts toto nono earesears butbut theirtheir ovvneowneown:
ln 0013WhyWhy shouldshould thethe manman, whosewhose witwit nerene’er hadhad aa stainestain,
ln 0014VponUpon thethe publikepublic stagestage presentpresent hishis vaineveinvain,
ln 0015AndAnd makemake aa thousandthousand menmen inin iudgementjudgement sitsit,
ln 0016ToTo callcall inin questionquestion hishis vndoubtedundoubted vvitwitwit,
ln 0017ScarceScarce tvvotwotwo ofof vvhichwhichwhich cancan vnderstandunderstand thethe lavveslaweslaws
ln 0018WhichWhich theythey shouldshould iudgejudge byby, nornor thethe partiesparties’party’s causecause,
ln 0019AmongAmong thethe routrout therethere isis notnot oneone thatthat hathhath
ln 0020InIn hishis owneown censurecensure anan expliciteexplicit faithfaith.
ln 0021OneOne companycompany kowingknowingknowing theythey iudgementjudgement lackelack,
ln 0022GroundGround theirtheir beliefebelief onon thethe nextnext manman inin blackeblack:
ln 0023OthersOthers, onon himhim thatthat makesmakes signessigns, andand isis mutemute,
ln 0024SomeSome likelike asas hehe doesdoes inin thethe fairestfairest sutesuit,
ln 0025HeHe asas hishis mistresmistress dothdoth, andand sheshe byboyboyby chancechance,
ln 0026NorNor vvantswantswants therethere thosethose, whowho asas thethe boybodybodyboy dothdoth dancedance
ln 0027BetweeneBetween thethe actesacts, willwill censurecensure thethe wholewhole playplay:
ln 0028SomeSome likelike ifif thethe vvaxwaxwax lightslights bebe nevvnewnew thatthat dayday:
ln 0029ButBut multitudesmultitudes therethere areare whosewhose iudgementsjudgements goesgoes
ln 0030HeadlongHeadlong accordingaccording toto thethe actorsactors’actors clothesclothes.
ln 0031ForFor thisthis, thesethese publickepublic thingsthings andand II, agreeagree
ln 0032SoSo illill, thatthat butbut toto dodo arightaright toto theethee,
ln 0033II hadhad notnot benebeen perswadedpersuaded toto hauehave hurldhurled
ln 0034TheseThese fewfew, ill spokenill-spokenill spoken lineslines, intointo thethe worldworld,
ln 0035BothBoth toto bebe readread, andand censurdcensured ofof, byby thosethose,
ln 0036WhoseWhose veryvery readingreading makesmakes verseverse sencelessenseless proseprose,
ln 0037SuchSuch asas mustmust spendspend aboueabove anan hourehour, toto spellspell
ln 0038AA challengechallenge onon aa postpost, toto knovvknowknow itit vvellwellwell,
ln 0039ButBut sincesince itit waswas thythy happehap toto throvvthrowthrow avvayawayaway,
ln 0040MuchMuch vvitwit, forfor whichwhich thethe peoplepeople diddid notnot paypay,
ln 0041BecauseBecause theythey savvsawsaw itit notnot, II notnot dislikedislike
ln 0042ThisThis secondsecond publicationpublication, whichwhich maymay strikestrike
ln 0043TheirTheir consciencesconsciences, toto seesee thethe thingthing theythey scorndscorned,
ln 0044ToTo bebe vvithwithwith soso muchmuch willwill andand artart adorndadorned.
ln 0045BisidesBesides oneone vantagevantage moremore inin thisthis II seesee,
ln 0046YourYour censurerscensurers mustmust hauehave thethe quallitiequality
ln 0047OfOf readingreading, whichwhich II amam affraidafraid isis moremore
ln 0048ThenThan halfehalf youryour shreudestshrewdest iudgesjudges hadhad beforebefore.
ln 0049Fr.FrancisFr. BeaumontBeaumont.

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wln 0001TheThe faithfullfaithful ShepheardesseShepherdess.

wln 0002ActusActus primiprimi, ScenaScaena primaprima.

wln 0003EnterEnter ClorinCl●rinClorin aa ShepheardesseShepherdess hauinghaving buriedburied herher
wln 0004louelove inin anan ArbourArborArbour.

wln 0005HAileHail holyholy earthearth, whosewhose coldecold armesarms dodo embraceembrace
wln 0006TheThe truesttruest manman thatthat euerever fedfed hishis flockesflocks:
wln 0007ByBy thethe fatfat plainesplains ofof fruitfullfruitful ThessalyThessaly,
wln 0008ThusThus II salutesalute thythy grauegrave, thusthus dodo II paypay
wln 0009MyMy earlyearly vowesvows andand tributetribtutetribute ofof minemine eieseyes,
wln 0010ToTo thythy still louedstill-lovedstill loved ashesashes: thusthus II freefree
wln 0011My selfeMyselfmyself fromfrom allall ensuingensuing heatesheats andand firesfires
wln 0012OfOf louelove, allall sportssports, delightsdelights andand gamesgames,
wln 0013ThatThat ShepheardsShepherds holdhold fullfull dearedearesdeardeer: thusthus putput II offoff.
wln 0014NowNow nono moremore shallshall thesethese smoothsmooth browesbrows bebe girtgi●tgirt,
wln 0015WithWith youthfullyouthful coronalscoronalscolonels, andand leadlead thethe dancedance,
wln 0016NoNo moremore thethe companycompany ofof freshfresh fairefair MaidsMaids
wln 0017AndAnd wantonwanton shepheardsshepherds bebe toto meme delightfulldelightful.
wln 0018NorNor thethe shrillshrill pleasingpleasing soundsound ofof merrymerry pipespipes,
wln 0019VnderUnder somesome shadyshady delldell whenwhen thethe coolecool windewind
wln 0020PlaiesPlays onon thethe leauesleaves, allall bebe farrefar awayaway:
wln 0021SinceSince thouthou artart farrefar awayaway: byby whosewhose dearedear sideside,
wln 0022HowHow oftenoften hauehave II satsat crowndcrowned withwith freshfresh flowersflowers
wln 0023ForFor SummersSummer’s queenequeen, whilstwhilst eueryevery ShepheardsShepherd’s boyboyeboy●boy,,
wln 0024PutsPuts onon hishis lustylustlylustylustily greenegreen withwith gaudygaudy hookehook,
wln 0025AndAnd hanginghanging scrippescrip ofof finestfinest cordeuancordovan:
wln 0026ButBut thouthou artart gonegone, andand thesethese areare gonegone withwith theethee,
wln 0027AndAnd allall areare deaddead butbut thythy dearedear memoriememory:
wln 0028ThatThat shallshall outliueoutlive theethee, andand shallshall euerever springspring,
wln 0029WhilstWhilst therethere areare pipespipes, oror IollyJollyjolly shepheardsshepherds singsing.

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The faithfull Shepheardesse.

wln 0030AndAnd heerehere willwill II, inin honorhonorhonour ofof thythy louelove,
wln 0031DwellDwell byby thythy grauegrave, forgettingforgetting allall thosethose ioyesjoys,
wln 0032ThatThat formerformer timestimes mademade preciousprecious toto minemine eieseyes:
wln 0033OnelyOnly remembringremembering whatwhat mymy youthyouth diddid gainegain,
wln 0034InIn thethe darkedark hiddenhidden vertuousvirtuous vseuse ofof hearbsherbs:
wln 0035ThatThat II willwill II practisepracticepractise, andand asas freelyfreely giuegive
wln 0036AllAll mymy endeauoursendeavorsendeavours, asas II gaindgained themthem freefree.
wln 0037OfOf allall greenegreen woundswounds II knowknow thethe remediesremedies,
wln 0038InIn menmen oror cattellcattle, bebe theythey stungstung withwith snakessnakes,
wln 0039OrOr charmdcharmed withwith powerfullpowerful wordswords ofof wickedwicked artart,
wln 0040OrOr bebe theythey loue-sickelovesick, oror throughthrough tootoo muchmuch heatheat
wln 0041GrowneGrown wildewild oror lunatickelunatic, theirtheir eieseyes oror earesears
wln 0042ThicknedThickened withwith mistymisty filmefilm ofof dullingdulling rumerheum,
wln 0043TheseThese II cancan curecure, suchsuch secretsecret vertuevirtue lieslies
wln 0044InIn hearbsherbs applyedapplied byby aa virginsvirgin’s handhand:
wln 0045MyMy meatmeat shallshall bebe whatwhat thesethese wildewild woodswoods affoordafford,
wln 0046BerriesBerries, andand ChesnutsChestnuts, PlantainsPlantains, onon whosewhose cheekscheeks
wln 0047TheThe SunSun sitssits smilingsmiling, andand thethe loftylofty fruitfruit
wln 0048PuldP●ldPulled fromfrom thethe fairefair headhead ofof thethe straitestraight growngrown pinepine:
wln 0049OnOn thesethese IleI’ll feedefeed withwith freefree contentcontent andand restrest,
wln 0050WhenWhen nightnight shalshall blindeblind thethe worldworld, byby thythy sideside blestblestblessed.

wln 0051EnterEnter aa SatyreSatyrSatire.
wln 0052Sat.SatyrSat.ThroughThrough yonyonyond samesame bendingbending plaineplain,
wln 0053ThatThat flingsflings hishis armesarms downedown toto thethe mainemain,
wln 0054AndAnd throughthrough thesethese thickethick woodswoods hauehave II runnerun,
wln 0055whosewhose bottomebot●omebottom neuernever kistkissed thethe SunneSun
wln 0056SinceSince thethe lustylusty springspring beganbegan,
wln 0057AllAll toto pleaseplease mymy MaisterMaster PanPan,
wln 0058HaueHave II trottedtrotted withoutwithout restrest
wln 0059ToTo getget himhim fruitfruit, forfor atat aa feastfeast,
wln 0060HeHe entertainesentertains thisthis commingcoming nightnight,
wln 0061HisHis ParamoureParamour thethe SyrinxSyrinx brightbright:
wln 0062ButBut beholdbehold aa fairerfairer sightsightHeHe standsstands amazedamazed.
wln 0063ByBy thatthat heauenlyheavenly formeform ofof thinethine,
wln 0064BrightestBrightest fairefair thouthou artart deuinedivine:
wln 0065SprongSp●ongSprung fromfrom greatgreat immortallimmortal racerace
wln 0066OfOf thethe GodsGods: forfor inin thythy faceface,
wln 0067ShinesShines moremore awfullawful maiestymajesty,

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The faithfull Shepheardesse.

wln 0068ThenThanThen dulldull weakeweak mortalitiemortality
wln 0069DareDare withwith mistymisty eieseyes behouldbehold
wln 0070AndAnd liuelive, thereforetherefore onon thisthis mouldmoldmould,
wln 0071LowlyLowly dodo II bendbend mymy kneeknee,
wln 0072InIn worshipworship ofof thythy dietiedeity,
wln 0073DeigneDeign itit GoddesseGoddess fromfrom mymy handhand,
wln 0074ToTo receiuereceive what erewhate’er thisthis landland,
wln 0075FromFrom herher firtilefertile wombewomb dothdoth sendsend
wln 0076OfOf herher choisechoice fruitesfruits: andand butbut lendlend,
wln 0077BeliefeBelief toto thatthat thethe SatyreSatyrSatire telstells,
wln 0078FairerFairer byby thethe famousfamous wellswells,
wln 0079ToTo thisthis presentpresent dayday nerene’er grewegrew,
wln 0080NeuerNever betterbetter nornor moremore truetrue,
wln 0081HeereHere bebe grapesgrapes whosewhose lustylusty bloodblood,
wln 0082IsIs thethe learnedlearned PoetsPoets’Poets goodgood,
wln 0083SweeterSweeter yetyet diddid neuernever crownecrown,
wln 0084TheThe headhead ofof BacchusBacchus, nutsnuts moremore brownebrown
wln 0085ThenThan thethe squirrelssquirrels’squirrels teethteeth thatthat crackecrack themthem,
wln 0086DeigneDeign ôôo fairestfairest fairefair toto taketake themthem,
wln 0087ForFor thesethese black ey’dblack-eyedblack eyed DriopeDryopedryop,
wln 0088HathHath oftenoften timestimes commaundedcommanded meme,
wln 0089WithWith mymy claspedclasped kneeknee toto climeclimb,
wln 0090SeeSee howhow wellwell thethe lustylusty timetime,
wln 0091HathHath decktdecked theirtheir risingrising cheekescheeks inin redred,
wln 0092SuchSuch asas onon youryour lipslips isis spredspread,
wln 0093HeereHere bebe berriesberries forfor aa QueeneQueen,
wln 0094SomeSome bebe redred, somesome bebe greenegreen:
wln 0095TheseThese areare ofof thatthat lussiousluscious meatmeat,
wln 0096TheThe greatgreat GodGod PanPan, himselfehimself dothdoth eateeat:
wln 0097AllAll thesethese, andand whatwhat thethe woodswoods cancan yeeldyield,
wln 0098TheThe hanginghanging mountainemountain oror thethe fieldfield,
wln 0099II freelyfreely offeroffer, andand ereere longlong,
wln 0100WillWill bringbring youyou moremore, moremore sweetsweet andand strongstrong.
wln 0101TillTill whenwhen humblyhumbly leaueleave II taketake,
wln 0102LeastLestlest thethe greatgreat PanPan dodo awakeawake:
wln 0103ThatThat sleepingsleeping lieslies inin aa deepedeep gladeglade,
wln 0104VndeUnderunder aa broadbroad beechesbeech’s shadeshade:
wln 0105II mustmust goego, II mustmust runnerun,
wln 0106SwifterSwifter thenthan thethe fieryfiery SunneSun.ExitExit.
Clo And

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The faithfull Shepheardesse.

wln 0107ClorinClorin.AndAnd allall mymy fearesfears goego withwith theethee.
wln 0108WhatWhat greatnessegreatness oror whatwhat priuateprivate hiddenhidden powerpower,
wln 0109IsIs therethere inin meme toto drawdraw submissionsubmission,
wln 0110FromFrom thisthis ruderude manman, andand beastbeast? suresure II amam mortallmortal,
wln 0111TheThe daughterdaughter ofof aa ShepheardShepherd, hehe waswas mortallmortal:
wln 0112AndAnd sheshe thatthat borebore meme mortallmortal: prickeprick mymy handhand
wln 0113AndAnd itit willwill bleedbleed: aa feauerfever shakesshakes meme,
wln 0114AndAnd thethe selfsameselfsame windewind thatthat makesmakes thethe yoūgyoung lambslambs shrinkeshrink,
wln 0115MakesMakes meme aa coldcold, mymy fearefear saiessays II amam mortallmortal:
wln 0116YetYet II hauehave heardheard (mymy mothermother toldtold itit meme)
wln 0117AndAnd nownow II doedo belieuebelieve itit, ifif II keepekeep
wln 0118MyMy virginvirgin flowerflower vncroptuncropped, purepure, chastechaste, &and fairefair,
wln 0119NoNo GoblinGoblin, wood-godwood-god, FaieryFairy, ElfeElf, oror FiendFiend,
wln 0120SatyrSatyr oror otherother powerpower thatthat hauntshaunts thesethese groauesgroves,
wln 0121ShallShall hurthurt mymy bodybody, oror byby vainevain illusionillusion,
wln 0122DrawDraw meme toto wanderwander afterafter idleidle fiersfires.
wln 0123OrOr voicesvoices callingcalling meme inin deaddead ofof nightnight,
wln 0124ToTo makemake meme followefollow, andand soso toletoll meme onon,
wln 0125ThroughThrough miresmires andand standingstanding poolespools:
wln 0126ElseElse whywhy shouldshould thisthis roughrough thingthing, whowho neuernever knewknew
wln 0127MannersManners, nornor smoothsmooth humanitiehumanity, whosewhose heatesheats
wln 0128AreAre rougherrougher thenthan himselfehimself, andand moremore mishapenmishapen,
wln 0129ThusThus mildelymildly kneelekneel toto meme? suresure therethere isis aa powerpower
wln 0130InIn thatthat greatgreat namename ofof virginvirgin; thatthat bindesbinds fastfast
wln 0131AllAll ruderude vnciuilluncivil bloodsbloods, allall appetitesappetites
wln 0132ThatThat breakebreak theirtheir confinesconfines: thenthen strongstrong chastitychastity,
wln 0133BeBe thouthou mymy strongeststrongest guardeguard, forfor heerehere Il’eI’ll dwelldwell
wln 0134InIn oppositionopposition againstagainst FateFate andand HellHell.
wln 0135EnterEnter anan oldeold shepheardshepherd, withwith fourefour couplecouple ofof Shep-ShepheardsShepherds
wln 0136heards
wln 0136andand ShepheardessesShepheardess●sShepherdesses.

wln 0137OldOld Shep.ShepherdShep.NowNow wewe hauehave donedone thisthis holyholy festiuallfestival,
wln 0138InIn honourhonorhonour ofof ourour greatgreat GodGod, andand hishis rightsrights
wln 0139Perform’dPerformed, prepareprepare your seluesyourselves forfor chastchaste
wln 0140AndAnd vncorrupteduncorrupted firesfires: thatthat asas thethe priestpriest,
wln 0141WithWith powerfulpowerful handhand shallshall sprinklesprinkle onon youryour browesbrows
wln 0142HisHis purepure andand holyholy waterwater, yeye maymay bebe
wln 0143FromFrom allall hothot flamesflames ofof lustlust, andand looseloose thoughtsthoughts freefree,
wln 0144KneeleKneel shepheardsshepherds kneelekneel, heerehere comescomes thethe PriestPriest ofof PanPan.
wln 0145EnterEnter PriestPriest.
wln 0146PriestPriest.ShepheardsShepherdsShepherd’s thusthus II purgepurge awayaway,

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The faithfull Shepheardesse.

wln 0147WhatsoeuerWhatsoever thisthis greatgreat dayday,
wln 0148OrOr thethe pastpast houreshours gauegave notnot goodgood,
wln 0149ToTo corruptcorrupt youryour maidenmaiden bloodblood:
wln 0150FromFrom thethe highhigh rebelliousrebellious heatheat,
wln 0151OfOf thethe grapesgrapes andand strengthstrength ofof meatmeat.
wln 0152FromFrom thethe wantonwanton quickequick desiresdesires,
wln 0153TheyThey dodo kindlekindle byby theirtheir firesfires.
wln 0154II dodo washwash youyou withwith thisthis waterwater,
wln 0155BeBe youyou purepure andand fairefair heereafterhereafter.
wln 0156FromFrom youryour liuerslivers andand youryour vainesveins,
wln 0157ThusThus II taketake awayaway thethe stainesstains.
wln 0158AllAll youryour thoughtsthoughts bebe smoothsmooth andand fairefair,
wln 0159BeBe yeye freshfresh andand freefree asas ayreair.
wln 0160NeuerNever moremore letlet lustfulllustful heatheat,
wln 0161ThroughThrough youryour purgedpurged conduitsconduits beatebeat,
wln 0162OrOr aa plightedplighted trothtroth bebe brokenbroken,
wln 0163OrOr aa wantonwanton verseverse bebe spokenspoken:
wln 0164InIn aa ShepheardessesShepherdess’s eareear,
wln 0165GoGo youryour waiesways y’areyou’re allall cleareclear.
wln 0166TheyThey riserise andand singsing inin praisepraise ofof PanPan.Pan.Pan..

wln 0167TheThe SongSong.

wln 0168SingSing hishis praisespraises thatthat dothdoth keepekeep,
wln 0169ourour FlockesFlocks fromfrom harmeharm,
wln 0170PanPan thethe FatherFather ofof ourour sheepesheep,
wln 0171AndAnd armearm inin armearm
wln 0172TreadTread wewe softlysoftly inin aa roundround,
wln 0173WhilstWhilst thethe hollowhollow neighbouringneighboringneighbouring groundground,
wln 0174FillsFills thethe musickemusic withwith herher soundsound,
wln 0175PanPan, oooh greatgreat GodGod, PanPan toto theethee
wln 0176ThusThus dodo wewe singsing:
wln 0177ThouThou thatthat keepestkeepest vsus chastechaste andand freefree,
wln 0178AsAs thethe youngyoung springspring,
wln 0179EuerEver bebe thythy honourhonorhonour spokespokespoken,
wln 0180FromFrom thatthat placeplace thethe mornemorn isis brokebroke,
wln 0181ToTo thatthat placeplace DayDay dothdoth vnyokeunyoke.

wln 0182ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes butbut PerigotPerigot andand AmoretAmoretAmouret.
wln 0183Peri.PerigotPeri.StayStay gentlegentle AmoretAmoret thouthou faire browdfair-browedfair browed maidemaid,
wln 0184ThyThy ShepheardShepherd praiesprays theeetheethere staystay, thatthat holdsholds theethee deerededeardeereere.

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The faithfull Shepheardesse.

wln 0185EquallEqual withwith hishis soulessoul’ssouls goodgood:
wln 0186Amo.AmoretAmo.SpeakeSpeak, II giuegive
wln 0187TheeThee freedomefreedom ShepheardShepherd, &and thythy tonguetongue bebe stillstill
wln 0188TheThe samesame itit euerever waswas: asas freefree fromfrom illill
wln 0189AsAs hehe whosewhose conuersationconversation neuernever knewknew
wln 0190TheThe courtcourt oror cittiecity: bebe thouthou euerever truetrue.
wln 0191Peri.PerigotPeri.WhenWhen II fallfall offoff fromfrom mymy affectionaffection,
wln 0192OrOr minglemingle mymy cleaneclean thoughtsthoughts withwith foulefoul desiresdesires,
wln 0193FirstFirst letlet ourour greatgreat GodGod ceasecease toto keepekeep mymy flockesflocks,
wln 0194ThatThat beingbeing leftleft alonealone withoutwithout aa guardguard,
wln 0195TheThe woolfewolf, oror winterswinter’s ragerage, sommerssummer’s greatgreat heatheat,
wln 0196AndAnd wantwant ofof waterwater, rotsro●srots: oror whatwhat toto vsus
wln 0197OfOf illill isis yetyet vnknowneunknown, fallfall speedilyspeedily,
wln 0198AndAnd inin theirtheir generallgeneral ruineruin letlet meme goego.
wln 0199Amo.AmoretAmo.II praypray theethee gentlegentle ShepheardShepherd wishwish notnot soeso,
wln 0200II dodo belieuebelieve theethee: tis’tis asas hardhard forfor meme
wln 0201ToTo thinkethink theethee falsefalse, andand harderharder thenthan forfor theethee
wln 0202ToTo holdehold meme foulefoul.Peri.PerigotPeri.ôôo youyou areare fairerfairer farrefar,
wln 0203ThenThan thethe chastechaste blushingblushing mornemorn, oror thatthat fairefair starrestar,
wln 0204ThatThat guidesguides thethe wandringwand’ring seamanseaman throughthrough thethe deepesdeeps
wln 0205StraighterStraighter thenthan thethe straighteststraightest pinepine vponupon thethe steepesteep
wln 0206HeadHead ofof anan agedaged mountainemountain, andand moremore whitewhite,
wln 0207ThenThan thethe newnew milkemilk wewe stripstrip beforebefore dayday lightlight
wln 0208FromFrom thethe fullfull fraightedfreighted bagsbags ofof ourour fairefair flockesflocks:
wln 0209YourYour hairehair moremore beautiousbeauteous thenthan thosethose hanginghanging lockeslocks
wln 0210OfOf youngyoung ApolloApollo.
wln 0211Amo.AmoretAmo.ShepheardShepherd bebe notnot lostlost,
wln 0212YeYe areare saildsailed tootoo farrefar alreadiealready fromfrom thethe coastcoast
wln 0213OfOf ourour discoursediscourse.
wln 0214Peri.PerigotPeri.DidDid youyou notnot telltell meme onceonce
wln 0215II shouldshould notnot louelove alonealone, II shouldshould notnot looselose
wln 0216ThoseThose manymany passionspassions, vowesvows andand holyholy oathesoaths,
wln 0217II hauehave sentsent toto heauenheaven: diddid youyou notnot giuegive youryour handhand,
wln 0218EuenEven thatthat fairefair handhand inin hostagehostage? dodo notnot thenthen
wln 0219GiueGive backeback againeagain thosethose sweetessweets toto otherother menmen.
wln 0220YouYou your selfeyourself vowdvowed werewere minemine,
wln 0221Amo.AmoretAmo.ShepheardShepherdShepheard soso farrefar asas maidensmaiden’s modestymodesty
wln 0222MayMay giuegive assuranceassurance, II amam onceonce moremore thinethine,
wln 0223OnceOnce moremore II giuegive mymy handhand, bebe euerever freefree
wln 0224FromFrom thatthat greatgreat foefoe toto faithfaith, foulefoul iealosiejealousy.

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The faithfull Shepheardesse.

wln 0225Peri.PerigotPeri.II taketake itit asas mymy bestbest goodgood, andand desiredesire
wln 0226ForFor strongerstronger confirmationconfirmation ofof ourour louelove,
wln 0227ToTo meetemeet thisthis happyhappy nightnight inin thatthat fairefair grouegrove,
wln 0228WhereWhere allall truetrue shepheardsshepherds hauehave rewardedrewarded benebeen
wln 0229ForFor theirtheir longlong seruiceservice: saysay sweetsweet shallshall itit houldhold?
wln 0230Amo.AmoretAmo.DeereDear friendfriend youyou mustmust notnot blameblame meme ifif II makemake
wln 0231AA doubtdoubt ofof whatwhat thethe silentsilent nightnight maymay doedo,
wln 0232CoupledCoupled withwith thisthis dayesday’s heatheat toto moouemove youryour bloodblood:
wln 0233MaidsMaids mustmust bebe fearefullfearful, suresure youyou hauehave notnot benebeen
wln 0234WashdWashed whitewhite enoughenough, forfor yetyet II seesee aa stainestain
wln 0235StickeStick inin youryour liuerliver, goego andand purgepurge againeagain.
wln 0236Peri.PerigotPeri.OO dodo notnot wrongwrong mymy honesthonest simplesimple truthtruth,
wln 0237My selfeMyselfmyself andand mymy affectionsaffections areare asas purepure,
wln 0238AsAs thosethose chastechaste flamesflames thatthat burneburn beforebefore thethe shrineshrin●shrine,
wln 0239OfOf thethe greatgreat DianDian: onelyonly mymy intentintent
wln 0240ToTo drawdraw youyou thitherthither, waswas toto plightplight ourour trothestroths,
wln 0241WithWith interchangeinterchange ofof mutuallmutual chastechaste imbracesembraces,
wln 0242AndAnd ceremoniousceremonious tyingtying ofof ourour soulessouls:
wln 0243ForFor toto thatthat holyholy woodwood isis consecrateconsecrate,
wln 0244AA vertuousvirtuous WellWell, aboutabout whosewhose floweryflowery bancksbanks,
wln 0245TheThe nimblenimble footedfooted FaieriesFairies dauncedance theirtheir roundsrounds,
wln 0246ByB●By thethe palepale mooneshinemoonshine, dippingdipping oftenoften timestimes
wln 0247TheirTh●irTheir stolenst●lenstolen childrenchildren, soso toto makemake themthem freefree
wln 0248FromFrom dyingdying fleshflesh, andand dulldull mortalitiemortality:
wln 0249ByBy thisthis fairefair FountFount hathhath manymany aa ShepheardShepherd swornesworn,
wln 0250AndAnd giuengiven awayaway hishis freedomefreedom, manymany aa trothtroth
wln 0251BeeneBeen plightplight, whichwhich neitherneither enuyenvy nornor ouldold timetime
wln 0252CouldCould euerever breakebreak, withwith manymany aa chastechaste kissekiss giuengiven,
wln 0253InIn hopehope ofof commingcoming happinessehappiness: byby thisthis
wln 0254FreshFresh FountaineFoun●aineFountain manymany aa blushingblushing maidemaid
wln 0255HathHath crowndcrowned thethe headhead ofof herher long louedlong-lovedlong loved shepheardshepherd,
wln 0256WithWith gaudygaudy flowersflowers, whilstwhilst hehe happyhappy sungsung,
wln 0257LaiesLays ofof hishis louelove andand dearedear captiuitiecaptivity,
wln 0258ThereThere growesgrows allall hearbsherbs fitfit toto coolecool looserlooser flamesflames,
wln 0259OurOur sensuallsensual partsparts prouokepro●okeprovoke chidingchiding ourour bloodesbloods,
wln 0260AndAnd quenchingquenching byby theirthei●their powerpower thosethose hiddenhidden sparkssparks,
wln 0261ThatTh●tThat elseelse wouldwould breakebreak outout, andand prouokeprovoke ourour sencesense,
wln 0262ToTo openopen firesfires, soso vertuousvirtuous isis thatthat placeplace:
wln 0263ThenThen gentlegentle ShepheardesseShepherdess belieuebelieve andand grantgrant,
wln 0264InIn trothtroth itit fitssits〈◊〉sitsfits notnot withwith thatthat faceface toto scantscant.

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The faithfull Sheph[*]ardesse.

wln 0265YourYour faithfullfaithful ShepheardShepherd ofof thosethose chastechaste desiresdesi●esdesires,
wln 0266HeHe euerever aimdaimed atat, andand
wln 0267Amo.AmoretAmo.ThouThou hasthast preuaildprevailed, farwellfarewell, thisthis commingcoming nightnight,
wln 0268ShalShall crownecrown thythy chastechaste hopeshopes withwith long wishdlong-wishedlong wished delightdelight.
wln 0269Peri.PerigotPeri.OurOur greatgreat GodGod PanPan rewardreward theethee forfor thatthat goodgood,
wln 0270ThouThou hasthast giuengiven thythy poorepoor shepheardshepherd fairestfairest budbud
wln 0271OfOf maidenmaiden vertuesvirtues: whenwhen II leaueleave toto bebe
wln 0272TheThe truetrue admireradmirer ofof thythy chastitiechastity,
wln 0273LetLet meme deseruedeserve thethe hothot pollutedpolluted namename,
wln 0274OfOf aa wildewild woodmanwoodman, oror affectaffect somesome damedame
wln 0275WhoseWhose oftenoften prostitutionprostitution hathhath begotbegot,
wln 0276MoreMore foulefoul diseasesdiseases, thenthanthen euerever yetyet thethe hothot
wln 0277SunSun bredbred throughthrough hishis burningsburnings, whilstwhilst thethe dogdog
wln 0278PursuesPursues thethe ragingraging LyonLion, throwingthrowing fogfog
wln 0279AndAnd deadlydeadly vaporvaporvapour fromfrom hishis angryangry breathbreath.
wln 0280FillingFilling thethe lowerlower worldworld withwith plagueplague andand deathdeath.exitexit AmoAm●●AmoretAmo

wln 0281EnterEnter an otheranother ShepheardesseShepherdess thatthat isis inin louelove withwi●hwith PerigotPerigot.

wln 0282Amaril.AmarillisAmaril.ShepheardShepherdShepheard maymay II desiredesire toto bebe belieuedbelieved,
wln 0283WhatWhat II shallshall blushingblushing telltell?
wln 0284Peri.PerigotPeri.FaireFair maidemaid youyou maymay.
wln 0285Amaril.AmarillisAmaril.ThenThen softlysoftly thusthus, II louelove theethee PerigotPerigot,
wln 0286AndAnd wouldwould bebe gladdergladder toto bebe lou’dleu’dloved againeagain,
wln 0287ThenThan thethe coldecold earthearth isis inin hishis frozenfrozen armesarms
wln 0288ToTo clip●l●pclip thethe wantonwanton springspring: naynay dodo notnot startstart,
wln 0289NorNor wonderwonder thatthat II woewoo theethee! thouthou thatthat artart
wln 0290TheThe primeprime ofof ourour youngyoung groomesgrooms, eueneven thethe toptop
wln 0291OfOf allall ourour lustylusty ShepheardsShepherds: whatwhat dulldull eieeye
wln 0292ThatThat neuern●uernever waswas acquaintedacquainted withwith desiredesire,
wln 0293HathHath seenesceneseenscene theethee wrastlewrestle, runrun, oror castcast thethe stonestone,
wln 0294WithWi●hWith nimblenimble strengthstrength andand fairefair deliuerydelivery,
wln 0295AndAnd hathhath notnot sparckledsparkled firefire, andand speedilyspeedily
wln 0296SentSent secretsecret heatheat toto allall thethe neighbouringneighboringneighbouring vainesveins?
wln 0297Who euerWhoeverwhoever heardheard theethee singsing, thatthat broughtbrought againeagain,
wln 0298ThatThat freedomefreedom backeback waswas lentlent vntounto thythy voicevoice?
wln 0299ThenThen dodo notnot blameblame meme (shepheardshepherd) ifif II bebe
wln 0300OneOne toto bebe numbrednumbered inin thisthis companycompany,
wln 0301SinceSince nonenone thatthat euerever sawsaw theethee yetyet, werewere freefree.
wln 0302Peri.PerigotPeri.FaireFair ShepheardesseShepherdess muchmuch pittiepity II cancan lendlend,

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The faithfull Shepheardesse.

wln 0303ToTo youryour complaintscomplaints: butbut suresure II shalshall notnot louelove:
wln 0304AllAll thatthat isis minemine, my selfemyself andand mymy bestbest hopeshopes,
wln 0305AreAre giuengiven alreadyalready: dodo notnot louelove himhim thenthen
wln 0306ThatThat cannotcannot louelove againeagain: onon otherother menmen
wln 0307BestoweBestow thosethose heatesheats moremore freefree, thatthat maymay returnereturn
wln 0308YouYou firefire forfor firefire, andand inin oneone flameflame equallequal burneburn.
wln 0309Amaril.AmarillisAmaril.ShallShall II rewardedrewarded bebe soso slenderlyslenderly
wln 0310ForFor mymy affectionaffection, mostmost vnkindeunkind ofof menmen?
wln 0311IfIf II werewere oldold, oror hadhad agreedagreed withwith ArtArt,
wln 0312ToTo giuegive anotheranother naturenature toto mymy cheekescheeks,
wln 0313OrOr werewere II commoncommon mistrismistress toto thethe louelove
wln 0314OfOf eueryevery swaineswain, oror couldcould II withwith suchsuch easeease
wln 0315CallCall backeback mymy louelove, asas manymany aa wantonwanton dothdoth,
wln 0316ThouThou mightstmightst refuserefuse meme ShepheardShepherd, butbut toto theethee
wln 0317II amam onelyonly fixtfixed andand setset, letlet itit notnot bebe
wln 0318AA sportsport, thouthou gentlegentle ShepheardShepherd, toto abuseabuse
wln 0319TheThe louelove ofof sillysilly maidemaid.
wln 0320Peri.PerigotPeri.FaireFair soulesoul, yeye vseuse
wln 0321TheseThese wordswords toto littlelittle endend: forfor knoweknow, II maymay
wln 0322BetterBetter callcall backeback, thatthat timetime waswas yesterdayyesterday,
wln 0323OrOr staystay thethe commingcoming nightnight, thenthen bringbring mymy louelove
wln 0324HomeHome toto my selfemyself againeagain, oror recreantrecreant proueprove.
wln 0325II willwill nono longerlonger holdhold youyou withwith delaiesdelays,
wln 0326ThisThis presentpresent nightnight II hauehave appointedappointed benebeen,
wln 0327ToTo meetmeet thatthat chastechaste fairefair (thatthat enioyesenjoys mymy soulesoul)
wln 0328InIn yonderyonder grouegrove, therethere toto makemake vpup ourour louesloves.
wln 0329BeBe notnot deceau’ddeceived nono longerlonger, choosechoose againeagain,
wln 0330TheseThese neighbouringneighboringneighbouring plainesplains hauehave manymany aa comelycomely swaineswain,
wln 0331FresherFresher andand freeerfreerfreeer farrefar thenthan II eree’erere waswas,
wln 0332BestoweBestow thatthat louelove onon themthem andand letlet meme passepass,
wln 0333FarwellFarewell, bebe happyhappy inin aa betterbetter choisechoice.exitexit
wln 0334Amar.AmarillisAmar.CruellCruel, thouthou hasthast struckestruck meme deaderdeader withwith thythy voicevoice
wln 0335ThenThanThen ifif thethe angryangry heauensheavens withwith theirtheir quickequick flamesflames,
wln 0336HadHad shotshot meme throughthrough: II mustmust notnot leaueleave toto louelove,
wln 0337II cannotcannot, nono II mustmust enioyenjoy theethee boyboy,
wln 0338ThoughThough thethe greatgreat dangersdangers twixttwixt mymy hopeshopes andand thatthat
wln 0339BeBe infiniteinfinite: therethere isis aa ShepheardShepherd dwelsdwells
wln 0340DowneDown byby thethe MoreMoorMore, whosewhose lifelife hathhath euerever showneshown
wln 0341MoreMore sullensullen discontentdiscontent thenthan SaturnesSaturn’s browebrow,
wln 0342WhenWhen hehe sitssits frowningfrowning onon thethe birthesbirths ofof menmen:

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The faithfull Shepheardesse.

wln 0343OneOne thatthat dothdoth wearewear himselfehimself awayaway inin lonenesseloneness,
wln 0344AndAnd neuernever ioyesjoys vnlesseunless itit bebe inin breakingbreaking
wln 0345TheThe holyholy plightedpl●ghtedplighted trothstroths ofof mutuallmutual soulessouls:
wln 0346OneOne thatthat lustslusts afterafter eueryevery seuerallseveral beautybeauty,
wln 0347ButBut neuernever yetyet waswas knowneknown toto louelove oror likelike,
wln 0348WereWere thethe faceface fairerfairer oror moremore fullfull ofof truthtruth,
wln 0349ThenThan PhœbePhoebePhoebe inin herher fulnessefullness, oror thethe youthyouth
wln 0350OfOf smoothsmooth LyeusLyeus, whosewhose nye staruednigh-starvednigh starved flockesflocks
wln 0351AreAre alwaiesalways scabbyscabby, andand infectinfect allall sheepesheep
wln 0352TheyThey feedefeed withallwithal, whosewhose lambeslambs areare euerever lastlast,
wln 0353AndAnd dyedie beforebefore theirtheir weaningweaning, andand whosewhose dogdog,
wln 0354LookesLooks likelike hishis MaisterMaster, leanelean, andand fullfull ofof scurffescurf,
wln 0355NotNot caringcaring forfor thethe pipepipe oror whistlewhistle: thisthis manman maymay
wln 0356(IfIf hehe bebe welwell wroughtwrought) dodo aa deededeed ofof wonderwonder,
wln 0357ForcingForcing meme passagepassage toto mymy longlong desiresdesires:
wln 0358AndAnd heerehere hehe comescomes, asas fitlyfitly toto mymy purposepurpose
wln 0359AsAs mymy quickequick thoughtsthoughts couldcould wishwish forfor.EnterEnter SullenSullen.
wln 0360Sul.SullenSul.FreshFresh beautiebeauty, letlet meme notnot bebe thoughtthought vnciuilluncivil,
wln 0361ThusThus toto bebe partnerpartner ofof youryour lonenesseloneness: t’was’twaswas
wln 0362MyMy louelove (thatthat euer workingever-workingever working passionpassion) drewdrew
wln 0363MeMe toto thisthis placeplace toto seekeseek somesome remedieremedy
wln 0364ForFor mymy sickesick soulesoul: bebe notnot vnkindeunkind andand fairefair,
wln 0365ForFor suchsuch, thethe mightiemighty CupidCupid inin hishis dombedoomdumb
wln 0366HathHath swornesworn toto bebe aueng’davenged onon, thenthen giuegive roomeroom
wln 0367ToTo mymy consumingconsuming firesfires, thatthat soso II maymay
wln 0368InioyEnjoy mymy longlong desiresdesires, andand soso allayallay
wln 0369ThoseThose flamesflames, thatthat elseelse wouldwould burneburn mymy lifelife awayaway.
wln 0370Amar.AmarillisAmar.ShepheardShepherd, werewere II butbut suresure thythy heartheart werewere soundsound
wln 0371AsAs thythy wordswords seemeseem toto bebe, meanesmeans mightmight bebe foundfound
wln 0372ToTo curecure theethee ofof thythy longlong painespains: forfor toto meme
wln 0373ThatThat heauyheavy youth consumingyouth-consumingyouth consuming miseriemisery,
wln 0374TheThe loue sickelovesicklove sick soulesoul enduresendures, neuernever waswas pleasingpleasing,
wln 0375II couldcould bebe wellwell contentcontent withwith thethe quickequick easingeasing
wln 0376OfOf theethee &and thythy hothot firesfires, mightmight itit procureprocure
wln 0377ThyThy faithfaith, andand fartherfarther seruiceservice toto bebe suresure.
wln 0378NameName butbut thatthat greatgreat workework, dangerdanger, oror whatwhat cancan
wln 0379BeBe compastcompassed byby thethe witwit oror artart ofof manman,
wln 0380AndAnd ifif II failefail inin mymy performanceperformance, maymay
wln 0381II neuernever moremore kneelekneel toto thethe rysingrisingrysing dayday,
wln 0382Amar.AmarillisAmar.ThenThen thusthus II trytry theethee shepheardshepherd, thisthis samesame nightnight,

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sig: C2r

The faithfull Shepheardesse.

wln 0383ThatThat nownow comescomes stealingstealing onon, aa gentlegentle pairepair
wln 0384HaueHave promis’dpromised equallequal louelove, andand dodo appointappoint
wln 0385ToTo makemake yonyonyond woodwood thethe placeplace, wherewhere handshands andand heartshearts
wln 0386AreAre toto bebe tiedtied for euerforeverfor ever: breakebreak theirtheir meetingmeeting
wln 0387AndAnd theirtheir strongstrong faithfaith, andand II amam euerever thinethine.
wln 0388Sul.SullenSul.TellTell meme theirtheir namesnames, andand ifif II doedo notnot mouemove
wln 0389(Byby●yByby mymy greatgreat powerpower) thethe centercentercentre ofof theirtheir louelove
wln 0390FromFrom hishis fixtsixtfixedsixth beingbeing, letlet meme neuernever moremore,
wln 0391WarmeWarm meme, byby thosethose fairefair eieseyes II thusthus adoreadore.
wln 0392Amar.AmarillisAmar.ComeCome, asas wewe goego IleI’ll telltell theethee whatwhat theythey areare,
wln 0393AndAnd giuegive theethee fitfit directionsdirections forfor thythy workework.exeuntexeunt.
wln 0394EnterEnter CloeCloe.
wln 0395HowHow hauehave II wrongdwronged thethe timestimes, oror menmen, thatthat thusthus,
wln 0396AfterAfter thisthis holyholy feastfeast II passepass vnknowneunknown,
wln 0397AndAnd vnsalutedunsaluted? t’was’twaswas notnot wontwont toto bebe
wln 0398ThusThus frozenfrozen withwith thethe youngeryounger companycompany
wln 0399OfOf iollyjolly shepheardsshepherds: t’was’twaswas notnot thenthen heldheld goodgood,
wln 0400ForFor lustylusty groomesgrooms toto mixemix theirtheir quickerquicker bloodblood
wln 0401WithWith thatthat dulldull humorhumorhumour: mostmost vnfitunfit toto bebe
wln 0402TheThe friendfriend ofof manman, coldcold andand dulldull chastitiechastity:
wln 0403SureSure II amam heldheld notnot fairefair, oror amam tootoo ouldold,
wln 0404OrOr elseelse notnot freefree enoughenough, oror fromfrom mymy fouldfouled
wln 0405DriueDrive notnot aa flockeflock sufficientsufficient greatgreat, toto gainegain
wln 0406TheThe greedygreedy eieseyes ofof wealth alluringwealth-alluringwealth alluring swaineswain.
wln 0407YetYet ifif II maymay belieuebelieve whatwhat othersothers saysay,
wln 0408MyMy faceface hashas foilefoil enoughenough, nornor cancan theythey laylay
wln 0409IustlyJustlyjustly tootoo strictstrict aa coynessecoyness toto mymy chargecharge.
wln 0410MyMy flockesflocks areare manymany, andand thethe downesdowns asas largelarge
wln 0411TheyThey feedfeed vpponupon: thenthen letlet itit euerever bebe
wln 0412TheirTheir coldnessecoldness, notnot mymy virginvirgin modestymodesty
wln 0413MakesMakes meme complainecomplain.
wln 0414EnterEnter Thenot.Thenot.
wln 0415The.ThenotThe.WasWas euerever manman butbut II,
wln 0416ThusThus truelytruly takentaken withwith vncertaintieuncertainty?
wln 0417WhereWhere shallshall thatthat manman bebe foundfound thatthat louesloves aa mindemind
wln 0418MadeMade vpup inin constancyconstancy, andand daresdares notnot findefind
wln 0419hishis louelove rewardedrewarded? heerehere, letlet allall menmen knoweknow,
wln 0420AA wretchwretch thatthat liueslives toto louelove hishis mistresmistress soso.
wln 0421CloeCloe,ShepheardShepherd II praypray theethee staystay, wherewhere hastehasthaste thouthou benebeen,
wln 0422OrOr whetherwhitherwhether goestgoest thouthou? heerehere bebe woodswoods asas greenegreen

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The faithfull Shepheardesse.

wln 0423AsAs anyany, ayreair asas freshfresh andand sweetsweet,
wln 0424AsAs wherewhere smoothsmooth ZephirusZephyrusZephirus plaiesplays onon thethe fleetfleet
wln 0425FaceFace ofof thethe curledcurled streamesstreams: withwith flowersflowers asas manymany
wln 0426AsAs thethe youngyoung springspring giuesgives, andand asas choisechoice asas anyany:
wln 0427HeereHere bebe allall newnew delightsdelights, coolecool streamesstreams andand welswells,
wln 0428ArborsArborsArbours areare grownegrown withwith wood bineswoodbineswood bines, CauesCaves, andand delsdells,
wln 0429ChuseChoose wherewhere thouthou wiltwilt, whilstwhilst II sitsit byby andand singsing,
wln 0430OrOr gathergather rushesrushes, toto makemake manymany aa ringring
wln 0431ForFor thythy longlong fingersfingers, telltell theethee talestales ofof louelove,
wln 0432HowHow thethe palepale PhœbePhoebePhoebe huntinghunting inin aa grouegrove,
wln 0433FirstFirst sawsaw thethe boyboy EndimionEndymion, fromfrom whosewhose eyeseyes,
wln 0434SheShe tooketook eternalleternal firefire, thatthat neuernever diesdies,
wln 0435HowHow sheshe conuaidconveyed himhim softlysoftly inin aa sleepesleep,
wln 0436HisHis templestemples boundbound withwith poppypoppy toto thethe steepsteep
wln 0437HeadHead ofof oldold LatmusLatmus, wherewhere sheshe stoopesstoops eacheach nightnight,
wln 0438GildingGilding thethe mountainemountain withwith herher brothersbrother’s lightlight
wln 0439ToTo kissekiss herher sweetestsweetest.
wln 0440Thenot.Thenot.FarreFar fromfrom meme areare thesethese
wln 0441HotHot flashesflashes bredbred fromfrom wantonwanton heatheat andand easeease,
wln 0442II hauehave forgotforgot whatwhat louelove andand louingloving meantmeant,
wln 0443RimesRhymes, SongsSongs, andand merrymerry roundsrounds, thatthat oftoft areare sentsent
wln 0444ToTo thethe softsoft eareear ofof MaidMaid, areare strangestrange toto meme:
wln 0445OnelyOnly II liuelive t’admiret’ admiret’admire