'Tis Pity She's a Whore
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ln 0001’TIS’TIS
ln 0002PittyPity Shee’sShe’s aa WhoreWhore
ln 0003ActedActed byby thethe QueenesQueen’squeen’s MaiestiesMajesty’s Ser-SeruantsSer|uantsServants
ln 0004uants,
ln 0004atat TheThe PhænixPhaenixPhoenix inin
ln 0005Drury-LaneDrury LaneDrury-Lane.
ln 0007PrintedPrinted byby NicholasNicholas OkesOkes forfor RichardRichard
ln 0008CollinsCollins, andand areare toto bebe soldsold atat hishis shopshop
ln 0009inin PaulsPaul’s Church-yardChurchyard, atat thethe signesign
ln 0010ofof thethe threethree KingsKings. 16331633.
img: 2-a
sig: A1v
ln 0001TheThe SceaneScene
ln 0001TheThe ActorsActors’Actors NamesNames.
ln 0002BonauenturaBonaventura,AA FryarFriar.
ln 0003AA CardinallCardinal,NuntioNuncioNuntio toto thethe PopePope.
ln 0004SoranzoSoranzo,AA NoblemanNobleman.
ln 0005FlorioFlorio,AA CittizenCitizen ofof ParmaParma.
ln 0006DonadoDonado,AnotherAnother CittizenCitizen.
ln 0007GrimaldiGrimaldi,AA RomanRoman GentlemanGentleman.
ln 0008GiouanniGiovanni,SonneSon toto FlorioFlorio.
ln 0009BergettoBergetto,NephewNephew toto DonadoDonado.
ln 0010RichardettoRichardetto,AA suppos’dsupposed PhisitianPhysician.
ln 0011VasquesVasques,SeruantServant toto SoranzoSoranzo.
ln 0012PoggioPoggio,SeruantServant toto BergettoBergetto.
ln 0013BandettiBandittiBandetti,
ln 0014WoemenWomen.
ln 0015AnnabellaAnnabella,DaughterDaughter toto FlorioFlorio.
ln 0016HippolitaHippolita,WifeWife toto RichardettoRichardetto
ln 0017PhilotisPhilotis,HisHis NeeceNiece.
ln 0018PutanaPutana,TutresseTutoresstutoress toto AnnabellaAnnabella. img: 2-b
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ln 0001ToTo thethe truelytruly NobleNoble, IohnJohnjohn,
ln 0002EarleEarl ofof PeterboroughPeterborough, LordLord MordantMordauntMordant,
ln 0003BaronBaron ofof TurueyTurveyTuruey.
ln 0004MyMy LORDLORD,
ln 0005WHereWHereWhere aa TruthTruth ofof MerittMeritmerit hathhath
ln 0006aa generallgeneral warrantwarrant, ThereThere
ln 0007LoueLove isis butbut aa DebtDebt, Acknow-AcknowledgementAcknow|ledgementAcknowledgement
ln 0008ledgement
ln 0008aa IusticeJusticejustice. GreatnesseGreatness
ln 0009cannotcannot oftenoften claimeclaim VirtueVirtue byby
ln 0010InheritanceInheritance; YetYet inin thisthis,
ln 0011YOVRSYOURS appearesappears mostmost Emi-EminentEmi|nentEminent
ln 0012nent,
ln 0012forfor thatthat youyou areare notnot moremore rightlyrightly HeyreHeir toto
ln 0013youryour FortunesFortunes, thenthan GloryGlory shalbeshall be toto youryour MemoryMemory.
ln 0014SweetenesseSweetness ofof dispositiondisposition ennoblesennobles aa freedomefreedom
ln 0015ofof BirthBirth; inin BOTHBOTH, youryour lawfulllawful InterestInterest addsadds
ln 0016HonourHonorHonour toto youryour owneown NameName, andand mercymercy toto mymy
ln 0017presumptionpresumption. YourYour NobleNoble allowanceallowance ofof TheseThese
ln 0018FirstFirst FruitesFruits ofof mymy leasureleisure inin thethe ActionAction, embol-emboldensembol|densemboldens
ln 0019dens
ln 0019mymy confidenceconfidence, ofof youryour asas noblenoble constructi-constructionconstructi|onconstruction
ln 0020on
ln 0020inin thisthis PresentmentPresentment: especiallyespecially sincesince mymy Ser-SeruiceSer|uiceService
ln 0021uice
ln 0021mustmust euerever oweowe particularparticular dutyduty toto youryour Fa-FauoursFa|uours
sig: A2v
ln 0022uoursFavorsFavours, byby aa particularpatticularparticular IngagementEngagement. TheThe GrauityGravity
ln 0023ofof thethe SubiectSubject maymay easilyeasily excuseexcuse thethe leightnesselightness ofof
ln 0024thethe TitleTitle: otherwiseotherwise, II hadhad beenebeen aa seueresevere IudgeJudgejudge a-againsta|gainstagainst
ln 0025gainst
ln 0025minemine owneown guiltguilt. PrincesPrinces hauehave vouchsaf’tvouchsafed
ln 0026GraceGrace toto triflestrifles, offredoffered fromfrom aa puritypurity ofof DeuotionDevotion,
ln 0027youryour LordshipLordship maymay like wiselikewiselike wise pleaseplease, toto admitadmit intointo
ln 0028youryour goodgood opinionopinion, withwith thesethese weakeweak endeuoursendeavorsendeavours,
ln 0029thethe constancyconstancy ofof AffectionAffection fromfrom thethe sinceresincere LouerLover
ln 0030ofof youryour DesertsDeserts inin HonourHonorHonour
ln 0031IOHNJOHN FORDFORD. img: 3-b
sig: [A3r]
ln 0001ToTo mymy FriendFriend thethe
ln 0002AuthorAuthor.
ln 0003VVithWIthWIth admirationadmiration II behel’dbeheld ThisThis WhoreWhore
ln 0004Adorn’dAdorned withwith BeautyBeauty, suchsuch asas mightmight restorerestore
ln 0005(IfIf euerever beingbeing asas ThyThy MuseMuse hathhath fam’dfamed)
ln 0006HerHer GiouanniGiovanni, inin hishis louelove vnblam’dunblamed:
ln 0007TheThe readyready GracesGraces lentlent theirtheir willingwilling aydaid,
ln 0008PallasPallas her selfeherself nownow playdplayed thethe Chamber-maideChambermaid
ln 0009AndAnd help’thelped toto putput herher DressingsDressings onon: securesecure
ln 0010RestRest ThouThou, thatthat ThyThy NameName hereinherein shullshall endureendure
ln 0011ToTo th’endth’ endth’end ofof AgeAge; andand AnnabellaAnnabella beebe
ln 0012GloriouslyGloriously FaireFair, eueneven inin herher InfamieInfamy.
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wln 0001T’is’Tis’tis PittyPity Shee’sShe’s aa
wln 0002VVHOOREWHOREwhore.
wln 0003EnterEnter FryarFriarfriar andand GiouanniGiovanni.
wln 0004FryarFriarfriar.
wln 0005DIsputeDispute nono moremore inin thisthis, forfor knowknow (youngyoung manman)
wln 0006TheseThese areare nono Schoole-pointsSchool-points; nicenice PhilosophyPhilosophy
wln 0007MayMay toleratetolerate vnlikelyunlikely argumentsarguments,
wln 0008ButBut HeauenHeaven admitsadmits nono jestjest; witswits thatthat presum’dpresumed
wln 0009OnOn witwit tootoo muchmuch, byby striuingstriving howhow toto proueprove
wln 0010ThereThere waswas nono GodGod; withwith foolishfoolish groundsgrounds ofof (ArtArt,
wln 0011Discouer’dDiscovered firstfirst thethe neerestnearest wayway toto HellHell;
wln 0012AndAnd fildfilled thethe worldworld withwith deuelishdevilish AtheismeAtheism:
wln 0013SuchSuch questionsquestions youthyouth areare fondfond; ForFor betterbetter ’tis’tis,
wln 0014ToTo blessebless thethe SunneSun, thenthan reasonreason whywhy itit shinesshines;
wln 0015YetYet heehe thouthou talk’sttalk’st ofof, isis aboueabove thethe SunSun,
wln 0016NoNo moremore; II maymay notnot hearehear itit.
wln 0017Gio.GiovanniGio.GentleGentle FatherFather,
wln 0018ToTo youyou II hauehave vnclasp’tunclasped mymy burthenedburdened soulesoul,
wln 0019Empty’dEmptied thethe store-housestore-house ofof mymy thoughtsthoughts andand heartheart,
wln 0020MadeMade my selfemyself poorepoor ofof secretssecrets; hauehave notnot leftleft
wln 0021AnotherAnother wordword vntolduntold, whichwhich hathhath notnot spokespoke
wln 0022AllAll whatwhat II euerever durstdurst, oror thinkethink, oror knowknow;
wln 0023AndAnd yetyet isis herehere thethe comfortcomfort II shallshall hauehave,
wln 0024MustMust II notnot doedo, whatwhat allall menmen elseelse maymay, louelove?
wln 0025Fry.FriarFry.YesYes. youyou maymay louelove fairefair sonneson.
wln 0026Gio.GiovanniGio.MustMust II notnot praisepraise
wln 0027ThatThat beautybeauty, whichwhich ifif fram’dframed a newanewa new, thethe godsgods
wln 0028WouldWould makemake aa godgod ofof, ifif theythey hadhad itit therethere;
wln 0029AndAnd kneelekneel toto itit, asas II doodo kneelekneel toto themthem?
sig: B1v
wln 0030Fry.FriarFry.WhyWhy foolishfoolish mad-manmadman?
wln 0031Gio.GiovanniGio.ShallShall aa peeuishpeevish soundsound,
wln 0032AA customarycustomary formeform, fromfrom manman toto manman,
wln 0033OfOf brotherbrother andand ofof sistersister, bebe aa barrebar
wln 0034TwixtTwixt mymy perpetuallperpetual happinessehappiness andand meeme?
wln 0035SaySay thatthat wewe hadhad oneone fatherfather, saysay oneone wombewomb,
wln 0036(CurseCurse toto mymy ioyesjoys) gauegave bothboth vsus lifelife, andand birthbirth;
wln 0037AreAre weewe notnot thereforetherefore eacheach toto otherother boundbound
wln 0038SoSo muchmuch thethe moremore byby NatureNature; byby thethe thethe linkslinks
wln 0039OfOf bloodblood, ofof reasonreason; NayNay ifif youyou willwill hau’thav’thau’ehave ’thave’t,
wln 0040EuenEven ofof ReligionReligion, toto bebe euerever oneone,
wln 0041OneOne soulesoul, oneone fleshflesh, oneone louelove, oneone heartheart, oneone AllAll?
wln 0042Fry.FriarFry.HaueHave donedone vnhappyunhappy youthyouth, forfor thouthou artart lostlost.
wln 0043Gio.GiovanniGio.ShallShall thenthen, (forfor thatthat II amam herher brotherbrother borneborn)
wln 0044MyMy ioyesjoys bebe euerever banishtbanished fromfrom herher bedbed?
wln 0045NoNo FatherFather; inin youryour eyeseyes II seesee thethe changechange.
wln 0046OfOf pittypity andand compassioncompassion: fromfrom youryour ageage
wln 0047AsAs fromfrom aa sacredsacred OracleOracle. distillsdistillsdistils
wln 0048TheThe lifelife ofof CounsellCounsel: telltell meeme holyholy manman,
wln 0049WhatWhat CureCure shallshall giuegive meme easeease inin thesethese extreamesextremes.
wln 0050Fry.FriarFry.RepentanceRepentance (sonneson) andand sorrowsorrow forfor thisthis sinnesin:
wln 0051ForFor thouthou hasthast mou’dmoved aa MaiestyMajesty aboueabove
wln 0052WithWith thythy vn-raungedvn-ranngedun-ranged (almostalmost) BlasphemyBlasphemy.
wln 0053Gio.GiovanniGio.OO doedo notnot speakespeak ofof thatthat (dearedear ConfessorConfessor)
wln 0054Fry,FriarFry,ArtArt thouthou (mymy sonneson) thatthat miraclemiracle ofof WitWit,
wln 0055WhoWho onceonce withinwithin thesethese threethree MonethsMoneth’sMonthsmonths wertwert esteem’desteemed
wln 0056AA wonderwonder ofof thinethine ageage, throughoutthroughout BononiaBononia?
wln 0057HowHow diddid thethe VniuersityUniversity applaudapplaud
wln 0058ThyThy GouermentGovernment, BehauiourBehaviorBehaviour, LearningLearning, SpeechSpeech,
wln 0059SweetnesseSweetness, andand allall thatthat couldcould makemake vpup aa manman?
wln 0060II waswas proudproud ofof mymy TutellageTutelagetutelage, andand chosechose
wln 0061RatherRather toto leaueleave mymy BookesBooks, thenthanthen partpart withwith theethee,
wln 0062II diddid soso: butbut thethe fruitesfruits ofof allall mymy hopeshopes
wln 0063AreAre lostlost inin theethee, asas thouthou artart inin thy selfethyself.
wln 0064OO GiouanniGiovanni: hasthast thouthou leftleft thethe SchoolesSchools
wln 0065OfOf KnowledgeKnowledge, toto conuerseconverse withwith LustLust andand DeathDeath?
wln 0066(ForFor DeathDeath waiteswaits onon thythy LustLust) lookelook throughthrough thethe WorldWorld,
sig: B2r
wln 0067AndAnd thouthou shaltshalt seesee aa thousandthousand facesfaces shineshine
wln 0068MoreMore gloriousglorious, thenthan thisthis IdollIdol thouthou ador’stador’stadorest:
wln 0069LeaueLeave herher, andand taketake thythy choycechoice, ’tis’tis muchmuch lesseless sinnesin,
wln 0070ThoughThough inin suchsuch gamesgamosgames asas thosethose, theythey loselose thatthat winnewin.
wln 0071Gio.GiovanniGio.ItIt werewere moremore easeease toto stopstop thethe OceanOcean
wln 0072FromFrom floatesfloats andand ebbsebbs, thenthan toto disswadedissuade mymy vowesvowervows.
wln 0073Fry.FriarFry.ThenThen II hauehave donedone, andand inin thythy wilfullwilful flameflame:
wln 0074AlreadyAlready seesee thythy ruineruin; HeauenHeaven isis iustjust,
wln 0075YetYet hearehear mymy counsellcounsel.
wln 0076Gio.GiovanniGio.AsAs aa voycevoice ofof lifelife.
wln 0077Fry.FriarFry.HyeHie toto thythy FathersFather’s househouse, therethere lockelock theethee fastfast
wln 0078AloneAlone withinwithin thythy ChamberChamber, thenthen fallfall downedown
wln 0079OnOn bothboth thythy kneesknees, andand grouellgrovel onon thethe groundground:
wln 0080CryCry toto thythy heartheart, washwash eueryevery wordword thouthou vtter’stutter’stutterest
wln 0081InIn tearestears, (andand if’tif ’tif’t beebe possiblepossible) ofof bloodblood:
wln 0082BeggeBeg HeauenHeaven toto cleansecleanse thethe leprosieleprosy ofof LustLust
wln 0083ThatThat rotsrots thythy SouleSoul, acknowledgeacknowledge whatwhat thouthou artart,
wln 0084AA wretchwretch, aa wormeworm, aa nothingnothing: weepeweep, sighsigh, praypray
wln 0085ThreeThree timestimes aa dayday, andand threethree timestimes eueryevery nightnight:
wln 0086ForFor seuenseven dayesdays’ spacespace doedo thisthis, thenthen ifif thouthou find’stfind’st
wln 0087NoNo changechange inin thythy desiresdesires, returnereturn toto meme:
wln 0088I’leI’ll thinkethink onon remedyremedy, praypray forfor thy selfethyself
wln 0089AtAt homehome, whil’stwhilst II praypray forfor theethee herehere — awayaway,
wln 0090MyMy blessingblessing withwith theethee, weewe hauehave needeneed toto praypray.
wln 0091Gio.GiovanniGio.AllAll thisthis I’leI’ll doedo, toto freefree meeme fromfrom thethe rodrod
wln 0092OfOf vengeancevengeance, elseelse I’leI’ll sweareswear, mymy Fate’sFate’s mymy GodGod..,ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0093EnterEnter GrimaldiGrimaldi andand VasquesVasques readyready toto fightfight.
wln 0094Vas.VasquesVas.ComeCome sirsir, standstand toto youryour tacklingtackling, ifif youyou proueprove CrauenCraven,
wln 0095I’leI’ll makemake youyou runrun quicklyquickly.
wln 0096Gri.GrimaldiGri.ThouThou artart nono equallequal matchmatch forfor meeme.
wln 0097Vas.VasquesVas.IndeedIndeed II neuernever wentwent toto thethe warreswars toto bringbring homehome newesnews,
wln 0098nornor cannotcannot playplay thethe MountibankeMountebankmountebank forfor aa mealesmeal’s meatemeat, andand sweareswear
wln 0099II gotgot mymy woundswounds inin thethe fieldfield: seesee youyou thesethese graygraygrey haireshairs, they’lethey’ll
wln 0100notnot flinchflinch forfor aa bloodybloody nosenose, wiltwilt thouthou toto thisthis geeregear?
wln 0101Gri.GrimaldiGri.WhyWhy slaueslave, think’stthink’st thouthou I’leI’ll ballancebalance mymy reputationreputation
sig: B2v
wln 0102WithWith aa Cast-suiteCast-suitcast-suit; CallCall thythy MaisterMaster, hehe shallshall knowknow thatthat II daredare —
wln 0103Vas.VasquesVas.ScoldScold likelike aa Cot-queaneCotquean (that’sthat’s youryour ProfessionProfession) thouthou poorepoor
wln 0104shaddowshadow ofof aa SouldierSoldier, II willwill makemake theethee knowknow, mymy MaisterMaster keepeskeeps
wln 0105SeruantsServants, thythy bettersbetters inin qualityquality andand performanceperformance: Com’stCom’st thouthou toto
wln 0106fightfight oror prateprate?
wln 0107Gri.GrimaldiGri.NeitherNeither withwith theethee,
wln 0108II amam aa RomaneRoman. andand aa GentlemanGentleman, oneone thatthat hauehave gotgot
wln 0109MineMine honourhonorhonour withwith expenceexpense ofof bloodblood,
wln 0110Vas.VasquesVas.YouYou areare aa lyinglying CowardCoward, andand aa foolefool, fightfight, oror byby thesethese HiltsHilts
wln 0111I’leI’ll killkill theethee — brauebrave mymy LordLord, — you’leyou’ll fightfight.
wln 0112Gri.GrimaldiGri.ProuoakeProvoke meme notnot, forfor ifif thouthou dostdost —TheyThey fightfight, Gri-Grimal.Gri|mal.GrimaldiGrimal..
hathhath thethe
wln 0113Vas.VasquesVas.HaueHave atat youyou.
wln 0114EnterEnter FlorioFlorio, DonadoDonado, SoranzoSoranzo.
wln 0115Flo.FlorioFlo.WhatWhat meanedmeaned thesethese suddensudden broylesbroils soso nearenear mymy doresdoors?
wln 0116HaueHave youyou notnot otherother placesplaces, butbut mymy househouse
wln 0117ToTo ventvent thethe spleenespleen ofosof youryour disordereddisordered bloodsbloods?
wln 0118MustMust II bebe hauntedhaunted stillstill withwith suchsuch vnrestunrest,
wln 0119AsAs notnot toto eateeat, oror sleepesleep inin peacepeace atat homehome?
wln 0120IsIs thisthis youryour louelove GrimaldiGrimaldi? FieFie, t’is’tis naughtnaught.
wln 0121Do.DonadoDo.AndAnd VasquesVasques. II maymay telltell theethee ’tis’tis notnot wellwell
wln 0122ToTo broachbroach thesethese quarrelsquarrels, youyou areare euerever forwardforward
wln 0123InIn secondingseconding contentionscontentions.
wln 0124EnterEnter aboueabove AnnabellaAnnabella andand PutanaPutana.
wln 0125Flo.FlorioFlo.What’sWhat’s thethe groundground?
wln 0126Sor.SoranzoSor.ThatThat withwith youryour patiencepatience SignioreSigniore, I’leI’ll resolueresolve
wln 0127ThisThis GentlemanGentleman, whomwhom famesamefame reportsreports aa souldiersoldier,
wln 0128(ForFor elseelse II knowknow notnot) riualsrivals meeme inin louelove
wln 0129ToTo SigniorSignior Florio’sFlorio’s DaughterDaughter; toto whosewhose earesears
wln 0130HeHe stillstill preferrsprefers hishis suitesuit toto mymy disgracedisgrace,
wln 0131ThinkingThinking thethe wayway toto recommendrecommend himselfehimself,
wln 0132IsIs toto disparagedisparage meme inin hishis reportreport:
wln 0133ButBut knowknow GrimaldiGrimaldi, thoughthough (maymay bebe) thouthou artart
wln 0134MyMy equallequal inin thythy bloodblood, yetyet thisthis bewrayesbetrays
wln 0135AA lownesselowness inin thythy mindemind; whichwhich wer’twere ’twere’t thouthou NobleNoble
wln 0136ThouThou would’stwouldwouldwould’st itit asas muchmuch disdainedisdain, asas II doedo theethee
wln 0137ForFor thisthis vnworthinesseunworthiness; andand onon thisthis groundground
wln 0138II will’dwilled mymy SeruantServant toto correctdorrestcorrect thisthis tonguetongue,
sig: B3r
wln 0139HoldingHolding aa manman, soso basebase, nono matchmatch forfor meme.
wln 0140Vas.VasquesVas.AndAnd hadhad youryour suddanesudda nesudden commingcoming preventedprevented vsus, II hadhad letlet
wln 0141mymy GentlemanGentleman bloodblood vnderunder thethe gillesgills; II shouldshould hauehave worm’dwormed
wln 0142youyou SirSir, forfor runningrunning maddemad.
wln 0143Gri.GrimaldiGri.IleI’ll bebe reueng’drevenged SoranzoSoranzo.
wln 0144VasVasquesVasOnOn aa dishdish ofof warme-brothwarm-broth toto staystay youryour stomackstomach, doedo
wln 0145honesthonest InnocenceInnocence, doedo; spone-meatspoon-meat isis aa wholesomerwholesomer dyetdiet thenthan
wln 0146aa spannishSpanish bladeblade.
wln 0147Gri.GrimaldiGri.rememberremember thisthis.
wln 0148Sor.SoranzoSor.II fearefear theethee notnot GrimaldiGrimaldi.Ex.ExitEx. Gri:GrimaldiGri::
wln 0149Flo.FlorioFlo.MyMy LordLord SoranzoSoranzo, thisthis isis strangestrange toto meme,
wln 0150WhyWhy youyou shouldshould stormestorm, hauinghaving mymy wordword engag’dengaged:
wln 0151OwingOwing herher heartheart, whatwhat needeneed youyou doubtdoubt herher eareear?
wln 0152LoosersLosersLosers’ maymay talketalk byby lawlaw ofof anyany gamegame.
wln 0153Vas.VasquesVas.YetYet thethe villainevillain ofof wordswords, signiorsignior FlorioFlorio maymay bebe suchsuch,
wln 0154AsAs wouldwould makemake anyany vnspleen’dunspleened DoueDove, ChollerickCholeric,
wln 0155BlameBlame notnot mymy LordLord inin thisthis.
wln 0156Flo.FlorioFlo.BeBe youyou moremore silentsilent,
wln 0157II wouldwould notnot forfor mymy wealthwealth, mymy daughtersdaughter’s louelove
wln 0158ShouldShould causecause thethe spillingspilling ofof oneone dropdrop ofof bloodblood.
wln 0159VasquesVasques putput vpup, let’slet’s endend thisthis frayfray inin winewine.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0160PutanaPutanaHowHow likelike youyou thisthis childchild? here’shere’s threatningthreat’ningthreatening challeng-challengingchalleng|ingchallenging
wln 0161ing,
wln 0161quarrellingquarrelingquarrelling, andand fightingfighting, onon eueryevery sideside, andand allall isis forfor youryour
wln 0162sakesake; youyou hadhad needeneed lookelook toto your selfeyourself (ChardgeCharge) you’leyou’ll bebe
wln 0163stolnestolen awayaway sleepingsleeping elseelse shortlyshortly.
wln 0164AnnabellaAnnabella:ButBut (TutresseTutresstutoress) suchsuch aa lifelife, giuesgives nono contentcontent
wln 0165ToTo meme, mymy thoughtsthoughts areare fixtfixed onon otherother endsends;
wln 0166WouldWould youyou wouldwould leaueleave meme.
wln 0167Put.PutanaPut.LeaueLeave youyou? nono maruailemarvel elseelse; leaueleave meme, nono leauingleaving (ChardgeCharge)
wln 0168ThisThis isis louelove outrightoutright, IndeedeIndeed II blameblame youyou notnot, youyou hauehave
wln 0169ChoyceChoice fitfit forfor thethe bestbest LadyLady inin ItalyItaly.
wln 0170Anna.AnnabellaAnna.PrayPray doedo notnot talketalk soso muchmuch.
wln 0171Put.PutanaPut.TakeTake thethe worstworst withwith thethe bestbest, there’sthere’s GrimaldiGrimaldi thethe
wln 0172souldiersoldier aa veryvery well-timbredwell-timbered fellowfellow: theythey saysay hehe isis aa RomanRoman,
wln 0173NephewNephew toto thethe DukeDuke Mount FerrattoMontferratoMount Ferratto, theythey saysay hehe diddid goodgood ser-serviceser|viceservice
wln 0174vice
wln 0174inin thethe warrswars againstagainst thethe MillanoysMilaneseMillanoys, butbut faithfaith (ChardgeCharge) II doedo
wln 0175notnot likelike himhim, andand bebe forfor nothingnothing, butbut forfor beingbeing aa souldiersoldier; oneone a-amongsta|mongstamongst
sig: B3v
wln 0176mongst
wln 0176twentytwenty ofof youryour skirmishingskirmishing CaptainesCaptains, butbut hauehave somesome
wln 0177pryuieprivy maymemaymaimmaymeme oror otherother, thatthat marresmars theirtheir standingstanding vprightupright, II likelike
wln 0178himhim thethe worseworse, heehe crincklescrinkles soso muchmuch inin thethe hamshams; thoughthough heehe
wln 0179mightmight serueserve, ifif theirtheretheir werewere nono moremore menmen, yetyet hee’she’s notnot thethe manman II
wln 0180wouldwould choosechoose.
wln 0181Anna.AnnabellaAnna.FyeFie howhow thouthou prat’stprat’stpratest.
wln 0182Put.PutanaPut.AsAs II amam aa veryvery womanwoman, II likelike SigniourSigniorsignior SoranzoSoranzo, wellwell;
wln 0183heehe isis wisewise, andand whatwhat isis moremore, richrich; andand whatwhat isis moremore thenthan thatthat,
wln 0184kindkind, andand whatwhat isis moremore thenthan allall thisthis, aa Noble-manNobleman; suchsuch aa oneone werewere
wln 0185II thethe fairefair AnnabellaAnnabella, my selfemyself, II wouldwould wishwish andand praypray forfor: thenthenthan
wln 0186heehe isis bountifullbountiful; besidebeside heehe isis handsomehandsome, andand, byby mymy trothtroth, II
wln 0187thinkethink wholsomewholesome: (andand that’sthat’s newesnews inin aa gallantgallant ofof threethree andand
wln 0188twentytwenty.) liberallliberal thatthat II knowknow: louingloving, thatthat youyou knowknow; andand aa manman
wln 0189suresure, elseelse heehe couldcould neuernever ha’ha’ purchastpurchased suchsuch aa goodgood namename, withwith
wln 0190HippolitaHippolita thethe lustielusty WiddowWidow inin herher husbandshusband’s life timelifetimelife time: AndAnd
wln 0191t’were’twere butbut forfor thatthat reportreport (sweetsweet heartheart) would’awould ’awould’a werewere thinethine:
wln 0192CommendCommend aa manman forfor hishis qualitiesqualities, butbut taketake aa husbandhusband asas hehe isis aa
wln 0193plaine-sufficientplain-sufficient, nakednaked manman: suchsuch aa oneone isis forfor youryour bedbed, andand suchsuch
wln 0194aa oneone isis SigniorSignior SoranzoSoranzo mymy lifelife for’tfor ’tfor’t.
wln 0195Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SureSure thethe womanwoman tooketook herher morningsmorning’s DraughtDraught totooto soonesoon.
wln 0196EnterEnter BegettoBegetto andand PoggioPoggio.
wln 0197Put.PutanaPut.ButBut lookelook (sweetsweet heartheart,) lookelook whatwhat thingething comescomes nownow:
wln 0198Here’sHere’s anotheranother ofof youryour cyphersciphers toto fillfill vpup thethe numbernumber:
wln 0199OhOhO brauebrave oldold ApeApe inin aa silkensilken CoateCoat, obserueobserve.
wln 0200Ber.BergettoBer.Did’stDidst thouthou thinkethink PoggioPoggio, thatthat II wouldwould spoylespoil mymy
wln 0201NewNew cloathesclothes, andand leaueleave mymy dinnerdinner toto fightfight.
wln 0202Pog.PoggioPog.NoNo SirSir, II diddid notnot taketake youyou forfor soso arrantarrant aa babiebaby.
wln 0203Ber.BergettoBer.II amam wyserwiser thenthan soso: forfor II hopehope PoggioPoggio. thouthou
wln 0204NeuerNever heard’stheard’st ofof anan elderelder brotherbrother, thatthat waswas aa CoxcombCoxcomb,
wln 0205Did’stDidst PoggioPoggio?
wln 0206Pog.PoggioPog.NeuerNever indeedeindeed SirSir, asas longlong asas theythey hadhad eithereither landland oror
wln 0207monymoney leftleft themthem toto inheritinhe ritinherit.
wln 0208Ber.BergettoBer.IsIs itit possiblepossible PoggioPoggio? ohoho monstruousmonstruous! whywhy IleI’ll vnder-vndertakevnder|takeundertake
wln 0209take,
wln 0209withwith aa handfullhandful ofof siluersilver, toto buybuy aa headfullheadful ofof witwit atat anyany
wln 0210tymetime, butbut sirrahsirrah, II hauehave anotheranother purchasepurchase inin handhand, II shallshall hauehave
wln 0211thethe wenchwench mynemine vnckleuncle sayessays, II willwill butbut washwash mymy faceface, andand
wln 0212shiftshift sockssocks, andand thenthen hauehave atat herher yfaithi’ faithi’faith —
sig: B4r
wln 0213MarkeMark mymy pacepace PoggioPoggio.
wln 0214Pog.PoggioPog.SirSir II hauehave seeneseen anan. AsseAss, andand aa MuleMule trottrot thethe SpannishSpanish
wln 0215pauin●auinpavin withwith aa betterbetter gracegrace, II knowknow notnot howhow oftenoften.
wln 0216ExeuntExeunt
wln 0217Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ThisThis IdeotIdiot hauntshaunts meme tootoo.
wln 0218Put.PutanaPut.IAyay, IAyay, hehe needesneeds nono discriptiondescription, thethe richrich MagnificoMagnifico, thatthat isis
wln 0219belowbelow withwith youryour FatherFather (ChardgeCharge) SigniorSignior DonadoDonado hishis VnckleUncle;
wln 0220forfor thatthat hehe meanesmeans toto makemake thisthis hishis CozenCousincousin aa goldengolden calfecalf, thinkesthinks
wln 0221thatthat youyou wilwill bebe aa rightright IsraliteIsraelite, andand fallfall downedown toto himhim presentlypresently:
wln 0222butbut II hopehope II hauehave tuterdtutored youyou betterbetter: theythey saysay aa foolesfool’s bablebabble isis aa
wln 0223LadiesLady’slady’s playfellowplay fellowplay fellowplayfellow: yetyet youyou hauinghaving wealthwealth enoughenough, youyou needeneed notnot
wln 0224castcast vponupon thethe dearthdearth ofof fleshflesh atat anyany raterate: hanghang himhim InnocentInnocent.
wln 0225EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni.
wln 0226Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ButBut seesee PutanaPutana, seesee: whatwhat blessedblessed shapeshape
wln 0227OfOf somesome cælestiallcaelestiallcelestial CreatureCreature nownow appearesappears?
wln 0228WhatWhat manman isis heehe, thatthat withwith suchsuch sadsad aspectaspect
wln 0229WalkesWalks carelessecarelestscareless ofosof him selfehimself?
wln 0230Put.PutanaPut.WhereWhere??
wln 0231Anna.AnnabellaAnna.LookeLook belowbelow.
wln 0232Put,PutanaPut,OhOhO, ’tis’tis youryour brotherbrother sweetsweet —
wln 0233Anna.AnnabellaAnna.HaHa!Ha!Ha!!
wln 0234Put.PutanaPut.’Tis’Tis youryour brotherbrother.
wln 0235Anna,AnnabellaAnna,SureSure ’tis’tis notnot heehe, thisthis isis somesome woefullwoeful thingething
wln 0236WraptWrapped vpup inin griefegrief, somesome shaddowshadow ofof aa manman.
wln 0237AlasAlas heehe beatsbeats hishis brestbreast, andand wipeswipes hishis eyeseyes
wln 0238Drown’dDrowned allall inin tearestears: me thinkesmethinks II hearehear himhim sighsigh.
wln 0239LetsLets downedown PutanaPutana,,? andand pertakepartake thethe causecause,
wln 0240II knowknow mymy BrotherBrother inin thethe LoueLove hehe bearesbears meme,
wln 0241WillWill notnot denyedeny meme partagepartage inin hishis sadnessesadness,
wln 0242MyMy soulesoul isis fullfull ofof heauinesseheaviness andand fearefear.ExitExit.
wln 0243Gio.GiovanniGio.LostLost, II amam lostlost: mymy fatesfates hauehave doom’ddoomed mymy deathdeath:
wln 0244TheThe moremore II striuestrive, II louelove, thethe moremore II louelove,
wln 0245TheThe lesseless II hopehope: II seesee mymy ruineruin, certainecertain.
wln 0246WhatWhat IudgementJudgementjudgement, oror endeuorsendeavorsendeavours couldcould applyapply
wln 0247ToTo mymy incurableincurable andand restlesserestless woundswounds,
wln 0248II throughlythoroughly hauehave examin’dexamined, butbut inin vainevain:
wln 0249OOOh thatthat itit werewere notnot inin ReligionReligion sinnesin,
sig: B4v
wln 0250ToTo makemake ourour louelove aa GodGod, andand worshipworship itit.
wln 0251II hauehave eueneven weariedwearied heauenheaven withwith prayersprayers, dryeddried vpup
wln 0252TheThe springspring ofof mymy continuallcontinual tearestears, eueneven steru’dstarved
wln 0253MyMy veinesveins withwith daylydaily fastsfasts: whatwhat witwit oror ArtArt
wln 0254CouldCould CounsaileCounsel, II hauehave practiz’dpracticedpractised; butbut alasalas
wln 0255II findfind allall thesethese butbut dreamesdreams, andand oldold mensmen’s talestales
wln 0256ToTo fright●●ightfright vnsteedyunsteady youthyouth; I’meI’m stillstill thethe samesame,
wln 0257OrOr II mustmust speakespeak, oror burstburst; tis’tis notnot II knowknow,
wln 0258MyMy lustlust; butbut tis’tis mymy farefare thatthat leadsleads meme onon.
wln 0259KeepeKeep fearefear andand lowlow faint heartedfaint-heartedfaint hearted shameshame withwith slauesslaves,
wln 0260IleI’ll telltell herher, thatthat II louelove herher, thoughthough mymy heartheart
wln 0261WereWere ratedrated atat thethe priceprice ofof thatthat attemptattempt.
wln 0262OhOhO meme! sheshe comescomes.
wln 0263EnterEnter Anna.AnnabellaAnna. andand PutanaPutana.
wln 0264Anna.AnnabellaAnna.BrotherBrother.
wln 0265Gio.GiovanniGio.IfIf suchsuch aa thingthing
wln 0266AsAs CourageCourage dwelldwell inin menmen, (yeeye heauenlyheavenly powerspowers)
wln 0267NowNow doubledouble allall thatthat vertuevirtue inin mymy tonguetongue.
wln 0268Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhyWhy BrotherBrother, willwill youyou notnot speakespeak toto meme?
wln 0269Gio.GiovanniGio.YesYes; howhow d’eed’eed’ye SisterSister?
wln 0270Anna.AnnabellaAnna.HowsoeuerHowsoever II amam, me thinksmethinks youyou areare notnot wellwell.
wln 0271Put.PutanaPut.BlesseBless vsus whywhy areare youyou soso sadsad SirSir.
wln 0272Gio.GiovanniGio.LetLet meme intreatentreat youyou leaueleave vsus aa whilewhile, PutanaPutana,
wln 0273SisterSister, II wouldwould bebe pryuateprivate withwith youyou.
wln 0274Anna.AnnabellaAnna.With-draweWithdraw PutanaPutana.
wln 0275Put.PutanaPut.II willwill,
wln 0276IfIf thisthis werewere anyany otherother CompanyCompany forfor herher, II shouldshould thinkethink mymy ab-absenceab|senceabsence
wln 0277sence
wln 0277anan officeoffice ofof somesome creditcredit; butbut II willwill leaueleave themthem togethertogether.
wln 0278ExitExit PutanaPutana:
wln 0279Gio.GiovanniGio.ComeCome SisterSister lendlend youryour handhand, let’slet’s walkewalk togethertogether.
wln 0280II hopehope youyou needeneed notnot blushblush toto walkewalk withwith meeme,
wln 0281Here’sHere’s nonenone butbut youyou andand II.
wln 0282Anna.AnnabellaAnna.How’sHow’s thisthis?
wln 0283Gio.GiovanniGio.FaithFaith II meanemean nono harmeharm.
wln 0284Anna.AnnabellaAnna.HarmeHarm?
wln 0285Gio.GiovanniGio.NoNo goodgood faithfaith; howhow istis ’tis’t with’eewith ’eewi’thee?
wln 0286Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II trusttrust heehe bebe notnot frantickefrantic—
sig: C1r
wln 0287II amam veryvery wellwell brotherbrother.
wln 0288Gio.GiovanniGio.TrustTrust meme butbut II amam sickesick, II fearefear soso sicksick,
wln 0289’Twill’Twill costcost mymy lifelife.
wln 0290Anna.AnnabellaAnna.MercyMercy forbidforbid itit: ’tis’tis notnot soso II hopehope.
wln 0291Gio.GiovanniGio.II thinkethink youyou louelove meme SisterSister.
wln 0292Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YesYes youyou knowknow, II doedo.
wln 0293Gio.GiovanniGio.II know’tknow ’tknow’t indeedindeed — y’arey’ areyou’re veryvery fairefair.
wln 0294Anna.AnnabellaAnna.NayNay thenthen II seesee youyou hauehave aa merrymerry sicknessesickness,
wln 0295Gio.GiovanniGio.That’sThat’s asas itit prouesproves: theythey PoetsPoets faignefeign (II readread)
wln 0296ThatThat IunoJunojuno forfor herher foreheadforehead diddid exceedeexceed
wln 0297AllAll otherother goddessesgoddesses: butbut II durstdurst sweareswear,
wln 0298YourYour foreheadforehead exceedsexceeds hershers, asas hershers diddid theirstheirs.
wln 0299Anna.AnnabellaAnna.TrothTroth thisthis isis prettypretty.
wln 0300Gio.GiovanniGio.SuchSuch aa pairepair ofof starresstars.
wln 0301AsAs areare thinethine eyeseyes, wouldwould (likelike PrometheanPromethean firefire.)
wln 0302(IfIf gentlygently glaun’stglanced) giuegive lifelife toto senselessesenseless stonesstones.
wln 0303Anna.AnnabellaAnna.FieFie vpon’eeupon ’eeupon’ee,
wln 0304Gio.GiovanniGio.TheThe LillyLily andand thethe RoseRose mostmost sweetlysweetly straingestrangestraying
wln 0305VponUpon youryour dimpleddimpled CheekesCheeks doedo striuestrive forfor changechange.
wln 0306SuchSuch lippeslips wouldwould tempttempt aa SaintSaint; suchsuch handshands asas thosethose
wln 0307WouldWould makemake anan AnchoretAnchoret LasciuiousLascivious.
wln 0308Anna.AnnabellaAnna.D’eeD’eed’ye mockmock meeme’, oror flatterflatter meeme,
wln 0309Gio.GiovanniGio.IfIf youyou wouldwould seesee aa beautybeauty moremore exactexact
wln 0310ThenThan ArtArt cancan countercounter fitfit, oror naturenature frameframe,
wln 0311LookeLook inin youryour glasseglass, andand therethere beholdbehold youryourowneyour owneown.
wln 0312Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OO youyou areare aa trimetrim youthyouth.
wln 0313Gio.GiovanniGio.HereHere.OffersOffers hishis DaggerDagger toto herher.
wln 0314Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhatWhat toto doedo.
wln 0315Gio.GiovanniGio.AndAnd here’shere’s mymy breastbreast, strickstrike homehome.
wln 0316RipRip vpup mymy bosomebosom, therethere thouthou shaltshalt beholdbehold
wln 0317AA heartheart, inin whichwhich isis writwrit thethe truthtruth II speakespeak.
wln 0318WhyWhy stand’eestand ’ee?Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AreAre youyou earnestearnest?
wln 0319Gio.GiovanniGio.YesYes mostmost earnestearnest.
wln 0320YouYou cannotcannot louelove?Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhomWhom??.
wln 0321Gio.GiovanniGio.MeMe, mymy tortur’dtortured soulesoul
wln 0322HathHath feltfelt afflictionaffliction inin thethe heateheat ofof DeathDeath.
wln 0323OO AnnabellaAnnabella II amam quitequite vndoneundone,
sig: C1v
wln 0324TheThe louelove ofof theethee (mymy sistersister) andand thethe viewview
wln 0325OfOf thythy immortallimmortal beautybeauty hathhath vntun’duntuned
wln 0326AllAll harmonyharmony bothboth ofof mymy restrest andand lifelife,
wln 0327WhyWhy d’eed’eed’ye notnot strikestrike?
wln 0328Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ForbidForbid itit mymy iustjust fearesfears,
wln 0329IfIf thisthis bebe truetrue, ’twere’twere fitterfitter II werewere deaddead.
wln 0330Gio.GiovanniGio.TrueTrue AnnabellaAnnabella; ’tis’tis nono timetime toto iestjest,
wln 0331II hauehave tootoo longlong supprestsuppressed thethe hiddenhidden flamesflames
wln 0332ThatThat almostalmost hauehave consum’dconsumed meme; II hauehave spentspent
wln 0333ManyMany aa silentsilent nightnight inin sighessighs andand groanesgroans,
wln 0334RanRan ouerover allall mymy thoughtsthoughts, despis’ddespised mymy FateFate,
wln 0335Reason’dReasoned againstagainst thethe reasonsreasons ofof mymy louelove,
wln 0336DoneDone allall thatthat smooth’d-cheekesmoothed-cheeksmooth-cheeked VertueVirtue couldcould aduiseadvise,
wln 0337ButBut foundfound allall bootelessebootless; ’tis’tis mymy destinydestiny,
wln 0338ThatThat youyou mustmust eythereither louelove, oror II mustmust dyedie.
wln 0339Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ComesComes thisthis inin sadnessesadness fromfrom youyou?
wln 0340Gio,GioGiovanniGio,LetLet somesome mischiefemischief
wln 0341BefallBefall meme soonesoon, ifif II dissembledissemble oughtaught.
wln 0342Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou areare mymy brotherbrother GiouanniGiovanni.
wln 0343Gio.GiovanniGio.YouYou,
wln 0344MyMy SisterSister AnnabellaAnnabella; II knowknow thisthis:
wln 0345AndAnd couldcould affordafford youyou instanceinstance whywhy toto louelove
wln 0346SoSo muchmuch thethe moremore forfor thisthis; toto whichwhich intentintent
wln 0347WiseWise NatureNature firstfirst inin youryour CreationCreation mentmeant
wln 0348ToTo makemake youyou minemine: else’telse ’telse’t hadhad beenebeen sinnesin andand foulefoul,
wln 0349ToTo shareshare oneone beautybeauty toto aa doubledouble soulesoul.
wln 0350NeerenesseNearness inin birthbirth oror bloodblood, dothdoth butbut perswadepersuade
wln 0351AA neerernearer neerenessenearness inin affectionaffection.
wln 0352II hauehave asktasked CounsellCounsel ofof thethe holyholy ChurchChurch,
wln 0353WhoWho tellstells meeme II maymay louelove youyou, andand ’tis’tis iustjust,
wln 0354ThatThat sincesince II maymay, II shouldshould; andand willwill, yesyes willwill:
wln 0355MustMust II nownow liuelive, oror dyedie?
wln 0356Anna.AnnabellaAnna.LiueLive, thouthou hasthast wonnewon
wln 0357TheThe fieldfield, andand neuernever foughtfought; whatwhat thouthou hasthast vrg’durged,
wln 0358MyMy captiuecaptive heartheart hadhad longlong agoeago resolu’dresolved.
wln 0359II blushblush toto telltell theethee, (butbut I’leI’ll telltell theethee nownow)
wln 0360ForFor eueryevery sighsigh thatthat thouthou hasthast spentspent forfor meme,
sig: C2r
wln 0361II hauehave sigh’dsighed tenten; forfor eueryevery tearetear shedshed twentytwenty:
wln 0362AndAnd notnot soso muchmuch forfor thatthat II lou’dloved, asas thatthat
wln 0363II durstdurst notnot saysay II lou’dloved; noruornor scarcelyscarcely thinkethink itit.
wln 0364Gio.GiovanniGio.LetLet notnot thisthis MusickeMusic bebe aa dreamedream (yeeye godsgods)
wln 0365ForFor pittie’s-sakepity’s sakepity-sake II begge’eebeg ’ee.
wln 0366Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OnOn mymy kneesknees,SheeShe kneeleskneels.
wln 0367BrotherBrother, eueneven byby ourour MothersMother’s dustdust, II chargecharge youyou,
wln 0368DoeDo notnot betraybetray meeme toto youryour mirthmirth oror hatehate,
wln 0369LoueLove meeme, oror killkill meme BrotherBrother.
wln 0370Gio.GiovanniGio.OnOn mymy kneesknees,HeHe kneeleskneels.
wln 0371SisterSister, eueneven byby mymy MothersMother’s dustdust II chargecharge youyou,
wln 0372DoeDo notnot betraybetray meeme toto youryour mirthmirth oror hatehate,
wln 0373LoueLove meeme, oror killkill meeme SisterSister.
wln 0374Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou meanemean goodgood soothsooth thenthen?
wln 0375Gio.GiovanniGio.InIn goodgood trothtroth II doedo,
wln 0376AndAnd soso doedo youyou II hopehope: saysay, I’mI’m inin earnestearnest:
wln 0377Anna.AnnabellaAnna.I’leI’ll swear’tswear ’tswear’t andand II.
wln 0378Gio.GiovanniGio.AndAnd II, andand byby thisthis kissekiss,KissesKisses herher.
wln 0379(OnceOnce moremore, yetyet onceonce moremore, nownow let’slet’s riserise, byby thisthis)
wln 0380II wouldwould notnot changechange thisthis minuteminute forfor ElyziumElysium,
wln 0381WhatWhat mustmust wewe nownow doedo?
wln 0382Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhatWhat youyou willwill.Gio.GiovanniGio.ComeCome thenthen,
wln 0383AfterAfter soso manymany tearestears asas weewe hauehave weptwept,
wln 0384Let’sLet’s learnelearn toto courtcourt inin smilessmiles, toto kissekiss andand sleepesleep.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0385EnterEnter FlorioFlorio andand DonadoDonado.
wln 0386Flo.Elo.FlorioElo.SigniorSignior DonadoDonado, youyou hauehave saydsaid enoughenough,
wln 0387II vnderstandunderstand youyou, butbut wouldwould hauehave youyou knowknow,
wln 0388II willwill notnot forceforce mymy DaughterDaughter ’gainst’gainst herher willwill.
wln 0389YouYou seesee II hauehave butbut twotwo, aa SonneSon andand HerHer;
wln 0390AndAnd heehe isis soso deuoteddevoted toto hishis BookeBook,
wln 0391AsAs II mustmust telltell youyou truetrue, II doubtdoubt hishis healthhealth:
wln 0392ShouldShould hehe miscarrymiscarry, allall mymy hopeshopes relyrely
wln 0393VponUpon mymy GirleGirl; asas forfor worldlyworldly FortuneFortune,
wln 0394II amam II thankethank mymy StarresStars, blestblestblessed withwith enoughenough:
wln 0395MyMy CareCare isis howhow toto matchmatch herher toto herher likingliking,
wln 0396II wouldwould notnot hauehave herher marrymarry WealthWealth, butbut LoueLove,
wln 0397AndAnd ifif sheshe likelike youryour NephewNephew, letlet himhim hauehave herher,
sig: C2v
wln 0398Here’sHere’s allall thatthat II cancan saysay.
wln 0399Do.DonadoDo.SirSir youyou saysay wellwell,
wln 0400LikeLike aa truetrue fatherfather, andand forfor mymy partpart, II
wln 0401IfIf thethe youngyoung folkesfolks cancan likelike, (twixt’twixttwixt youyou andand meme’me)
wln 0402WillWill promisepromise toto assureassure mymy NephewNephew presentlypresently,
wln 0403ThreeThree thousandthousand FlorrensFlorinsflorins yeerelyyearly duringduring lifelife,
wln 0404AndAnd afterafter II amam deaddead, mymy wholewhole estateestate.
wln 0405Flo.FlorioFlo.’Tis’Tis aa fairefair profferproffer sirsir, meane timemeanemeantimemeantimetime youryour NephewNephew
wln 0406ShallShall hauehave freefree passagepassage toto commencecommence hishis suitesuit;
wln 0407IfIf heehe cancan thriuethrive, heehe shallshall hauehave mymy consentconsent,
wln 0408SoSo forfor thisthis timetime I’leI’ll leaueleave youyou SigniorSignior.ExitExit.
wln 0409Do.DonadoDo.WellWell,
wln 0410Here’sHere’s hopehope yetyet, ifif mymy NephewNephew wouldwould hauehave witwit,
wln 0411ButBut heehe isis suchsuch anotheranother DunceDunce, II fearefear
wln 0412Hee’leHe’ll neuernever winnewin thethe WenchWench; whenwhen II waswas youngyoung
wln 0413II couldcould hauehave done’tdone ’tdone’t yfaithy faithi’ faithi’faith, andand soso shallshall heehe
wln 0414IfIf heehe willwill learnelearn ofof meeme; andand inin goodgood timetime
wln 0415HeeHe comescomes himselfehimself.
wln 0416EnterEnter BergettoBergetto andand PoggioPoggio.
wln 0417Pog.PoggioPog.HowHow nownow BergettoBergetto, whetherwhitherwhether awayaway soso fastfast?
wln 0418Ber.BergettoBer.OhOhO VnkleUncle, II hauehave heardheard thethe strangeststrangest newesnews thatthat euerever
wln 0419camecame outout ofof thethe MyntMynrMint, hauehave II notnot PoggioPoggio.
wln 0420Pog.PoggioPog.YesYes indeedeindeed SirSir.Do.DonadoDo.WhatWhat newesnews BergettoBergetto?
wln 0421Ber.BergettoBer.WhyWhy lookelook yeeye VnkleUncle? mymy BarberBarber toldtold meme iustjust nownow
wln 0422thatthat therethere isis aa fellowfellow comecome toto TowneTown, whowho vndertakesundertakes toto makemake
wln 0423aa MillMill goego withoutwithout thethe mortallmortal helpehelp ofof anyany waterwater oror windewind,
wln 0424onelyonly withwith Sand-bagsSandbags: andand thisthis fellowfellow hathhath aa strangestrange HorseHorse, aa
wln 0425mostmost excellentexcellent beastbeast, I’leI’ll assureassure youyou VnkleUncle, (mymy BarberBarber sayessays)
wln 0426whosewhose headhead toto thethe wonderwonder ofof allall ChristianChristian peoplepeople, standsstands iustjust be-behindbe|hindbehind
wln 0427hind
wln 0427wherewhere hishis tayletail isis, is’tis ’tis’t notnornornot truetrue PoggioPoggio?
wln 0428Pog.PoggioPog.SoSo thethe BarberBarber sworeswore forfor soothsooth.
wln 0429Do.DonadoDo.AndAnd youyou areare runningrunning hitherhither?Ber.BergettoBer.IAyI forsoothforsooth VnkleVakleUncle.
wln 0430Do.DonadoDo.WiltWilt thouthou bebe aa FooleFool stilstill? comecome sirsir, youyou shallshall notnot goego,
wln 0431youyou hauehave moremore mindmind ofof aa Puppet-playPuppet-play, thenthen onon thethe businessebusiness II
wln 0432toldtold y’eeye: whywhy thouthou greatgreat BabyBaby, wu’twu’twilt neuernever hauehave witwit, wu’twu’twilt
wln 0433makemake thy selfethyself aa May-gameMay-game toto allall thethe worldworld?
wln 0434Pog.PoggioPog.AnswereAnswer forfor your selfeyourself MaisterMaster.
sig: C3r
wln 0435Ber.BergettoBer.WhyWhy VnkleUncle, shu’dshould II sitsit atat homehome stillstill, andand notnot goego abroadabroad
wln 0436toto seesee fashionsfashions likelike otherother gallantsgallants?
wln 0437Do.DonadoDo.ToTo seesee hobby-horseshobby-horses: whatwhat wisewise talketalk II praypray hadhad youyou
wln 0438withwith AnnabellaAnnabella, whenwhen youyou werewere atat SigniorSignior Florio’sFlorio’s househouse?
wln 0439Ber.BergettoBer.OhOhO thethe wenchwench: vdsuds sa’mesa’ mesa’ me, VnkleUncle; II tickledtickled herher withwith aa
wln 0440rarerare speechspeech, thatthat II mademade herher almostalmost burstburst herher bellybelly withwith laugh-laughinglaugh|ing
wln 0441inglaughing.
wln 0442Do.DonadoDo.NayNay II thinkethink soso, andand whatwhat speechspeech was’twas’t?
wln 0443Ber.BergettoBer.WhatWhat diddid II saysay PoggioPoggio?
wln 0444Pog.PoggioPog.forsoothForFotForforsooth soothsooth mymy MaisterMaster saidsaid, thatthat heehe louedloved herher almostalmost as-aswellas|wellas well
wln 0445well
wln 0445asas heehe louedloved ParmasentParmasent, andand sworeswore (I’leI’ll bebe swornesworn forfor himhim).
wln 0446thatthat sheeshe wantedwanted butbut suchsuch aa NoseNose asas hishis waswas, toto bebe asas prettypretty aa
wln 0447youngyoung woemanwoman, asas anyany waswas inin ParmaParma.Do.DonadoDo.OhOhO grosegross!
wln 0448Ber.BergettoBer.NayNay VnkleUncle, thenthen sheesh●eshe ask’tasked meeme, whetherwhether mymy FatherFather hadhad
wln 0449anyany moremore childrenchildren thenthan my selfemyself: andand II saydsaid nono, ’twere’twere betterbetter
wln 0450heehe shouldshould hauehave hadhad hishis braynesbrains knocktknocked outout firstfirst.
wln 0451Do.DonadoDo.ThisThis isis intolerableintolerable.
wln 0452Ber.BergettoBer.ThenThen saydsaid sheeshe, willwill SigniorSignior DonadoDonado youryour VnkleUncle leaueleave
wln 0453youyou allall hishis wealthwealth?
wln 0454Do.DonadoDo.Ha!Ha! thatthat waswas goodgood, diddid sheshe harpeharp vponupon thatthat stringstring?
wln 0455Ber.BergettoBer.DidDid sheshe harpeharp vponupon thatthat stringstring, IayI thatthat sheshe diddid: II answe-answeredanswe|redanswered
wln 0456red,
wln 0456leaueleave meme allall hishis wealthwealth? whywhy woemanwoman, heehe hathhath nono otherother
wln 0457witwit, ifif heehe hadhad, hehe shouldshould hearehear on’ton ’ton’t toto hishis euerlastingeuereverlastingeverlastinglasting gloryglory andand
wln 0458confusionconfusion: II knowknow (quothquoth II) II amam hishis whitewhite boyboy, andand willwill notnot
wln 0459bebe guldgulled: andand withwith thatthat sheshe fellfell intointo aa greatgreat smilesmile, andand wentwent awayaway.
wln 0460NayNay II diddid fitfit herher.
wln 0461Do.DonadoDo.AhAh sirrahsirrah, thenthen II seesee therethere isis nono changingchanging ofof naturenature,
wln 0462WellWell BergettoB●rgettoBergetto, II fearefear thouthou wiltwilt bebe aa veryvery AsseAss stillstill.
wln 0463Ber.BergettoBer.II shouldshould bebe sorrysorry forfor thatthat VnkleUncle.
wln 0464Do.DonadoDo.ComeCome, comecome youyou homehome withwith meme, sincesince youyou areare nono betterbetter
wln 0465aa speakerspeaker, I’leI’ll hauehave youyou writewr●tewrite toto herher afterafter somesome courtlycourtly mannermanner,
wln 0466andand inclose●closeenclose somesome richrich IewellI ewellJewel inin thethe LetterLetter.
wln 0467Ber.BergettoBer.IAyI marrymarry, thatthat willwill bebe excellentexcellent.
wln 0468Do.DonadoDo.PeacePeace innocent●nnocentinnocent,
wln 0469OnceOnce inin mymy timetime I’leI’ll setset mymy witswits toto schooleschool,
wln 0470IfIf allall failefail, ’tis’tis butbut thethe fortunefortune ofof aa foolefool.
wln 0471Ber.Be●.Ber.PoggioPoggio, ’twill’twill doedo PoggioPoggio.ExeuntExcuntExeunt.
sig: C3v
wln 0472ActusActus SecundusSecundus.
wln 0473EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni andand AnnabellaAnnabella, asas fromfrom theirtheir ChamberChamber.
wln 0474Gio.GiovanniGio.ComeCome AnnabellaAnnabella, nono moremore SisterSister nownow,
wln 0475ButBut LoueLove; aa namename moremore GraciousGracious, doedo notnot blushblush,
wln 0476(BeautiesBeauty’sBeauties sweetesweet wonderwonder) butbut bebe proudproud, toto knowknow
wln 0477ThatThat yeeldingyielding thouthou hasthast conquer’dconquered, andand inflam’dinflamed
wln 0478AA heartheart whosewhose tributetribute isis thythy brothersbrother’s lifelife.
wln 0479Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AndAnd minemine isis hishis, ohoho howhow thesethese stolnestolen contentscontents
wln 0480WouldWould printprint aa modestmodest CrymsonCrimson onon mymy cheekescheeks,
wln 0481HadHad anyany butbut mymy heartsheart’s delightdelight preuail’dprevailed.
wln 0482Gio.GiovanniGio.II maruailemarvel whywhy thethe chasterchaster ofof youryour sexsex
wln 0483ShouldShould thinkethink thisthis prettypretty toyetoy call’dcalled Maiden-headMaidenhead,
wln 0484SoSo strangestrange aa losseloss, whenwhen beingbeing lostlost, ’tis’tis nothingnothing,
wln 0485AndAnd youyou areare stillstill thethe samesame.Anna.AnnabellaAnna.’Tis’Tis wellwell forfor youyou,
wln 0486NowNow youyou cancan talketalk.Gio.GiovanniGio.MusickeMusic aswellas well consistsconsists
wln 0487InIn th’eareth’ earth’ear, asas inin thethe playingplaying.Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OhOhO y’arey’ areyou’re wantonwanton,
wln 0488TellTell on’ton ’ton’t, y’arey’ areyou’re bestbest, doedo.
wln 0489Gio.GiovanniGio.ThouThou wiltwilt chidechide meme thenthen,
wln 0490KisseKiss meme, soso; thusthus hunghung IoueJovejove onon Læda’sLaeda’sLaeda’s neckeneck,
wln 0491AndAnd suck’tsucked diuinedivine AmbrosiaAmbrosia fromfrom herher lipslips:
wln 0492II enuyenvy notnot thethe mightiestmightiest manman aliuealive,
wln 0493ButBut holdhold my selfemyself inin beingbeing KingKing ofof theethee,
wln 0494MoreMore greatgreat, thenthen werewere II KingKing ofof allall thethe worldworld:
wln 0495ButBut II shallshall loselose youyou Sweet-heartSweetheart.
wln 0496Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ButBut youyou shallshall notnot.Gio.GiovanniGio.YouYou mustmust bebe marriedmarried MistresMistress.
wln 0497Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YesYes, toto whomwhom?Gio.GiovanniGio.SomeSome oneone mustmust hauehave youyou.
wln 0498Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou mustmust.Gio.GiovanniGio.NayNay somesome otherother.
wln 0499Anna.AnnabellaAnna.NowNow pritheeprithee dodo notnot speakespeak soso, withoutwithout iestingjesting
wln 0500You’leYou’ll makemake meme weepeweep inin earnestearnest.
wln 0501Gio.GiovanniGio.WhatWhat youyou willwill notnot.
wln 0502ButBut telltell meme sweetesweet, can’stcanst thouthou bebe dar’ddared toto sweareswear
wln 0503ThatThat thouthou wiltwilt liuelive toto meeme, andand toto nono otherother?
wln 0504Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ByBy bothboth ourour louesloves II daredare, forfor didstdidst thouthou knowknow
wln 0505MyMy GiouanniGionanniGiovanni, howhow allall suiterssuitors seemeseem
wln 0506ToTo mymy eyeseyes hatefullhateful, thouthou wouldstwouldst trusttrust meeme thenthen.
sig: C4r
wln 0507Gio.GiovanniGio.EnoughEnough, II taketake thythy wordword; SweetSweet wewe mustmust partpart,
wln 0508RememberRemember whatwhat thouthou vow’stvow’st, keepekeep wellwell mymy heartheart.
wln 0509Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WillWill youyou begonbegone?Gio.GiovanniGio.II mustmust.
wln 0510Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhenWhen toto returnereturn?Gio.GiovanniGio.SooneSoon.
wln 0511Anna.AnnabellaAnna.LookeLook youyou doedo.Gio.GiovanniGio.FarewellFarewell.ExitExit.
wln 0512Anna.AnnabellaAnna.GoeGo wherewhere thouthou wiltwilt, inin mindmind I’leI’ll keepekeep theethee herehere,
wln 0513AndAnd wherewhere thouthou artart, II knowknow II shallshall bebe therethere
wln 0514GuardianGuardian.
wln 0515EnterEnter PutanaPutana.
wln 0516Put.PutanaPut.ChildChild, howhow is’tis ’tis’t childchild? wellwell, thankethank HeauenHeaven, hahalhahall!
wln 0517Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OO GuardianGuardian, whatwhat aa ParadiseParadise ofof joyjoy
wln 0518HaueHave II pastpassed ouerover!
wln 0519Put.PutanaPut.NayNay whatwhat aa ParadiseParadise ofof ioyjoy hauehave youyou pastpassed vnderunder?
wln 0520whywhy nownow II commendcommend theethee (ChardgeCharge) fearefear nothingnothing, (sweete-sweete-heartsweetheart
wln 0521heart)
wln 0521whatwhat thoughthough heehe bebe youryour BrotherBrother; youryour Brother’sBrother’s aa
wln 0522manman II hopehope, andand II saysay stillstill, ifif aa youngyoung WenchWench feelefeel thethe fittfit vponupon
wln 0523herher, letlet herher taketake any bodyanybody, FatherFather oror BrotherBrother, allall isis oneone.
wln 0524Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II wouldwould notnot hauehave itit knowneknown forfor allall thethe worldworld.
wln 0525Put.PutanaPut.NorNor II indeedindeed, forfor thethe speechspeech ofof thethe peoplepeople; elseelse ’twere’twere (nothingnothing.
wln 0526FlorioFloriowithinwithin —DaughterDaughter AnnabellaAnnabella.
wln 0527Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OO meeme! mymy FatherFather, — herehere SirSir, — reachreach mymy workework.
wln 0528Flo.FlorioFlo.withinwithin.WhatWhat areare youyou doeingdoing?An.AnnabellaAn.SoSo, letlet himhim comecome nownow,
wln 0529EnterEnter FlorioFlorio, RichardettoRichardetto, likelike aa DoctorDoctor ofof PhisickePhysic,
wln 0530andand PhilotisPhilotis withwith aa LuteLute inin herher handhand.
wln 0531Flo.FlorioFlo.SoSo hardhard atat workework, that’sthat’s wellwell; youyou loselose nono timetime, lookelook,
wln 0532II hauehave broughtbrought youyou companycompany, here’shere’s oneone, a
sig: [N/A]
img: 1-b
sig: A1r
ln 0001’TIS’TIS
ln 0002PittyPity Shee’sShe’s aa WhoreWhore
ln 0003ActedActed byby thethe QueenesQueen’squeen’s MaiestiesMajesty’s Ser-SeruantsSer|uantsServants
ln 0004uants,
ln 0004atat TheThe PhænixPhaenixPhoenix inin
ln 0005Drury-LaneDrury LaneDrury-Lane.
ln 0007PrintedPrinted byby NicholasNicholas OkesOkes forfor RichardRichard
ln 0008CollinsCollins, andand areare toto bebe soldsold atat hishis shopshop
ln 0009inin PaulsPaul’s Church-yardChurchyard, atat thethe signesign
ln 0010ofof thethe threethree KingsKings. 16331633.
img: 2-a
sig: A1v
ln 0001TheThe SceaneScene
ln 0001TheThe ActorsActors’Actors NamesNames.
ln 0002BonauenturaBonaventura,AA FryarFriar.
ln 0003AA CardinallCardinal,NuntioNuncioNuntio toto thethe PopePope.
ln 0004SoranzoSoranzo,AA NoblemanNobleman.
ln 0005FlorioFlorio,AA CittizenCitizen ofof ParmaParma.
ln 0006DonadoDonado,AnotherAnother CittizenCitizen.
ln 0007GrimaldiGrimaldi,AA RomanRoman GentlemanGentleman.
ln 0008GiouanniGiovanni,SonneSon toto FlorioFlorio.
ln 0009BergettoBergetto,NephewNephew toto DonadoDonado.
ln 0010RichardettoRichardetto,AA suppos’dsupposed PhisitianPhysician.
ln 0011VasquesVasques,SeruantServant toto SoranzoSoranzo.
ln 0012PoggioPoggio,SeruantServant toto BergettoBergetto.
ln 0013BandettiBandittiBandetti,
ln 0014WoemenWomen.
ln 0015AnnabellaAnnabella,DaughterDaughter toto FlorioFlorio.
ln 0016HippolitaHippolita,WifeWife toto RichardettoRichardetto
ln 0017PhilotisPhilotis,HisHis NeeceNiece.
ln 0018PutanaPutana,TutresseTutoresstutoress toto AnnabellaAnnabella. img: 2-b
sig: A2r
ln 0001ToTo thethe truelytruly NobleNoble, IohnJohnjohn,
ln 0002EarleEarl ofof PeterboroughPeterborough, LordLord MordantMordauntMordant,
ln 0003BaronBaron ofof TurueyTurveyTuruey.
ln 0004MyMy LORDLORD,
ln 0005WHereWHereWhere aa TruthTruth ofof MerittMeritmerit hathhath
ln 0006aa generallgeneral warrantwarrant, ThereThere
ln 0007LoueLove isis butbut aa DebtDebt, Acknow-AcknowledgementAcknow|ledgementAcknowledgement
ln 0008ledgement
ln 0008aa IusticeJusticejustice. GreatnesseGreatness
ln 0009cannotcannot oftenoften claimeclaim VirtueVirtue byby
ln 0010InheritanceInheritance; YetYet inin thisthis,
ln 0011YOVRSYOURS appearesappears mostmost Emi-EminentEmi|nentEminent
ln 0012nent,
ln 0012forfor thatthat youyou areare notnot moremore rightlyrightly HeyreHeir toto
ln 0013youryour FortunesFortunes, thenthan GloryGlory shalbeshall be toto youryour MemoryMemory.
ln 0014SweetenesseSweetness ofof dispositiondisposition ennoblesennobles aa freedomefreedom
ln 0015ofof BirthBirth; inin BOTHBOTH, youryour lawfulllawful InterestInterest addsadds
ln 0016HonourHonorHonour toto youryour owneown NameName, andand mercymercy toto mymy
ln 0017presumptionpresumption. YourYour NobleNoble allowanceallowance ofof TheseThese
ln 0018FirstFirst FruitesFruits ofof mymy leasureleisure inin thethe ActionAction, embol-emboldensembol|densemboldens
ln 0019dens
ln 0019mymy confidenceconfidence, ofof youryour asas noblenoble constructi-constructionconstructi|onconstruction
ln 0020on
ln 0020inin thisthis PresentmentPresentment: especiallyespecially sincesince mymy Ser-SeruiceSer|uiceService
ln 0021uice
ln 0021mustmust euerever oweowe particularparticular dutyduty toto youryour Fa-FauoursFa|uours
img: 3-asig: A2v
The Epistle
ln 0022uoursFavorsFavours, byby aa particularpatticularparticular IngagementEngagement. TheThe GrauityGravity
ln 0023ofof thethe SubiectSubject maymay easilyeasily excuseexcuse thethe leightnesselightness ofof
ln 0024thethe TitleTitle: otherwiseotherwise, II hadhad beenebeen aa seueresevere IudgeJudgejudge a-againsta|gainstagainst
ln 0025gainst
ln 0025minemine owneown guiltguilt. PrincesPrinces hauehave vouchsaf’tvouchsafed
ln 0026GraceGrace toto triflestrifles, offredoffered fromfrom aa puritypurity ofof DeuotionDevotion,
ln 0027youryour LordshipLordship maymay like wiselikewiselike wise pleaseplease, toto admitadmit intointo
ln 0028youryour goodgood opinionopinion, withwith thesethese weakeweak endeuoursendeavorsendeavours,
ln 0029thethe constancyconstancy ofof AffectionAffection fromfrom thethe sinceresincere LouerLover
ln 0030ofof youryour DesertsDeserts inin HonourHonorHonour
ln 0031IOHNJOHN FORDFORD. img: 3-b
sig: [A3r]
ln 0001ToTo mymy FriendFriend thethe
ln 0002AuthorAuthor.
ln 0003VVithWIthWIth admirationadmiration II behel’dbeheld ThisThis WhoreWhore
ln 0004Adorn’dAdorned withwith BeautyBeauty, suchsuch asas mightmight restorerestore
ln 0005(IfIf euerever beingbeing asas ThyThy MuseMuse hathhath fam’dfamed)
ln 0006HerHer GiouanniGiovanni, inin hishis louelove vnblam’dunblamed:
ln 0007TheThe readyready GracesGraces lentlent theirtheir willingwilling aydaid,
ln 0008PallasPallas her selfeherself nownow playdplayed thethe Chamber-maideChambermaid
ln 0009AndAnd help’thelped toto putput herher DressingsDressings onon: securesecure
ln 0010RestRest ThouThou, thatthat ThyThy NameName hereinherein shullshall endureendure
ln 0011ToTo th’endth’ endth’end ofof AgeAge; andand AnnabellaAnnabella beebe
ln 0012GloriouslyGloriously FaireFair, eueneven inin herher InfamieInfamy.
sig: [A3v]
img: 4-b
sig: B1r
wln 0001T’is’Tis’tis PittyPity Shee’sShe’s aa
wln 0002VVHOOREWHOREwhore.
wln 0003EnterEnter FryarFriarfriar andand GiouanniGiovanni.
wln 0004FryarFriarfriar.
wln 0005DIsputeDispute nono moremore inin thisthis, forfor knowknow (youngyoung manman)
wln 0006TheseThese areare nono Schoole-pointsSchool-points; nicenice PhilosophyPhilosophy
wln 0007MayMay toleratetolerate vnlikelyunlikely argumentsarguments,
wln 0008ButBut HeauenHeaven admitsadmits nono jestjest; witswits thatthat presum’dpresumed
wln 0009OnOn witwit tootoo muchmuch, byby striuingstriving howhow toto proueprove
wln 0010ThereThere waswas nono GodGod; withwith foolishfoolish groundsgrounds ofof (ArtArt,
wln 0011Discouer’dDiscovered firstfirst thethe neerestnearest wayway toto HellHell;
wln 0012AndAnd fildfilled thethe worldworld withwith deuelishdevilish AtheismeAtheism:
wln 0013SuchSuch questionsquestions youthyouth areare fondfond; ForFor betterbetter ’tis’tis,
wln 0014ToTo blessebless thethe SunneSun, thenthan reasonreason whywhy itit shinesshines;
wln 0015YetYet heehe thouthou talk’sttalk’st ofof, isis aboueabove thethe SunSun,
wln 0016NoNo moremore; II maymay notnot hearehear itit.
wln 0017Gio.GiovanniGio.GentleGentle FatherFather,
wln 0018ToTo youyou II hauehave vnclasp’tunclasped mymy burthenedburdened soulesoul,
wln 0019Empty’dEmptied thethe store-housestore-house ofof mymy thoughtsthoughts andand heartheart,
wln 0020MadeMade my selfemyself poorepoor ofof secretssecrets; hauehave notnot leftleft
wln 0021AnotherAnother wordword vntolduntold, whichwhich hathhath notnot spokespoke
wln 0022AllAll whatwhat II euerever durstdurst, oror thinkethink, oror knowknow;
wln 0023AndAnd yetyet isis herehere thethe comfortcomfort II shallshall hauehave,
wln 0024MustMust II notnot doedo, whatwhat allall menmen elseelse maymay, louelove?
wln 0025Fry.FriarFry.YesYes. youyou maymay louelove fairefair sonneson.
wln 0026Gio.GiovanniGio.MustMust II notnot praisepraise
wln 0027ThatThat beautybeauty, whichwhich ifif fram’dframed a newanewa new, thethe godsgods
wln 0028WouldWould makemake aa godgod ofof, ifif theythey hadhad itit therethere;
wln 0029AndAnd kneelekneel toto itit, asas II doodo kneelekneel toto themthem?
img: 5-asig: B1v
’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0030Fry.FriarFry.WhyWhy foolishfoolish mad-manmadman?
wln 0031Gio.GiovanniGio.ShallShall aa peeuishpeevish soundsound,
wln 0032AA customarycustomary formeform, fromfrom manman toto manman,
wln 0033OfOf brotherbrother andand ofof sistersister, bebe aa barrebar
wln 0034TwixtTwixt mymy perpetuallperpetual happinessehappiness andand meeme?
wln 0035SaySay thatthat wewe hadhad oneone fatherfather, saysay oneone wombewomb,
wln 0036(CurseCurse toto mymy ioyesjoys) gauegave bothboth vsus lifelife, andand birthbirth;
wln 0037AreAre weewe notnot thereforetherefore eacheach toto otherother boundbound
wln 0038SoSo muchmuch thethe moremore byby NatureNature; byby thethe thethe linkslinks
wln 0039OfOf bloodblood, ofof reasonreason; NayNay ifif youyou willwill hau’thav’thau’ehave ’thave’t,
wln 0040EuenEven ofof ReligionReligion, toto bebe euerever oneone,
wln 0041OneOne soulesoul, oneone fleshflesh, oneone louelove, oneone heartheart, oneone AllAll?
wln 0042Fry.FriarFry.HaueHave donedone vnhappyunhappy youthyouth, forfor thouthou artart lostlost.
wln 0043Gio.GiovanniGio.ShallShall thenthen, (forfor thatthat II amam herher brotherbrother borneborn)
wln 0044MyMy ioyesjoys bebe euerever banishtbanished fromfrom herher bedbed?
wln 0045NoNo FatherFather; inin youryour eyeseyes II seesee thethe changechange.
wln 0046OfOf pittypity andand compassioncompassion: fromfrom youryour ageage
wln 0047AsAs fromfrom aa sacredsacred OracleOracle. distillsdistillsdistils
wln 0048TheThe lifelife ofof CounsellCounsel: telltell meeme holyholy manman,
wln 0049WhatWhat CureCure shallshall giuegive meme easeease inin thesethese extreamesextremes.
wln 0050Fry.FriarFry.RepentanceRepentance (sonneson) andand sorrowsorrow forfor thisthis sinnesin:
wln 0051ForFor thouthou hasthast mou’dmoved aa MaiestyMajesty aboueabove
wln 0052WithWith thythy vn-raungedvn-ranngedun-ranged (almostalmost) BlasphemyBlasphemy.
wln 0053Gio.GiovanniGio.OO doedo notnot speakespeak ofof thatthat (dearedear ConfessorConfessor)
wln 0054Fry,FriarFry,ArtArt thouthou (mymy sonneson) thatthat miraclemiracle ofof WitWit,
wln 0055WhoWho onceonce withinwithin thesethese threethree MonethsMoneth’sMonthsmonths wertwert esteem’desteemed
wln 0056AA wonderwonder ofof thinethine ageage, throughoutthroughout BononiaBononia?
wln 0057HowHow diddid thethe VniuersityUniversity applaudapplaud
wln 0058ThyThy GouermentGovernment, BehauiourBehaviorBehaviour, LearningLearning, SpeechSpeech,
wln 0059SweetnesseSweetness, andand allall thatthat couldcould makemake vpup aa manman?
wln 0060II waswas proudproud ofof mymy TutellageTutelagetutelage, andand chosechose
wln 0061RatherRather toto leaueleave mymy BookesBooks, thenthanthen partpart withwith theethee,
wln 0062II diddid soso: butbut thethe fruitesfruits ofof allall mymy hopeshopes
wln 0063AreAre lostlost inin theethee, asas thouthou artart inin thy selfethyself.
wln 0064OO GiouanniGiovanni: hasthast thouthou leftleft thethe SchoolesSchools
wln 0065OfOf KnowledgeKnowledge, toto conuerseconverse withwith LustLust andand DeathDeath?
wln 0066(ForFor DeathDeath waiteswaits onon thythy LustLust) lookelook throughthrough thethe WorldWorld,
img: 5-bsig: B2r
’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0067AndAnd thouthou shaltshalt seesee aa thousandthousand facesfaces shineshine
wln 0068MoreMore gloriousglorious, thenthan thisthis IdollIdol thouthou ador’stador’stadorest:
wln 0069LeaueLeave herher, andand taketake thythy choycechoice, ’tis’tis muchmuch lesseless sinnesin,
wln 0070ThoughThough inin suchsuch gamesgamosgames asas thosethose, theythey loselose thatthat winnewin.
wln 0071Gio.GiovanniGio.ItIt werewere moremore easeease toto stopstop thethe OceanOcean
wln 0072FromFrom floatesfloats andand ebbsebbs, thenthan toto disswadedissuade mymy vowesvowervows.
wln 0073Fry.FriarFry.ThenThen II hauehave donedone, andand inin thythy wilfullwilful flameflame:
wln 0074AlreadyAlready seesee thythy ruineruin; HeauenHeaven isis iustjust,
wln 0075YetYet hearehear mymy counsellcounsel.
wln 0076Gio.GiovanniGio.AsAs aa voycevoice ofof lifelife.
wln 0077Fry.FriarFry.HyeHie toto thythy FathersFather’s househouse, therethere lockelock theethee fastfast
wln 0078AloneAlone withinwithin thythy ChamberChamber, thenthen fallfall downedown
wln 0079OnOn bothboth thythy kneesknees, andand grouellgrovel onon thethe groundground:
wln 0080CryCry toto thythy heartheart, washwash eueryevery wordword thouthou vtter’stutter’stutterest
wln 0081InIn tearestears, (andand if’tif ’tif’t beebe possiblepossible) ofof bloodblood:
wln 0082BeggeBeg HeauenHeaven toto cleansecleanse thethe leprosieleprosy ofof LustLust
wln 0083ThatThat rotsrots thythy SouleSoul, acknowledgeacknowledge whatwhat thouthou artart,
wln 0084AA wretchwretch, aa wormeworm, aa nothingnothing: weepeweep, sighsigh, praypray
wln 0085ThreeThree timestimes aa dayday, andand threethree timestimes eueryevery nightnight:
wln 0086ForFor seuenseven dayesdays’ spacespace doedo thisthis, thenthen ifif thouthou find’stfind’st
wln 0087NoNo changechange inin thythy desiresdesires, returnereturn toto meme:
wln 0088I’leI’ll thinkethink onon remedyremedy, praypray forfor thy selfethyself
wln 0089AtAt homehome, whil’stwhilst II praypray forfor theethee herehere — awayaway,
wln 0090MyMy blessingblessing withwith theethee, weewe hauehave needeneed toto praypray.
wln 0091Gio.GiovanniGio.AllAll thisthis I’leI’ll doedo, toto freefree meeme fromfrom thethe rodrod
wln 0092OfOf vengeancevengeance, elseelse I’leI’ll sweareswear, mymy Fate’sFate’s mymy GodGod..,ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0093EnterEnter GrimaldiGrimaldi andand VasquesVasques readyready toto fightfight.
wln 0094Vas.VasquesVas.ComeCome sirsir, standstand toto youryour tacklingtackling, ifif youyou proueprove CrauenCraven,
wln 0095I’leI’ll makemake youyou runrun quicklyquickly.
wln 0096Gri.GrimaldiGri.ThouThou artart nono equallequal matchmatch forfor meeme.
wln 0097Vas.VasquesVas.IndeedIndeed II neuernever wentwent toto thethe warreswars toto bringbring homehome newesnews,
wln 0098nornor cannotcannot playplay thethe MountibankeMountebankmountebank forfor aa mealesmeal’s meatemeat, andand sweareswear
wln 0099II gotgot mymy woundswounds inin thethe fieldfield: seesee youyou thesethese graygraygrey haireshairs, they’lethey’ll
wln 0100notnot flinchflinch forfor aa bloodybloody nosenose, wiltwilt thouthou toto thisthis geeregear?
wln 0101Gri.GrimaldiGri.WhyWhy slaueslave, think’stthink’st thouthou I’leI’ll ballancebalance mymy reputationreputation
img: 6-asig: B2v
T’is pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0102WithWith aa Cast-suiteCast-suitcast-suit; CallCall thythy MaisterMaster, hehe shallshall knowknow thatthat II daredare —
wln 0103Vas.VasquesVas.ScoldScold likelike aa Cot-queaneCotquean (that’sthat’s youryour ProfessionProfession) thouthou poorepoor
wln 0104shaddowshadow ofof aa SouldierSoldier, II willwill makemake theethee knowknow, mymy MaisterMaster keepeskeeps
wln 0105SeruantsServants, thythy bettersbetters inin qualityquality andand performanceperformance: Com’stCom’st thouthou toto
wln 0106fightfight oror prateprate?
wln 0107Gri.GrimaldiGri.NeitherNeither withwith theethee,
wln 0108II amam aa RomaneRoman. andand aa GentlemanGentleman, oneone thatthat hauehave gotgot
wln 0109MineMine honourhonorhonour withwith expenceexpense ofof bloodblood,
wln 0110Vas.VasquesVas.YouYou areare aa lyinglying CowardCoward, andand aa foolefool, fightfight, oror byby thesethese HiltsHilts
wln 0111I’leI’ll killkill theethee — brauebrave mymy LordLord, — you’leyou’ll fightfight.
wln 0112Gri.GrimaldiGri.ProuoakeProvoke meme notnot, forfor ifif thouthou dostdost —TheyThey fightfight, Gri-Grimal.Gri|mal.GrimaldiGrimal..
hathhath thethe
wln 0113Vas.VasquesVas.HaueHave atat youyou.
wln 0114EnterEnter FlorioFlorio, DonadoDonado, SoranzoSoranzo.
wln 0115Flo.FlorioFlo.WhatWhat meanedmeaned thesethese suddensudden broylesbroils soso nearenear mymy doresdoors?
wln 0116HaueHave youyou notnot otherother placesplaces, butbut mymy househouse
wln 0117ToTo ventvent thethe spleenespleen ofosof youryour disordereddisordered bloodsbloods?
wln 0118MustMust II bebe hauntedhaunted stillstill withwith suchsuch vnrestunrest,
wln 0119AsAs notnot toto eateeat, oror sleepesleep inin peacepeace atat homehome?
wln 0120IsIs thisthis youryour louelove GrimaldiGrimaldi? FieFie, t’is’tis naughtnaught.
wln 0121Do.DonadoDo.AndAnd VasquesVasques. II maymay telltell theethee ’tis’tis notnot wellwell
wln 0122ToTo broachbroach thesethese quarrelsquarrels, youyou areare euerever forwardforward
wln 0123InIn secondingseconding contentionscontentions.
wln 0124EnterEnter aboueabove AnnabellaAnnabella andand PutanaPutana.
wln 0125Flo.FlorioFlo.What’sWhat’s thethe groundground?
wln 0126Sor.SoranzoSor.ThatThat withwith youryour patiencepatience SignioreSigniore, I’leI’ll resolueresolve
wln 0127ThisThis GentlemanGentleman, whomwhom famesamefame reportsreports aa souldiersoldier,
wln 0128(ForFor elseelse II knowknow notnot) riualsrivals meeme inin louelove
wln 0129ToTo SigniorSignior Florio’sFlorio’s DaughterDaughter; toto whosewhose earesears
wln 0130HeHe stillstill preferrsprefers hishis suitesuit toto mymy disgracedisgrace,
wln 0131ThinkingThinking thethe wayway toto recommendrecommend himselfehimself,
wln 0132IsIs toto disparagedisparage meme inin hishis reportreport:
wln 0133ButBut knowknow GrimaldiGrimaldi, thoughthough (maymay bebe) thouthou artart
wln 0134MyMy equallequal inin thythy bloodblood, yetyet thisthis bewrayesbetrays
wln 0135AA lownesselowness inin thythy mindemind; whichwhich wer’twere ’twere’t thouthou NobleNoble
wln 0136ThouThou would’stwouldwouldwould’st itit asas muchmuch disdainedisdain, asas II doedo theethee
wln 0137ForFor thisthis vnworthinesseunworthiness; andand onon thisthis groundground
wln 0138II will’dwilled mymy SeruantServant toto correctdorrestcorrect thisthis tonguetongue,
img: 6-bsig: B3r
T’is pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0139HoldingHolding aa manman, soso basebase, nono matchmatch forfor meme.
wln 0140Vas.VasquesVas.AndAnd hadhad youryour suddanesudda nesudden commingcoming preventedprevented vsus, II hadhad letlet
wln 0141mymy GentlemanGentleman bloodblood vnderunder thethe gillesgills; II shouldshould hauehave worm’dwormed
wln 0142youyou SirSir, forfor runningrunning maddemad.
wln 0143Gri.GrimaldiGri.IleI’ll bebe reueng’drevenged SoranzoSoranzo.
wln 0144VasVasquesVasOnOn aa dishdish ofof warme-brothwarm-broth toto staystay youryour stomackstomach, doedo
wln 0145honesthonest InnocenceInnocence, doedo; spone-meatspoon-meat isis aa wholesomerwholesomer dyetdiet thenthan
wln 0146aa spannishSpanish bladeblade.
wln 0147Gri.GrimaldiGri.rememberremember thisthis.
wln 0148Sor.SoranzoSor.II fearefear theethee notnot GrimaldiGrimaldi.Ex.ExitEx. Gri:GrimaldiGri::
wln 0149Flo.FlorioFlo.MyMy LordLord SoranzoSoranzo, thisthis isis strangestrange toto meme,
wln 0150WhyWhy youyou shouldshould stormestorm, hauinghaving mymy wordword engag’dengaged:
wln 0151OwingOwing herher heartheart, whatwhat needeneed youyou doubtdoubt herher eareear?
wln 0152LoosersLosersLosers’ maymay talketalk byby lawlaw ofof anyany gamegame.
wln 0153Vas.VasquesVas.YetYet thethe villainevillain ofof wordswords, signiorsignior FlorioFlorio maymay bebe suchsuch,
wln 0154AsAs wouldwould makemake anyany vnspleen’dunspleened DoueDove, ChollerickCholeric,
wln 0155BlameBlame notnot mymy LordLord inin thisthis.
wln 0156Flo.FlorioFlo.BeBe youyou moremore silentsilent,
wln 0157II wouldwould notnot forfor mymy wealthwealth, mymy daughtersdaughter’s louelove
wln 0158ShouldShould causecause thethe spillingspilling ofof oneone dropdrop ofof bloodblood.
wln 0159VasquesVasques putput vpup, let’slet’s endend thisthis frayfray inin winewine.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0160PutanaPutanaHowHow likelike youyou thisthis childchild? here’shere’s threatningthreat’ningthreatening challeng-challengingchalleng|ingchallenging
wln 0161ing,
wln 0161quarrellingquarrelingquarrelling, andand fightingfighting, onon eueryevery sideside, andand allall isis forfor youryour
wln 0162sakesake; youyou hadhad needeneed lookelook toto your selfeyourself (ChardgeCharge) you’leyou’ll bebe
wln 0163stolnestolen awayaway sleepingsleeping elseelse shortlyshortly.
wln 0164AnnabellaAnnabella:ButBut (TutresseTutresstutoress) suchsuch aa lifelife, giuesgives nono contentcontent
wln 0165ToTo meme, mymy thoughtsthoughts areare fixtfixed onon otherother endsends;
wln 0166WouldWould youyou wouldwould leaueleave meme.
wln 0167Put.PutanaPut.LeaueLeave youyou? nono maruailemarvel elseelse; leaueleave meme, nono leauingleaving (ChardgeCharge)
wln 0168ThisThis isis louelove outrightoutright, IndeedeIndeed II blameblame youyou notnot, youyou hauehave
wln 0169ChoyceChoice fitfit forfor thethe bestbest LadyLady inin ItalyItaly.
wln 0170Anna.AnnabellaAnna.PrayPray doedo notnot talketalk soso muchmuch.
wln 0171Put.PutanaPut.TakeTake thethe worstworst withwith thethe bestbest, there’sthere’s GrimaldiGrimaldi thethe
wln 0172souldiersoldier aa veryvery well-timbredwell-timbered fellowfellow: theythey saysay hehe isis aa RomanRoman,
wln 0173NephewNephew toto thethe DukeDuke Mount FerrattoMontferratoMount Ferratto, theythey saysay hehe diddid goodgood ser-serviceser|viceservice
wln 0174vice
wln 0174inin thethe warrswars againstagainst thethe MillanoysMilaneseMillanoys, butbut faithfaith (ChardgeCharge) II doedo
wln 0175notnot likelike himhim, andand bebe forfor nothingnothing, butbut forfor beingbeing aa souldiersoldier; oneone a-amongsta|mongstamongst
img: 7-asig: B3v
’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0176mongst
wln 0176twentytwenty ofof youryour skirmishingskirmishing CaptainesCaptains, butbut hauehave somesome
wln 0177pryuieprivy maymemaymaimmaymeme oror otherother, thatthat marresmars theirtheir standingstanding vprightupright, II likelike
wln 0178himhim thethe worseworse, heehe crincklescrinkles soso muchmuch inin thethe hamshams; thoughthough heehe
wln 0179mightmight serueserve, ifif theirtheretheir werewere nono moremore menmen, yetyet hee’she’s notnot thethe manman II
wln 0180wouldwould choosechoose.
wln 0181Anna.AnnabellaAnna.FyeFie howhow thouthou prat’stprat’stpratest.
wln 0182Put.PutanaPut.AsAs II amam aa veryvery womanwoman, II likelike SigniourSigniorsignior SoranzoSoranzo, wellwell;
wln 0183heehe isis wisewise, andand whatwhat isis moremore, richrich; andand whatwhat isis moremore thenthan thatthat,
wln 0184kindkind, andand whatwhat isis moremore thenthan allall thisthis, aa Noble-manNobleman; suchsuch aa oneone werewere
wln 0185II thethe fairefair AnnabellaAnnabella, my selfemyself, II wouldwould wishwish andand praypray forfor: thenthenthan
wln 0186heehe isis bountifullbountiful; besidebeside heehe isis handsomehandsome, andand, byby mymy trothtroth, II
wln 0187thinkethink wholsomewholesome: (andand that’sthat’s newesnews inin aa gallantgallant ofof threethree andand
wln 0188twentytwenty.) liberallliberal thatthat II knowknow: louingloving, thatthat youyou knowknow; andand aa manman
wln 0189suresure, elseelse heehe couldcould neuernever ha’ha’ purchastpurchased suchsuch aa goodgood namename, withwith
wln 0190HippolitaHippolita thethe lustielusty WiddowWidow inin herher husbandshusband’s life timelifetimelife time: AndAnd
wln 0191t’were’twere butbut forfor thatthat reportreport (sweetsweet heartheart) would’awould ’awould’a werewere thinethine:
wln 0192CommendCommend aa manman forfor hishis qualitiesqualities, butbut taketake aa husbandhusband asas hehe isis aa
wln 0193plaine-sufficientplain-sufficient, nakednaked manman: suchsuch aa oneone isis forfor youryour bedbed, andand suchsuch
wln 0194aa oneone isis SigniorSignior SoranzoSoranzo mymy lifelife for’tfor ’tfor’t.
wln 0195Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SureSure thethe womanwoman tooketook herher morningsmorning’s DraughtDraught totooto soonesoon.
wln 0196EnterEnter BegettoBegetto andand PoggioPoggio.
wln 0197Put.PutanaPut.ButBut lookelook (sweetsweet heartheart,) lookelook whatwhat thingething comescomes nownow:
wln 0198Here’sHere’s anotheranother ofof youryour cyphersciphers toto fillfill vpup thethe numbernumber:
wln 0199OhOhO brauebrave oldold ApeApe inin aa silkensilken CoateCoat, obserueobserve.
wln 0200Ber.BergettoBer.Did’stDidst thouthou thinkethink PoggioPoggio, thatthat II wouldwould spoylespoil mymy
wln 0201NewNew cloathesclothes, andand leaueleave mymy dinnerdinner toto fightfight.
wln 0202Pog.PoggioPog.NoNo SirSir, II diddid notnot taketake youyou forfor soso arrantarrant aa babiebaby.
wln 0203Ber.BergettoBer.II amam wyserwiser thenthan soso: forfor II hopehope PoggioPoggio. thouthou
wln 0204NeuerNever heard’stheard’st ofof anan elderelder brotherbrother, thatthat waswas aa CoxcombCoxcomb,
wln 0205Did’stDidst PoggioPoggio?
wln 0206Pog.PoggioPog.NeuerNever indeedeindeed SirSir, asas longlong asas theythey hadhad eithereither landland oror
wln 0207monymoney leftleft themthem toto inheritinhe ritinherit.
wln 0208Ber.BergettoBer.IsIs itit possiblepossible PoggioPoggio? ohoho monstruousmonstruous! whywhy IleI’ll vnder-vndertakevnder|takeundertake
wln 0209take,
wln 0209withwith aa handfullhandful ofof siluersilver, toto buybuy aa headfullheadful ofof witwit atat anyany
wln 0210tymetime, butbut sirrahsirrah, II hauehave anotheranother purchasepurchase inin handhand, II shallshall hauehave
wln 0211thethe wenchwench mynemine vnckleuncle sayessays, II willwill butbut washwash mymy faceface, andand
wln 0212shiftshift sockssocks, andand thenthen hauehave atat herher yfaithi’ faithi’faith —
img: 7-bsig: B4r
’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0213MarkeMark mymy pacepace PoggioPoggio.
wln 0214Pog.PoggioPog.SirSir II hauehave seeneseen anan. AsseAss, andand aa MuleMule trottrot thethe SpannishSpanish
wln 0215pauin●auinpavin withwith aa betterbetter gracegrace, II knowknow notnot howhow oftenoften.
wln 0216ExeuntExeunt
wln 0217Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ThisThis IdeotIdiot hauntshaunts meme tootoo.
wln 0218Put.PutanaPut.IAyay, IAyay, hehe needesneeds nono discriptiondescription, thethe richrich MagnificoMagnifico, thatthat isis
wln 0219belowbelow withwith youryour FatherFather (ChardgeCharge) SigniorSignior DonadoDonado hishis VnckleUncle;
wln 0220forfor thatthat hehe meanesmeans toto makemake thisthis hishis CozenCousincousin aa goldengolden calfecalf, thinkesthinks
wln 0221thatthat youyou wilwill bebe aa rightright IsraliteIsraelite, andand fallfall downedown toto himhim presentlypresently:
wln 0222butbut II hopehope II hauehave tuterdtutored youyou betterbetter: theythey saysay aa foolesfool’s bablebabble isis aa
wln 0223LadiesLady’slady’s playfellowplay fellowplay fellowplayfellow: yetyet youyou hauinghaving wealthwealth enoughenough, youyou needeneed notnot
wln 0224castcast vponupon thethe dearthdearth ofof fleshflesh atat anyany raterate: hanghang himhim InnocentInnocent.
wln 0225EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni.
wln 0226Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ButBut seesee PutanaPutana, seesee: whatwhat blessedblessed shapeshape
wln 0227OfOf somesome cælestiallcaelestiallcelestial CreatureCreature nownow appearesappears?
wln 0228WhatWhat manman isis heehe, thatthat withwith suchsuch sadsad aspectaspect
wln 0229WalkesWalks carelessecarelestscareless ofosof him selfehimself?
wln 0230Put.PutanaPut.WhereWhere??
wln 0231Anna.AnnabellaAnna.LookeLook belowbelow.
wln 0232Put,PutanaPut,OhOhO, ’tis’tis youryour brotherbrother sweetsweet —
wln 0233Anna.AnnabellaAnna.HaHa!Ha!Ha!!
wln 0234Put.PutanaPut.’Tis’Tis youryour brotherbrother.
wln 0235Anna,AnnabellaAnna,SureSure ’tis’tis notnot heehe, thisthis isis somesome woefullwoeful thingething
wln 0236WraptWrapped vpup inin griefegrief, somesome shaddowshadow ofof aa manman.
wln 0237AlasAlas heehe beatsbeats hishis brestbreast, andand wipeswipes hishis eyeseyes
wln 0238Drown’dDrowned allall inin tearestears: me thinkesmethinks II hearehear himhim sighsigh.
wln 0239LetsLets downedown PutanaPutana,,? andand pertakepartake thethe causecause,
wln 0240II knowknow mymy BrotherBrother inin thethe LoueLove hehe bearesbears meme,
wln 0241WillWill notnot denyedeny meme partagepartage inin hishis sadnessesadness,
wln 0242MyMy soulesoul isis fullfull ofof heauinesseheaviness andand fearefear.ExitExit.
wln 0243Gio.GiovanniGio.LostLost, II amam lostlost: mymy fatesfates hauehave doom’ddoomed mymy deathdeath:
wln 0244TheThe moremore II striuestrive, II louelove, thethe moremore II louelove,
wln 0245TheThe lesseless II hopehope: II seesee mymy ruineruin, certainecertain.
wln 0246WhatWhat IudgementJudgementjudgement, oror endeuorsendeavorsendeavours couldcould applyapply
wln 0247ToTo mymy incurableincurable andand restlesserestless woundswounds,
wln 0248II throughlythoroughly hauehave examin’dexamined, butbut inin vainevain:
wln 0249OOOh thatthat itit werewere notnot inin ReligionReligion sinnesin,
img: 8-asig: B4v
T’is pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0250ToTo makemake ourour louelove aa GodGod, andand worshipworship itit.
wln 0251II hauehave eueneven weariedwearied heauenheaven withwith prayersprayers, dryeddried vpup
wln 0252TheThe springspring ofof mymy continuallcontinual tearestears, eueneven steru’dstarved
wln 0253MyMy veinesveins withwith daylydaily fastsfasts: whatwhat witwit oror ArtArt
wln 0254CouldCould CounsaileCounsel, II hauehave practiz’dpracticedpractised; butbut alasalas
wln 0255II findfind allall thesethese butbut dreamesdreams, andand oldold mensmen’s talestales
wln 0256ToTo fright●●ightfright vnsteedyunsteady youthyouth; I’meI’m stillstill thethe samesame,
wln 0257OrOr II mustmust speakespeak, oror burstburst; tis’tis notnot II knowknow,
wln 0258MyMy lustlust; butbut tis’tis mymy farefare thatthat leadsleads meme onon.
wln 0259KeepeKeep fearefear andand lowlow faint heartedfaint-heartedfaint hearted shameshame withwith slauesslaves,
wln 0260IleI’ll telltell herher, thatthat II louelove herher, thoughthough mymy heartheart
wln 0261WereWere ratedrated atat thethe priceprice ofof thatthat attemptattempt.
wln 0262OhOhO meme! sheshe comescomes.
wln 0263EnterEnter Anna.AnnabellaAnna. andand PutanaPutana.
wln 0264Anna.AnnabellaAnna.BrotherBrother.
wln 0265Gio.GiovanniGio.IfIf suchsuch aa thingthing
wln 0266AsAs CourageCourage dwelldwell inin menmen, (yeeye heauenlyheavenly powerspowers)
wln 0267NowNow doubledouble allall thatthat vertuevirtue inin mymy tonguetongue.
wln 0268Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhyWhy BrotherBrother, willwill youyou notnot speakespeak toto meme?
wln 0269Gio.GiovanniGio.YesYes; howhow d’eed’eed’ye SisterSister?
wln 0270Anna.AnnabellaAnna.HowsoeuerHowsoever II amam, me thinksmethinks youyou areare notnot wellwell.
wln 0271Put.PutanaPut.BlesseBless vsus whywhy areare youyou soso sadsad SirSir.
wln 0272Gio.GiovanniGio.LetLet meme intreatentreat youyou leaueleave vsus aa whilewhile, PutanaPutana,
wln 0273SisterSister, II wouldwould bebe pryuateprivate withwith youyou.
wln 0274Anna.AnnabellaAnna.With-draweWithdraw PutanaPutana.
wln 0275Put.PutanaPut.II willwill,
wln 0276IfIf thisthis werewere anyany otherother CompanyCompany forfor herher, II shouldshould thinkethink mymy ab-absenceab|senceabsence
wln 0277sence
wln 0277anan officeoffice ofof somesome creditcredit; butbut II willwill leaueleave themthem togethertogether.
wln 0278ExitExit PutanaPutana:
wln 0279Gio.GiovanniGio.ComeCome SisterSister lendlend youryour handhand, let’slet’s walkewalk togethertogether.
wln 0280II hopehope youyou needeneed notnot blushblush toto walkewalk withwith meeme,
wln 0281Here’sHere’s nonenone butbut youyou andand II.
wln 0282Anna.AnnabellaAnna.How’sHow’s thisthis?
wln 0283Gio.GiovanniGio.FaithFaith II meanemean nono harmeharm.
wln 0284Anna.AnnabellaAnna.HarmeHarm?
wln 0285Gio.GiovanniGio.NoNo goodgood faithfaith; howhow istis ’tis’t with’eewith ’eewi’thee?
wln 0286Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II trusttrust heehe bebe notnot frantickefrantic—
img: 8-bsig: C1r
’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore,
wln 0287II amam veryvery wellwell brotherbrother.
wln 0288Gio.GiovanniGio.TrustTrust meme butbut II amam sickesick, II fearefear soso sicksick,
wln 0289’Twill’Twill costcost mymy lifelife.
wln 0290Anna.AnnabellaAnna.MercyMercy forbidforbid itit: ’tis’tis notnot soso II hopehope.
wln 0291Gio.GiovanniGio.II thinkethink youyou louelove meme SisterSister.
wln 0292Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YesYes youyou knowknow, II doedo.
wln 0293Gio.GiovanniGio.II know’tknow ’tknow’t indeedindeed — y’arey’ areyou’re veryvery fairefair.
wln 0294Anna.AnnabellaAnna.NayNay thenthen II seesee youyou hauehave aa merrymerry sicknessesickness,
wln 0295Gio.GiovanniGio.That’sThat’s asas itit prouesproves: theythey PoetsPoets faignefeign (II readread)
wln 0296ThatThat IunoJunojuno forfor herher foreheadforehead diddid exceedeexceed
wln 0297AllAll otherother goddessesgoddesses: butbut II durstdurst sweareswear,
wln 0298YourYour foreheadforehead exceedsexceeds hershers, asas hershers diddid theirstheirs.
wln 0299Anna.AnnabellaAnna.TrothTroth thisthis isis prettypretty.
wln 0300Gio.GiovanniGio.SuchSuch aa pairepair ofof starresstars.
wln 0301AsAs areare thinethine eyeseyes, wouldwould (likelike PrometheanPromethean firefire.)
wln 0302(IfIf gentlygently glaun’stglanced) giuegive lifelife toto senselessesenseless stonesstones.
wln 0303Anna.AnnabellaAnna.FieFie vpon’eeupon ’eeupon’ee,
wln 0304Gio.GiovanniGio.TheThe LillyLily andand thethe RoseRose mostmost sweetlysweetly straingestrangestraying
wln 0305VponUpon youryour dimpleddimpled CheekesCheeks doedo striuestrive forfor changechange.
wln 0306SuchSuch lippeslips wouldwould tempttempt aa SaintSaint; suchsuch handshands asas thosethose
wln 0307WouldWould makemake anan AnchoretAnchoret LasciuiousLascivious.
wln 0308Anna.AnnabellaAnna.D’eeD’eed’ye mockmock meeme’, oror flatterflatter meeme,
wln 0309Gio.GiovanniGio.IfIf youyou wouldwould seesee aa beautybeauty moremore exactexact
wln 0310ThenThan ArtArt cancan countercounter fitfit, oror naturenature frameframe,
wln 0311LookeLook inin youryour glasseglass, andand therethere beholdbehold youryourowneyour owneown.
wln 0312Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OO youyou areare aa trimetrim youthyouth.
wln 0313Gio.GiovanniGio.HereHere.OffersOffers hishis DaggerDagger toto herher.
wln 0314Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhatWhat toto doedo.
wln 0315Gio.GiovanniGio.AndAnd here’shere’s mymy breastbreast, strickstrike homehome.
wln 0316RipRip vpup mymy bosomebosom, therethere thouthou shaltshalt beholdbehold
wln 0317AA heartheart, inin whichwhich isis writwrit thethe truthtruth II speakespeak.
wln 0318WhyWhy stand’eestand ’ee?Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AreAre youyou earnestearnest?
wln 0319Gio.GiovanniGio.YesYes mostmost earnestearnest.
wln 0320YouYou cannotcannot louelove?Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhomWhom??.
wln 0321Gio.GiovanniGio.MeMe, mymy tortur’dtortured soulesoul
wln 0322HathHath feltfelt afflictionaffliction inin thethe heateheat ofof DeathDeath.
wln 0323OO AnnabellaAnnabella II amam quitequite vndoneundone,
img: 9-asig: C1v
’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0324TheThe louelove ofof theethee (mymy sistersister) andand thethe viewview
wln 0325OfOf thythy immortallimmortal beautybeauty hathhath vntun’duntuned
wln 0326AllAll harmonyharmony bothboth ofof mymy restrest andand lifelife,
wln 0327WhyWhy d’eed’eed’ye notnot strikestrike?
wln 0328Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ForbidForbid itit mymy iustjust fearesfears,
wln 0329IfIf thisthis bebe truetrue, ’twere’twere fitterfitter II werewere deaddead.
wln 0330Gio.GiovanniGio.TrueTrue AnnabellaAnnabella; ’tis’tis nono timetime toto iestjest,
wln 0331II hauehave tootoo longlong supprestsuppressed thethe hiddenhidden flamesflames
wln 0332ThatThat almostalmost hauehave consum’dconsumed meme; II hauehave spentspent
wln 0333ManyMany aa silentsilent nightnight inin sighessighs andand groanesgroans,
wln 0334RanRan ouerover allall mymy thoughtsthoughts, despis’ddespised mymy FateFate,
wln 0335Reason’dReasoned againstagainst thethe reasonsreasons ofof mymy louelove,
wln 0336DoneDone allall thatthat smooth’d-cheekesmoothed-cheeksmooth-cheeked VertueVirtue couldcould aduiseadvise,
wln 0337ButBut foundfound allall bootelessebootless; ’tis’tis mymy destinydestiny,
wln 0338ThatThat youyou mustmust eythereither louelove, oror II mustmust dyedie.
wln 0339Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ComesComes thisthis inin sadnessesadness fromfrom youyou?
wln 0340Gio,GioGiovanniGio,LetLet somesome mischiefemischief
wln 0341BefallBefall meme soonesoon, ifif II dissembledissemble oughtaught.
wln 0342Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou areare mymy brotherbrother GiouanniGiovanni.
wln 0343Gio.GiovanniGio.YouYou,
wln 0344MyMy SisterSister AnnabellaAnnabella; II knowknow thisthis:
wln 0345AndAnd couldcould affordafford youyou instanceinstance whywhy toto louelove
wln 0346SoSo muchmuch thethe moremore forfor thisthis; toto whichwhich intentintent
wln 0347WiseWise NatureNature firstfirst inin youryour CreationCreation mentmeant
wln 0348ToTo makemake youyou minemine: else’telse ’telse’t hadhad beenebeen sinnesin andand foulefoul,
wln 0349ToTo shareshare oneone beautybeauty toto aa doubledouble soulesoul.
wln 0350NeerenesseNearness inin birthbirth oror bloodblood, dothdoth butbut perswadepersuade
wln 0351AA neerernearer neerenessenearness inin affectionaffection.
wln 0352II hauehave asktasked CounsellCounsel ofof thethe holyholy ChurchChurch,
wln 0353WhoWho tellstells meeme II maymay louelove youyou, andand ’tis’tis iustjust,
wln 0354ThatThat sincesince II maymay, II shouldshould; andand willwill, yesyes willwill:
wln 0355MustMust II nownow liuelive, oror dyedie?
wln 0356Anna.AnnabellaAnna.LiueLive, thouthou hasthast wonnewon
wln 0357TheThe fieldfield, andand neuernever foughtfought; whatwhat thouthou hasthast vrg’durged,
wln 0358MyMy captiuecaptive heartheart hadhad longlong agoeago resolu’dresolved.
wln 0359II blushblush toto telltell theethee, (butbut I’leI’ll telltell theethee nownow)
wln 0360ForFor eueryevery sighsigh thatthat thouthou hasthast spentspent forfor meme,
img: 9-bsig: C2r
’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0361II hauehave sigh’dsighed tenten; forfor eueryevery tearetear shedshed twentytwenty:
wln 0362AndAnd notnot soso muchmuch forfor thatthat II lou’dloved, asas thatthat
wln 0363II durstdurst notnot saysay II lou’dloved; noruornor scarcelyscarcely thinkethink itit.
wln 0364Gio.GiovanniGio.LetLet notnot thisthis MusickeMusic bebe aa dreamedream (yeeye godsgods)
wln 0365ForFor pittie’s-sakepity’s sakepity-sake II begge’eebeg ’ee.
wln 0366Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OnOn mymy kneesknees,SheeShe kneeleskneels.
wln 0367BrotherBrother, eueneven byby ourour MothersMother’s dustdust, II chargecharge youyou,
wln 0368DoeDo notnot betraybetray meeme toto youryour mirthmirth oror hatehate,
wln 0369LoueLove meeme, oror killkill meme BrotherBrother.
wln 0370Gio.GiovanniGio.OnOn mymy kneesknees,HeHe kneeleskneels.
wln 0371SisterSister, eueneven byby mymy MothersMother’s dustdust II chargecharge youyou,
wln 0372DoeDo notnot betraybetray meeme toto youryour mirthmirth oror hatehate,
wln 0373LoueLove meeme, oror killkill meeme SisterSister.
wln 0374Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou meanemean goodgood soothsooth thenthen?
wln 0375Gio.GiovanniGio.InIn goodgood trothtroth II doedo,
wln 0376AndAnd soso doedo youyou II hopehope: saysay, I’mI’m inin earnestearnest:
wln 0377Anna.AnnabellaAnna.I’leI’ll swear’tswear ’tswear’t andand II.
wln 0378Gio.GiovanniGio.AndAnd II, andand byby thisthis kissekiss,KissesKisses herher.
wln 0379(OnceOnce moremore, yetyet onceonce moremore, nownow let’slet’s riserise, byby thisthis)
wln 0380II wouldwould notnot changechange thisthis minuteminute forfor ElyziumElysium,
wln 0381WhatWhat mustmust wewe nownow doedo?
wln 0382Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhatWhat youyou willwill.Gio.GiovanniGio.ComeCome thenthen,
wln 0383AfterAfter soso manymany tearestears asas weewe hauehave weptwept,
wln 0384Let’sLet’s learnelearn toto courtcourt inin smilessmiles, toto kissekiss andand sleepesleep.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0385EnterEnter FlorioFlorio andand DonadoDonado.
wln 0386Flo.Elo.FlorioElo.SigniorSignior DonadoDonado, youyou hauehave saydsaid enoughenough,
wln 0387II vnderstandunderstand youyou, butbut wouldwould hauehave youyou knowknow,
wln 0388II willwill notnot forceforce mymy DaughterDaughter ’gainst’gainst herher willwill.
wln 0389YouYou seesee II hauehave butbut twotwo, aa SonneSon andand HerHer;
wln 0390AndAnd heehe isis soso deuoteddevoted toto hishis BookeBook,
wln 0391AsAs II mustmust telltell youyou truetrue, II doubtdoubt hishis healthhealth:
wln 0392ShouldShould hehe miscarrymiscarry, allall mymy hopeshopes relyrely
wln 0393VponUpon mymy GirleGirl; asas forfor worldlyworldly FortuneFortune,
wln 0394II amam II thankethank mymy StarresStars, blestblestblessed withwith enoughenough:
wln 0395MyMy CareCare isis howhow toto matchmatch herher toto herher likingliking,
wln 0396II wouldwould notnot hauehave herher marrymarry WealthWealth, butbut LoueLove,
wln 0397AndAnd ifif sheshe likelike youryour NephewNephew, letlet himhim hauehave herher,
img: 10-asig: C2v
’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0398Here’sHere’s allall thatthat II cancan saysay.
wln 0399Do.DonadoDo.SirSir youyou saysay wellwell,
wln 0400LikeLike aa truetrue fatherfather, andand forfor mymy partpart, II
wln 0401IfIf thethe youngyoung folkesfolks cancan likelike, (twixt’twixttwixt youyou andand meme’me)
wln 0402WillWill promisepromise toto assureassure mymy NephewNephew presentlypresently,
wln 0403ThreeThree thousandthousand FlorrensFlorinsflorins yeerelyyearly duringduring lifelife,
wln 0404AndAnd afterafter II amam deaddead, mymy wholewhole estateestate.
wln 0405Flo.FlorioFlo.’Tis’Tis aa fairefair profferproffer sirsir, meane timemeanemeantimemeantimetime youryour NephewNephew
wln 0406ShallShall hauehave freefree passagepassage toto commencecommence hishis suitesuit;
wln 0407IfIf heehe cancan thriuethrive, heehe shallshall hauehave mymy consentconsent,
wln 0408SoSo forfor thisthis timetime I’leI’ll leaueleave youyou SigniorSignior.ExitExit.
wln 0409Do.DonadoDo.WellWell,
wln 0410Here’sHere’s hopehope yetyet, ifif mymy NephewNephew wouldwould hauehave witwit,
wln 0411ButBut heehe isis suchsuch anotheranother DunceDunce, II fearefear
wln 0412Hee’leHe’ll neuernever winnewin thethe WenchWench; whenwhen II waswas youngyoung
wln 0413II couldcould hauehave done’tdone ’tdone’t yfaithy faithi’ faithi’faith, andand soso shallshall heehe
wln 0414IfIf heehe willwill learnelearn ofof meeme; andand inin goodgood timetime
wln 0415HeeHe comescomes himselfehimself.
wln 0416EnterEnter BergettoBergetto andand PoggioPoggio.
wln 0417Pog.PoggioPog.HowHow nownow BergettoBergetto, whetherwhitherwhether awayaway soso fastfast?
wln 0418Ber.BergettoBer.OhOhO VnkleUncle, II hauehave heardheard thethe strangeststrangest newesnews thatthat euerever
wln 0419camecame outout ofof thethe MyntMynrMint, hauehave II notnot PoggioPoggio.
wln 0420Pog.PoggioPog.YesYes indeedeindeed SirSir.Do.DonadoDo.WhatWhat newesnews BergettoBergetto?
wln 0421Ber.BergettoBer.WhyWhy lookelook yeeye VnkleUncle? mymy BarberBarber toldtold meme iustjust nownow
wln 0422thatthat therethere isis aa fellowfellow comecome toto TowneTown, whowho vndertakesundertakes toto makemake
wln 0423aa MillMill goego withoutwithout thethe mortallmortal helpehelp ofof anyany waterwater oror windewind,
wln 0424onelyonly withwith Sand-bagsSandbags: andand thisthis fellowfellow hathhath aa strangestrange HorseHorse, aa
wln 0425mostmost excellentexcellent beastbeast, I’leI’ll assureassure youyou VnkleUncle, (mymy BarberBarber sayessays)
wln 0426whosewhose headhead toto thethe wonderwonder ofof allall ChristianChristian peoplepeople, standsstands iustjust be-behindbe|hindbehind
wln 0427hind
wln 0427wherewhere hishis tayletail isis, is’tis ’tis’t notnornornot truetrue PoggioPoggio?
wln 0428Pog.PoggioPog.SoSo thethe BarberBarber sworeswore forfor soothsooth.
wln 0429Do.DonadoDo.AndAnd youyou areare runningrunning hitherhither?Ber.BergettoBer.IAyI forsoothforsooth VnkleVakleUncle.
wln 0430Do.DonadoDo.WiltWilt thouthou bebe aa FooleFool stilstill? comecome sirsir, youyou shallshall notnot goego,
wln 0431youyou hauehave moremore mindmind ofof aa Puppet-playPuppet-play, thenthen onon thethe businessebusiness II
wln 0432toldtold y’eeye: whywhy thouthou greatgreat BabyBaby, wu’twu’twilt neuernever hauehave witwit, wu’twu’twilt
wln 0433makemake thy selfethyself aa May-gameMay-game toto allall thethe worldworld?
wln 0434Pog.PoggioPog.AnswereAnswer forfor your selfeyourself MaisterMaster.
img: 10-bsig: C3r
’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0435Ber.BergettoBer.WhyWhy VnkleUncle, shu’dshould II sitsit atat homehome stillstill, andand notnot goego abroadabroad
wln 0436toto seesee fashionsfashions likelike otherother gallantsgallants?
wln 0437Do.DonadoDo.ToTo seesee hobby-horseshobby-horses: whatwhat wisewise talketalk II praypray hadhad youyou
wln 0438withwith AnnabellaAnnabella, whenwhen youyou werewere atat SigniorSignior Florio’sFlorio’s househouse?
wln 0439Ber.BergettoBer.OhOhO thethe wenchwench: vdsuds sa’mesa’ mesa’ me, VnkleUncle; II tickledtickled herher withwith aa
wln 0440rarerare speechspeech, thatthat II mademade herher almostalmost burstburst herher bellybelly withwith laugh-laughinglaugh|ing
wln 0441inglaughing.
wln 0442Do.DonadoDo.NayNay II thinkethink soso, andand whatwhat speechspeech was’twas’t?
wln 0443Ber.BergettoBer.WhatWhat diddid II saysay PoggioPoggio?
wln 0444Pog.PoggioPog.forsoothForFotForforsooth soothsooth mymy MaisterMaster saidsaid, thatthat heehe louedloved herher almostalmost as-aswellas|wellas well
wln 0445well
wln 0445asas heehe louedloved ParmasentParmasent, andand sworeswore (I’leI’ll bebe swornesworn forfor himhim).
wln 0446thatthat sheeshe wantedwanted butbut suchsuch aa NoseNose asas hishis waswas, toto bebe asas prettypretty aa
wln 0447youngyoung woemanwoman, asas anyany waswas inin ParmaParma.Do.DonadoDo.OhOhO grosegross!
wln 0448Ber.BergettoBer.NayNay VnkleUncle, thenthen sheesh●eshe ask’tasked meeme, whetherwhether mymy FatherFather hadhad
wln 0449anyany moremore childrenchildren thenthan my selfemyself: andand II saydsaid nono, ’twere’twere betterbetter
wln 0450heehe shouldshould hauehave hadhad hishis braynesbrains knocktknocked outout firstfirst.
wln 0451Do.DonadoDo.ThisThis isis intolerableintolerable.
wln 0452Ber.BergettoBer.ThenThen saydsaid sheeshe, willwill SigniorSignior DonadoDonado youryour VnkleUncle leaueleave
wln 0453youyou allall hishis wealthwealth?
wln 0454Do.DonadoDo.Ha!Ha! thatthat waswas goodgood, diddid sheshe harpeharp vponupon thatthat stringstring?
wln 0455Ber.BergettoBer.DidDid sheshe harpeharp vponupon thatthat stringstring, IayI thatthat sheshe diddid: II answe-answeredanswe|redanswered
wln 0456red,
wln 0456leaueleave meme allall hishis wealthwealth? whywhy woemanwoman, heehe hathhath nono otherother
wln 0457witwit, ifif heehe hadhad, hehe shouldshould hearehear on’ton ’ton’t toto hishis euerlastingeuereverlastingeverlastinglasting gloryglory andand
wln 0458confusionconfusion: II knowknow (quothquoth II) II amam hishis whitewhite boyboy, andand willwill notnot
wln 0459bebe guldgulled: andand withwith thatthat sheshe fellfell intointo aa greatgreat smilesmile, andand wentwent awayaway.
wln 0460NayNay II diddid fitfit herher.
wln 0461Do.DonadoDo.AhAh sirrahsirrah, thenthen II seesee therethere isis nono changingchanging ofof naturenature,
wln 0462WellWell BergettoB●rgettoBergetto, II fearefear thouthou wiltwilt bebe aa veryvery AsseAss stillstill.
wln 0463Ber.BergettoBer.II shouldshould bebe sorrysorry forfor thatthat VnkleUncle.
wln 0464Do.DonadoDo.ComeCome, comecome youyou homehome withwith meme, sincesince youyou areare nono betterbetter
wln 0465aa speakerspeaker, I’leI’ll hauehave youyou writewr●tewrite toto herher afterafter somesome courtlycourtly mannermanner,
wln 0466andand inclose●closeenclose somesome richrich IewellI ewellJewel inin thethe LetterLetter.
wln 0467Ber.BergettoBer.IAyI marrymarry, thatthat willwill bebe excellentexcellent.
wln 0468Do.DonadoDo.PeacePeace innocent●nnocentinnocent,
wln 0469OnceOnce inin mymy timetime I’leI’ll setset mymy witswits toto schooleschool,
wln 0470IfIf allall failefail, ’tis’tis butbut thethe fortunefortune ofof aa foolefool.
wln 0471Ber.Be●.Ber.PoggioPoggio, ’twill’twill doedo PoggioPoggio.ExeuntExcuntExeunt.
img: 11-asig: C3v
’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0472ActusActus SecundusSecundus.
wln 0473EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni andand AnnabellaAnnabella, asas fromfrom theirtheir ChamberChamber.
wln 0474Gio.GiovanniGio.ComeCome AnnabellaAnnabella, nono moremore SisterSister nownow,
wln 0475ButBut LoueLove; aa namename moremore GraciousGracious, doedo notnot blushblush,
wln 0476(BeautiesBeauty’sBeauties sweetesweet wonderwonder) butbut bebe proudproud, toto knowknow
wln 0477ThatThat yeeldingyielding thouthou hasthast conquer’dconquered, andand inflam’dinflamed
wln 0478AA heartheart whosewhose tributetribute isis thythy brothersbrother’s lifelife.
wln 0479Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AndAnd minemine isis hishis, ohoho howhow thesethese stolnestolen contentscontents
wln 0480WouldWould printprint aa modestmodest CrymsonCrimson onon mymy cheekescheeks,
wln 0481HadHad anyany butbut mymy heartsheart’s delightdelight preuail’dprevailed.
wln 0482Gio.GiovanniGio.II maruailemarvel whywhy thethe chasterchaster ofof youryour sexsex
wln 0483ShouldShould thinkethink thisthis prettypretty toyetoy call’dcalled Maiden-headMaidenhead,
wln 0484SoSo strangestrange aa losseloss, whenwhen beingbeing lostlost, ’tis’tis nothingnothing,
wln 0485AndAnd youyou areare stillstill thethe samesame.Anna.AnnabellaAnna.’Tis’Tis wellwell forfor youyou,
wln 0486NowNow youyou cancan talketalk.Gio.GiovanniGio.MusickeMusic aswellas well consistsconsists
wln 0487InIn th’eareth’ earth’ear, asas inin thethe playingplaying.Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OhOhO y’arey’ areyou’re wantonwanton,
wln 0488TellTell on’ton ’ton’t, y’arey’ areyou’re bestbest, doedo.
wln 0489Gio.GiovanniGio.ThouThou wiltwilt chidechide meme thenthen,
wln 0490KisseKiss meme, soso; thusthus hunghung IoueJovejove onon Læda’sLaeda’sLaeda’s neckeneck,
wln 0491AndAnd suck’tsucked diuinedivine AmbrosiaAmbrosia fromfrom herher lipslips:
wln 0492II enuyenvy notnot thethe mightiestmightiest manman aliuealive,
wln 0493ButBut holdhold my selfemyself inin beingbeing KingKing ofof theethee,
wln 0494MoreMore greatgreat, thenthen werewere II KingKing ofof allall thethe worldworld:
wln 0495ButBut II shallshall loselose youyou Sweet-heartSweetheart.
wln 0496Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ButBut youyou shallshall notnot.Gio.GiovanniGio.YouYou mustmust bebe marriedmarried MistresMistress.
wln 0497Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YesYes, toto whomwhom?Gio.GiovanniGio.SomeSome oneone mustmust hauehave youyou.
wln 0498Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou mustmust.Gio.GiovanniGio.NayNay somesome otherother.
wln 0499Anna.AnnabellaAnna.NowNow pritheeprithee dodo notnot speakespeak soso, withoutwithout iestingjesting
wln 0500You’leYou’ll makemake meme weepeweep inin earnestearnest.
wln 0501Gio.GiovanniGio.WhatWhat youyou willwill notnot.
wln 0502ButBut telltell meme sweetesweet, can’stcanst thouthou bebe dar’ddared toto sweareswear
wln 0503ThatThat thouthou wiltwilt liuelive toto meeme, andand toto nono otherother?
wln 0504Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ByBy bothboth ourour louesloves II daredare, forfor didstdidst thouthou knowknow
wln 0505MyMy GiouanniGionanniGiovanni, howhow allall suiterssuitors seemeseem
wln 0506ToTo mymy eyeseyes hatefullhateful, thouthou wouldstwouldst trusttrust meeme thenthen.
img: 11-bsig: C4r
’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.
wln 0507Gio.GiovanniGio.EnoughEnough, II taketake thythy wordword; SweetSweet wewe mustmust partpart,
wln 0508RememberRemember whatwhat thouthou vow’stvow’st, keepekeep wellwell mymy heartheart.
wln 0509Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WillWill youyou begonbegone?Gio.GiovanniGio.II mustmust.
wln 0510Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhenWhen toto returnereturn?Gio.GiovanniGio.SooneSoon.
wln 0511Anna.AnnabellaAnna.LookeLook youyou doedo.Gio.GiovanniGio.FarewellFarewell.ExitExit.
wln 0512Anna.AnnabellaAnna.GoeGo wherewhere thouthou wiltwilt, inin mindmind I’leI’ll keepekeep theethee herehere,
wln 0513AndAnd wherewhere thouthou artart, II knowknow II shallshall bebe therethere
wln 0514GuardianGuardian.
wln 0515EnterEnter PutanaPutana.
wln 0516Put.PutanaPut.ChildChild, howhow is’tis ’tis’t childchild? wellwell, thankethank HeauenHeaven, hahalhahall!
wln 0517Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OO GuardianGuardian, whatwhat aa ParadiseParadise ofof joyjoy
wln 0518HaueHave II pastpassed ouerover!
wln 0519Put.PutanaPut.NayNay whatwhat aa ParadiseParadise ofof ioyjoy hauehave youyou pastpassed vnderunder?
wln 0520whywhy nownow II commendcommend theethee (ChardgeCharge) fearefear nothingnothing, (sweete-sweete-heartsweetheart
wln 0521heart)
wln 0521whatwhat thoughthough heehe bebe youryour BrotherBrother; youryour Brother’sBrother’s aa
wln 0522manman II hopehope, andand II saysay stillstill, ifif aa youngyoung WenchWench feelefeel thethe fittfit vponupon
wln 0523herher, letlet herher taketake any bodyanybody, FatherFather oror BrotherBrother, allall isis oneone.
wln 0524Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II wouldwould notnot hauehave itit knowneknown forfor allall thethe worldworld.
wln 0525Put.PutanaPut.NorNor II indeedindeed, forfor thethe speechspeech ofof thethe peoplepeople; elseelse ’twere’twere (nothingnothing.
wln 0526FlorioFloriowithinwithin —DaughterDaughter AnnabellaAnnabella.
wln 0527Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OO meeme! mymy FatherFather, — herehere SirSir, — reachreach mymy workework.
wln 0528Flo.FlorioFlo.withinwithin.WhatWhat areare youyou doeingdoing?An.AnnabellaAn.SoSo, letlet himhim comecome nownow,
wln 0529EnterEnter FlorioFlorio, RichardettoRichardetto, likelike aa DoctorDoctor ofof PhisickePhysic,
wln 0530andand PhilotisPhilotis withwith aa LuteLute inin herher handhand.
wln 0531Flo.FlorioFlo.SoSo hardhard atat workework, that’sthat’s wellwell; youyou loselose nono timetime, lookelook,
wln 0532II hauehave broughtbrought youyou companycompany, here’shere’s oneone, a