The Roaring Girl, or Moll Cutpurse
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ln 0001TheThe RoaringRoaring GirleGirl.
ln 0002OROR
ln 0003MollMoll Cut-PurseCutpursecutpurse.
ln 0004AsAs itit hathhath latelylately beenebeen ActedActed onon thethe Fortune-stageFortune stageFortune-stage byby
ln 0005thethe PrincePrince hishis PlayersPlayers.
ln 0006WrittenWritten byby T.T. MiddletonMiddleton andand T.T. DekkarDekkerDekkar.
[Portrait of Moll Cutpurse]
ln 0007MyMy casecase isis alter’daltered, II mustmust workework forfor mymy liuingliving.
ln 0008PrintedPrinted atat LondonLondon forfor ThomasThomas ArcherArcher, andand areare toto bebe soldsold atat hishis
ln 0009shopshop inin PopesPope’spope’s head-pallacehead-palace, neerenear thethe RoyallRoyal
ln 0010ExchangeExchange. 16111611.
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ln 0001ToTo thethe ComickeComic, Play-readersPlay-readers, VeneryVenery,
ln 0002andand LaughterLaughter.
ln 0003THE_THETHE fashionfashion ofof play-makingplaymaking, II cancan proper-properlyproper∣lyproperly
ln 0004ly
ln 0004comparecompare toto nothingnothing, soso naturallynaturally, asas
ln 0005thethe alterationalteration inin apparellapparel: ForFor inin thethe timetime
ln 0006ofof thethe Great-crop-doubletGreat crop-doubletGreat-crop-doublet, youryour hugehuge
ln 0007bombastedbombasted plaiesplays, quiltedquilted withwith mightymighty
ln 0008wordswords toto leanelean purposepurpose waswas onelyonly thenthen
ln 0009inin fashionfashion. AndAnd asas thethe doubletdoublet fellfell, neaterneater inuentionsinventions
ln 0010begannebegan toto setset vpup. NowNow inin thethe timetime ofof sprucenesspruceness, ourour
ln 0011plaiesplays followefollow thethe nicenesniceness ofof ourour GarmentsGarments, singlesingle plotsplots,
ln 0012quaintquaint conceitsconceits, letcherouslecherous iestsjests, drestdressed vpup inin hanginghanging
ln 0013sleeuessleeves, andand thosethose areare fitfit forfor thethe TimesTimes, andand thethe TearmersTermerstermers:
ln 0014SuchSuch aa kindkind ofof light-colourlight-colorlight-colour SummerSummer stuffestuff, mingledmingled withwith
ln 0015diuersediversedivers colourscolorscolours, youyou shallshall findefind thisthis publishedpublished ComedyComedy,
ln 0016goodgood toto keepekeep youyou inin anan afternooneafternoon fromfrom dicedice, atat homehome inin
ln 0017youryour chamberschambers; andand forfor veneryvenery youyou shallshall findefind enoughenough,
ln 0018forfor sixepencesixpence, butbut wellwell couchtcouched andand youyou markemark itit. ForFor Ve-VenusVe∣nusVenus
ln 0019nus
ln 0019beingbeing aa womanwoman passespasses throughthrough thethe playplay inin doubletdoublet
ln 0020andand breechesbreeches, aa brauebrave disguisedisguise andand aa safesafe oneone, ifif thethe Sta-StatuteSta∣tuteStatute
ln 0021tute
ln 0021vntyuntie notnot herher cod-peececodpiece pointpoint. TheThe bookbook II makemake nono
ln 0022questionquestion, butbut isis fitfit forfor manymany ofof youryour companiescompanies, asas wellwell
ln 0023asas thethe personperson it selfeitselfeitself, andand maymay beebe allowedallowed bothboth GalleryGallery
ln 0024roomeroom atat thethe play-houseplayhouse, andand chamber-roomechamber-room atat youryour
ln 0025lodginglodging: worseworse thingsthings II mustmust needsneeds confesseconfess thethe worldworld
sig: A3v
ln 0026ha’shas taxttaxed herher forfor, thenthanthen hashas beenebeen writtenwritten ofof herher; butbut ’tis’tis
ln 0027thethe excellencyexcellency ofof aa WriterWriter, toto leaueleave thingsthings betterbetter thenthan
ln 0028hehe findsfinds ’em’em; thoughthough somesome obscœneobscoeneobscene fellowfellow (thatthat carescares notnot
ln 0029whatwhat hehe writeswrites againstagainst othersothers, yetyet keepeskeeps aa mysticallmystical bau-baudy-housebau∣dy-housebawdy-house
ln 0030dy-house
ln 0030himselfehimself, andand entertainesentertains drunkardsdrunkards, toto makemake
ln 0031vseuse ofof theirtheir pocketspockets, andand ventvent hishis priuateprivate bottle-alebottle-ale atat
ln 0032mid-nightmidnight) thoughthough suchsuch aa oneone wouldwould hauehave riptripped vpup thethe
ln 0033mostmost nastynasty vicevice, thatthat euerever hellhell belchtbelched forthforth, andand presentedpresented
ln 0034itit toto aa modestmodest AssemblyAssembly; yetyet wewe ratherrather wishwish inin suchsuch
ln 0035discoueriesdiscoveries, wherewhere reputationreputation lieslies bleedingbleeding, aa
ln 0036slackenesseslackness ofof truthtruth, thenthan fulnessefullness
ln 0037ofof slanderslander.
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wln 0001PrologusPrologus.
wln 0002AA PlayPlay (expectedexpected longlong) makesmakes thethe AudienceAudience lookelook
wln 0003ForFor wonderswonders: — thatthat eacheach ScœneScoeneScenescene shouldshould bebe aa bookebook,
wln 0004Compos’dComposed toto allall perfectionperfection; eacheach oneone comescomes
wln 0005AndAnd bringsbrings aa playplay in’sin ’sin’s headhead withwith himhim: vpup hehe summessums,
wln 0006WhatWhat hehe wouldwould ofof aa RoaringRoaring GirleGirl hauehave writwrit;
wln 0007IfIf thatthat hehe findesfinds notnot herehere, hehe mewesm●wesmews atat itit.
wln 0008OnelyOnly wewe intreateentreat youyou thinkethink ourour ScoeneScenescene.
wln 0009CannotCannot speakespeak highhigh (thethe subiectsubject beingbeing butbut meanemean)
wln 0010AA RoaringRoaring GirleGirl (whosewhose notesnotes tilltill nownow neuernever werewere)
wln 0011ShallShall fillfill withwith laughterlaughter ourour vastvast TheaterTheater,
wln 0012That’sThat’s allall whichwhich II daredare promisepromise: TragickTragic passionpassion,
wln 0013AndAnd suchsuch grauegrave stuffestuff, isis thisthis dayday outout ofof fashionfashion.
wln 0014II seesee attentionattention setssets widewide opeopeopen herher gatesgates
wln 0015OfOf hearinghearing, andand withwith couetouscovetous listninglistening waiteswaits,
wln 0016ToTo knowknow whatwhat GirleGirl, thisthis RoaringRoaring GirleGirl shouldshould bebe.
wln 0017(ForFor ofof thatthat TribeTribe areare manymany.) OneOne isis sheeshe
wln 0018ThatThat roaresroars atat midnightmidnight inin deepedeep TauerneTavern bowlesbowls,
wln 0019ThatThat beatesbeats thethe watchwatch, andand ConstablesConstablesConstable’s controulscontrols;
wln 0020AnotherAnother roaresroars i’thi’ th’i’th dayday timetime, swearesswears, stabbesstabs, giuesgives brauesbraves,
wln 0021YetYet sellssells herher soulesoul toto thethe lustlust ofof foolesfools andand slauesslaves.
wln 0022BothBoth thesethese areare Suburbe-roarersSuburb-roarers. ThenThen there’sthere’s (besidesbesides)
wln 0023AA ciuillcivil CittyCity▪ RoaringRoaring GirleGirl, whosewhose pridepride,
wln 0024FeastingFeasting, andand ridingriding, shakesshakes herher husbandshusband’s statestate,
wln 0025AndAnd leauesleaves himhim RoaringRoaring throughthrough anan yroniron grategrate.
wln 0026NoneNone ofof thesethese RoaringRoaring GirlesGirls isis oursours: sheeshe fliesflies
wln 0027VVithWith wingswings moremore loftylostylofty. ThusThus herher charactercharacter lyeslies,
wln 0028YetYet whatwhat needeneed characterscharacters? whenwhen toto giuegive aa gesseguess,
wln 0029IsIs betterbetter thenthan thethe personperson toto expresseexpress;
wln 0030ButBut wouldwould youyou knowknow whowho ’tis’tis? wouldwould youyou hearehear herher namename?
wln 0031SheeSheshe isis cal’dcalled maddemad MollMoll; herher lifelife, ourour actsacts proclaimeproclaim.
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wln 0032DramatisDramatis PersonæPersonaePersonae.
wln 0033SirSir AlexanderAlexander WentgraueWentgraneWengraveWentgrane, andand Neats-footNeatfootNeats-foot hishis manman.
wln 0034SirSir AdamAdam AppletonAppleton.
wln 0035SirSir DauyDavy DapperDapper.
wln 0036SirSir BewteousBeauteousBewteous GanymedGanymedeGanymed.
wln 0037LordLord NolandNoland.
wln 0038YongYoung WentgraueWentgraneWengraveWentgrane,
wln 0039IackeJack DapperDapper, andand GullGull hishis pagepage.
wln 0040GoshawkeGoshawk.
wln 0041GreenewitGrèenewitGreenwit.
wln 0042LaxtonLuxtonLuxtonLaxton.
wln 0043}CiuesCives &et VxoresUxoresuxores.Tilt-yardTiltyard.
wln 0044OpenworkeOpenwork.
wln 0045GallipotGallipot.
wln 0046MolMoll thethe RoaringRoaring GirleGirl.
wln 0047TrapdooreTrapdoortrapdoor.
wln 0048SirSir GuyGuy Fitz-allardFitzallardFitz-allard.
wln 0049MaryMary Fitz-allardFitzallardFitz-allard hishis daughterdaughter.
wln 0050CurtilaxCurtilax aa SergiantSergeantsergeant, andand
wln 0051HangerHanger hishis YeomanYeoman.
wln 0052MinistriMinistri.
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wln 0053TheThe RoaringRoaring GirleGirl.
wln 0054Act.Act. 1.1. Scoe.SceneScoe. 1.1.
wln 0055EnterEnter MaryMaryMarry Fitz-AllardFitzallardFitz-Allard disguiseddisguised likelike aa sempstersempster withwith aa casecase forfor
wln 0056bandsbands, andand NeatfootNeatfoot aa seruingmanservingman withwith herher, withwith aa napkinnapkin onon
wln 0057hishis shouldershoulder, andand aa trenchertrencher inin hishis handhand asas fromfrom tabletable.
wln 0058NeatfooteNeatfootNeatfoote.
wln 0059THe_THeTHeThe yongyoung gentlemangentleman (ourour youngyoung maistermaster) SirSir
wln 0060AlexandersAlexander’s sonneson, isis itit intointo hishis earesears (sweetsweet
wln 0061DamsellDamsel) (emblemeemblem ofof fragilityfragility) youyou
wln 0062desiredesire toto hauehave aa messagemessage transportedtransported, oror toto bebe tran-transcendenttran∣scendent
wln 0063scendenttranscendent.
wln 0064MaryMaryAA priuateprivate wordword oror twotwo SirSir, nothingnothing
wln 0065 elseelse.
wln 0066Neat.NeatfootNeat.YouYou shallshall fructifiefructify inin thatthat whichwhich youyou comecome forfor: youryour
wln 0067pleasurepleasure shallshall bebe satisfiedsatisfied toto youryour fullfull contentationcontentation: II willwill
wln 0068(fairestfairest treetree ofof generationgeneration) watchwatch whenwhen ourour youngyoung maistermaster isis
wln 0069erectederected, (thatthat isis toto saysay vpup) andand deliuerdeliver himhim toto thisthis youryour mostmost
wln 0070whitewhite handhand.
wln 0071MaryMaryThankesThanks sirsir.
wln 0072Neat.NeatfootNeat.AndAnd withallwithal certifiecertify himhim, thatthat II hauehave culledculled outout forfor
wln 0073himhim (nownow hishis bellybelly isis replenishedreplenished) aa daintierdaintier bitbit oror modicomemodicum
wln 0074thenthanthen anyany laylay vponupon hishis trenchertrencher atat dinnerdinner — hathhath hehe notionnotion
wln 0075ofof youryour namename, II beseechbeseech youryour chastitiechastity.
wln 0076MaryMaryOneOne SirSir, ofof whomwhom hehe be spakebespakebe spoken fallingfalling bandsbands.
sig: B1v
wln 0077Neat.NeatfootNeat.FallingFalling bandsbands, itit shallshall soso bebe giuengiven himhim, — ifif youyou
wln 0078pleaseplease toto ventureventure youryour modestymodesty inin thethe hallhall, amongstamongst aa curle-curlepatedcurle∣patedcurl-pated
wln 0079pated
wln 0079companycompany ofof ruderude seruingmenserving-men, andand taketake suchsuch asas theythey cancan
wln 0080setset beforebefore youyou, youyou shallshall bebe mostmost seriouslyseriously, andand ingeniouslyingeniously
wln 0081welcomewelcome.
wln 0082MaryMaryII hauehave dyeddied indeedindeed alreadyalready sirsir.
wln 0083Neat.NeatfootNeat.— OrOr willwill youyou vouchsafevouchsafe toto kissekiss thethe liplip ofof aa
wln 0084cupcup ofof richrich OrleansOrleans inin thethe buttrybuttery amongstamongst ourour waitingwaiting womenwomen.
wln 0085MaryMaryNotNot nownow inin truthtruth sirsir.
wln 0086Neat.NeatfootNeat.OurOur yongyoung MaisterMaster shallshall thenthen hauehave aa feelingfeeling ofof youryour
wln 0087beingbeing herehere presentlypresently itit shallshall soso bebe giuengiven himhim.ExitExit NeatfooteNeatfootNeatfoote,
wln 0088MaryMarymarryII humblyhumbly thankethank youyou sirsir, butbut thatthat mymy bosomebosom
wln 0089IsIs fullfull ofof bitterbitter sorrowessorrows, II couldcould smilesmile,
wln 0090ToTo seesee thisthis formallformal ApeApe playplay AntickAntic trickstricks:
wln 0091ButBut inin mymy breastbreast aa poysonedpoisoned arrowarrow stickessticks,
wln 0092AndAnd smilessmiles cannotcannot becomebecome meme, LoueLove wouenwoven sleightlyslightly
wln 0093(SuchSuch asas thythy falsefalse heartheart makesmakes) weareswears outout asas lightlylightly,
wln 0094ButBut louelove beingbeing truelytruly bredbred ithi’ th’ith’ thethe soulesoul (likelike minemine)
wln 0095BleedsBleeds eueneven toto deathdeath, atat thethe leastleast woundwound itit takestakes,
wln 0096TheThe moremore wewe quenchquench thisthis, thethe lesseless itit slakesslakes: OhOhO meme!
wln 0097EnterEnter SebastianSebastian WengraueWengraveWengraue withwith NeatfooteNeatfootNeatfoote.
wln 0098Seb.SebastianSeb.AA SempsterSempster speakespeak withwith meme, saistsay’stsayest thouthou.
wln 0099Neat.NeatfootNeat.YesYes sirsir, she’sshe’s therethere, viuaviva vocevoce, toto deliuerdeliver herher auricularauricular
wln 0100confessionconfession.
wln 0101Seb.SebastianSeb.WithWith meme sweetsweet heartheart. WhatWhat istis ’tis’t?
wln 0102MaryMaryII hauehave broughtbrought homehome youryour bandsbands sirsir.
wln 0103Seb.SebastianSeb.BandsBands: NeatfooteNeatfoot.
wln 0104Neat.NeatfootNeat.SirSir.
wln 0105Seb.SebastianSeb.PritheePrithee looklook inin, forfor allall thethe GentlemenGentlemen areare vponupon risingrising.
wln 0106Neat.NeatfootNeat.YesYes sirsir, aa mostmost methodicallmethodical attendanceattendance shallshall bebe giuengiven.
wln 0107Seb.SebastianSeb.AndAnd dostdost hearehear, ifif mymy fatherfather callcall forfor meme, saysay II amam
wln 0108busybusy withwith aa SempsterSempster.
wln 0109Neat.NeatfootNeat.YesYes sirsir, heehe shallshall knowknow itit thatthat youyou areare busiedbusied withwith aa
wln 0110needle womanneedlewomanneedle woman.
wln 0111Seb.SebastianSeb.In’sIn ’sIn’s eareear goodgood Neat-footeNeatfoot,
sig: B2r
wln 0112Neat.NeatfootNeat.ItIt shallshall bebe soso giuengiven himhim.ExitExit Neat-footeNeatfoot.
wln 0113Seb.SebastianSeb.BandsBands, y’arey’ areyou’re mistakenmistaken sweetesweet heartheart, II bespakebespakebespoke nonenone,
wln 0114whenwhen, wherewhere, II pritheeprithee, whatwhat bandsbands, letlet meme seesee themthem.
wln 0115MaryMaryYesYes sirsir, aa bondbond fastfast sealedsealed, withwith solemnesolemn oathesoaths,
wln 0116SubscribedSubscribed vntounto (asas II thoughtthought) withwith youryour soulesoul:
wln 0117DeliueredDelivered asas youryour deeddeed inin sightsight ofof heauenheaven,
wln 0118IsIs thisthis bondbond canceldcanceledcancelled, hauehave youyou forgotforgotforgotten meme.
wln 0119Seb.SebastianSeb.Ha!Ha! lifelife ofof mymy lifelife: SirSir GuyGuy Fitz-AllardsFitz-Allard’sFitz-allard’s daughterdaughter,
wln 0120WhatWhat hashas transform’dtransformed mymy louelove toto thisthis strangestrange shapeshape?
wln 0121StayStay: makemake allall suresure, — soso: nownow speakespeak andand bebe briefebrief,
wln 0122BecauseBecause thethe wolfe’swolf’s atat doredoor thatthat lyeslies inin waitewait,
wln 0123ToTo preyprey vponupon vsus bothboth albeitalbeit minemine eyeseyes
wln 0124AreAre blestblessed byby thinethine, yetyet thisthis soso strangestrange disguisedisguise
wln 0125HoldsHolds meme withwith fearefear andand wonderwonder.
wln 0126MaryMaryMinesMine’smine’s aa loathedloathed sightsight,
wln 0127WhyWhy fromfrom itit areare youyou banishtbanished elseelse soso longlong.
wln 0128Seb.SebastianSeb.II mustmust cutcut shortshort mymy speechspeech, inin brokenbroken languagelanguage,
wln 0129ThusThus muchmuch sweetesweet MollMoll, II mustmust thythy companycompany shunshun,
wln 0130II courtcourt anotheranother MollMoll, mymy thoughtsthoughts mustmust runrun,
wln 0131AsAs aa horsehorse runsruns, thatsthat’s blindblind, roundround inin aa MillMill,
wln 0132OutOut eueryevery stepstep, yetyet keepingkeeping oneone pathpath stillstill.
wln 0133MaryMaryVmhUmhumh: mustmust youyou shunshun mymy companycompany, inin oneone knotknot
wln 0134HaueHave bothboth ourour handshands byt’hby th’byth’ handshands ofof heauenheaven benebeen tyedtied,
wln 0135NowNow toto bebe brokebroke, II thoughtthought meme onceonce youryour BrideBride:
wln 0136OurOur fathersfathers diddid agreeagree onon thethe timetime whenwhen,
wln 0137AndAnd mustmust anotheranother bed-fellowbedfellow fillfill mymy roomeroom.
wln 0138Seb.SebastianSeb.SweeteSweet maidmaid, letslet’s looselose nono timetime, tis’tis inin heauensheaven’s bookebook
wln 0139SetSet downedown, thatthat II mustmust hauehave theethee: anan oathoath wewe tooketook,
wln 0140ToTo keepkeep ourour vowesvows, butbut whenwhen thethe knightknight youryour fatherfather
wln 0141WasWas fromfrom minemine partedparted, stormesstorms beganbegan toto sitsit
wln 0142VponUpon mymy couetouscovetous fathersfather’s browbrow: whichwhich fellfell
wln 0143FromFrom themthem onon meme, hehe reckondreckoned vpup whatwhat goldgold
wln 0144ThisThis marriagemarriage wouldwould drawdraw fromfrom himhim, atat whichwhich hehe sworeswore,
wln 0145ToTo looselose soso muchmuch bloudblood, couldcould notnot grieuegrieve himhim moremore.
wln 0146HeHe thenthen diswadesdissuades meme fromfrom theethee, cal’dcalled theethee notnot fairefair,
wln 0147AndAnd asktasked whatwhat isis sheeshe, butbut aa beggarsbeggar’s heireheir?
wln 0148HeHe scorn’dscorned thythy dowrydowry ofof (5000)five thousand5000 MarkesMarks.
sig: B2v
wln 0149IfIf suchsuch aa summesum ofof monymoney couldcould bebe foundfound,
wln 0150AndAnd II wouldwould matchmatch withwith thatthat, hee’dhe’d notnot vndoeundo itit,
wln 0151ProuidedProvided hishis bagsbags mightmight addeadd nothingnothing toto itit,
wln 0152ButBut vow’dvowed, ifif II tooketook theethee, naynay moremore, diddid sweareswear itit,
wln 0153SaueSave birthbirth fromfrom himhim II nothingnothing shouldshould inheritinherit.
wln 0154MaryMaryWhatWhat followesfollows thenthen, mymy ship-wrackeshipwreck.
wln 0155Seb.SebastianSeb.DearestDearest nono:
wln 0156ThoThough wildlywildly inin aa laborinthlabyrinth II gogo,
wln 0157MyMy endend isis toto meetemeet theethee: withwith aa sideside windewind
wln 0158MustMust II nownow sailesail, elseelse II nono hauenhaven cancan findefind
wln 0159ButBut bothboth mustmust sinkesink for euerforeverfor ever. There’sThere’s aa wenchwench
wln 0160Cal’dCalled MolMoll, madmad MolMoll, oror merrymerry MollMoll, aa creaturecreature
wln 0161SoSo strangestrange inin qualityquality, aa wholewhole cittycity takestakes
wln 0162NoteNote ofof herher namename andand personperson, allall thatthat affectionaffection
wln 0163II oweowe toto theethee, onon herher inin counterfetcounterfeit passionpassion,
wln 0164II spendspend toto madmad mymy fatherfather: hehe beleeuesbelieves
wln 0165II doatedote vponupon thisthis RoaringRoaring GirleGirl, andand grieuesgrieves
wln 0166AsAs itit becomesbecomes aa fatherfather forfor aa sonneson,
wln 0167ThatThat couldcould bebe soso bewitchtbewitched: yetyet ilei’llI’ll gogo onon
wln 0168ThisThis crokedcrooked wayway, sighsigh stillstill forfor herher, fainefain dreamesdreams,
wln 0169InIn whichwhich ileI’ll talketalk onelyonly ofof herher, thesethese streamesstreams
wln 0170ShallShall, II hopehope, forceforce mymy fatherfather toto consentconsent
wln 0171ThatThat heerehere II anchoranchor ratherrather thenthan bebe rentrent
wln 0172VponUpon aa rockerock soso dangeroursdangerousdangeroursdangerous, ArtArt thouthou pleas’dpleased,
wln 0173BecauseBecause thouthou seestseest wewe areare way-laidwaylaid, thatthat II taketake
wln 0174AA pathpath thatsthat’s safesafe, thothough itit bebe farrefar aboutabout,
wln 0175MaryMarymarryMyMy prayersprayers withwith heauenheaven guideguide theethee,
wln 0176Seb.SebastianSeb.ThenThen II willwill onon,
wln 0177MyMy fatherfather isis atat handhand, kissekiss andand begonbegone;
wln 0178HowresHours shallshall bebe watchtwatched forfor meetingsmeetings; II mustmust nownow
wln 0179AsAs menmen forfor fearefear, toto aa strangestrange IdollI dollIdolI doll bowbow.
wln 0180MaryMaryFarewellFarewell.
wln 0181Seb.SebastianSeb.IleI’ll guideguide theethee forthforth, whenwhen nextnext wewe meetemeet,
wln 0182AA storystory ofof MollMoll shallshall makemake ourour mirthmirth moremore sweetsweet.ExeuntExeunt
wln 0183EnterEnter SirSir AlexanderAlexander WengraueWengraveWengraue, SirSir DauyDavy DapperDapper, SirSir AdamAdam
wln 0184AppletonAppleton, GoshakeGoshawkGoshake, LaxtonLaxton, andand GentlemenGentlemen.
wln 0185OmnesOmnesThanksThanks goodgood SirSir AlexanderAlexander forfor ourour bounteousbounteous cheerecheer:
sig: B3r
wln 0186Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexFyFie, fyfie, inin giuinggiving thankesthanks youyou paypay totoo dearedear.
wln 0187S.SirS. Dap.DapperDap.WhenWhen bountybounty spreadesspreads thethe tabletable, faithfaith t’were’twere sinnesin,
wln 0188(atat goinggoing ofoffof) ifif thankesthanks shouldshould notnot stepstep inin.
wln 0189Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexNoNo moremore ofof thankesthanks, nono moremore, IAyI marymarry SirSir,
wln 0190Th’innerTh’ innerTh’inner roomeroom waswas tootoo closeclose, howhow dodo youyou likelike
wln 0191ThisThis ParlourParlorParlour GentlmenGentlemen?
wln 0192OmnesOmnesOhOhO passingpassing wellwell.
wln 0193AdamAdamWhatWhat aa sweetsweet breathbreath thethe aireair castscasts heerehere, soso coolecool,
wln 0194Gosh.GoshawkGosh.II likelike thethe prospectprospect bestbest.
wln 0195Lax.LaxtonLax.SeeSee howhow tis’tis furnishtfurnished.
wln 0196S.SirS. Dap.DapperDap.AA veryvery fairefair sweetesweet roomeroom.
wln 0197Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexSirSir DauyDavy DapperDapper,
wln 0198TheThe furniturefurniture thatthat dothdoth adorneadorn thisthis roomeroom,
wln 0199CostCost manymany aa fairefair graygraygrey groatgroat ereere itit camecame herehere,
wln 0200ButBut goodgood thingsthings areare mostmost cheapecheap, whenwhen th’areth’ arethey’re mostmost deeredear,
wln 0201NayNay whenwhen youyou lookelook intointo mymy galleriesgalleries,
wln 0202HowHow brauelybravely theythey areare trim’dtrimmed vpup, youyou allall shallshall sweareswear
wln 0203YareY’ areyou’re highlyhighly pleasdpleased toto seesee whatswhat’s setset downedown therethere:
wln 0204StoriesStoriesStoreys ofof menmen andand womenwomen (mixtmixed togethertogether
wln 0205FaireFair onesones withwith foulefoul, likelike sun-shinesunshine inin wetwet wetherweather)
wln 0206WithinWithin oneone squaresquare aa thousandthousand headsheads areare laidlaid
wln 0207SoSo closeclose, thatthat allall ofof headsheads, thethe roomeroom seeemesseems mademade,
wln 0208AsAs manymany facesfaces therethere (fiil’dfill’dfilled withwith blithblithe lookeslooks)
wln 0209ShewShow likelike thethe promisingpromising titlestitles ofof newnew bookesbooks,
wln 0210(WritWrit merilymerrily) thethe ReadersReaders beingbeing theirtheir owneown eyeseyes,
wln 0211WhichWhich seemeseem toto mouemove andand toto giuegive plauditiesplaudities,
wln 0212AndAnd herehere andand therethere (whilstwhilst withwith obsequiousobsequious earesears,
wln 0213Throng’dThronged heapesheaps dodo listenlisten) aa cut pursecutcutpursecutpursepurse thruststhrusts andand leeresleers
wln 0214WithWith haukeshawk’s eyeseyes forfor hishis preyprey: II needneed notnot shewshow himhim,
wln 0215ByBy aa hanginghanging villanousvillainous lookelook, your seluesyourselves maymay knowknow himhim,
wln 0216TheThe faceface isis drawnedrawn soso rarelyrarely, ThenThenThan sirsir belowbelow,
wln 0217TheThe veryvery flowrefloorflower (asas twere’twere) waueswaves toto andand frofro,
wln 0218AndAnd likelike aa floatingfloating IlandIsland, seemesseems toto mouemove,
wln 0219VponUpon aa seasea boundbound inin withwith shoresshores aboueabove,EnterEnter SebastianSebastian andand
M.MasterM. Greene-witGreenwit.
wln 0220OmnesOmnes.TheseThese sightssights areare excellentexcellent.
wln 0221Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexI’leI’ll shewshow youyou allall,
wln 0222SinceSince wewe areare metmet, makemake ourour partingparting ComicallComical.
sig: B3v
wln 0223Seb.SebastianSeb.ThisThis gentlemangentleman (mymy friendfriend) willwill taketake hishis leaueleave SirSir.
wln 0224Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHaHa, taketake hishis leaueleave (SebastianSebastian) whowho?
wln 0225Seb.SebastianSeb.ThisThis gentlemangentleman.
wln 0226Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexYourYour louelove sirsir, hashas alreadyalready giuengiven meme somesome timetime,
wln 0227AndAnd ifif youyou pleaseplease toto trusttrust mymy ageage withwith moremore,
wln 0228ItIt shallshall paypay doubledouble interestinterest: GoodGood sirsir staystay.
wln 0229Green.GreenwitGreen.II hauehave beenebeen tootoo boldbold.
wln 0230Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexNotNot soso sirsir. AA merrymerry dayday
wln 0231Mongst’MongstAmongst friendsfriends beingbeing spentspent, isis betterbetter thenthan goldgold sau’dsaved.
wln 0232SomeSome winewine, somesome winewine. WhereWhere bebe thesethese knauesknaves II keepekeep.
wln 0233EnterEnter threethree oror fourefour SeruingmenServing-menserving-men, andand NeatfooteNeatfootNeatfoote.
wln 0234Neat.NeatfootNeat.AtAt youryour worshipfullworshipful elbowelbow, sirsir.
wln 0235Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexYouYou areare kissingkissing mymy maidsmaids, drinkingdrinking, oror fastfast asleepasleep.
wln 0236Neat.NeatfootNeat.YourYour worshipworship hashas giuengiven itit vsus rightright.
wln 0237Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexYouYou varletsvarlets stirrestir,
wln 0238ChairesChairs, stoolesstools andand cushionscushions: pre’theeprithee sirsir DauyDavy DapperDapper,
wln 0239MakeMake thatthat chairechair thinethine.
wln 0240SirSir Dap.DapperDap.Tis’Tis butbut anan easieeasy giftgift,
wln 0241AndAnd yetyet II thankethank youyou forfor itit sirsir, I’leI’ll taketake itit.
wln 0242Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexAA chairechair forfor oldold sirsir AdamAdam AppletonAppleton.
wln 0243Neat.NeatfootNeat.AA backeback friendfriend toto youryour worshipworship.
wln 0244AdamAdam.MaryMarrymarry goodgood NeatfootNeatfoot,
wln 0245II thankethank theethee forfor itit: backeback friendsfriends sometimessometimes areare goodgood.
wln 0246Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexPrayPray makemake thatthat stoolestool youryour pearchperch, goodgood M.MasterM. GoshawkeGoshawk.
wln 0247Gosh.GoshawkGosh.II stoopestoop toto youryour lurelure sirsir.
wln 0248Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexSonneSon SebastianSebastian,
wln 0249TakeTake MaisterMaster GreenewitGreenwit toto youyou.
wln 0250Seb.SebastianSeb.SitSit deeredear friendfriend.
wln 0251Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexNayNay maistermaster LaxtonLaxton — furnishfurnish maistermaster LaxtonLaxton
wln 0252WithWith whatwhat hehe wantswants (aa stonestone) aa stoolestool II wouldwould saysay, aa stoolestool.
wln 0253LaxtonLaxton.II hadhad ratherrather standstand sirsir.ExeuntExeunt seruantsservants.
wln 0254Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexII knowknow youyou hadhad (goodgood M.MasterM. LaxtonLaxton.) SoSo, soso —
wln 0255NowNow hereshere’s aa messemess ofof friendsfriends, andand (gentlemengentlemen)
wln 0256BecauseBecause timestime’sTime’s glasseglass shallshall notnot bebe runningrunning longlong,
wln 0257I’leI’ll quickenquicken itit withwith aa prettypretty taletale.
sig: B4r
wln 0258SirSir Dap.DapperDap.GoodGood talestales dodo wellwell,
wln 0259InIn thesethese badbad dayesdays, wherewhere vicevice doesdoes soso excellexcel.
wln 0260AdamAdam.BeginBegin sirsir AlexanderAlexander.
wln 0261Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexLastLast dayday II metmet
wln 0262AnAn agedaged manman vponupon whosewhose headhead waswas scor’dscored,
wln 0263AA debtdebt ofof iustjust soso manymany yearesyears asas thesethese,
wln 0264WhichWhich II oweowe toto mymy grauegrave, thethe manman youyou allall knowknow.
wln 0265OmnesOmnes.HisHis namename II praypray youyou sirsir.
wln 0266Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexNayNay youyou shallshall pardonpardon meme,
wln 0267ButBut whenwhen hehe sawsaw meme (withwith aa sighsigh thatthat brakebrakebroke,
wln 0268OrOr seem’dseemed toto breakebreak hishis heart-stringsheartstrings) thusthus hehe spakespakespoke:
wln 0269OhOhO mymy goodgood knightknight, saiessays hehe, (andand thenthen hishis eieseyes
wln 0270WereWere richerricher eueneven byby thatthat whichwhich mademade themthem poorepoor,
wln 0271TheyThey hadhad spentspent soso manymany tearestears theythey hadhad nono moremore.)
wln 0272OhOhO sirsir (saiessays hehe) youyou knowknow itit, forfor youyou haha’ seeneseen
wln 0273BlessingsBlessings toto rainerain vponupon minemine househouse andand meme:
wln 0274FortuneFortune (whowho slauesslaves menmen) waswas mymy slaueslave: herher wheelewheel
wln 0275HathHath spunspun meme goldengolden threadsthreads, forfor II thankethank heauenheaven,
wln 0276II nerene’er hadhad butbut oneone causecause toto cursecurse mymy starresstars,
wln 0277II ask’tasked himhim thenthen, whatwhat thatthat oneone causecause mightmight bebe.
wln 0278OmnesOmnes.SoSo SirSir.
wln 0279Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHeHe paus’dpaused, andand asas wewe oftenoften seesee,
wln 0280AA seasea soso muchmuch becalm’dbecalmed, therethere cancan bebe foundfound
wln 0281NoNo wrincklewrinkle onon hishis browbrow, hishis waueswaves beingbeing drownddrowned
wln 0282InIn theirtheir owneown ragerage: butbut whenwhen th’imperiousth’ imperiousth’imperious windwind,
wln 0283VseUse strangestrange inuisibleinvisible tyrannytyranny toto shakeshake
wln 0284BothBoth heauensheaven’sheavens andand earthsearth’s foundationfoundation atat theirtheir noysenoise:
wln 0285TheThe seasseas swellingswelling withwith wrathwrath toto partpart thatthat frayfray
wln 0286RiseRise vpup, andand areare moremore wildwild, moremore madmad, thenthan theythey.
wln 0287EuenEveneven soso thisthis goodgood oldold manman waswas byby mymy questionquestion
wln 0288Stir’dStirred vpup toto roughnesseroughness, youyou mightmight seesee hishis gallgall
wln 0289FlowFlow eueneven in’sin ’sin’s eieseyes: thenthen grewgrew hehe fantasticallfantastical.
wln 0290SirSir Dap.DapperDap.FantasticallFantastical, haha, haha.
wln 0291Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexYesYes, andand talketalk odlyoddly.
wln 0292AdamAdam.PrayPray sirsir proceedproceed,
wln 0293HowHow diddid thisthis oldold manman endend?
wln 0294Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexMaryMarrymarry sirsir thusthus.
sig: B4v
wln 0295HeHe leftleft hishis wildwild fitfit toto readread oreo’er hishis cardscards,
wln 0296YetYet thenthen (thoughthough ageage castcast snowsnow onon allall hishis haireshairs)
wln 0297HeHe ioy’djoyed becausebecause (saiessays hehe) thethe GodGod ofof goldgold
wln 0298HasHas beenebeen toto meme nono niggardniggard: thatthat diseasedisease
wln 0299(OfOf whichwhich allall oldold menmen sickensicken) AuariceAvarice
wln 0300NeuerNever infectedinfected meme.
wln 0301Lax.LaxtonLax.HeHe meanesmeans notnot himselfehimself i’mei’m suresure.
wln 0302Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexForFor likelike aa lamplamp,
wln 0303FedFed withwith continuallcontinual oyleoil, II spendspend andand throwthrow
wln 0304MyMy lightlight toto allall thatthat needneed itit, yetyet hauehave stillstill
wln 0305EnoughEnough toto serueserve my selfemyself, OhOhO butbut (quothquoth hehe)
wln 0306ThoThough heauensheauens-dewheaven’sheavens-dew dewdew fallfall, thusthus onon thisthis agedaged treetree,
wln 0307II hauehave aa sonneson thatsthat’s likelike aa wedgewedge dothdoth cleauecleave,
wln 0308MyMy veryvery heartheart rooteroot,
wln 0309SSirS, Dap.DapperDap.HadHad hehe suchsuch aa sonneson,
wln 0310Seb,SebastianSeb,NowNow II dodo smellsmell aa foxfox stronglystrongly.
wln 0311Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexLetsLet’slet’s seesee: nono MaisterMaster Greene-witGreenwit isis notnot yetyet
wln 0312SoSo mellowmellow inin yearesyears asas hehe; butbut asas likelike SebastianSebastian,
wln 0313IustJust likelike mymy sonneson SebastianSebastian, — suchsuch anotheranother.
wln 0314Seb.SebastianSeb.HowHow finelyfinely likelike aa fencerfencer mymy fatherfather fetchesfetches hishisby-bloweshis by-blowesby-blowsby-blows
wln 0315toto hithit meme, butbut ifif II beatebeat youyou notnot atat youryour owneown weaponweapon ofof sub-subtiltysub∣tilty
wln 0316tiltysubtlety.
wln 0317Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexThisThis sonneson (saithsaith hehe) thatthat shouldshould bebe
wln 0318TheThe columnecolumn andand mainemain archarch vntounto mymy househouse,
wln 0319TheThe crutchcrutch vntounto mymy ageage, becomesbecomes aa whirlewindwhirlwind
wln 0320ShakingShaking thethe firmefirm foundationfoundation,
wln 0321AdamAdamTis’Tis somesome prodigallprodigal.
wln 0322Seba.SebastianSeba.WellWell shotshot oldold AdamAdam BellBell.
wln 0323Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexNoNo cittycity monstermonster neitherneither, nono prodigallprodigal,
wln 0324ButBut sparingsparing, warywary, ciuillcivil, andand (thothough wiuelessewifeless)
wln 0325AnAn excellentexcellent husbandhusband, andand suchsuch aa trauellertravelertraveller,
wln 0326HeHe hashas moremore tonguestongues inin hishis headhead thenthanthen somesome hauehave teethteeth,
wln 0327S.SirS. Dap,Dap.DapperDap.II hauehave butbut twotwo inin mynemine
wln 0328Gosh.GoshawkGosh.SoSo sparingsparing andand soso warywary,
wln 0329WhatWhat thenthen couldcould vexvex hishis fatherfather soso.
wln 0330Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexOhOhO aa womanwoman.
wln 0331Seb.SebastianSeb.AA fleshflesh flyfly, thatthat cancan vexvex anyany manman.
sig: C1r
wln 0332Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexAA scuruyscurvy womanwoman,
wln 0333OnOn whomwhom thethe passionatepassionate oldold manman sworeswore hehe doateddoted:
wln 0334AA creaturecreature (saithsaith hehe) naturenature hathhath broughtbrought forthforth
wln 0335ToTo mockemock thethe sexsex ofof womanwoman. — ItIt isis aa thingthing
wln 0336OneOne knowesknows notnot howhow toto namename, herher birthbirth beganbegan
wln 0337EreEre sheshe waswas allall mademade. Tis’Tis womanwoman moremore thenthan manman,
wln 0338ManMan moremore thenthan womanwoman, andand (whichwhich toto nonenone cancan haphap)
wln 0339TheThe SunneSun giuesgives herher twotwo shadowesshadows toto oneone shapeshape,
wln 0340NayNay moremore, letlet thisthis strangestrange thingthing, walkewalk, standstand oror sitsit,
wln 0341NoNo blazingblazing starrestar drawesdraws moremore eyeseyes afterafter itit.
wln 0342S.SirS. Dap.DapperDap.AA MonsterMonster, tis’tis somesome MonsterMonster.
wln 0343Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexShee’sShe’s aa varletvarlet.
wln 0344Seb.SebastianSeb.NowNow isis mymy cuecue toto bristlebristle.
wln 0345Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexAA naughtynaughty packepack.
wln 0346Seb.SebastianSeb.Tis’Tis falsefalse.
wln 0347Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHaHa boyboy.
wln 0348Seb.SebastianSeb.Tis’Tis falsefalse.
wln 0349Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexWhatsWhat’swhat’s falsefalse, II saysay shee’sshe’s noughtnaught.
wln 0350Seb.SebastianSeb.II saysay thatthat tonguetongue
wln 0351ThatThat daresdares speakespeak soso (butbut yoursyours) stickessticks inin thethe throatethroat
wln 0352OfOf aa rankerank villainevillain, setset your selfeyourself asideaside. —
wln 0353Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexSoSo sirsir whatwhat thenthen.
wln 0354Seb.SebastianSeb.AnyAny herehere elseelse hadhad lyedlied.
wln 0355II thinkethink II shallshall fitfit youyou —asideaside.
wln 0356Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexLyeLie.
wln 0357Seb.SebastianSeb.YesYes.
wln 0358SirSir Dap.DapperDap.DothDoth thisthis concerneconcern himhim.
wln 0359Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexAhAh sirrasirrah boyboy.
wln 0360IsIs youryour bloudblood heatedheated: boylesboils itit: areare youyou stungstung,
wln 0361IleI’ll piercepierce youyou deeperdeeper yetyet: OhOhO mymy deeredear friendsfriends,
wln 0362II amam thatthat wretchedwretched fatherfather, thisthis thatthat sonneson,
wln 0363ThatThat seessees hishis ruineruin, yetyet headlongheadlong onon dothdoth runrun.
wln 0364AdamAdam.WillWill youyou louelove suchsuch aa poysonpoison.
wln 0365S.SirS. Dap.DapperDap.FyeFie, fyefie.
wln 0366Seb.SebastianSeb.Y’areY’ areYou’re allall madmad.
wln 0367Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexTh’artTh’ artthou’rt sickesick atat heartheart, yetyet feelstfeel’stfeelst itit notnot: ofof allall thesethese,
wln 0368WhatWhat GentlemanGentleman (butbut thouthou) knowingknowing hishis diseasedisease
sig: C1v
wln 0369MortallMortal, wouldwould shunshun thethe curecure: ohoho MaisterMaster GreenewitGreenwit,
wln 0370WouldWould youyou toto suchsuch anan IdollIdol bowbow.
wln 0371Greene.GreenwitGreene.NotNot II sirsir.
wln 0372Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHeer’sHere’s MaisterMaster LaxtonLaxton, hashas hehe mindmind toto aa womanwoman
wln 0373AsAs thouthou hasthast.
wln 0374Lax.LaxtonLax.NoNo notnot II sirsir.
wln 0375Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexSirSir II knowknow itit.
wln 0376Lax.LaxtonLax.ThereTheirThere goodgood partsparts areare soso rarerare, theretheirthere badbadbade soso commoncommon,
wln 0377II willwill hauehave noughtnaught toto dodo withwith anyany womanwoman.
wln 0378SirSir Dap.DapperDap.Tis’Tis wellwell donedone MaisterMaster LaxtonLaxton.
wln 0379Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexOhOhO thouthou cruellcruel boyboy,
wln 0380ThouThou wouldstwouldst withwith lustlust anan oldold mansman’s lifelife destroydestroy,
wln 0381BecauseBecause thouthou seestseest I’meI’m halfe wayhalf-wayhalf way inin mymy grauegrave,
wln 0382ThouThou shouelstshovel’st dustdust vponupon meme: wodwould thouthou mightestmightest hauehave
wln 0383ThyThy wishwish, mostmost wickedwicked, mostmost vnnaturallunnatural.
wln 0384Dap.DapperDap.WhyWhy sirsir, tis’tis thoughtthought, sirsir GuyGuy Fitz-AllardsFitz-Allard’sFitz-allard’s daughterdaughter
wln 0385ShallShall wedwed youryour sonneson SebastianSebastian.
wln 0386Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexSirSir DauyDavy DapperDapper.
wln 0387II hauehave vponupon mymy kneesknees, woodwooedwood thisthis fondfond boyboy,
wln 0388ToTo taketake thatthat vertuousvirtuous maidenmaiden.
wln 0389Seb.SebastianSeb.HarkeHark youyou aa wordword sirsir.
wln 0390YouYou onon youryour kneesknees hauehave curstcursed thatthat vertuousvirtuous maidenmaiden,
wln 0391AndAnd meme forfor louingloving herher, yetyet dodo youyou nownow
wln 0392ThusThus bafflebaffle meme toto mymy faceface: werewere notnot youryour kneesknees
wln 0393InIn suchsuch intreatesentreats, giuegive meme Fitz-AllardsFitzallard’sFitz-allard’s daughterdaughter.
wln 0394Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexIleI’ll giuegive theethee rats-baneratsbane ratherrather.
wln 0395Seb.SebastianSeb.WellWell thenthen youyou knowknow
wln 0396WhatWhat dishdish II meanemean toto feedfeed vponupon.
wln 0397Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHarkeHark GentlemenGentlemen,
wln 0398HeHe swearesswears toto hauehave thisthis cut-pursecutpurse drabdrab, toto spitespite mymy gallgall.
wln 0399OmnesOmnes.MaisterMaster SebastianSebastian.
wln 0400Seb.SebastianSeb.II amam deafedeaf toto youyou allall.
wln 0401ImeI’m soso bewitchtbewitched, soso boundbound toto mymy desiresdesires,
wln 0402TearesTears, prayersprayers, threatsthreats, nothingnothing cancan quenchquench outout thosethose firesfires
wln 0403ThatThat burneburn withinwithin meme.ExitExit SebastianSebastian.
wln 0404Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHerHer bloudblood shallshall quenchquench itit thenthen,
wln 0405LooseLose himhim notnot, ohOhOhO diswadedissuade himhim GentlemenGentlemen.
sig: C2r
wln 0406SirSir Dap.DapperDap.HeHe shallshall bebe weandweaned II warrantwarrant youyou.
wln 0407Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexBeforeBefore hishis eyeseyes
wln 0408LayLay downedown hishis shameshame, mymy griefegrief, hishis miseriesmiseries.
wln 0409OmnesOmnes.NoNo moremore, nono moremore, awayaway.ExeuntExeunt allall butbut sirsir
wln 0410Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexII washwash aa NegroNegro,
wln 0411LoosingLosing bothboth painespains andand costcost: butbut taketake thythy flightflight,
wln 0412IleI’ll bebe mostmost neerenear theethee, whenwhen I’meI’m leastleast inin sightsight.
wln 0413WildeWild BuckeBuck ileI’ll hunthunt theethee breathlessebreathless, thouthou shaltshalt runrun onon,
wln 0414ButBut II willwill turneturn theethee whenwhen I’meI’m notnot thoughtthought vponupon.
wln 0415EnterEnter RalphRalph TrapdoreTrapdoorTrapdore:
wln 0416NowNow sirrasirrah whatwhat areare youyou, leaueleave youryour ApesApe’sape’s trickestricks andand speakespeak.
wln 0417Trap.TrapdoorTrap.AA letterletter fromfrom mymy CaptaineCaptain toto youryour WorshipWorship.
wln 0418Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexOhOhO, ohOhOhO, nownow II rememberremember tis’tis toto preferreprefer theethee intointo mymy
wln 0419seruiceservice.
wln 0420Trap.TrapdoorTrap.ToTo bebe aa shiftershifter vnderunder youryour WorshipsWorship’sworship’s nosenose ofof aa cleanclean
wln 0421trenchertrencher, whenwhen ther’sthere’s aa goodgood bitbit vpon’tupon ’tupon’t.
wln 0422Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexTrothTroth honesthonest fellowfellow — humhhumh — haha — letlet meme seesee,
wln 0423ThisThis knaueknave shallshall bebe thethe axeaxe toto hewhew thatthat downedown
wln 0424AtAt whichwhich II stumblestumble, hashas aa faceface thatthat promisethpromiseth
wln 0425MuchMuch ofof aa villainevillain, II willwill grindgrind hishis witwit,
wln 0426AndAnd ifif thethe edgeedge proueprove finefine makemake vseuse ofof itit.
wln 0427ComeCome hitherhither sirrasirrah, canstcanst thouthou bebe secretsecret, haha.
wln 0428Trap.TrapdoorTrap.AsAs twotwo craftycrafty AtturneysAttorneys plottingplotting thethe vndoingundoing ofof
wln 0429theirtheir clyentsclients.
wln 0430Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexDidstDidst neuernever, asas thouthou hasthast walktwalked aboutabout thisthis townetown
wln 0431HeareHear ofof aa wenchwench cal’dcalled MollMoll, madmad merrymerry MollMoll.
wln 0432Trap.TrapdoorTrap.MollMoll cutpursecutpurse sirsir.
wln 0433Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexTheThe samesame, dostdost thouthou knowknow herher thenthen,
wln 0434Trap.TrapdoorTrap.AswellAs wellas well asas II knowknow twill’twill rainerain vponupon SimonSimon andand IudesJude’sjude’s dayday
wln 0435nextnext, II willwill siftsift allall thethe tauernstaverns ithi’ th’ith’ cittycity, andand drinkedrink halfehalf potspots
wln 0436withwith allall thethe WatermenWatermen atha’ th’ath’ banksidebankside, butbut ifif youyou willwill sirsir IleI’ll findfind
wln 0437herher outout.
wln 0438Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexThatThat tasktask isis easyeasy, dootdo ’tdo’t thenthen, holdhold thythy handhand vpup.
wln 0439WhatsWhat’swhat’s thisthis, istis ’tis’t burntburntburned?
wln 0440Trap.TrapdoorTrap.NoNo sirsir nono, aa littlelittle sindgdsinged withwith makingmaking fire workesfireworksfire works.
wln 0441Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexTher’sThere’sthere’s monymoney, spendspend itit, thatthat beingbeing spentspent fetchfetch moremore.
wln 0442Trap.TrapdoorTrap.OhOhO sirsir thatthat allall thethe poorepoor souldierssoldiers inin EnglandEngland hadhad
sig: C2v
wln 0443suchsuch aa leaderleader. ForFor fetchingfetching nono water SpanielwaterWater-spanielwaterSpaniellSpaniel isis likelike meme.
wln 0444Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexThisThis wenchwench wewe speakespeak ofof, straiesstrays soso fromfrom herher kindkind
wln 0445NatureNature repentsrepents sheshe mademade herher. Tis’Tis aa MermaidMermaid
wln 0446HasHas toldtolledtold mymy sonneson toto shipwrackeshipwreck.
wln 0447Trap.TrapdoorTrap.IleI’ll cutcut herher combecomb forfor youyou.
wln 0448Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexIleI’ll telltell outout goldgold forfor theethee thenthen: hunthunt herher forthforth,
wln 0449CastCast outout aa lineline hunghung fullfull ofof siluersilver hookeshooks
wln 0450ToTo catchcatch herher toto thythy companycompany: deepedeep spendingsspendings
wln 0451MayMay drawdraw herher thatsthat’s mostmost chastchaste toto aa mansman’s bosomebosom.
wln 0452Trap.TrapdoorTrap.TheThe ginglingjinglinggingling ofof GoldenGolden belsbells, andand aa goodgood foolefool withwith
wln 0453aa hobbyhorsehobby-horse, wilwill drawdraw allall thethe whooreswhores ithi’ th’ith’ townetotown townetoto dancedance inin aa
wln 0454morrismorris,
wln 0455Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexOrOr ratherrather, forfor thatsthat’s bestbest, (theythey saysay sometimessometimes
wln 0456SheeShe goesgoes inin breechesbreeches) followfollow herher asas herher manman.
wln 0457Trap.TrapdoorTrap.AndAnd whenwhen herher breechesbreeches areare offoff, sheeshe shallshall followfollow meme.
wln 0458Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexBeateBeat allall thythy brainesbrains toto serueserve herher.
wln 0459Trap.TrapdoorTrap.ZoundsZounds sirsir, asas countrycountry wencheswenches beatebeat creamecream, tilltill
wln 0460butterbutter comescomes.
wln 0461Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexPlayPlay thouthou thethe suttlesubtle spiderspider, weaueweave finefine netsnets
wln 0462ToTo insnareensnare herher veryvery lifelife.
wln 0463Trap.TrapdoorTrap.HerHer lifelife.
wln 0464Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexYesYes suckesuck
wln 0465HerHer heart-bloudheart-bloodheartblood ifif thouthou canstcanst, twisttwist thouthou butbut cordscords
wln 0466ToTo catchcatch herher, IleI’ll findefind lawlaw toto hanghang herher vpup.
wln 0467Trap.TrapdoorTrap.SpokeSpokeSpoken likelike aa WorshipfullWorshipful bencherbencher.
wln 0468Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexTraceTrace allall herher stepssteps: atat thisthis shee-foxesshe-fox’s denden
wln 0469WatchWatch whatwhat lambslambs enterenter: letlet meme playplay thethe sheepeheardshepherd
wln 0470ToTo sauesave theirtheir throatsthroats fromfrom bleedingbleeding, andand cutcut hershers.
wln 0471Trap.TrapdoorTrap.ThisThis isis thethe gollgoll shallshall dootdo ’tdo’t.
wln 0472Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexBeBe firmefirm andand gainegain meme
wln 0473EuerEver thinethine owneown. ThisThis donedone II entertaineentertain theethee:
wln 0474HowHow isis thythy namename.
wln 0475Trap.TrapdoorTrap.MyMy namename sirsir isis RaphRafeRaph TrapdoreTrapdoorTrapdore, honesthonest RaphRaph.
wln 0476Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexTrapdoreTrapdoorTrapdore, bebe likelike thythy namename, aa dangerousdangerous stepstep
wln 0477ForFor herher toto ventureventure onon, butbut vntounto meme.
wln 0478Trap.TrapdoorTrap.AsAs fastfast asas youryour solesole toto youryour booteboot oror shooeshoe sirsir.
wln 0479Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHenceHence thenthen, bebe littlelittle seeneseen herehere asas thouthou canstcanst.
sig: C3r
wln 0480IleI’ll stillstill bebe atat thinethine elbowelbow.
wln 0481Trap.TrapdoorTrap.TheThe trapdorestrapdoor’strapdoors setset.
wln 0482MollMoll ifif youyou budgebudge y’arey’ areYou’re gongone: thisthis meme shallshall crownecrown,
wln 0483AA RoaringRoaring BoyBoy, thethe RoaringRoaring GirleGirl putsputs downedown,
wln 0484Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexGod a mercyGod-a-mercyGod a mercy, looselose nono timetime.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0485TheThe threethree shopsshops openopen inin aa rankerank: thethe firstfirst aa PoticariesPothecary’s shopshop, thethe nextnext
wln 0486aa FetherFeather shopshop: thethe thirdthird aa SempstersSempster’ssempster’s shopshop: MistresseMistress GallipotGallipot
wln 0487inin thethe firstfirst, MistresseMistress TiltyardTiltyard inin thethe nextnext, MaisterMaster OpenworkeOpenworkOpenworke
wln 0488andand hishis wifewife inin thethe thirdthird, toto themthem entersenters LaxtonLaxton, GoshawkeGoshawk andand
wln 0489GreenewitGreenwit.
wln 0490Mi.MistressMi Open.OpenOpenworkOpenGentlemenGentlemen whatwhat istis ’tis’t youyou lackelack. WhatWhat istis ’tis’t youyou
wln 0491buybuy, seesee finefine bandsbands andand ruffesruffs, finefine lawneslawns, finefine cambrickescambrics,
wln 0492whatwhat istis ’tis’t youyou lackelack GentlemenGentlemen, whatwhat istis ’tis’t youyou buybuy?
wln 0493Lax.LaxtonLax.YondersYonder’syonder’s thethe shopshop.
wln 0494Gosh.GoshawkGosh.IsIs thatthat sheeshe.Lax.LaxtonLax.PeacePeace.
wln 0495GreenGreenwitGreenSheeShe thatthat mincesminces TobaccoTobacco.
wln 0496Lax.LaxtonLax.IAyI: sheesshe’s aa GentlewomanGentlewoman borneborn II cancan telltell youyou, thothough itit
wln 0497bebe herher hardhard fortunefortune nownow toto shreadshred IndianIndian pot-hearbespot-herbspotherbs.
wln 0498Gosh.GoshawkGosh.OhOhO sirsir tis’tis manymany aa goodgood womanswoman’s fortunefortune, whenwhen herher
wln 0499husbandhusband turnsturns bankroutbankrupt, toto beginbegin withwith pipespipes andand setset vpup againeagain.
wln 0500Lax.LaxtonLax.AndAnd indeedindeed thethe raysingraising ofof thethe womanwoman isis thethe liftinglifting
wln 0501vpup ofof thethe mansman’s headhead atat allall timestimes, ifif oneone florishflourish, tothert’ othertother willwill budbud
wln 0502asas fastfast II warrantwarrant yeye.
wln 0503Gosh.GoshawkGosh.ComeCome th’artth’ artthou’rt familiarlyfamiliarly acquaintedacquainted therethere, II gropegrope thatthat.
wln 0504Lax.LaxtonLax.AndAnd youyou gropegrope nono betterbetter ithi’ th’ith’ darkdark youyou maymay chancechance lyelie
wln 0505ithi’ th’ith’ ditchditch whenwhen y’arey’ areyou’re drunkedrunk.
wln 0506Gosh.GoshawkGosh.GoGo th’artth’ artthou’rt aa misticallmystical letcherlecher.
wln 0507Lax.LaxtonLax.II willwill notnot denydeny butbut mymy creditcredit maymay taketake vpup anan ounceounce
wln 0508ofof purepure smoakesmoke.
wln 0509Gosh.GoshawkGosh.MayMay taketake vpup anan ellell ofof purepure smocksmock; awayaway gogo, tis’tis thethe closestclosest
wln 0510strikerstriker. LifeLife II thinkthink hehe cōmitscōmitscommits veneryvenery 40forty40 footefoot deepedeep, nono mansman’s
wln 0511awareaware on’ton ’ton’t, II likelike aa palpablepalpable smockstersmockster gogo toto workework soso openlyopenly,
wln 0512withwith thethe trickstricks ofof artart, thatthat I’meI’m asas aparantlyapparently seenseen asas aa nakednaked boyboy
wln 0513inin aa viallvial, &and werewere itit notnot forfor aa guiftgift ofof trecherytreachery thatthat II hauehave inin meme
wln 0514toto betraybetray mymy friendfriend whēwhēwhen hehe putsputs mostmost trusttrust inin meme (massemass yonderyonder
sig: C3v
wln 0515heehe isis tootoo —) andand byby hishis iniurieinjury toto makemake goodgood mymy accesseaccess toto
wln 0516herher, II shouldshould appeareappear asas defectiuedefective inin courtingcourting, asas aa FarmersFarmer’sfarmer’s
wln 0517sonneson thethe firstfirst dayday ofof hishis featherfeather, thatthat dothdoth nothingnothing atat CourtCourt,
wln 0518butbut woewoe thethe hangingshangings andand glasseglass windoweswindows forfor aa monthmonth toge-togethertoge∣thertogether
wln 0519ther,
wln 0519andand somesome brokenbroken wayting womanwaiting-womanwaiting woman forfor euerever afterafter. II findfind
wln 0520thosethose imperfectionsimperfections inin mymy venerievenery, thatthat were’twere ’twere’t notnot forfor flatterieflattery
wln 0521andand falshoodfalsehood, II shouldshould wantwant discoursediscourse andand impudenceimpudence, andand heehe
wln 0522thatthat wantswants impudenceimpudence amongamong womenwomen, isis worthyworthy toto beebe kicktkicked
wln 0523outout atat bedsbed’s feetfeet. — HeHe shallshall notnot seesee meme yetyet.
wln 0524Greene.GreenwitGreene.TrothTroth thisthis isis finelyfinely shredshred.
wln 0525Lax.LaxtonLax.OhOhO womenwomen areare thethe bestbèstbèstbest mincersmincers.
wln 0526Mist.Mistress Gal.GallipotGal.’Thad’T had’Thad binbeen aa goodgood phrasephrase forfor aa CookesCook’scook’s wifewife sirsir.
wln 0527Lax.LaxtonLax.ButBut ’twill’twill serueserve generallygenerally, likelike thethe frontfront ofof aa newenew
wln 0528AlmanackeAlmanac; asas thusthus: CalculatedCalculated forfor thethe meridianmeridian ofof CookesCooks’cook’s
wln 0529wiueswives, butbut generallygenerally forfor allall EnglishwomenEnglishwomen.
wln 0530Mist.Mistress Gal.GallipotGal.NayNay youyou shallshall ha’teha ’thave’t sirsir, II hauehave fildfilled itit forfor youyou.
wln 0531SheeSheshe putsputs itit toto thethe firefire.
wln 0532Lax.LaxtonLax.TheThe pipe’spipe’s inin aa goodgood handhand, andand II wishwish minemine alwaiesalways soso.
wln 0533Gree.GreenwitGree.ButBut notnot toto bebe vs’dused aa’a thatthat fashionfashion.
wln 0534Lax.LaxtonLax.OO pardonpardon meme sirsir, II vnderstandunderstand nono frenchfrench.
wln 0535II praypray bebe couerdcovered. IackeJack aa pipepipe ofof richrich smoakesmoke.
wln 0536Gosh.GoshawkGosh.RichRich smoakesmoke; that’sthat’s 6.six6. pencepence aa pipepipe istis ’tis’t?
wln 0537Green.GreenwitGreen.ToTo meme sweetsweet LadyLady.
wln 0538Mist.Mistress Gal.GallipotGal.BeBe notnot forgetfulforgetful; respectrespect mymy creditcredit; seemseem strangestrange;
wln 0539ArtArt andand WitWit makesmakes aa foolefool ofof suspitionsuspicion: — praypray bebe wariewary.
wln 0540Lax.LaxtonLax.PushPush, II warrantwarrant youyou: — comecome, howhow istis ’tis’t gallantsgallants?
wln 0541Green.GreenwitGreen.PurePure andand excellentexcellent.
wln 0542Lax.LaxtonLax.II thoughtthought ’twas’twas goodgood, youyou werewere grownegrown soso silentsilent; youyou
wln 0543areare likelike thosethose thatthat louelove notnot toto talketalk atat victualsvictuals, thothough theythey makemake
wln 0544aa worseworse noysenoise i’thei’ thei’the nosenose thenthanthen aa commoncommon fidlersfiddler’s prenticeprentice, andand
wln 0545discoursediscourse aa wholewhole SupperSupper withwith snufflingsnuffling; — II mustmust speakespeak aa
wln 0546wordword withwith youyou anoneanon.
wln 0547Mist.Mistress Gal.GallipotGal.MakeMake youryour wayway wiselywisely thenthen.
wln 0548Gosh.GoshawkGosh.OhOhO whatwhat elseelse sirsir, hee’she’s perfectionperfection it selfeitself, fullfull ofof man-mannersmanmanners-((nersners,
wln 0549ButBut notnot anan acreacre ofof groundground belongingbelonging toto ’em’em.
wln 0550Green.GreenwitGreen.IAyI andand fullfull ofof formeform, h’ash’ashas ne’rene’ernever aa goodgood stoolestool in’sin ’sin’s
wln 0551chamberchamber.
sig: C4r
wln 0552Gosh.GoshawkGosh.ButBut aboueabove allall religiousreligious: heehe prayethprayeth dailydaily vponupon elderelder
wln 0553brothersbrothers.
wln 0554Green.GreenwitGreen.AndAnd valiantvaliant aboueabove measuremeasure; h’ash’ashas runnerun threethree streetsstreets
wln 0555fromfrom aa SerieantSergeant.
wln 0556Lax.LaxtonLax.PuhPuh, PuhPuh.hehe blowesblows tobaccotobacco inin theirtheir facesfaces.
wln 0557Green.GreenwitGreen. Gosh.GoshawkGosh.OhOhO, puhpuh, hoho, hoho.
wln 0558Lax.LaxtonLax.SoSo, soso.
wln 0559Mist.Mistress Gal.GallipotGal.WhatsWhat’swhat’s thethe mattermatter nownow
sig: [N/A]
img: 1-b
sig: A2r
ln 0001TheThe RoaringRoaring GirleGirl.
ln 0002OROR
ln 0003MollMoll Cut-PurseCutpursecutpurse.
ln 0004AsAs itit hathhath latelylately beenebeen ActedActed onon thethe Fortune-stageFortune stageFortune-stage byby
ln 0005thethe PrincePrince hishis PlayersPlayers.
ln 0006WrittenWritten byby T.T. MiddletonMiddleton andand T.T. DekkarDekkerDekkar.
[Portrait of Moll Cutpurse]
ln 0007MyMy casecase isis alter’daltered, II mustmust workework forfor mymy liuingliving.
ln 0008PrintedPrinted atat LondonLondon forfor ThomasThomas ArcherArcher, andand areare toto bebe soldsold atat hishis
ln 0009shopshop inin PopesPope’spope’s head-pallacehead-palace, neerenear thethe RoyallRoyal
ln 0010ExchangeExchange. 16111611.
img: 2-a
sig: A2v
img: 2-b
sig: A3r
ln 0001ToTo thethe ComickeComic, Play-readersPlay-readers, VeneryVenery,
ln 0002andand LaughterLaughter.
ln 0003THE_THETHE fashionfashion ofof play-makingplaymaking, II cancan proper-properlyproper∣lyproperly
ln 0004ly
ln 0004comparecompare toto nothingnothing, soso naturallynaturally, asas
ln 0005thethe alterationalteration inin apparellapparel: ForFor inin thethe timetime
ln 0006ofof thethe Great-crop-doubletGreat crop-doubletGreat-crop-doublet, youryour hugehuge
ln 0007bombastedbombasted plaiesplays, quiltedquilted withwith mightymighty
ln 0008wordswords toto leanelean purposepurpose waswas onelyonly thenthen
ln 0009inin fashionfashion. AndAnd asas thethe doubletdoublet fellfell, neaterneater inuentionsinventions
ln 0010begannebegan toto setset vpup. NowNow inin thethe timetime ofof sprucenesspruceness, ourour
ln 0011plaiesplays followefollow thethe nicenesniceness ofof ourour GarmentsGarments, singlesingle plotsplots,
ln 0012quaintquaint conceitsconceits, letcherouslecherous iestsjests, drestdressed vpup inin hanginghanging
ln 0013sleeuessleeves, andand thosethose areare fitfit forfor thethe TimesTimes, andand thethe TearmersTermerstermers:
ln 0014SuchSuch aa kindkind ofof light-colourlight-colorlight-colour SummerSummer stuffestuff, mingledmingled withwith
ln 0015diuersediversedivers colourscolorscolours, youyou shallshall findefind thisthis publishedpublished ComedyComedy,
ln 0016goodgood toto keepekeep youyou inin anan afternooneafternoon fromfrom dicedice, atat homehome inin
ln 0017youryour chamberschambers; andand forfor veneryvenery youyou shallshall findefind enoughenough,
ln 0018forfor sixepencesixpence, butbut wellwell couchtcouched andand youyou markemark itit. ForFor Ve-VenusVe∣nusVenus
ln 0019nus
ln 0019beingbeing aa womanwoman passespasses throughthrough thethe playplay inin doubletdoublet
ln 0020andand breechesbreeches, aa brauebrave disguisedisguise andand aa safesafe oneone, ifif thethe Sta-StatuteSta∣tuteStatute
ln 0021tute
ln 0021vntyuntie notnot herher cod-peececodpiece pointpoint. TheThe bookbook II makemake nono
ln 0022questionquestion, butbut isis fitfit forfor manymany ofof youryour companiescompanies, asas wellwell
ln 0023asas thethe personperson it selfeitselfeitself, andand maymay beebe allowedallowed bothboth GalleryGallery
ln 0024roomeroom atat thethe play-houseplayhouse, andand chamber-roomechamber-room atat youryour
ln 0025lodginglodging: worseworse thingsthings II mustmust needsneeds confesseconfess thethe worldworld
img: 3-asig: A3v
ln 0026ha’shas taxttaxed herher forfor, thenthanthen hashas beenebeen writtenwritten ofof herher; butbut ’tis’tis
ln 0027thethe excellencyexcellency ofof aa WriterWriter, toto leaueleave thingsthings betterbetter thenthan
ln 0028hehe findsfinds ’em’em; thoughthough somesome obscœneobscoeneobscene fellowfellow (thatthat carescares notnot
ln 0029whatwhat hehe writeswrites againstagainst othersothers, yetyet keepeskeeps aa mysticallmystical bau-baudy-housebau∣dy-housebawdy-house
ln 0030dy-house
ln 0030himselfehimself, andand entertainesentertains drunkardsdrunkards, toto makemake
ln 0031vseuse ofof theirtheir pocketspockets, andand ventvent hishis priuateprivate bottle-alebottle-ale atat
ln 0032mid-nightmidnight) thoughthough suchsuch aa oneone wouldwould hauehave riptripped vpup thethe
ln 0033mostmost nastynasty vicevice, thatthat euerever hellhell belchtbelched forthforth, andand presentedpresented
ln 0034itit toto aa modestmodest AssemblyAssembly; yetyet wewe ratherrather wishwish inin suchsuch
ln 0035discoueriesdiscoveries, wherewhere reputationreputation lieslies bleedingbleeding, aa
ln 0036slackenesseslackness ofof truthtruth, thenthan fulnessefullness
ln 0037ofof slanderslander.
img: 3-bsig: A4r
wln 0001PrologusPrologus.
wln 0002AA PlayPlay (expectedexpected longlong) makesmakes thethe AudienceAudience lookelook
wln 0003ForFor wonderswonders: — thatthat eacheach ScœneScoeneScenescene shouldshould bebe aa bookebook,
wln 0004Compos’dComposed toto allall perfectionperfection; eacheach oneone comescomes
wln 0005AndAnd bringsbrings aa playplay in’sin ’sin’s headhead withwith himhim: vpup hehe summessums,
wln 0006WhatWhat hehe wouldwould ofof aa RoaringRoaring GirleGirl hauehave writwrit;
wln 0007IfIf thatthat hehe findesfinds notnot herehere, hehe mewesm●wesmews atat itit.
wln 0008OnelyOnly wewe intreateentreat youyou thinkethink ourour ScoeneScenescene.
wln 0009CannotCannot speakespeak highhigh (thethe subiectsubject beingbeing butbut meanemean)
wln 0010AA RoaringRoaring GirleGirl (whosewhose notesnotes tilltill nownow neuernever werewere)
wln 0011ShallShall fillfill withwith laughterlaughter ourour vastvast TheaterTheater,
wln 0012That’sThat’s allall whichwhich II daredare promisepromise: TragickTragic passionpassion,
wln 0013AndAnd suchsuch grauegrave stuffestuff, isis thisthis dayday outout ofof fashionfashion.
wln 0014II seesee attentionattention setssets widewide opeopeopen herher gatesgates
wln 0015OfOf hearinghearing, andand withwith couetouscovetous listninglistening waiteswaits,
wln 0016ToTo knowknow whatwhat GirleGirl, thisthis RoaringRoaring GirleGirl shouldshould bebe.
wln 0017(ForFor ofof thatthat TribeTribe areare manymany.) OneOne isis sheeshe
wln 0018ThatThat roaresroars atat midnightmidnight inin deepedeep TauerneTavern bowlesbowls,
wln 0019ThatThat beatesbeats thethe watchwatch, andand ConstablesConstablesConstable’s controulscontrols;
wln 0020AnotherAnother roaresroars i’thi’ th’i’th dayday timetime, swearesswears, stabbesstabs, giuesgives brauesbraves,
wln 0021YetYet sellssells herher soulesoul toto thethe lustlust ofof foolesfools andand slauesslaves.
wln 0022BothBoth thesethese areare Suburbe-roarersSuburb-roarers. ThenThen there’sthere’s (besidesbesides)
wln 0023AA ciuillcivil CittyCity▪ RoaringRoaring GirleGirl, whosewhose pridepride,
wln 0024FeastingFeasting, andand ridingriding, shakesshakes herher husbandshusband’s statestate,
wln 0025AndAnd leauesleaves himhim RoaringRoaring throughthrough anan yroniron grategrate.
wln 0026NoneNone ofof thesethese RoaringRoaring GirlesGirls isis oursours: sheeshe fliesflies
wln 0027VVithWith wingswings moremore loftylostylofty. ThusThus herher charactercharacter lyeslies,
wln 0028YetYet whatwhat needeneed characterscharacters? whenwhen toto giuegive aa gesseguess,
wln 0029IsIs betterbetter thenthan thethe personperson toto expresseexpress;
wln 0030ButBut wouldwould youyou knowknow whowho ’tis’tis? wouldwould youyou hearehear herher namename?
wln 0031SheeSheshe isis cal’dcalled maddemad MollMoll; herher lifelife, ourour actsacts proclaimeproclaim.
img: 4-asig: A4v
wln 0032DramatisDramatis PersonæPersonaePersonae.
wln 0033SirSir AlexanderAlexander WentgraueWentgraneWengraveWentgrane, andand Neats-footNeatfootNeats-foot hishis manman.
wln 0034SirSir AdamAdam AppletonAppleton.
wln 0035SirSir DauyDavy DapperDapper.
wln 0036SirSir BewteousBeauteousBewteous GanymedGanymedeGanymed.
wln 0037LordLord NolandNoland.
wln 0038YongYoung WentgraueWentgraneWengraveWentgrane,
wln 0039IackeJack DapperDapper, andand GullGull hishis pagepage.
wln 0040GoshawkeGoshawk.
wln 0041GreenewitGrèenewitGreenwit.
wln 0042LaxtonLuxtonLuxtonLaxton.
wln 0043}CiuesCives &et VxoresUxoresuxores.Tilt-yardTiltyard.
wln 0044OpenworkeOpenwork.
wln 0045GallipotGallipot.
wln 0046MolMoll thethe RoaringRoaring GirleGirl.
wln 0047TrapdooreTrapdoortrapdoor.
wln 0048SirSir GuyGuy Fitz-allardFitzallardFitz-allard.
wln 0049MaryMary Fitz-allardFitzallardFitz-allard hishis daughterdaughter.
wln 0050CurtilaxCurtilax aa SergiantSergeantsergeant, andand
wln 0051HangerHanger hishis YeomanYeoman.
wln 0052MinistriMinistri.
img: 4-bsig: B1r
wln 0053TheThe RoaringRoaring GirleGirl.
wln 0054Act.Act. 1.1. Scoe.SceneScoe. 1.1.
wln 0055EnterEnter MaryMaryMarry Fitz-AllardFitzallardFitz-Allard disguiseddisguised likelike aa sempstersempster withwith aa casecase forfor
wln 0056bandsbands, andand NeatfootNeatfoot aa seruingmanservingman withwith herher, withwith aa napkinnapkin onon
wln 0057hishis shouldershoulder, andand aa trenchertrencher inin hishis handhand asas fromfrom tabletable.
wln 0058NeatfooteNeatfootNeatfoote.
wln 0059THe_THeTHeThe yongyoung gentlemangentleman (ourour youngyoung maistermaster) SirSir
wln 0060AlexandersAlexander’s sonneson, isis itit intointo hishis earesears (sweetsweet
wln 0061DamsellDamsel) (emblemeemblem ofof fragilityfragility) youyou
wln 0062desiredesire toto hauehave aa messagemessage transportedtransported, oror toto bebe tran-transcendenttran∣scendent
wln 0063scendenttranscendent.
wln 0064MaryMaryAA priuateprivate wordword oror twotwo SirSir, nothingnothing
wln 0065 elseelse.
wln 0066Neat.NeatfootNeat.YouYou shallshall fructifiefructify inin thatthat whichwhich youyou comecome forfor: youryour
wln 0067pleasurepleasure shallshall bebe satisfiedsatisfied toto youryour fullfull contentationcontentation: II willwill
wln 0068(fairestfairest treetree ofof generationgeneration) watchwatch whenwhen ourour youngyoung maistermaster isis
wln 0069erectederected, (thatthat isis toto saysay vpup) andand deliuerdeliver himhim toto thisthis youryour mostmost
wln 0070whitewhite handhand.
wln 0071MaryMaryThankesThanks sirsir.
wln 0072Neat.NeatfootNeat.AndAnd withallwithal certifiecertify himhim, thatthat II hauehave culledculled outout forfor
wln 0073himhim (nownow hishis bellybelly isis replenishedreplenished) aa daintierdaintier bitbit oror modicomemodicum
wln 0074thenthanthen anyany laylay vponupon hishis trenchertrencher atat dinnerdinner — hathhath hehe notionnotion
wln 0075ofof youryour namename, II beseechbeseech youryour chastitiechastity.
wln 0076MaryMaryOneOne SirSir, ofof whomwhom hehe be spakebespakebe spoken fallingfalling bandsbands.
img: 5-asig: B1v
The Roaring Girle.
wln 0077Neat.NeatfootNeat.FallingFalling bandsbands, itit shallshall soso bebe giuengiven himhim, — ifif youyou
wln 0078pleaseplease toto ventureventure youryour modestymodesty inin thethe hallhall, amongstamongst aa curle-curlepatedcurle∣patedcurl-pated
wln 0079pated
wln 0079companycompany ofof ruderude seruingmenserving-men, andand taketake suchsuch asas theythey cancan
wln 0080setset beforebefore youyou, youyou shallshall bebe mostmost seriouslyseriously, andand ingeniouslyingeniously
wln 0081welcomewelcome.
wln 0082MaryMaryII hauehave dyeddied indeedindeed alreadyalready sirsir.
wln 0083Neat.NeatfootNeat.— OrOr willwill youyou vouchsafevouchsafe toto kissekiss thethe liplip ofof aa
wln 0084cupcup ofof richrich OrleansOrleans inin thethe buttrybuttery amongstamongst ourour waitingwaiting womenwomen.
wln 0085MaryMaryNotNot nownow inin truthtruth sirsir.
wln 0086Neat.NeatfootNeat.OurOur yongyoung MaisterMaster shallshall thenthen hauehave aa feelingfeeling ofof youryour
wln 0087beingbeing herehere presentlypresently itit shallshall soso bebe giuengiven himhim.ExitExit NeatfooteNeatfootNeatfoote,
wln 0088MaryMarymarryII humblyhumbly thankethank youyou sirsir, butbut thatthat mymy bosomebosom
wln 0089IsIs fullfull ofof bitterbitter sorrowessorrows, II couldcould smilesmile,
wln 0090ToTo seesee thisthis formallformal ApeApe playplay AntickAntic trickstricks:
wln 0091ButBut inin mymy breastbreast aa poysonedpoisoned arrowarrow stickessticks,
wln 0092AndAnd smilessmiles cannotcannot becomebecome meme, LoueLove wouenwoven sleightlyslightly
wln 0093(SuchSuch asas thythy falsefalse heartheart makesmakes) weareswears outout asas lightlylightly,
wln 0094ButBut louelove beingbeing truelytruly bredbred ithi’ th’ith’ thethe soulesoul (likelike minemine)
wln 0095BleedsBleeds eueneven toto deathdeath, atat thethe leastleast woundwound itit takestakes,
wln 0096TheThe moremore wewe quenchquench thisthis, thethe lesseless itit slakesslakes: OhOhO meme!
wln 0097EnterEnter SebastianSebastian WengraueWengraveWengraue withwith NeatfooteNeatfootNeatfoote.
wln 0098Seb.SebastianSeb.AA SempsterSempster speakespeak withwith meme, saistsay’stsayest thouthou.
wln 0099Neat.NeatfootNeat.YesYes sirsir, she’sshe’s therethere, viuaviva vocevoce, toto deliuerdeliver herher auricularauricular
wln 0100confessionconfession.
wln 0101Seb.SebastianSeb.WithWith meme sweetsweet heartheart. WhatWhat istis ’tis’t?
wln 0102MaryMaryII hauehave broughtbrought homehome youryour bandsbands sirsir.
wln 0103Seb.SebastianSeb.BandsBands: NeatfooteNeatfoot.
wln 0104Neat.NeatfootNeat.SirSir.
wln 0105Seb.SebastianSeb.PritheePrithee looklook inin, forfor allall thethe GentlemenGentlemen areare vponupon risingrising.
wln 0106Neat.NeatfootNeat.YesYes sirsir, aa mostmost methodicallmethodical attendanceattendance shallshall bebe giuengiven.
wln 0107Seb.SebastianSeb.AndAnd dostdost hearehear, ifif mymy fatherfather callcall forfor meme, saysay II amam
wln 0108busybusy withwith aa SempsterSempster.
wln 0109Neat.NeatfootNeat.YesYes sirsir, heehe shallshall knowknow itit thatthat youyou areare busiedbusied withwith aa
wln 0110needle womanneedlewomanneedle woman.
wln 0111Seb.SebastianSeb.In’sIn ’sIn’s eareear goodgood Neat-footeNeatfoot,
img: 5-bsig: B2r
The Roaring Girle.
wln 0112Neat.NeatfootNeat.ItIt shallshall bebe soso giuengiven himhim.ExitExit Neat-footeNeatfoot.
wln 0113Seb.SebastianSeb.BandsBands, y’arey’ areyou’re mistakenmistaken sweetesweet heartheart, II bespakebespakebespoke nonenone,
wln 0114whenwhen, wherewhere, II pritheeprithee, whatwhat bandsbands, letlet meme seesee themthem.
wln 0115MaryMaryYesYes sirsir, aa bondbond fastfast sealedsealed, withwith solemnesolemn oathesoaths,
wln 0116SubscribedSubscribed vntounto (asas II thoughtthought) withwith youryour soulesoul:
wln 0117DeliueredDelivered asas youryour deeddeed inin sightsight ofof heauenheaven,
wln 0118IsIs thisthis bondbond canceldcanceledcancelled, hauehave youyou forgotforgotforgotten meme.
wln 0119Seb.SebastianSeb.Ha!Ha! lifelife ofof mymy lifelife: SirSir GuyGuy Fitz-AllardsFitz-Allard’sFitz-allard’s daughterdaughter,
wln 0120WhatWhat hashas transform’dtransformed mymy louelove toto thisthis strangestrange shapeshape?
wln 0121StayStay: makemake allall suresure, — soso: nownow speakespeak andand bebe briefebrief,
wln 0122BecauseBecause thethe wolfe’swolf’s atat doredoor thatthat lyeslies inin waitewait,
wln 0123ToTo preyprey vponupon vsus bothboth albeitalbeit minemine eyeseyes
wln 0124AreAre blestblessed byby thinethine, yetyet thisthis soso strangestrange disguisedisguise
wln 0125HoldsHolds meme withwith fearefear andand wonderwonder.
wln 0126MaryMaryMinesMine’smine’s aa loathedloathed sightsight,
wln 0127WhyWhy fromfrom itit areare youyou banishtbanished elseelse soso longlong.
wln 0128Seb.SebastianSeb.II mustmust cutcut shortshort mymy speechspeech, inin brokenbroken languagelanguage,
wln 0129ThusThus muchmuch sweetesweet MollMoll, II mustmust thythy companycompany shunshun,
wln 0130II courtcourt anotheranother MollMoll, mymy thoughtsthoughts mustmust runrun,
wln 0131AsAs aa horsehorse runsruns, thatsthat’s blindblind, roundround inin aa MillMill,
wln 0132OutOut eueryevery stepstep, yetyet keepingkeeping oneone pathpath stillstill.
wln 0133MaryMaryVmhUmhumh: mustmust youyou shunshun mymy companycompany, inin oneone knotknot
wln 0134HaueHave bothboth ourour handshands byt’hby th’byth’ handshands ofof heauenheaven benebeen tyedtied,
wln 0135NowNow toto bebe brokebroke, II thoughtthought meme onceonce youryour BrideBride:
wln 0136OurOur fathersfathers diddid agreeagree onon thethe timetime whenwhen,
wln 0137AndAnd mustmust anotheranother bed-fellowbedfellow fillfill mymy roomeroom.
wln 0138Seb.SebastianSeb.SweeteSweet maidmaid, letslet’s looselose nono timetime, tis’tis inin heauensheaven’s bookebook
wln 0139SetSet downedown, thatthat II mustmust hauehave theethee: anan oathoath wewe tooketook,
wln 0140ToTo keepkeep ourour vowesvows, butbut whenwhen thethe knightknight youryour fatherfather
wln 0141WasWas fromfrom minemine partedparted, stormesstorms beganbegan toto sitsit
wln 0142VponUpon mymy couetouscovetous fathersfather’s browbrow: whichwhich fellfell
wln 0143FromFrom themthem onon meme, hehe reckondreckoned vpup whatwhat goldgold
wln 0144ThisThis marriagemarriage wouldwould drawdraw fromfrom himhim, atat whichwhich hehe sworeswore,
wln 0145ToTo looselose soso muchmuch bloudblood, couldcould notnot grieuegrieve himhim moremore.
wln 0146HeHe thenthen diswadesdissuades meme fromfrom theethee, cal’dcalled theethee notnot fairefair,
wln 0147AndAnd asktasked whatwhat isis sheeshe, butbut aa beggarsbeggar’s heireheir?
wln 0148HeHe scorn’dscorned thythy dowrydowry ofof (5000)five thousand5000 MarkesMarks.
img: 6-asig: B2v
The Roaring Girle.
wln 0149IfIf suchsuch aa summesum ofof monymoney couldcould bebe foundfound,
wln 0150AndAnd II wouldwould matchmatch withwith thatthat, hee’dhe’d notnot vndoeundo itit,
wln 0151ProuidedProvided hishis bagsbags mightmight addeadd nothingnothing toto itit,
wln 0152ButBut vow’dvowed, ifif II tooketook theethee, naynay moremore, diddid sweareswear itit,
wln 0153SaueSave birthbirth fromfrom himhim II nothingnothing shouldshould inheritinherit.
wln 0154MaryMaryWhatWhat followesfollows thenthen, mymy ship-wrackeshipwreck.
wln 0155Seb.SebastianSeb.DearestDearest nono:
wln 0156ThoThough wildlywildly inin aa laborinthlabyrinth II gogo,
wln 0157MyMy endend isis toto meetemeet theethee: withwith aa sideside windewind
wln 0158MustMust II nownow sailesail, elseelse II nono hauenhaven cancan findefind
wln 0159ButBut bothboth mustmust sinkesink for euerforeverfor ever. There’sThere’s aa wenchwench
wln 0160Cal’dCalled MolMoll, madmad MolMoll, oror merrymerry MollMoll, aa creaturecreature
wln 0161SoSo strangestrange inin qualityquality, aa wholewhole cittycity takestakes
wln 0162NoteNote ofof herher namename andand personperson, allall thatthat affectionaffection
wln 0163II oweowe toto theethee, onon herher inin counterfetcounterfeit passionpassion,
wln 0164II spendspend toto madmad mymy fatherfather: hehe beleeuesbelieves
wln 0165II doatedote vponupon thisthis RoaringRoaring GirleGirl, andand grieuesgrieves
wln 0166AsAs itit becomesbecomes aa fatherfather forfor aa sonneson,
wln 0167ThatThat couldcould bebe soso bewitchtbewitched: yetyet ilei’llI’ll gogo onon
wln 0168ThisThis crokedcrooked wayway, sighsigh stillstill forfor herher, fainefain dreamesdreams,
wln 0169InIn whichwhich ileI’ll talketalk onelyonly ofof herher, thesethese streamesstreams
wln 0170ShallShall, II hopehope, forceforce mymy fatherfather toto consentconsent
wln 0171ThatThat heerehere II anchoranchor ratherrather thenthan bebe rentrent
wln 0172VponUpon aa rockerock soso dangeroursdangerousdangeroursdangerous, ArtArt thouthou pleas’dpleased,
wln 0173BecauseBecause thouthou seestseest wewe areare way-laidwaylaid, thatthat II taketake
wln 0174AA pathpath thatsthat’s safesafe, thothough itit bebe farrefar aboutabout,
wln 0175MaryMarymarryMyMy prayersprayers withwith heauenheaven guideguide theethee,
wln 0176Seb.SebastianSeb.ThenThen II willwill onon,
wln 0177MyMy fatherfather isis atat handhand, kissekiss andand begonbegone;
wln 0178HowresHours shallshall bebe watchtwatched forfor meetingsmeetings; II mustmust nownow
wln 0179AsAs menmen forfor fearefear, toto aa strangestrange IdollI dollIdolI doll bowbow.
wln 0180MaryMaryFarewellFarewell.
wln 0181Seb.SebastianSeb.IleI’ll guideguide theethee forthforth, whenwhen nextnext wewe meetemeet,
wln 0182AA storystory ofof MollMoll shallshall makemake ourour mirthmirth moremore sweetsweet.ExeuntExeunt
wln 0183EnterEnter SirSir AlexanderAlexander WengraueWengraveWengraue, SirSir DauyDavy DapperDapper, SirSir AdamAdam
wln 0184AppletonAppleton, GoshakeGoshawkGoshake, LaxtonLaxton, andand GentlemenGentlemen.
wln 0185OmnesOmnesThanksThanks goodgood SirSir AlexanderAlexander forfor ourour bounteousbounteous cheerecheer:
img: 6-bsig: B3r
The Roaring Girle.
wln 0186Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexFyFie, fyfie, inin giuinggiving thankesthanks youyou paypay totoo dearedear.
wln 0187S.SirS. Dap.DapperDap.WhenWhen bountybounty spreadesspreads thethe tabletable, faithfaith t’were’twere sinnesin,
wln 0188(atat goinggoing ofoffof) ifif thankesthanks shouldshould notnot stepstep inin.
wln 0189Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexNoNo moremore ofof thankesthanks, nono moremore, IAyI marymarry SirSir,
wln 0190Th’innerTh’ innerTh’inner roomeroom waswas tootoo closeclose, howhow dodo youyou likelike
wln 0191ThisThis ParlourParlorParlour GentlmenGentlemen?
wln 0192OmnesOmnesOhOhO passingpassing wellwell.
wln 0193AdamAdamWhatWhat aa sweetsweet breathbreath thethe aireair castscasts heerehere, soso coolecool,
wln 0194Gosh.GoshawkGosh.II likelike thethe prospectprospect bestbest.
wln 0195Lax.LaxtonLax.SeeSee howhow tis’tis furnishtfurnished.
wln 0196S.SirS. Dap.DapperDap.AA veryvery fairefair sweetesweet roomeroom.
wln 0197Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexSirSir DauyDavy DapperDapper,
wln 0198TheThe furniturefurniture thatthat dothdoth adorneadorn thisthis roomeroom,
wln 0199CostCost manymany aa fairefair graygraygrey groatgroat ereere itit camecame herehere,
wln 0200ButBut goodgood thingsthings areare mostmost cheapecheap, whenwhen th’areth’ arethey’re mostmost deeredear,
wln 0201NayNay whenwhen youyou lookelook intointo mymy galleriesgalleries,
wln 0202HowHow brauelybravely theythey areare trim’dtrimmed vpup, youyou allall shallshall sweareswear
wln 0203YareY’ areyou’re highlyhighly pleasdpleased toto seesee whatswhat’s setset downedown therethere:
wln 0204StoriesStoriesStoreys ofof menmen andand womenwomen (mixtmixed togethertogether
wln 0205FaireFair onesones withwith foulefoul, likelike sun-shinesunshine inin wetwet wetherweather)
wln 0206WithinWithin oneone squaresquare aa thousandthousand headsheads areare laidlaid
wln 0207SoSo closeclose, thatthat allall ofof headsheads, thethe roomeroom seeemesseems mademade,
wln 0208AsAs manymany facesfaces therethere (fiil’dfill’dfilled withwith blithblithe lookeslooks)
wln 0209ShewShow likelike thethe promisingpromising titlestitles ofof newnew bookesbooks,
wln 0210(WritWrit merilymerrily) thethe ReadersReaders beingbeing theirtheir owneown eyeseyes,
wln 0211WhichWhich seemeseem toto mouemove andand toto giuegive plauditiesplaudities,
wln 0212AndAnd herehere andand therethere (whilstwhilst withwith obsequiousobsequious earesears,
wln 0213Throng’dThronged heapesheaps dodo listenlisten) aa cut pursecutcutpursecutpursepurse thruststhrusts andand leeresleers
wln 0214WithWith haukeshawk’s eyeseyes forfor hishis preyprey: II needneed notnot shewshow himhim,
wln 0215ByBy aa hanginghanging villanousvillainous lookelook, your seluesyourselves maymay knowknow himhim,
wln 0216TheThe faceface isis drawnedrawn soso rarelyrarely, ThenThenThan sirsir belowbelow,
wln 0217TheThe veryvery flowrefloorflower (asas twere’twere) waueswaves toto andand frofro,
wln 0218AndAnd likelike aa floatingfloating IlandIsland, seemesseems toto mouemove,
wln 0219VponUpon aa seasea boundbound inin withwith shoresshores aboueabove,EnterEnter SebastianSebastian andand
M.MasterM. Greene-witGreenwit.
wln 0220OmnesOmnes.TheseThese sightssights areare excellentexcellent.
wln 0221Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexI’leI’ll shewshow youyou allall,
wln 0222SinceSince wewe areare metmet, makemake ourour partingparting ComicallComical.
img: 7-asig: B3v
The Roaring Girle.
wln 0223Seb.SebastianSeb.ThisThis gentlemangentleman (mymy friendfriend) willwill taketake hishis leaueleave SirSir.
wln 0224Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHaHa, taketake hishis leaueleave (SebastianSebastian) whowho?
wln 0225Seb.SebastianSeb.ThisThis gentlemangentleman.
wln 0226Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexYourYour louelove sirsir, hashas alreadyalready giuengiven meme somesome timetime,
wln 0227AndAnd ifif youyou pleaseplease toto trusttrust mymy ageage withwith moremore,
wln 0228ItIt shallshall paypay doubledouble interestinterest: GoodGood sirsir staystay.
wln 0229Green.GreenwitGreen.II hauehave beenebeen tootoo boldbold.
wln 0230Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexNotNot soso sirsir. AA merrymerry dayday
wln 0231Mongst’MongstAmongst friendsfriends beingbeing spentspent, isis betterbetter thenthan goldgold sau’dsaved.
wln 0232SomeSome winewine, somesome winewine. WhereWhere bebe thesethese knauesknaves II keepekeep.
wln 0233EnterEnter threethree oror fourefour SeruingmenServing-menserving-men, andand NeatfooteNeatfootNeatfoote.
wln 0234Neat.NeatfootNeat.AtAt youryour worshipfullworshipful elbowelbow, sirsir.
wln 0235Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexYouYou areare kissingkissing mymy maidsmaids, drinkingdrinking, oror fastfast asleepasleep.
wln 0236Neat.NeatfootNeat.YourYour worshipworship hashas giuengiven itit vsus rightright.
wln 0237Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexYouYou varletsvarlets stirrestir,
wln 0238ChairesChairs, stoolesstools andand cushionscushions: pre’theeprithee sirsir DauyDavy DapperDapper,
wln 0239MakeMake thatthat chairechair thinethine.
wln 0240SirSir Dap.DapperDap.Tis’Tis butbut anan easieeasy giftgift,
wln 0241AndAnd yetyet II thankethank youyou forfor itit sirsir, I’leI’ll taketake itit.
wln 0242Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexAA chairechair forfor oldold sirsir AdamAdam AppletonAppleton.
wln 0243Neat.NeatfootNeat.AA backeback friendfriend toto youryour worshipworship.
wln 0244AdamAdam.MaryMarrymarry goodgood NeatfootNeatfoot,
wln 0245II thankethank theethee forfor itit: backeback friendsfriends sometimessometimes areare goodgood.
wln 0246Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexPrayPray makemake thatthat stoolestool youryour pearchperch, goodgood M.MasterM. GoshawkeGoshawk.
wln 0247Gosh.GoshawkGosh.II stoopestoop toto youryour lurelure sirsir.
wln 0248Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexSonneSon SebastianSebastian,
wln 0249TakeTake MaisterMaster GreenewitGreenwit toto youyou.
wln 0250Seb.SebastianSeb.SitSit deeredear friendfriend.
wln 0251Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexNayNay maistermaster LaxtonLaxton — furnishfurnish maistermaster LaxtonLaxton
wln 0252WithWith whatwhat hehe wantswants (aa stonestone) aa stoolestool II wouldwould saysay, aa stoolestool.
wln 0253LaxtonLaxton.II hadhad ratherrather standstand sirsir.ExeuntExeunt seruantsservants.
wln 0254Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexII knowknow youyou hadhad (goodgood M.MasterM. LaxtonLaxton.) SoSo, soso —
wln 0255NowNow hereshere’s aa messemess ofof friendsfriends, andand (gentlemengentlemen)
wln 0256BecauseBecause timestime’sTime’s glasseglass shallshall notnot bebe runningrunning longlong,
wln 0257I’leI’ll quickenquicken itit withwith aa prettypretty taletale.
img: 7-bsig: B4r
The Roaring Girle.
wln 0258SirSir Dap.DapperDap.GoodGood talestales dodo wellwell,
wln 0259InIn thesethese badbad dayesdays, wherewhere vicevice doesdoes soso excellexcel.
wln 0260AdamAdam.BeginBegin sirsir AlexanderAlexander.
wln 0261Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexLastLast dayday II metmet
wln 0262AnAn agedaged manman vponupon whosewhose headhead waswas scor’dscored,
wln 0263AA debtdebt ofof iustjust soso manymany yearesyears asas thesethese,
wln 0264WhichWhich II oweowe toto mymy grauegrave, thethe manman youyou allall knowknow.
wln 0265OmnesOmnes.HisHis namename II praypray youyou sirsir.
wln 0266Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexNayNay youyou shallshall pardonpardon meme,
wln 0267ButBut whenwhen hehe sawsaw meme (withwith aa sighsigh thatthat brakebrakebroke,
wln 0268OrOr seem’dseemed toto breakebreak hishis heart-stringsheartstrings) thusthus hehe spakespakespoke:
wln 0269OhOhO mymy goodgood knightknight, saiessays hehe, (andand thenthen hishis eieseyes
wln 0270WereWere richerricher eueneven byby thatthat whichwhich mademade themthem poorepoor,
wln 0271TheyThey hadhad spentspent soso manymany tearestears theythey hadhad nono moremore.)
wln 0272OhOhO sirsir (saiessays hehe) youyou knowknow itit, forfor youyou haha’ seeneseen
wln 0273BlessingsBlessings toto rainerain vponupon minemine househouse andand meme:
wln 0274FortuneFortune (whowho slauesslaves menmen) waswas mymy slaueslave: herher wheelewheel
wln 0275HathHath spunspun meme goldengolden threadsthreads, forfor II thankethank heauenheaven,
wln 0276II nerene’er hadhad butbut oneone causecause toto cursecurse mymy starresstars,
wln 0277II ask’tasked himhim thenthen, whatwhat thatthat oneone causecause mightmight bebe.
wln 0278OmnesOmnes.SoSo SirSir.
wln 0279Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHeHe paus’dpaused, andand asas wewe oftenoften seesee,
wln 0280AA seasea soso muchmuch becalm’dbecalmed, therethere cancan bebe foundfound
wln 0281NoNo wrincklewrinkle onon hishis browbrow, hishis waueswaves beingbeing drownddrowned
wln 0282InIn theirtheir owneown ragerage: butbut whenwhen th’imperiousth’ imperiousth’imperious windwind,
wln 0283VseUse strangestrange inuisibleinvisible tyrannytyranny toto shakeshake
wln 0284BothBoth heauensheaven’sheavens andand earthsearth’s foundationfoundation atat theirtheir noysenoise:
wln 0285TheThe seasseas swellingswelling withwith wrathwrath toto partpart thatthat frayfray
wln 0286RiseRise vpup, andand areare moremore wildwild, moremore madmad, thenthan theythey.
wln 0287EuenEveneven soso thisthis goodgood oldold manman waswas byby mymy questionquestion
wln 0288Stir’dStirred vpup toto roughnesseroughness, youyou mightmight seesee hishis gallgall
wln 0289FlowFlow eueneven in’sin ’sin’s eieseyes: thenthen grewgrew hehe fantasticallfantastical.
wln 0290SirSir Dap.DapperDap.FantasticallFantastical, haha, haha.
wln 0291Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexYesYes, andand talketalk odlyoddly.
wln 0292AdamAdam.PrayPray sirsir proceedproceed,
wln 0293HowHow diddid thisthis oldold manman endend?
wln 0294Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexMaryMarrymarry sirsir thusthus.
img: 8-asig: B4v
The Roaring Girle.
wln 0295HeHe leftleft hishis wildwild fitfit toto readread oreo’er hishis cardscards,
wln 0296YetYet thenthen (thoughthough ageage castcast snowsnow onon allall hishis haireshairs)
wln 0297HeHe ioy’djoyed becausebecause (saiessays hehe) thethe GodGod ofof goldgold
wln 0298HasHas beenebeen toto meme nono niggardniggard: thatthat diseasedisease
wln 0299(OfOf whichwhich allall oldold menmen sickensicken) AuariceAvarice
wln 0300NeuerNever infectedinfected meme.
wln 0301Lax.LaxtonLax.HeHe meanesmeans notnot himselfehimself i’mei’m suresure.
wln 0302Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexForFor likelike aa lamplamp,
wln 0303FedFed withwith continuallcontinual oyleoil, II spendspend andand throwthrow
wln 0304MyMy lightlight toto allall thatthat needneed itit, yetyet hauehave stillstill
wln 0305EnoughEnough toto serueserve my selfemyself, OhOhO butbut (quothquoth hehe)
wln 0306ThoThough heauensheauens-dewheaven’sheavens-dew dewdew fallfall, thusthus onon thisthis agedaged treetree,
wln 0307II hauehave aa sonneson thatsthat’s likelike aa wedgewedge dothdoth cleauecleave,
wln 0308MyMy veryvery heartheart rooteroot,
wln 0309SSirS, Dap.DapperDap.HadHad hehe suchsuch aa sonneson,
wln 0310Seb,SebastianSeb,NowNow II dodo smellsmell aa foxfox stronglystrongly.
wln 0311Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexLetsLet’slet’s seesee: nono MaisterMaster Greene-witGreenwit isis notnot yetyet
wln 0312SoSo mellowmellow inin yearesyears asas hehe; butbut asas likelike SebastianSebastian,
wln 0313IustJust likelike mymy sonneson SebastianSebastian, — suchsuch anotheranother.
wln 0314Seb.SebastianSeb.HowHow finelyfinely likelike aa fencerfencer mymy fatherfather fetchesfetches hishisby-bloweshis by-blowesby-blowsby-blows
wln 0315toto hithit meme, butbut ifif II beatebeat youyou notnot atat youryour owneown weaponweapon ofof sub-subtiltysub∣tilty
wln 0316tiltysubtlety.
wln 0317Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexThisThis sonneson (saithsaith hehe) thatthat shouldshould bebe
wln 0318TheThe columnecolumn andand mainemain archarch vntounto mymy househouse,
wln 0319TheThe crutchcrutch vntounto mymy ageage, becomesbecomes aa whirlewindwhirlwind
wln 0320ShakingShaking thethe firmefirm foundationfoundation,
wln 0321AdamAdamTis’Tis somesome prodigallprodigal.
wln 0322Seba.SebastianSeba.WellWell shotshot oldold AdamAdam BellBell.
wln 0323Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexNoNo cittycity monstermonster neitherneither, nono prodigallprodigal,
wln 0324ButBut sparingsparing, warywary, ciuillcivil, andand (thothough wiuelessewifeless)
wln 0325AnAn excellentexcellent husbandhusband, andand suchsuch aa trauellertravelertraveller,
wln 0326HeHe hashas moremore tonguestongues inin hishis headhead thenthanthen somesome hauehave teethteeth,
wln 0327S.SirS. Dap,Dap.DapperDap.II hauehave butbut twotwo inin mynemine
wln 0328Gosh.GoshawkGosh.SoSo sparingsparing andand soso warywary,
wln 0329WhatWhat thenthen couldcould vexvex hishis fatherfather soso.
wln 0330Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexOhOhO aa womanwoman.
wln 0331Seb.SebastianSeb.AA fleshflesh flyfly, thatthat cancan vexvex anyany manman.
img: 8-bsig: C1r
The Roaring Girle.
wln 0332Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexAA scuruyscurvy womanwoman,
wln 0333OnOn whomwhom thethe passionatepassionate oldold manman sworeswore hehe doateddoted:
wln 0334AA creaturecreature (saithsaith hehe) naturenature hathhath broughtbrought forthforth
wln 0335ToTo mockemock thethe sexsex ofof womanwoman. — ItIt isis aa thingthing
wln 0336OneOne knowesknows notnot howhow toto namename, herher birthbirth beganbegan
wln 0337EreEre sheshe waswas allall mademade. Tis’Tis womanwoman moremore thenthan manman,
wln 0338ManMan moremore thenthan womanwoman, andand (whichwhich toto nonenone cancan haphap)
wln 0339TheThe SunneSun giuesgives herher twotwo shadowesshadows toto oneone shapeshape,
wln 0340NayNay moremore, letlet thisthis strangestrange thingthing, walkewalk, standstand oror sitsit,
wln 0341NoNo blazingblazing starrestar drawesdraws moremore eyeseyes afterafter itit.
wln 0342S.SirS. Dap.DapperDap.AA MonsterMonster, tis’tis somesome MonsterMonster.
wln 0343Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexShee’sShe’s aa varletvarlet.
wln 0344Seb.SebastianSeb.NowNow isis mymy cuecue toto bristlebristle.
wln 0345Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexAA naughtynaughty packepack.
wln 0346Seb.SebastianSeb.Tis’Tis falsefalse.
wln 0347Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHaHa boyboy.
wln 0348Seb.SebastianSeb.Tis’Tis falsefalse.
wln 0349Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexWhatsWhat’swhat’s falsefalse, II saysay shee’sshe’s noughtnaught.
wln 0350Seb.SebastianSeb.II saysay thatthat tonguetongue
wln 0351ThatThat daresdares speakespeak soso (butbut yoursyours) stickessticks inin thethe throatethroat
wln 0352OfOf aa rankerank villainevillain, setset your selfeyourself asideaside. —
wln 0353Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexSoSo sirsir whatwhat thenthen.
wln 0354Seb.SebastianSeb.AnyAny herehere elseelse hadhad lyedlied.
wln 0355II thinkethink II shallshall fitfit youyou —asideaside.
wln 0356Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexLyeLie.
wln 0357Seb.SebastianSeb.YesYes.
wln 0358SirSir Dap.DapperDap.DothDoth thisthis concerneconcern himhim.
wln 0359Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexAhAh sirrasirrah boyboy.
wln 0360IsIs youryour bloudblood heatedheated: boylesboils itit: areare youyou stungstung,
wln 0361IleI’ll piercepierce youyou deeperdeeper yetyet: OhOhO mymy deeredear friendsfriends,
wln 0362II amam thatthat wretchedwretched fatherfather, thisthis thatthat sonneson,
wln 0363ThatThat seessees hishis ruineruin, yetyet headlongheadlong onon dothdoth runrun.
wln 0364AdamAdam.WillWill youyou louelove suchsuch aa poysonpoison.
wln 0365S.SirS. Dap.DapperDap.FyeFie, fyefie.
wln 0366Seb.SebastianSeb.Y’areY’ areYou’re allall madmad.
wln 0367Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexTh’artTh’ artthou’rt sickesick atat heartheart, yetyet feelstfeel’stfeelst itit notnot: ofof allall thesethese,
wln 0368WhatWhat GentlemanGentleman (butbut thouthou) knowingknowing hishis diseasedisease
img: 9-asig: C1v
The Roaring Girle.
wln 0369MortallMortal, wouldwould shunshun thethe curecure: ohoho MaisterMaster GreenewitGreenwit,
wln 0370WouldWould youyou toto suchsuch anan IdollIdol bowbow.
wln 0371Greene.GreenwitGreene.NotNot II sirsir.
wln 0372Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHeer’sHere’s MaisterMaster LaxtonLaxton, hashas hehe mindmind toto aa womanwoman
wln 0373AsAs thouthou hasthast.
wln 0374Lax.LaxtonLax.NoNo notnot II sirsir.
wln 0375Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexSirSir II knowknow itit.
wln 0376Lax.LaxtonLax.ThereTheirThere goodgood partsparts areare soso rarerare, theretheirthere badbadbade soso commoncommon,
wln 0377II willwill hauehave noughtnaught toto dodo withwith anyany womanwoman.
wln 0378SirSir Dap.DapperDap.Tis’Tis wellwell donedone MaisterMaster LaxtonLaxton.
wln 0379Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexOhOhO thouthou cruellcruel boyboy,
wln 0380ThouThou wouldstwouldst withwith lustlust anan oldold mansman’s lifelife destroydestroy,
wln 0381BecauseBecause thouthou seestseest I’meI’m halfe wayhalf-wayhalf way inin mymy grauegrave,
wln 0382ThouThou shouelstshovel’st dustdust vponupon meme: wodwould thouthou mightestmightest hauehave
wln 0383ThyThy wishwish, mostmost wickedwicked, mostmost vnnaturallunnatural.
wln 0384Dap.DapperDap.WhyWhy sirsir, tis’tis thoughtthought, sirsir GuyGuy Fitz-AllardsFitz-Allard’sFitz-allard’s daughterdaughter
wln 0385ShallShall wedwed youryour sonneson SebastianSebastian.
wln 0386Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexSirSir DauyDavy DapperDapper.
wln 0387II hauehave vponupon mymy kneesknees, woodwooedwood thisthis fondfond boyboy,
wln 0388ToTo taketake thatthat vertuousvirtuous maidenmaiden.
wln 0389Seb.SebastianSeb.HarkeHark youyou aa wordword sirsir.
wln 0390YouYou onon youryour kneesknees hauehave curstcursed thatthat vertuousvirtuous maidenmaiden,
wln 0391AndAnd meme forfor louingloving herher, yetyet dodo youyou nownow
wln 0392ThusThus bafflebaffle meme toto mymy faceface: werewere notnot youryour kneesknees
wln 0393InIn suchsuch intreatesentreats, giuegive meme Fitz-AllardsFitzallard’sFitz-allard’s daughterdaughter.
wln 0394Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexIleI’ll giuegive theethee rats-baneratsbane ratherrather.
wln 0395Seb.SebastianSeb.WellWell thenthen youyou knowknow
wln 0396WhatWhat dishdish II meanemean toto feedfeed vponupon.
wln 0397Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHarkeHark GentlemenGentlemen,
wln 0398HeHe swearesswears toto hauehave thisthis cut-pursecutpurse drabdrab, toto spitespite mymy gallgall.
wln 0399OmnesOmnes.MaisterMaster SebastianSebastian.
wln 0400Seb.SebastianSeb.II amam deafedeaf toto youyou allall.
wln 0401ImeI’m soso bewitchtbewitched, soso boundbound toto mymy desiresdesires,
wln 0402TearesTears, prayersprayers, threatsthreats, nothingnothing cancan quenchquench outout thosethose firesfires
wln 0403ThatThat burneburn withinwithin meme.ExitExit SebastianSebastian.
wln 0404Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHerHer bloudblood shallshall quenchquench itit thenthen,
wln 0405LooseLose himhim notnot, ohOhOhO diswadedissuade himhim GentlemenGentlemen.
Sir Dap.
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The Roaring Girle.
wln 0406SirSir Dap.DapperDap.HeHe shallshall bebe weandweaned II warrantwarrant youyou.
wln 0407Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexBeforeBefore hishis eyeseyes
wln 0408LayLay downedown hishis shameshame, mymy griefegrief, hishis miseriesmiseries.
wln 0409OmnesOmnes.NoNo moremore, nono moremore, awayaway.ExeuntExeunt allall butbut sirsir
wln 0410Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexII washwash aa NegroNegro,
wln 0411LoosingLosing bothboth painespains andand costcost: butbut taketake thythy flightflight,
wln 0412IleI’ll bebe mostmost neerenear theethee, whenwhen I’meI’m leastleast inin sightsight.
wln 0413WildeWild BuckeBuck ileI’ll hunthunt theethee breathlessebreathless, thouthou shaltshalt runrun onon,
wln 0414ButBut II willwill turneturn theethee whenwhen I’meI’m notnot thoughtthought vponupon.
wln 0415EnterEnter RalphRalph TrapdoreTrapdoorTrapdore:
wln 0416NowNow sirrasirrah whatwhat areare youyou, leaueleave youryour ApesApe’sape’s trickestricks andand speakespeak.
wln 0417Trap.TrapdoorTrap.AA letterletter fromfrom mymy CaptaineCaptain toto youryour WorshipWorship.
wln 0418Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexOhOhO, ohOhOhO, nownow II rememberremember tis’tis toto preferreprefer theethee intointo mymy
wln 0419seruiceservice.
wln 0420Trap.TrapdoorTrap.ToTo bebe aa shiftershifter vnderunder youryour WorshipsWorship’sworship’s nosenose ofof aa cleanclean
wln 0421trenchertrencher, whenwhen ther’sthere’s aa goodgood bitbit vpon’tupon ’tupon’t.
wln 0422Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexTrothTroth honesthonest fellowfellow — humhhumh — haha — letlet meme seesee,
wln 0423ThisThis knaueknave shallshall bebe thethe axeaxe toto hewhew thatthat downedown
wln 0424AtAt whichwhich II stumblestumble, hashas aa faceface thatthat promisethpromiseth
wln 0425MuchMuch ofof aa villainevillain, II willwill grindgrind hishis witwit,
wln 0426AndAnd ifif thethe edgeedge proueprove finefine makemake vseuse ofof itit.
wln 0427ComeCome hitherhither sirrasirrah, canstcanst thouthou bebe secretsecret, haha.
wln 0428Trap.TrapdoorTrap.AsAs twotwo craftycrafty AtturneysAttorneys plottingplotting thethe vndoingundoing ofof
wln 0429theirtheir clyentsclients.
wln 0430Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexDidstDidst neuernever, asas thouthou hasthast walktwalked aboutabout thisthis townetown
wln 0431HeareHear ofof aa wenchwench cal’dcalled MollMoll, madmad merrymerry MollMoll.
wln 0432Trap.TrapdoorTrap.MollMoll cutpursecutpurse sirsir.
wln 0433Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexTheThe samesame, dostdost thouthou knowknow herher thenthen,
wln 0434Trap.TrapdoorTrap.AswellAs wellas well asas II knowknow twill’twill rainerain vponupon SimonSimon andand IudesJude’sjude’s dayday
wln 0435nextnext, II willwill siftsift allall thethe tauernstaverns ithi’ th’ith’ cittycity, andand drinkedrink halfehalf potspots
wln 0436withwith allall thethe WatermenWatermen atha’ th’ath’ banksidebankside, butbut ifif youyou willwill sirsir IleI’ll findfind
wln 0437herher outout.
wln 0438Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexThatThat tasktask isis easyeasy, dootdo ’tdo’t thenthen, holdhold thythy handhand vpup.
wln 0439WhatsWhat’swhat’s thisthis, istis ’tis’t burntburntburned?
wln 0440Trap.TrapdoorTrap.NoNo sirsir nono, aa littlelittle sindgdsinged withwith makingmaking fire workesfireworksfire works.
wln 0441Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexTher’sThere’sthere’s monymoney, spendspend itit, thatthat beingbeing spentspent fetchfetch moremore.
wln 0442Trap.TrapdoorTrap.OhOhO sirsir thatthat allall thethe poorepoor souldierssoldiers inin EnglandEngland hadhad
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The Roaring Girle.
wln 0443suchsuch aa leaderleader. ForFor fetchingfetching nono water SpanielwaterWater-spanielwaterSpaniellSpaniel isis likelike meme.
wln 0444Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexThisThis wenchwench wewe speakespeak ofof, straiesstrays soso fromfrom herher kindkind
wln 0445NatureNature repentsrepents sheshe mademade herher. Tis’Tis aa MermaidMermaid
wln 0446HasHas toldtolledtold mymy sonneson toto shipwrackeshipwreck.
wln 0447Trap.TrapdoorTrap.IleI’ll cutcut herher combecomb forfor youyou.
wln 0448Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexIleI’ll telltell outout goldgold forfor theethee thenthen: hunthunt herher forthforth,
wln 0449CastCast outout aa lineline hunghung fullfull ofof siluersilver hookeshooks
wln 0450ToTo catchcatch herher toto thythy companycompany: deepedeep spendingsspendings
wln 0451MayMay drawdraw herher thatsthat’s mostmost chastchaste toto aa mansman’s bosomebosom.
wln 0452Trap.TrapdoorTrap.TheThe ginglingjinglinggingling ofof GoldenGolden belsbells, andand aa goodgood foolefool withwith
wln 0453aa hobbyhorsehobby-horse, wilwill drawdraw allall thethe whooreswhores ithi’ th’ith’ townetotown townetoto dancedance inin aa
wln 0454morrismorris,
wln 0455Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexOrOr ratherrather, forfor thatsthat’s bestbest, (theythey saysay sometimessometimes
wln 0456SheeShe goesgoes inin breechesbreeches) followfollow herher asas herher manman.
wln 0457Trap.TrapdoorTrap.AndAnd whenwhen herher breechesbreeches areare offoff, sheeshe shallshall followfollow meme.
wln 0458Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexBeateBeat allall thythy brainesbrains toto serueserve herher.
wln 0459Trap.TrapdoorTrap.ZoundsZounds sirsir, asas countrycountry wencheswenches beatebeat creamecream, tilltill
wln 0460butterbutter comescomes.
wln 0461Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexPlayPlay thouthou thethe suttlesubtle spiderspider, weaueweave finefine netsnets
wln 0462ToTo insnareensnare herher veryvery lifelife.
wln 0463Trap.TrapdoorTrap.HerHer lifelife.
wln 0464Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexYesYes suckesuck
wln 0465HerHer heart-bloudheart-bloodheartblood ifif thouthou canstcanst, twisttwist thouthou butbut cordscords
wln 0466ToTo catchcatch herher, IleI’ll findefind lawlaw toto hanghang herher vpup.
wln 0467Trap.TrapdoorTrap.SpokeSpokeSpoken likelike aa WorshipfullWorshipful bencherbencher.
wln 0468Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexTraceTrace allall herher stepssteps: atat thisthis shee-foxesshe-fox’s denden
wln 0469WatchWatch whatwhat lambslambs enterenter: letlet meme playplay thethe sheepeheardshepherd
wln 0470ToTo sauesave theirtheir throatsthroats fromfrom bleedingbleeding, andand cutcut hershers.
wln 0471Trap.TrapdoorTrap.ThisThis isis thethe gollgoll shallshall dootdo ’tdo’t.
wln 0472Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexBeBe firmefirm andand gainegain meme
wln 0473EuerEver thinethine owneown. ThisThis donedone II entertaineentertain theethee:
wln 0474HowHow isis thythy namename.
wln 0475Trap.TrapdoorTrap.MyMy namename sirsir isis RaphRafeRaph TrapdoreTrapdoorTrapdore, honesthonest RaphRaph.
wln 0476Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexTrapdoreTrapdoorTrapdore, bebe likelike thythy namename, aa dangerousdangerous stepstep
wln 0477ForFor herher toto ventureventure onon, butbut vntounto meme.
wln 0478Trap.TrapdoorTrap.AsAs fastfast asas youryour solesole toto youryour booteboot oror shooeshoe sirsir.
wln 0479Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexHenceHence thenthen, bebe littlelittle seeneseen herehere asas thouthou canstcanst.
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The Roaring Girle.
wln 0480IleI’ll stillstill bebe atat thinethine elbowelbow.
wln 0481Trap.TrapdoorTrap.TheThe trapdorestrapdoor’strapdoors setset.
wln 0482MollMoll ifif youyou budgebudge y’arey’ areYou’re gongone: thisthis meme shallshall crownecrown,
wln 0483AA RoaringRoaring BoyBoy, thethe RoaringRoaring GirleGirl putsputs downedown,
wln 0484Alex.AlexAlexanderAlexGod a mercyGod-a-mercyGod a mercy, looselose nono timetime.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0485TheThe threethree shopsshops openopen inin aa rankerank: thethe firstfirst aa PoticariesPothecary’s shopshop, thethe nextnext
wln 0486aa FetherFeather shopshop: thethe thirdthird aa SempstersSempster’ssempster’s shopshop: MistresseMistress GallipotGallipot
wln 0487inin thethe firstfirst, MistresseMistress TiltyardTiltyard inin thethe nextnext, MaisterMaster OpenworkeOpenworkOpenworke
wln 0488andand hishis wifewife inin thethe thirdthird, toto themthem entersenters LaxtonLaxton, GoshawkeGoshawk andand
wln 0489GreenewitGreenwit.
wln 0490Mi.MistressMi Open.OpenOpenworkOpenGentlemenGentlemen whatwhat istis ’tis’t youyou lackelack. WhatWhat istis ’tis’t youyou
wln 0491buybuy, seesee finefine bandsbands andand ruffesruffs, finefine lawneslawns, finefine cambrickescambrics,
wln 0492whatwhat istis ’tis’t youyou lackelack GentlemenGentlemen, whatwhat istis ’tis’t youyou buybuy?
wln 0493Lax.LaxtonLax.YondersYonder’syonder’s thethe shopshop.
wln 0494Gosh.GoshawkGosh.IsIs thatthat sheeshe.Lax.LaxtonLax.PeacePeace.
wln 0495GreenGreenwitGreenSheeShe thatthat mincesminces TobaccoTobacco.
wln 0496Lax.LaxtonLax.IAyI: sheesshe’s aa GentlewomanGentlewoman borneborn II cancan telltell youyou, thothough itit
wln 0497bebe herher hardhard fortunefortune nownow toto shreadshred IndianIndian pot-hearbespot-herbspotherbs.
wln 0498Gosh.GoshawkGosh.OhOhO sirsir tis’tis manymany aa goodgood womanswoman’s fortunefortune, whenwhen herher
wln 0499husbandhusband turnsturns bankroutbankrupt, toto beginbegin withwith pipespipes andand setset vpup againeagain.
wln 0500Lax.LaxtonLax.AndAnd indeedindeed thethe raysingraising ofof thethe womanwoman isis thethe liftinglifting
wln 0501vpup ofof thethe mansman’s headhead atat allall timestimes, ifif oneone florishflourish, tothert’ othertother willwill budbud
wln 0502asas fastfast II warrantwarrant yeye.
wln 0503Gosh.GoshawkGosh.ComeCome th’artth’ artthou’rt familiarlyfamiliarly acquaintedacquainted therethere, II gropegrope thatthat.
wln 0504Lax.LaxtonLax.AndAnd youyou gropegrope nono betterbetter ithi’ th’ith’ darkdark youyou maymay chancechance lyelie
wln 0505ithi’ th’ith’ ditchditch whenwhen y’arey’ areyou’re drunkedrunk.
wln 0506Gosh.GoshawkGosh.GoGo th’artth’ artthou’rt aa misticallmystical letcherlecher.
wln 0507Lax.LaxtonLax.II willwill notnot denydeny butbut mymy creditcredit maymay taketake vpup anan ounceounce
wln 0508ofof purepure smoakesmoke.
wln 0509Gosh.GoshawkGosh.MayMay taketake vpup anan ellell ofof purepure smocksmock; awayaway gogo, tis’tis thethe closestclosest
wln 0510strikerstriker. LifeLife II thinkthink hehe cōmitscōmitscommits veneryvenery 40forty40 footefoot deepedeep, nono mansman’s
wln 0511awareaware on’ton ’ton’t, II likelike aa palpablepalpable smockstersmockster gogo toto workework soso openlyopenly,
wln 0512withwith thethe trickstricks ofof artart, thatthat I’meI’m asas aparantlyapparently seenseen asas aa nakednaked boyboy
wln 0513inin aa viallvial, &and werewere itit notnot forfor aa guiftgift ofof trecherytreachery thatthat II hauehave inin meme
wln 0514toto betraybetray mymy friendfriend whēwhēwhen hehe putsputs mostmost trusttrust inin meme (massemass yonderyonder
img: 11-asig: C3v
The Roaring Girle.
wln 0515heehe isis tootoo —) andand byby hishis iniurieinjury toto makemake goodgood mymy accesseaccess toto
wln 0516herher, II shouldshould appeareappear asas defectiuedefective inin courtingcourting, asas aa FarmersFarmer’sfarmer’s
wln 0517sonneson thethe firstfirst dayday ofof hishis featherfeather, thatthat dothdoth nothingnothing atat CourtCourt,
wln 0518butbut woewoe thethe hangingshangings andand glasseglass windoweswindows forfor aa monthmonth toge-togethertoge∣thertogether
wln 0519ther,
wln 0519andand somesome brokenbroken wayting womanwaiting-womanwaiting woman forfor euerever afterafter. II findfind
wln 0520thosethose imperfectionsimperfections inin mymy venerievenery, thatthat were’twere ’twere’t notnot forfor flatterieflattery
wln 0521andand falshoodfalsehood, II shouldshould wantwant discoursediscourse andand impudenceimpudence, andand heehe
wln 0522thatthat wantswants impudenceimpudence amongamong womenwomen, isis worthyworthy toto beebe kicktkicked
wln 0523outout atat bedsbed’s feetfeet. — HeHe shallshall notnot seesee meme yetyet.
wln 0524Greene.GreenwitGreene.TrothTroth thisthis isis finelyfinely shredshred.
wln 0525Lax.LaxtonLax.OhOhO womenwomen areare thethe bestbèstbèstbest mincersmincers.
wln 0526Mist.Mistress Gal.GallipotGal.’Thad’T had’Thad binbeen aa goodgood phrasephrase forfor aa CookesCook’scook’s wifewife sirsir.
wln 0527Lax.LaxtonLax.ButBut ’twill’twill serueserve generallygenerally, likelike thethe frontfront ofof aa newenew
wln 0528AlmanackeAlmanac; asas thusthus: CalculatedCalculated forfor thethe meridianmeridian ofof CookesCooks’cook’s
wln 0529wiueswives, butbut generallygenerally forfor allall EnglishwomenEnglishwomen.
wln 0530Mist.Mistress Gal.GallipotGal.NayNay youyou shallshall ha’teha ’thave’t sirsir, II hauehave fildfilled itit forfor youyou.
wln 0531SheeSheshe putsputs itit toto thethe firefire.
wln 0532Lax.LaxtonLax.TheThe pipe’spipe’s inin aa goodgood handhand, andand II wishwish minemine alwaiesalways soso.
wln 0533Gree.GreenwitGree.ButBut notnot toto bebe vs’dused aa’a thatthat fashionfashion.
wln 0534Lax.LaxtonLax.OO pardonpardon meme sirsir, II vnderstandunderstand nono frenchfrench.
wln 0535II praypray bebe couerdcovered. IackeJack aa pipepipe ofof richrich smoakesmoke.
wln 0536Gosh.GoshawkGosh.RichRich smoakesmoke; that’sthat’s 6.six6. pencepence aa pipepipe istis ’tis’t?
wln 0537Green.GreenwitGreen.ToTo meme sweetsweet LadyLady.
wln 0538Mist.Mistress Gal.GallipotGal.BeBe notnot forgetfulforgetful; respectrespect mymy creditcredit; seemseem strangestrange;
wln 0539ArtArt andand WitWit makesmakes aa foolefool ofof suspitionsuspicion: — praypray bebe wariewary.
wln 0540Lax.LaxtonLax.PushPush, II warrantwarrant youyou: — comecome, howhow istis ’tis’t gallantsgallants?
wln 0541Green.GreenwitGreen.PurePure andand excellentexcellent.
wln 0542Lax.LaxtonLax.II thoughtthought ’twas’twas goodgood, youyou werewere grownegrown soso silentsilent; youyou
wln 0543areare likelike thosethose thatthat louelove notnot toto talketalk atat victualsvictuals, thothough theythey makemake
wln 0544aa worseworse noysenoise i’thei’ thei’the nosenose thenthanthen aa commoncommon fidlersfiddler’s prenticeprentice, andand
wln 0545discoursediscourse aa wholewhole SupperSupper withwith snufflingsnuffling; — II mustmust speakespeak aa
wln 0546wordword withwith youyou anoneanon.
wln 0547Mist.Mistress Gal.GallipotGal.MakeMake youryour wayway wiselywisely thenthen.
wln 0548Gosh.GoshawkGosh.OhOhO whatwhat elseelse sirsir, hee’she’s perfectionperfection it selfeitself, fullfull ofof man-mannersmanmanners-((nersners,
wln 0549ButBut notnot anan acreacre ofof groundground belongingbelonging toto ’em’em.
wln 0550Green.GreenwitGreen.IAyI andand fullfull ofof formeform, h’ash’ashas ne’rene’ernever aa goodgood stoolestool in’sin ’sin’s
wln 0551chamberchamber.
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The Roaring Girle.
wln 0552Gosh.GoshawkGosh.ButBut aboueabove allall religiousreligious: heehe prayethprayeth dailydaily vponupon elderelder
wln 0553brothersbrothers.
wln 0554Green.GreenwitGreen.AndAnd valiantvaliant aboueabove measuremeasure; h’ash’ashas runnerun threethree streetsstreets
wln 0555fromfrom aa SerieantSergeant.
wln 0556Lax.LaxtonLax.PuhPuh, PuhPuh.hehe blowesblows tobaccotobacco inin theirtheir facesfaces.
wln 0557Green.GreenwitGreen. Gosh.GoshawkGosh.OhOhO, puhpuh, hoho, hoho.
wln 0558Lax.LaxtonLax.SoSo, soso.
wln 0559Mist.Mistress Gal.GallipotGal.WhatsWhat’swhat’s thethe mattermatter nownow