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ln 0001THETHE
ln 0004OFOF
ln 0006AA StrangeStrange TruthTruth.
ln 0007ActedActed (some-timessometimes) byby thethe QueenesQueen’squeen’s
ln 0008MAIESTIESMAJESTY’SMajesty’s ServantsServants atat thethe
ln 0009PhænixPhaenixPhoenix inin DrurieDrurydrury lanelane.
ln 0010FideFide HonorHonorHonour.
ln 0012PrintedPrinted byby T.T. P.P. forfor HughHugh BeestonBeeston, andand areare toto
ln 0013bebe soldsold atat hishis ShopShop, neerenear thethe CastleCastle inin
ln 0014CornehillCornhill. 16341634.
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ln 0001TheThe SceneScene,
ln 0002TheThe ContinentContinent ofof GreatGreat BritayneBritain.
ln 0001TheThe PersonsPersons presentedpresented.
ln 0002HenryHenry thethe seaventhseventh.
ln 0003DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney.
ln 0004SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlyStanleyStanly.
ln 0005OxfordOxford.
ln 0006SurreySurrey.
ln 0007BishopBishop ofof DurhamDurham.
ln 0008VrswickeUrswick ChaplaineChaplain toto
ln 0009KingKing HenryHenry.
ln 0010SirSir RobertRobert CliffordClifford.
ln 0011LambertLambert SimnellSimnelSimnell.
ln 0012HialasHialas aa SpanishSpanish AgentAgent.
ln 0013ConstableConstable, OfficersOfficers, Ser-ServingmenServing-menserving-men
ln 0014vingmen,
ln 0014andand SouldiersSoldiers.IamesJamesjames thethe 4th4th KingKing ofof Scotl.ScotlScotlandScotl
EarleEarl ofof HuntleyHu●leyHuntlyHuntley.
EarleEarl ofof CrawfordCrawford.
LordLord DaliellDaliell.
MarchmountMarchmount aa He-HerauldHe|rauld
PerkinPerkin WarbeckWarbeck.
FrionFrion hishis SecretarieSecretary.
MayorMayor ofof CorkCork.
HeronHeron aa MercerMercer.
SketonSkeltonSketon aa TaylorTailortailor.
AstlyAstly — aa ScrivenerScrivener.
ln 0015WomenWomen.
ln 0016LadieLady KatherineKatherine GourdonGordonGourdon, — wifewife toto PerkinPerkin.
ln 0017CountesseCountess ofof CrawfordCrawford.
ln 0018IaneJanejane DouglasDouglas — LadyLady Kath:Katherine’sKath. maydmaid.
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ln 0001TOTO
ln 0005EarleEarl ofof New-CastleNewcastle, Vis-ViscountVis∣countViscount
ln 0006count
ln 0006MansfieldMansfield, LordLord
ln 0007BoulfouerBolsoverBoulsover andand OgleOgle.
ln 0009OVTOutOut ofof thethe darknessedarkness ofof aa formerformer
ln 0010AgeAge, (enlighten’denlightened byby aa latelate, bothboth
ln 0011learnedlearned, andand anan honourablehonorablehonourable penpen)
ln 0012II hauehave endevouredendeavoredendeavoured, toto personatepersonate
ln 0013aa greatgreat AttemptAttempt, andand inin ItIt, aa grea-greatergrea∣tergreater
ln 0014ter
ln 0014DaungerDanger. InIn otherother Labour’sLaborslabours,
ln 0015youyou maymay readeread ActionsActions ofof AntiquitieAntiquity discourstdiscoursed;
ln 0016InIn ThisThis AbridgementAbridgement, findefind thethe ActorsActors themseluesthemselves
ln 0017discoursingdiscoursing: inin somesome kindekind, practiz’dpracticedpractised asas wellwell
ln 0018WhatWhat toto speakespeak; asas speakingspeaking WhyWhy toto doedo. YourYour
ln 0019Lop.●op●LordshipLop. isis aa mostmost competentcompetent IudgeJudgejudge, inin expressionsexpressions ofof
img: 3-a
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The Epistle Dedicatorie.
ln 0020suchsuch creditcredit; commissionedcommissioned byby youryour knowneknown A-AbilitieA|bilitieAbility
ln 0021bilitie
ln 0021in●nin examiningexamining; andand enabledenabled byby youryour know-knowledgeknow∣ledgeknowledge
ln 0022ledge
ln 0022inin determiningdetermining, thethe monumentsmonuments ofof TimeTime.
ln 0023EminentEminent TitlesTitles, maymay indeedindeed informeinform, whowho, theirtheir
ln 0024ownersowners areare, notnot oftenoften whatwhat: ToTo your’syours, thethe addi-additionaddi∣tionaddition
ln 0025tion
ln 0025ofof thatthat informationinformation, inin BOTHBOTH, cannotcannot inin a-anya∣nyany
ln 0026ny
ln 0026applicationapplication bebe observ’dobserved flatteryflattery; thethe Authori-AuthoritieAuthori|tieAuthority
ln 0027tie
ln 0027beingbeing establishedestablished byby TRVTHTRUTH. II cancan onelyonly
ln 0028acknowledgeacknowledge, thethe errourserrors inin writingwriting, minemine owneown;
ln 0029thethe worthinesseworthiness ofof thethe SubjectSubject writtenwritten, beingbeing aa per-perfectionper∣fectionperfection
ln 0030fection
ln 0030inin thethe StoryStory, andand ofof It.It. TheThe customecustom ofof
ln 0031youryour LOPS.LOPSLordship’sLops. entertainementsentertainments (eveneven toto StrangersStrangers) isis,
ln 0032ratherrather anan ExampleExample, thanthan aa FashionFashion: inin whichwhich con-considerationcon∣siderationconsideration
ln 0033sideration,
ln 0033II daredare notnot professeprofess aa curiositiecuriosity; butbut amam
ln 0034onelyonly studiousstudious, thatthat youryour LOP.LopLordshipLop willwill pleaseplease, amongstamongst
ln 0035suchsuch asas bestbest honourhonorhonour youryour GoodnesseGoodness, toto admitadmit intointo
ln 0036youryour noblenoble constructionconstruction
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ln 0001ToTo mymy owneown friendfriend, MasterMaster IohnJohnjohn FordFord,
ln 0002onon hishis IustifiableJustifiablejustifiable PoemPoem ofof PerkinPerkin WarbeckWarbeck,
ln 0003ThisThis OdeOde.
ln 0004THeyTHey, whowho doedo knowknow meeme, knowknow, thatthat II
ln 0005(Vnskil’dUnskilled toto flatterflatter)
ln 0006DareDare speakespeak ThisThis PiecePiece, inin wordswords, inin mattermatter,
ln 0007AA WORKEWORKwork: withoutwithout thethe daungerdanger ofof thethe LyeLie.
ln 0008BeleeueBelieve meeme (friendfriend) thethe namename ofof ThisThis, andand TheeThee,
ln 0009WillWill liuelive, youryour StorieStorystory:
ln 0010BookesBooks maymay wantwant FaithFaith, oror meritmerit, glorieglory;
ln 0011THISTHIS, neitherneither; withoutwithout Iudgement’sJudgement’sjudgement’s LethargieLethargy.
ln 0012WhenWhen thethe ArtsArts doatedote, thenthen, somesome sickesick PoetPoet, maymay
ln 0013HopeHope, thatthat hishis pennepen
ln 0014InIn new-staind-papernew-stained papernew-stained-paper, cancan findefind menmen
ln 0015ToTo roareroar, HEHE isis THETHE WIT’SWIT’S; HisHis NOYSENOISEnoise dothdoth swaysway.
ln 0016ButBut suchsuch anan AgeAge cannotcannot bebe know’nknown: forfor AllAll,
ln 0017E’reEreere thatthat TimeTime beebe,
ln 0018MustMust proueprove suchsuch TruthTruth, mortalitiemortality:
ln 0019SoSo (friendfriend) thythy honourhonorhonour stand’sstands tootoo fixtfixed, toto fallfall.
ln 0020GeorgeGeorge DonneDonne.
ln 0001ToTo hishis worthyworthy friendfriend, MasterMaster IohnJohnjohn FordFord,
ln 0002vponupon hishis PerkinPerkin WarbeckWarbeck.
ln 0003LEtLEt menmen, whowho areare writtwritwritten PoetsPoets, laylay aa claimeclaim
ln 0004ToTo thethe PhebeanPhoebean HillHill, II hauehave nono namename,
img: 4-a
sig: A3v
ln 0005NorNor artart inin VerseVerse; TrueTrue, II hauehave heardheard somesome telltell
ln 0006OfOf AganippeAganippe, butbut ne’rene’ernever knewknew thethe WellWell:
ln 0007ThereforeTherefore hauehave nono ambitionambition withwith thethe TimesTimes,
ln 0008ToTo bebe inin PrintPrint, forfor makingmaking ofof illill RimesRhymes;
ln 0009ButBut louelove ofof TheeThee, andand IusticeJusticejustice toto thythy PennePen
ln 0010HathHath drawnedrawn meeme toto thisthis BarreBar, withwith otherother menmen
ln 0011ToTo justifiejustify, thoughthough againstagainst doubledouble LawesLaws,
ln 0012(WavingWaving thethe subtillsubtle bus’nessebusiness ofof hishis causecause)
ln 0013TheThe GLORIOVSGLORIOUS PERKINPERKIN, andand thythy Poet’sPoet’s ArtArt
ln 0014EquallEqual withwith HisHis, inin playingplaying thethe KINGSKING’Sking’s PARTPART.
ln 0015Ra:RaRalphRa: E’ureEureE’ure
ln 0016BaronisBaronis Primogen:PrimogenPrimogenitusPrimogen:
ln 0001ToTo mymy faithfullfaithful, nono lesseless deservingdeserving friendfriend,
ln 0002thethe AuthourAuthor; ThisThis indebtedindebted OblationOblation.
ln 0003PERKINPERKIN isis rediviu’dredivin’dredivived byby thythy strongstrong handhand,
ln 0004AndAnd crownd’crowned aa KingKing ofof newnew; thethe vengefullvengeful wandwand
ln 0005OfOf GreatnesseGreatness isis forgotforgot: HISHIS ExecutionExecution
ln 0006MayMay restrest vn-mention’dunmentioned; andand HISHIS birth’sbirth’s CollusionCollusion
ln 0007LyeLie buriedburied inin thethe StorieStorystory: ButBut HISHIS famefame
ln 0008ThouThou has’thast eterniz’deternizedeternised; mademade aa CrowneCrown HISHIS GameGame.
ln 0009HISHIS loftielofty spiritspirit soaressoars yetyet. HadHad HEHE beenbeen
ln 0010BaseBase inin hishis enterpriseenterprise, asas waswas hishis sinnesin
ln 0011Conceiv’dConceived, HISHIS TITLETITLE, (doubtlessedoubtless) prou’dproved vnjustunjust,
ln 0012HadHad, butbut forfor TheeThee, beenbeen silenc’tsilenced inin hishis dustdust.
ln 0013GeorgeGeorge CrymesCrymes, milesmiles.
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ln 0001ToTo thethe AuthourAuthor, hishis friendfriend, vponupon hishis
ln 0002ChronicleChronicle HistorieHistory.
ln 0003THeseTHese areare notnot toto expresseexpress thythy wittwit,
ln 0004ButBut toto pronouncepronounce thythy IudgementJudgementjudgement fittfit;
ln 0005InIn full-fil’dfull-filledfull-filed phrasephrase, thosethose TimesTimes toto rayseraise,
ln 0006WhenWhen PERKINPERKIN ranran hishis wiliewily wayesways.
ln 0007StillStill, letlet thethe methodemethod ofof thythy braynebrain,
ln 0008FromFrom ErroursError’sErrors touchtouch, andand Envy’sEnvy’s staynestain
ln 0009PreseruePreserve TheeThee, freefree; thatthat eu’revere’er, thythy quillquill
ln 0010FayreFair TruthTruth maymay wettwet, andand FancyFancy fillfill.
ln 0011ThusThus GracesGraces areare, withwith MusesMuses mettmet,
ln 0012AndAnd practickpractic Critick’sCritics onon maymay frettfret:
ln 0013ForFor heerehere, ThouThou hasthast produc’tproduced, AA StorieStorystory,
ln 0014WhichWhich shallshall ecclipfeecclipseecclipfeeclipse, TheirTheir futurefuture GlorieGlory.
ln 0015IohnJohnjohn BrograueBrograve: Ar:.Ar●Armiger.
ln 0001ToTo mymy friendfriend, andand kinsmankinsman, MasterMaster IohnJohnjohn
ln 0002FordFord, thethe AuthourAuthor.
ln 0003DRammatickDramaticdramatic PoetsPoets (asas thethe TimesTimes goego) nownow
ln 0004CanCan hardlyhardly writewrite, whatwhat othersothers willwill allowallow;
ln 0005TheThe CynickCynic snarl’ssnarls; thethe CritickCritic howleshowls andand barkesbarks;
ln 0006AndAnd RavensRavens croakecroak, toto drownedrown thethe voycevoice ofof LarkesLarks:
ln 0007ScorneScorn thosethose STAGE-HARPYESSTAGE-HARPIESstage-harpies! ThisThis I’leI’ll boldlyboldly saysay,
ln 0008ManyMany maymay imitateimitate, fewfew matchmatch thythy PlayPlay.
ln 0009IohnJohnjohn FordFord: GraiensisGraiensis.
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wln 0001PROLOGVEPROLOGUEprologue.
wln 0002STudyesSTudiesstudies hauehave, ofof thisthis NatureNature, beenbeen ofof latelate
wln 0003SoSo outout ofof fashionfashion, soso vnfollow’dunfollowed; thatthat
wln 0004ItIt isis becomebecome moremore IusticeJusticejustice, toto reviuerevive
wln 0005TheThe antickantic follyesfollies ofof thethe TimesTimes, thenthen striuestrive
wln 0006ToTo countenancecountenance wisewise IndustrieIndustry: nono wantwant
wln 0007OfOf ArtArt, dothdoth renderrender wittwit, oror lamelame, oror scantscant,
wln 0008OrOr slothfullslothful, inin thethe purchasep●rch●sepurchase ofof freshfresh bayesbays;
wln 0009ButBut wantwant ofof TruthTruth inin ThemThem, whowho giuegive thethe praysepraise
wln 0010ToTo theirtheir selfe-loueself-love, presumingpresuming toto out-doeoutdo
wln 0011TheThe WriterWriter, oror (forfor needneed) thethe Actor’sActorsActor’s tootoo.
wln 0012ButBut suchsuch THISTHIS AVTHOVR’SAUTHOR’Sauthor’s silencesilence bestbest befitt’sbefits,
wln 0013WhoWho bidd’sbids ThemThem, bebe inin louelove, withwith theirtheir owneown witt’switt’s●wits::
wln 0014FromFrom HimHim, toto cleererclearer Iudgement’sJudgementsjudgement’s, weewe cancan saysay,
wln 0015HeeHe shew’sshows aa HistorieHistory, couch’tcouched inin aa PlayPlay:
wln 0016AA HistorieHistory ofof noblenoble mentionmention, knowneknown,
wln 0017FamousFamous, andand truetrue: mostmost noblenoble, ’cause’cause ourour owneown:
wln 0018NotNot forg’dforged fromfrom ItalieItalyitaly, fromfrom FraunceFrance, fromfrom SpaineSpain,
wln 0019ButBut ChronicledChronicled atat HomeHome; asas richrich inin straynestrain
wln 0020OfOf brauebrave AttemptsAttempts, asas everever, fertilefertile RageRage
wln 0021InIn ActionAction, couldcould begetbeget toto gracegrace thethe StageStage.
wln 0022WeeWewe cannotcannot limittlimit ScenesScenes, forfor thethe wholewhole LandLand
wln 0023It selfeItselfitself, appeardappeared tootoo narrownarrow toto with-standwithstand
wln 0024CompetitorsCompetitors forfor KingdomesKingdoms: nornor isis heerehere
wln 0025VnnecessaryUnnecessary mirthmirth forc’tforced, toto indeereendear
wln 0026AA multitudemultitude; onon thesethese twotwo, rest’srests thethe FateFate
wln 0027OfOf worthyworthy expectationexpectation; TTVTHTRUTHT●V●HTRUTH andand STATESTATE.
img: 5-b
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wln 0028THETHE
wln 0032ActusActus primusprimus, ScænaScaenaScaena primaprima.
wln 0033EnterEnter KingKing HenryHenry, DurhamDurham, OxfordOxford, SurreySurrey, SirSir Wil-WilliamWil∣liamWilliam
wln 0034liam
wln 0034StanlyStanleyStanly, LordLord ChamberlaineChamberlaine, LordLord DawbnyDaubeneyDawbny.
wln 0035TheThe KingKing supportedsupported toto hishis ThroneThrone byby StanlyStanleyStanly andand
wln 0036DurhamDurham. AA GuardGuard.
wln 0037KingKing.STillStillStillSTill toto bebe hauntedhaunted; stillstill toto bebe pursuedpursued,
wln 0038StillStill toto bebe frightedfrighted withwith falsefalse apparitionsapparitions
wln 0039OfOf pageantpageant MajestieMajesty, andand new-coyndnew-coined greatnessegreatness,
wln 0040AsAs ifif weewe werewere aa mockerymockery KingKing inin statestate;
wln 0041OnelyOnly ordaindordained toto lauishlavish sweatsweat andand bloudblo●dblood
wln 0042InIn scornescorn andand laughterlaughter toto thethe ghostsghosts ofof YorkeYork,
wln 0043IsIs allall belowbelow ourour meritsmerits; yetyet (mymy LordsLords,
wln 0044MyMy friendsfriends andand CounsailersCounselorsCounsellors) yetyet wewe sitsit fastfast
wln 0045InIn ourour owneown royallroyal birth-rightbirthright; thethe rentrent faceface
wln 0046AndAnd bleedingbleeding woundswounds ofof England’sEngland’s slaughterdslaughtered peoplepeople,
wln 0047HaueHave beenebeen byby vsus (asas byby thethe bestbest PhysitianPhysician)
wln 0048AtAt lastlast bothboth throughlythoroughly Cur’dCured, andand setset inin safetiesafety;
wln 0049AndAnd yetyet forfor allall thisthis gloriousglorious workework ofof peacepeace
wln 0050Our selfeOurselfourself isis scarcescarce securesecur●secure.
Dur: The
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The Chronicle Historie
wln 0051Dur:Dur●DurhamDur.TheThe ragerage ofof malicemalice
wln 0052ConjuresConjures freshfresh spiritsspirits withwith thethe spellsspells ofof YorkeYork;
wln 0053ForFor ninetieninety yearesyears tenten EnglishEnglish KingsKings andand PrincesPrinces,
wln 0054ThreescoreThreescore greatgreat DukesDukes andand EarlesEarls, aa thousandthousand LordsLords
wln 0055AndAnd valiantvaliant KnightsKnights, twotwo hundredhundred fiftiefifty thousandthousand
wln 0056OfOf EnglishEnglish SubiectsSubjects hauehave inin CiuillCivil WarresWars,
wln 0057BeeneBeen sacrificdsacrifi●dsacrificed toto anan vnciuilluncivil thirstthirst
wln 0058OfOf discorddiscord andand ambitionambition: thisthis hothot vengeancevengeance
wln 0059OfOf thethe justjust powerspowers aboueabove, toto vtterutter ruineruin
wln 0060AndAnd DesolationDesolation hadhad raign’dreigned onon, butbut thatthat
wln 0061MercieMercy diddid gentlygently sheathsheathe thethe swordsword ofof IusticeJusticejustice,
wln 0062InIn lendinglending toto thisthis bloud-shrunckblood-shrunk Common-wealthCommonwealth
wln 0063AA newnew souletoo●oulesoultoo, newnew birthbirth inin youryour SacredSacred personperson.
wln 0064Daw:DaubeneyDaw:EdwardEdward thethe fourthfourth afterafter aa doubtfulldoubtful fortunefortune
wln 0065YeeldedYielded toto naturenature; leavingleaving toto hishis sonnessons
wln 0066EdwardEdward andand RichardRichard, thethe inheritanceinheritance
wln 0067OfOf aa mostmost bloudybloody purchasepurchase; thesethese youngyoung PrincesPrince●Princes
wln 0068RichardRichard thethe TirantTyrant theirtheir vnnaturallunnatural VncleV●cleUncle
wln 0069Forc’dForced toto aa violentviolent grauegrave, soso justjust isis HeauenHeaven.
wln 0070HimHim hathhath youryour MajestieMajesty byby youryour owneown armearm
wln 0071DivinelyDivinely strengthen’dstrengt●en’dstrengthened, pulldpulled fromfrom hishis BoaresBoar’sBoars stiesty
wln 0072AndAnd struckestruck thethe blackblack VsurperUsurper toto aa CarkasseCarcase:
wln 0073NorNor dothdoth thethe HouseHouse ofof YorkeYork decaydecay inin HonorsHonorsHonours,
wln 0074ThoThough LancasterLancaster dothdoth repossesserepossess hishis right●ightright.
wln 0075ForFor EdwardsEdward’s daughterdaughter isis KingKing HenriesHenry’s QueeneQueen.
wln 0076AA blessedblessed VnionUnion, andand aa lastinglasting blessingblessing
wln 0077ForFor thisthis poorepoor pantingpanting IlandIsland, ifif somesome shredsshreds
wln 0078SomeSome vselesseuseless remnantremnant ofof thethe HouseHouse ofof YorkeYork
wln 0079GrudgeGrudge notnot atat thisthis ContentContent.Ox:OxfordOx:MargaretMargaret ofof BurgundyBurgundy
wln 0080BlowesBlows freshfresh CoalesCoals ofof DivisionDivision.Sur:SurreySur:PaintedPainted firesfires
wln 0081WithoutWithout toto heateheat oror scortchscortch●scorch oror lightlight toto cheerishcherish.
wln 0082Daw:DaubeneyDaw:YorkesYork’s headlesseheadless truncktrunk herher FatherFather, EdwardsEdward’s fatefate
wln 0083HerHer brotherbrother KingKing, thethe smotheringsmothering ofof herher NephewesNephews
wln 0084ByBy TirantTyrant GlosterGloucesterGloster, brotherbrother toto herher naturenature;
wln 0085NorNor GlostersGloucester’s owneown confusionconfusion, (allall decreesdecrees
wln 0086SacredSacred inin HeauenHeaven) CanCan mouemove thisthis Woman-MonsterWoman-Monster,
wln 0087ButBut thatthat sheeshe stillstill fromfrom thethe vnbottom’dunbottomed mynemine
img: 6-b
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wln 0088OfOf DevilishDevilish policiespolicies, dothdoth ventvent thethe OreOre
wln 0089OfOf troublestroubles andand seditionsedition.Ox:OxfordOx:InIn herher ageage
wln 0090(GreatGreat SirSir, obserueobserve thethe WonderWonder) sheeshe growesgrows fruitfullfruitful,
wln 0091WhoWho inin herher strengthstrength ofof youthyouth waswas alwayesalways barrainebarren
wln 0092NorNor areare herher birthesbirths asas otherother MothersMothers’Mothers areare,
wln 0093AtAt ninenine oror tenten monethsmonths endend, sheeshe hashas beenebeen withwith childechild
wln 0094EightEight oror seavenseven yearesyears atat leastleast; whosewhose twinnestwins beingbeing borneborn
wln 0095(AA prodegieprodigy inin NatureNature) eveneven thethe youngestyoungest
wln 0096IsIs fifteenefifteen yearesyears ofof ageage atat hishi●his firstfirst entranceentrance
wln 0097AsAs soonesoon asas knowneknown ’ithi’ th’ith’ worldworld, talltall striplingsstriplings, strongstrong
wln 0098AndAnd ableable toto giuegive battailebattle vntounto KingsKings.
wln 0099IdollsIdols ofof YorkishYorkish malicemalice.Ox:OxfordOx:AndAnd butbut IdollsIdols,
wln 0100AA steeliesteely hammerhammer CrushesCrushes ’em’em toto peicespe●cespieces.
wln 0101K:KingK:LambertLambert thethe eldesteldest (LordsLords) isis inin ourour serviceservice,
wln 0102Prefer’dPreferred byby anan officiousofficious carecare ofof DutieD●●ieDuty
wln 0103FromFrom thethe SculleryScullery toto aa FaulknerFalconerfalconer (strangestrange exampleexample!)
wln 0104WhichWhich shewesshows thethe differencedifference betweenebetween noblenoble naturesnatures
wln 0105AndAnd thethe basebase borneborn: butbut forfor thethe vpstartupstart DukeDuke,
wln 0106TheThe newnew reviu’drevived YorkeYork, EdwardsEdward’s secondsecond sonneson,
wln 0107Murder’dMurdered longlo●glong sincesince ’ithi’ th’ith’ TowreTower; hehe liueslives againeagain
wln 0108AndAnd vowesvows toto bebe youryour KingKing.Stan:StanleyStan:TheThe thronethrone isis filldfilled SirSir.
wln 0109K:KingK:TrueTrue StanlieStanleystanley, andand thethe lawfulllawful heireheir sittssits onon itit;
wln 0110AA guardguard ofof AngellsAngels, andand thethe holyholy prayersprayers
wln 0111OfOf loyallloyal SubjectsSubjects areare aa suresure defencedefensedefence
wln 0112AgainstAgainst allall forceforce andand CounsaileCounsel ofof IntrusionIntrusion.
wln 0113ButBut nownow (mymy LordsLords) putput casecase somesome ofof ourour NoblesNobles,
wln 0114OurOur GREATGREAT ONESONES, shouldshould giuegive CountenanceCountenance andand CourageCourage
wln 0115ToTo trimtrim DukeDuke PerkinPerkin; youyou willwill allall confesseconfess
wln 0116OurOur bountiesbounties hauehave vnthriftilyunthriftily beenebeen scatter’dscattered
wln 0117AmongstAmongst vnthankfullunthankful menmen.Daw:DaubeneyDaw:VnthankfullUnthankful beastsbeasts,
wln 0118DoggesDogs, villainesvillains, traytorstraitors.K:KingK:DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney letlet thethe guiltieguilty
wln 0119KeepeKeep silencesilence, II accuseaccuse nonenone, thothough II knowknow,
wln 0120ForraigneForeign attemptsattempts againstagainst aa StateState andand KingdomeKingdom
wln 0121AreAre seldomeseldom withoutwithout somesome greatgreat friendsfriends atat homehome.
wln 0122Stan:StanleyStan:SirSir, ifif nono otherother ablerabler reasonsreasons elseelse
wln 0123OfOf dutieduty oror alegianceallegiance couldcould divertdivert
wln 0124AA head-strongheadstrong resolutionresolution, yetyet thethe dangersdangers
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The Chronicle Historie
wln 0125SoSo latelylately pastpassed byby menmen ofof bloudblood andand fortunesfortunes
wln 0126InIn LambertLambert SimnellsSimnel’s partieparty, mustmust CommandCommand
wln 0127MoreMore thanthan aa fearefear, aa terrorterror toto ConspiracieConspiracy,
wln 0128TheThe high-bornehigh-born LincolneLincoln, sonneson toto DeDe lala PolePole,
wln 0129TheThe EarleEarl ofof KildareKildare, LordLord GeraldineGeraldine,
wln 0130FrancisFrancis LordLord LouellLovell, andand thethe GermanGerman BaronBaron,
wln 0131BouldBold MartinMartin SwartSwart, withwith BroughtonBroughton andand thethe restrest,
wln 0132(MostMost spectaclesspectacles ofof ruineruin, somesome ofof mercymercy;)
wln 0133AreAre presidentsprecedents sufficientsufficient toto forewarneforewarn
wln 0134TheThe presentpresent timestimes, oror anyany thatthat liuelive inin themthem,
wln 0135WhatWhat folliefolly, naynay, whatwhat madnessemadness ’twere’twere toto liftlift
wln 0136AA fingerfinger vpup inin allall defencedefensedefence butbut yoursyours,
wln 0137WhichWhich cancan bebe butbut impostorousimpostorous inin aa titletitle.
wln 0138K.KingK.StanlieStanleystanley weewe knowknow thouthou lou’stlov’st VsUs, andand thythy heartheart
wln 0139IsIs figur’dfigured onon thythy tonguetongue; nornor thinkethink weewe lesseless
wln 0140OfOf anie’sany’s herehere, howhow closelyclosely weewe hauehave huntedhunted
wln 0141ThisThis CubbCubCubb (sincesince hehe vnlodg’dunlodged) fromfrom holehole toto holehole,
wln 0142YourYour knowledgeknowledge isis ourour ChronicleChronicle: firstfirst IrelandIreland
wln 0143TheThe commoncommon stagestage ofof NoveltieNovelty, presentedpresented
wln 0144ThisThis gewgawgewgaw toto opposeoppose vsus, therethere thethe GeraldinesGeraldines
wln 0145AndAnd ButlersButlers onceonce againeagain stoodstood inin supportsupport
wln 0146OfOf thisthis ColossickeColossiccolossic statuestatue: CharlesCharles ofof FraunceFrance
wln 0147ThenceThence call’dcalled himhim intointo hishis protectionprotection;
wln 0148DissembledDissembled himhim thethe lawfulllawful heireheir ofof EnglandEngland;
wln 0149YetYet thisthis waswas allall butbut FrenchFrench dissimulationdissimulation,
wln 0150AymingAiming atat peacepeace withwith vsus, whichwhich beingbeing grantedgranted
wln 0151OnOn honorablehonorablehonourable termesterms onon ourour partpart, suddenlysuddenly
wln 0152ThisThis smoakesmoke ofof strawstraw waswas packtpacked fromfrom FraunceFrance againeagain,
wln 0153T’infectT’ infectT’infect somesome grossergrosser ayreair; andand nownow weewe learnelearn
wln 0154(MaugerMaugre thethe malicemalice ofof thethe bastardbastard NevillNevilleNevill,
wln 0155SirSir TalorTaylorTalor, andand aa hundredhundred EnglishEnglish RebellsRebels)
wln 0156Thei’rThey’rethey’re allall retir’dretired toto FlaundersFlanders, toto thethe DamDam
wln 0157ThatThat nurstnursed thisthis eagereager WholpeWhelpwhelp, MargaretMargaret ofof BurgundieBurgundyburgundy.
wln 0158ButBut weewe willwill hunthunt himhim therethere tootoo, weewe willwill hunthunt himhim,
wln 0159HuntHunt himhim toto deathdeath eueneven inin thethe BeldamsBeldame’s ClosetCloset,
wln 0160ThoThough thethe Arch-dukeArchduke werewere hishis BucklerBuckler.
wln 0161Sur:SurreySur:SheeShe hashas stil’dstyled himhim — TheThe fairefair whitewhite roserose ofof EnglandEngland.
Daw: Iollie
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wln 0162Daw:DaubeneyDaw:IollieJollyjolly GentlemanGentleman, moremore fitfit toto bebe aa SwabberSwabber
wln 0163ToTo thethe FlemishFlemish afterafter aa drunkendrunken surfetsurfeit.
wln 0164EnterEnter VrswickUrswick.
wln 0165Vr:UrswickVr:GraciousGracious SoueraigneSovereign, pleaseplease youyou peruseperuse thisthis paperpaper.
wln 0166Dur:DurhamDur:TheThe KingsKing’sking’s CountenanceCountenance, gathersgathers aa sprightlysprightly bloudblood:
wln 0167Daw:DaubeneyDaw:GoodGood newesnews beleeuebelieve itit.K:KingK:VrswickUrswick thinethine eareear —
wln 0168Th’astTh’astthou’st lodgdlodged himhim?Vr:UrswickVr:StronglyStrongly, safesafe SirSir.
wln 0169K:KingK:EnoughEnough, isis BarlyBarley comecome totooto?Vr:UrswickVr:NoNo, mymy LordLord.
wln 0170K:KingK:NoNo mattermatter — phewphew, hee’she’s butbut aa runningrunning weedeweed,
wln 0171AtAt pleasurepleasure toto bebe pluck’dplucked vpup byby thethe rootesroots:
wln 0172ButBut moremore ofof thisthis anonanon — II hauehave bethoughtbethought meeme.
wln 0173(MyMy LordsLords) forfor reasonsreasons whichwhich youyou shallshall pertakepartake,
wln 0174ItIt isis ourour pleasurepleasure toto remoueremove ourour CourtCourt
wln 0175FromFrom WestminsterWestminster toto th’th’ TowerTower: WeeWewe willwill lodgelodge
wln 0176ThisThis veryvery nightnight therethere, giuegive LordLord ChamberlaineChamberlainchamberlain
wln 0177AA presentpresent orderorder forfor itit.
wln 0178Stan:StanleyStan:TheThe TowerTower — II shallshall sirsir.
wln 0179K:KingK:ComeCome mymy truetrue, bestbest, fastfast friendsfriends, thesethese cloudsclouds willwill vanishvanish,
wln 0180TheThe SunneSun willwill shineshine atat fullfull: thethe HeauensHeavens areare clearingclearing.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0181FlourishFlourish.
wln 0182EnterEnter HuntleyHuntlyHuntley andand DaliellDaliell.
wln 0183Hun:HuntlyHun:YouYou trifletrifle timetime SirSir.Dal:DaliellDal:OhOhO mymy noblenoble LordLord,
wln 0184YouYou consterconsterconstrue mymy griefesgriefs toto soso hardhard aa sencesense,
wln 0185ThatThat wherewhere thethe texttext isis argumentargument ofof pittiepity
wln 0186MatterMatter ofof earnestearn●stearnest louelove, youryour glossegloss corruptscorrupts itit
wln 0187WithWith tootoo muchmuch illill plac’dplaced mirthmirth.
wln 0188Hunt:HuntlyHunt:MuchMuch mirthmirth LordLord DaliellDaliell?
wln 0189NotNot soso II vowvow: obserueobserve meeme sprightlysprightly gallantgallant:
wln 0190II knowknow thouthou artart aa noble●oblenoble laddlad, aa hansomehandsome,
wln 0191DiscendedDescended fromfrom an●nan honorablehonorablehonourable AuncestrieAncestry,
wln 0192ForwardForward andand actiueactive, do’stdost resolueresolve toto wrestlewrestle,
wln 0193AndAnd ruffleruffle inin thethe worldworld byby noblenoble actionsactions
wln 0194ForFor aa brauebrave mentionmention toto posteritieposterity:
wln 0195II scornescorn notnot thythy affectionaffection toto mymy DaughterDaughter,,▪
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wln 0196NotNot II byby goodgood St.St. AndrewAndr●wAndrew; butbut thisthis bugg-bearebugbear,
wln 0197ThisThis whoresomewhoreson taletale ofof honorhonorhonour, (honorhonorhonour DaliellDaliell)
wln 0198SoSo hourelyhourly chattschats, andand tattlestattles inin minemine eareear,
wln 0199TheThe peecepiece ofof royaltieroyalty thatthat isis stitch’dstitched vpup
wln 0200InIn mymy KatesKate’s bloudblood, thatthat ’tis’tis asas dangerousdangerous
wln 0201ForFor theethee youngyoung LordLord, toto pearchperch soso neerenear anan EagletEaglet,
wln 0202AsAs foolishfoolish forfor mymy gravitiegravity toto admitadmit itit.
wln 0203II hauehave spoakespoke allall atat onceonce.
wln 0204Dal:DaliellDal:SirSir, withwith thisthis truthtruth
wln 0205YouYou mixmix suchsuch Worme woodWormeWormwoodWormwoodwood, thatthat youyou leaueleave nono hopehope
wln 0206ForFor mymy disorderddisordered palatepalate, eree’erere toto rellishrelish
wln 0207AA wholesomewholesome tastetaste againeagain; alasalas, II knowknow SirSir,
wln 0208WhatWhat anan vnequallunequal distancedistance lieslies betweenebetween
wln 0209GreatGreat HuntliesHuntly’sHuntley’s DaughtersDaughter’sdaughter’s birthbirth, andand DaliellsDaliell’sDaliel’s fortunesfortunes.
wln 0210Shee’sShe’s thethe KingsKing’sking’s kinswomankinswoman, plac’dplaced neerenear thethe CrowneCrown,
wln 0211AA PrincessePrincess ofof thethe bloudblood, andand II aa SubjectSubject.
wln 0212Hunt:HuntlyHunt:RightRight, butbut aa noblenoble SubjectSubject, putput inin thatthat tootoo.
wln 0213Dal:DaliellDal:II couldcould addeadd moremore; andand inin thethe rightestrightest lineline,
wln 0214DeriueDerive mymy pedigreepedigree fromfrom AdamAdam MureMure,
wln 0215AA ScottishScottish KnightKnight; whosewhose daughterdaughter, waswas thethe mothermother
wln 0216ToTo himhim whowho firstfirst begotbegot thethe racerace ofof IamesesJameses,
wln 0217ThatThat swaysway thethe ScepterSceptre toto thisthis veryvery dayday
wln 0218ButBut kindredskindreds areare notnot oursours, whenwhen onceonce thethe datedate
wln 0219OfOf manymany yearesyears, hauehave swallowedswallowed vpup thethe memorymemory
wln 0220OfOf theirtheir originallsoriginals: SoSo pasturepasture fieldsfields
wln 0221NeighbouringNeighboringNeighbouring tootoo neerenear thethe OceanOcean, areare soopdsoopedsouped vpup
wln 0222AndAnd knowneknown nono moremore: forfor stoodstood II inin mymy firstfirst
wln 0223AndAnd natiuenative greatnessegreatness, ifif mymy PrincelyPrincely MistresseMistress
wln 0224VoutsafdVouchsafedvouchsafed meeme notnot herher servantservant, ’twere’twere asas goodgood
wln 0225II werewere reduc’dreduced toto ClowneryClownery; toto nothingnothing
wln 0226AsAs toto aa throanethrone ofof WonderWonder.
wln 0227Hunt:HuntlyHunt:NowNow byby SaintSaint AndrewAndrew
wln 0228AA sparkespark ofof mettallmettle, a’has’a hasa’ has aa brauebrave firefire inin himhim.
wln 0229II wouldwould a’aa hadhad mymy DaughterDaughter soso II knewtknew ’tknew’t notnot.
wln 0230ButBut mustmust notnot beebe soso, mustmust notnot: — wellwell youngyoung LordLord
wln 0231ThisThis willwill notnot doedo yetyet, ifif thethe girlegirl bebe headstrongheadstrong
wln 0232AndAnd willwill notnot harkenhearken toto goodgood CounsaileCounsel, stealesteal herher
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wln 0233AndAnd runnerun awayaway withwith herher, dauncedance galliardsgalliards, doedo,
wln 0234AndAnd friskefrisk aboutabout thethe worldworld toto learnelearn thethe LanguagesLanguages:
wln 0235T’will’Twill’twill bebe aa thrivingthriving tradetrade; youvo●you maymay setset vpup by’tby ’tby’t.
wln 0236Dal:DaliellDal:WithWith pardonpardon (noblen●blenoble GourdonGordonGourdon) thisthis disdainedisdain
wln 0237SuitesSuits notnot youryour DaughtersDaughter’sdaughter’s vertuevirtue, oror mymy constancieconstancy.
wln 0238Hunt:HuntlyHunt:YouYou areare angrieangry — wouldwould aawould’a wouldwould beatebeat meme, II deseruedeserve itit.
wln 0239DaliellDaliell thythy handhand, w’arew’ arewe’re friendsfriends; followfollow thythy CourtshipCourtship
wln 0240TakeTake thinethine owneown timetime andand speakespeak, ifif thouthou prevail’stprevailestbewaylest
wln 0241WithWith passionpassion moremore thenthan II cancan withwith mymy CounsaileCounsel,
wln 0242SheesShe’s thinethine, naynay, sheeshe isis thinethine, tis’tis aa fairefair matchmatch
wln 0243FreeFree andand allowedallowed, IleI’ll onelyonly vseuse mymy tonguetongue
wln 0244WithoutWithout aa FathersFather’s powerpower, useuse thouthou thinethine:
wln 0245SelfeSelf doedo selfeself hauehave, nono moremore wordswords, winnewin andand wearewear herher.
wln 0246Dal:DaliellDal:YouYou blessebless meeme, II amam nownow tootoo poorepoor inin thankesthanks
wln 0247ToTo paypay thethe debtdebt II oweowe youyou.
wln 0248Hunt:HuntlyHunt:NayNay, th’artth’ artthou’rt poorepoor enoughenough — II louelove hishis spiritspirit infinitelyinfinitely.
wln 0249LookeLook yeeye, sheeshe comescomes, toto herher nownow, toto herher, toto herher.
wln 0250EnterEnter KatherineKatherine andand IaneJanejane.
wln 0251Kat:KatherineKat:TheThe KingKing commandscommands youryour presencepresence SirSir.
wln 0252Hunt:HuntlyHunt:TheThe gallantgallant — thisthis thisthis thisthis LordLord, thisthis
wln 0253ServantServant (KateKate) ofof yoursyours, desiresdesires toto bebe youryour MaisterMaster.
wln 0254Kat:KatherineKat:II acknowledgeacknowledge himhim, aa worthyworthy friendfriend ofof minemine.
wln 0255Dal:DaliellDal:YourYour humblesthumblest CreatureCreature.
wln 0256Hunt:HuntlyHunt:SoSo, soso, thethe gamesgame’sgames aa footefoot, I’meI’m inin coldcold huntinghunting,
wln 0257TheThe harehare andand houndshounds areare partiesparties.
wln 0258Dal:DaliellDal:PrincelyPrincely LadyLady, — howhow mostmost vnworthyunworthy II amam toto imployemploy
wln 0259MyMy servicesservices, inin honourhonorhonour ofof youryour vertuesvirtues,
wln 0260HowHow hopelesseh●pelessehopeless mymy desiresdesires areare toto enjoyenjoy
wln 0261YourYour fairefair opinionopinion, andand muchmuch moremore youryour louelove;
wln 0262AreAre onelyonly mattermatter ofof despairedespair, vnlesseunless
wln 0263YourYour goodnessegoodness giuegive largelarge warrantwarrant toto mymy boldnesseboldness,
wln 0264MyMy feeble-wing’dfeeble-winged ambitionambition.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:ThisThis isis scurviescurvy.
wln 0265Kat:KatherineKat:MyMy LordLord II interruptinterrupt youyou notnot.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:IndeedeIndeed?
wln 0266NowNow onon mymy lifelife sheelshe’ll CourtCourt himhim — naynay, naynay, onon SirSir.
wln 0267Dal:DaliellDal:OftOft hauehave II tun’dtuned thethe lessonlesson ofof mymy sorrowessorrows
wln 0268ToTo sweetensweeten discorddiscord, andand inrichenrich youryour pittiepity;
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The Chronicle Historie
wln 0269ButBut allall inin vainevain: heerehere hadhad mymy ComfortsComforts suncksunk
wln 0270AndAnd nevernever ris’nrisen againeagain, toto telltell aa storiestory
wln 0271OfOf thethe despairingdespairing LouerLover, hadhad notnot nownow
wln 0272EvenEven nownow thethe EarleEarl youryour FatherFather.
wln 0273Hunt:HuntlyHunt:A’AA meanesmeans meeme suresure.
wln 0274Dal:DaliellDal:AfterAfter somesome fitfit disputesdisputes ofof youryour ConditionCondition,
wln 0275YourYour highnessehighness andand mymy lownesselowness, giv’ngiven aa licencelicenselicence
wln 0276WhichWhich diddid notnot moremore emboldenembolden, thenthen encourageencourage
wln 0277MyMy faultingfaulting tonguetongue.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:HowHow howhow? how’show’s thatthat?
wln 0278EmboldenEmbolden? EncourageEncourage? II encourageencourage yeeye? d’eed’ yed’ye hearehear sirsir?
wln 0279AA subtillsubtle tricktrick, aa queintquaint oneone, — willwill youyou hearehear (manman)
wln 0280WhatWhat diddid II saysay toto youyou, comecome comecome tothto th’tooth poyntpoint.
wln 0281KateKate:ItIt shallshall notnot needeneed mymy LordLord.
wln 0282Hunt:HuntlyHunt:ThenThen hearehear meeme KateKate:
wln 0283KeepeKeep youyou onon thatthat handhand ofof herher; II onon thisthis —
wln 0284ThouThou standststandst betweenebetween aa FatherFather andand aa SuiterSuitor,
wln 0285BothBoth strivingstriving forfor anan interestinterest inin thythy heartheart:
wln 0286HeeHe CourtsCourts theethee forfor affectionaffection, II forfor dutieduty;
wln 0287HeeHe asas aa servantservant pleadspleads, butbut byby thethe priviledgeprivilege
wln 0288OfOf naturenature, thothough II mightmight CommandCommand, mymy carecare
wln 0289ShallShall onelyonly CounsaileCounsel whatwhat itit shallshall notnot forceforce.
wln 0290ThouThou canstcanst butbut makemake oneone choycechoice, thethe tyesties ofof marriagemarriage
wln 0291AreAre tenurestenures notnot atat willwill, butbut duringduring lifelife.
wln 0292ConsiderConsider whoeswhosewho’s thouthou artart, andand whowho; aa PrincessePrincess,
wln 0293AA PrincessePrincess ofof thethe royallroyal bloudblood ofof ScotlandScotland.
wln 0294InIn thethe fullfull springspring ofof youthyouth, andand freshfresh inin beautiebeauty.
wln 0295TheThe KingKing thatthat sitssits vponupon thethe thronethrone isis youngyoung
wln 0296AndAnd yetyet vnmarryedunmarried, forwardforward inin attemptsattempts
wln 0297OnOn anyany leastleast occasionoccasion, toto endangerendanger
wln 0298HisHis personperson; WhereforeWherefore KateKate asas II amam confidentconfident
wln 0299ThouThou dar’stdar’st notnot wrongwrong thythy birthbirth andand educationeducation
wln 0300ByBy yeeldingyielding toto aa commoncommon servile●ervileservile ragerage
wln 0301OfOf femalefemale wantonnessewantonness, soso II amam confidentconfident
wln 0302ThouThou wiltwilt proportionproportion allall thythy thoughtsthoughts toto sideside
wln 0303ThyThy equallsequals, ifif notnot equallequal thythy superiorssuperiors.
wln 0304MyMy LordLord ofof DaliellDaliell youngyouugyoung inin yearesyears, isis oldold
wln 0305InIn honorshonorshonours, butbut nornor eminenteminent inin titlestitles
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wln 0306OrOr inin estateestate, thatthat maymay supportsupport oror addeadd toto
wln 0307TheThe expectationexpectation ofof thythy fortunesfortunes, settlesettle
wln 0308ThyThy willwill andand reasonreason byby aa strengthstrength ofof IudgementJudgementjudgement;
wln 0309ForFor inin aa wordword, II giuegive theethee freedomefreedom, taketake itit.
wln 0310IfIf equallequal fatesfates hauehave notnot ordain’dordained toto pitchpitch
wln 0311ThyThy hopeshopes aboueabove mymy heightheight, letlet notnot thythy passionpassion
wln 0312LeadeLead theethee toto shrinkeshrink minemine honorhonorhonour inin oblivionoblivion:
wln 0313ThouThou artart thinethine owneown, II hauehave donedone.
wln 0314Dal:DaliellDal:OhOhO!!● y’arey’ areyou’re allall OracleOracle,
wln 0315TheThe livingliving stockestock andand rooteroot ofof truthtruth andand wisedomewisdom.
wln 0316Kat:KatherineKat:MyMy worthiestworthiest LordLord andand FatherFather, thethe indulgenceindulgence
wln 0317OfOf youryour sweetesweet compositioncomposition, thusthus commandscommands
wln 0318TheThe lowestlowest ofof obedienceobedience, youyou hauehave grauntedgranted
wln 0319AA libertieliberty soso largelarge, thatthat II wantwant skillskill
wln 0320ToTo choosechoose withoutwithout directiondirection ofof EXAMPLEEXAMPLE:
wln 0321FromFrom whichwhich II dailydaily learnelearn, byby howhow muchmuch moremore
wln 0322YouYou taketa●etake offoff fromfrom thethe roughnesseroughness ofof aa FatherFather,
wln 0323ByBy soso muchmuch moremore II amam engag’dengaged toto tendertender
wln 0324TheThe dutieduty ofof aa DaughterDaughter. ForFor respectsrespects
wln 0325OfOf birthbirth, degreesdegrees ofof titletitle,, andand advancementadvancement,
wln 0326II nornor admireadmire, nornor slightslight themthem; allall mymy studiesstudies
wln 0327ShallShall everever aymeaim atat thisthis perfectionperfection onelyonly,
wln 0328ToTo liuelive andand dyedie soso, thatthat youyou maymay notnot blushblush
wln 0329InIn anyany coursecourse ofof minemine toto owneown meeme yoursyours.
wln 0330Hunt:HuntlyHunt:KateKate, KateKate, thouthou grow’stgrowest vponupon mymy heartheart, likelike peacepeace,
wln 0331CreatingCreating everyevery otherother hourehour aa IubileJubileejubilee.
wln 0332KateKatherineKate:ToTo youyou mymy LordLord ofof DaliellDaliell, II addresseaddress
wln 0333SomeSome fewfew remainingremaining wordswords, thethe generallgeneral famefame
wln 0334ThatThat speakesspeaks youryour meritmerit eveneven inin vulgarvulgar tonguestongues,,▪
wln 0335ProclaimesProclaims itit cleareclear; butbut inin thethe bestbest aa PresidentPrecedentprecedent.
wln 0336Hunt:HuntlyHunt:GoodGood wenchwench, goodgood girlegirl y’ faythy’i’ faithy’faythfaith.
wln 0337Kat:KatherineKat:ForFor mymy partpart (trusttrust meeme)
wln 0338II valuevalue minemine owneown worthworth atat higherhigher raterate,
wln 0339CauseCause youyou areare pleasdpleased toto prizeprize itit; ifif thethe streamestream
wln 0340OfOf youryour protestedprotested serviceservice (asas youyou termeterm itit)
wln 0341RunneRun inin aa constancieconstancy, moremore thenthan aa ComplementCompliment;
wln 0342ItIt shallshall bebe mymy delightdelight, thatthat worthyworthy louelove
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wln 0343LeadesLeads youyou toto worthyworthy actionsactions; andand thesethese guideguide yeeye
wln 0344RichlyRichly toto weddewed anan honourablehonorablehonourable namename:
wln 0345SoSo everyevery vertuousvirtuous praisepraise, inin afterafter agesages,
wln 0346ShallShall bebe youryour heyrehey●eheir, andand II inin youryour brauebrave mentionmention,
wln 0347BeBe ChronicledChronicled thethe MOTHERMOTHER ofof thatthat issueissue,
wln 0348ThatThat gloriousglorious issueissue.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:OhOhO thatthat II werewere youngyoung againeagain,
wln 0349SheedShe’d makemake meeme Courtcourt●ourtcourtCourt proudproud dangerdanger, andand suckesuck spiritspirit
wln 0350FromFrom reputationreputation.
wln 0351Kat:KatherineKat:ToTo thethe presentpresent motionmotion,
wln 0352HeeresHere’shere’s allall thatthat II daredare answera●sweranswer: whenwhen aa ripenesseripeness
wln 0353OfOf moremore experienceexperience, andand somesome vseuse ofof timetime,
wln 0354ResoluesResolves toto treatetreat thethe freedomefreedom ofof mymy youthyouth
wln 0355VponUpon exchangeexchange ofof troathestroths, II shallshall desiredesire
wln 0356NoNo surersurer creditcredit, ofof aa matchmatch withwith vertuevirtue,
wln 0357ThenThan suchsuch asas liueslives inin youyou; meanemean timetime, mymy hopeshopes areare
wln 0358Preser’dPreservedpreserved securesecure, inin havinghaving youyou aa friendfriend.
wln 0359Dal:DaliellDal:YouYou areare aa blessedblessed LadyLady, andand instructinstruct
wln 0360AmbitionAmbition notnot toto soaresoar aa fartherfarther flightflight,
wln 0361ThenThen inin thethe perfum’dperfumed ayreair ofof youryour softsoft voycevoice.
wln 0362MyMy noblenoble LordLord ofof HuntleyHuntlyHuntley, youyou hauehave lentlent
wln 0363AA fullfull extentextent ofof bountiebounty toto thisthis parleyparley;
wln 0364AndAnd forfor itit, shallshall commandcommand youryour humblesthumblest servantservant.
wln 0365Hunt:HuntlyHunt:EnoughEnough; weewe areare stillstill friendsfriends, andand willwill continuecontinue
wln 0366AA heartiehearty louelove, ohoho KateKate, thouthou artart minemine owneown: —
wln 0367NoNo moremore, mymy LordLord ofof CrawfordCrawford.
wln 0368EnterEnter CrawfordCrawford.
wln 0369Craw.CrawfordCraw.FromFrom thethe KingKing II comecome mymy LordLord ofof HuntleyHuntlyHuntley,
wln 0370WhoWho inin CounsaileCounsel requiresrequires youryour presentpresent aydeaid.
wln 0371Hunt:HuntlyHunt:SomeSome weightieweighty businessebusiness!
wln 0372Craw:CrawfordCraw:AA SecretarieSecretary fromfrom aa DukeDuke ofof YorkeYork,
wln 0373TheThe secondsecond sonneson toto thethe latelate EnglishEnglish EdwardEdward,
wln 0374Conceal’dConcealed II knowknow notnot wherewhere thesethese fourteenfourteen yearesyears,
wln 0375CrauesCraves audienceaudience fromfrom ourour MaisterMaster, andand tis’tis saidsaid
wln 0376TheThe DukeDuke himselfehimself isis followingfollowing toto thethe CourtCourt.
wln 0377Hunt:HuntlyHunt:DukeDuke vponupon DukeDuke; tis’tis wellwell; ’tis’tis wellwell heereshere’s bustlingbustling
wln 0378ForFor MajestieMajesty; mymy LordLord, II willwill alongalong withwith yeeye.
wln 0379Craw:CrawfordCraw:MyMy serviceservice noblenoble LadyLady.Kat:KatherineKat:PleasePlease yeeye walkewalk sirsir?
Dal: “Times
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wln 0380Dal:DaliellDal:“TimesTimesTime’s hauehave theirtheir changeschanges, sorrowsorrow makesmakes menmen wisewise,
wln 0381“TheThe SunneSun it selfeitself mustmust settset asas wellwell asas riserise;
wln 0382ThenThen whywhy notnot II — fairefair MaddamMadam II waitewait onon yeeye.ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes.
wln 0383EnterEnter DurhamDurham, SirSir RobertRobert CliffordClifford, andand VrswickUrswick: LightsLights.
wln 0384Dur:DurhamDur:YouYou findefind (SirSir RobertRobert CliffordClifford) howhow securelysecurely
wln 0385KingKing HenryHenry ourour greatgreat MaisterMaster, dothdoth commitcommit
wln 0386HisHis personperson toto youryour loyaltieloyalty; youyou tastetaste
wln 0387HisHis bountiebounty andand hishis mercymercy eveneven inin thisthis;
wln 0388ThatThat atat aa timetime ofof nightnight soso latelate, aa placeplace
wln 0389SoSo privateprivate asas hishis ClosetCloset, heehe isis pleasdpleased
wln 0390ToTo admitadmit youyou toto hishis favourfavorfavour; doedo notnot faulterfalter
wln 0391InIn youryour DiscoveryDiscovery, butbut asas youyou covetcovet
wln 0392AA liberallliberal gracegrace, andand pardonpardon forfor youryour folliesfollies.
wln 0393SoSo labourlaborlabour toto deseruedeserve itit, byby layinglaying openopen
wln 0394AllAll plottsplots, allall personspersons, thatthat contriuecontrive againstagainst itit.
wln 0395Vrs:UrswickVrs:RememberRemember notnot thethe witchcraftwitchcraft, oror thethe MagickMagic,
wln 0396TheThe charmescharms, andand incantationsincantations, whichwhich thethe SorceresseSorceress
wln 0397OfOf BurgundieBurgundyburgundy hathhath castcast vponupon youryour reasonreason!
wln 0398SirSir RobertRobert beebe youryour owneown friendfriend nownow, dischargedischarge
wln 0399YourYour conscienceconscience freelyfreely, allall ofof suchsuch asas louelove youyou,
wln 0400StandStand suretiessureties forfor youryour honestiehonesty andand truthtruth.
wln 0401TakeTake heedeheed youyou doedo notnot dalliedally withwith thethe KingKing,
wln 0402HeHe isis wisewise asas hehe isis gentlegentle.Cliff:CliffordCliff:II amam miserablemiserable,
wln 0403IfIf HenryHenry bebe notnot mercifullmerciful.Vrs:UrswickVrs:TheThe KingKing comescomes.
wln 0404EnterEnter KingKing HenryHenry.
wln 0405K:KingK: H:HHenryH:CliffordClifford!Cliff:CliffordCliff:LetLet mymy weakeweak kneesknees rotrot onon thethe earthearth,
wln 0406IfIf II appeareappear asas leap’rousleprous inin mymy treacheriestreacheries,
wln 0407BeforeBefore youryour royallroyal eyeseyes; asas toto minemine owneown
wln 0408II seemeseem aa MonsterMonster, byby mymy breachbreach ofof truthtruth.
wln 0409K:KingK: H:HHenryH:CliffordClifford standstand vpup, forfor instanceinstance ofof thythy safetiesafety
wln 0410II offeroffer theethee mymy handhand.Cliff.CliffordCliff.AA soveraignesovereign BalmeBalm
wln 0411ForFor mymy bruis’dbruised SouleSoul, II kissekiss itit withwith aa greedinessegreediness.
wln 0412SirSir youyou areare aa justjust MasterMaster, butbut II —
wln 0413K:KingK: H:HHenryH:TellTell meme, isis everyevery circumstancecircumstance, thouthou hasthast setset downedown
wln 0414WithWith thinethine owneown handhand, withinwithin thisthis paperpaper truetrue?
wln 0415IsIs itit aa suresure intelligenceintelligence ofof allall
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The Chronicle Historie
wln 0416TheThe progresseprogress ofof ourour enemiesenemies’enemies intentsintents
wln 0417WithoutWithout corruptioncorruption?Cliff:CliffordCliff:TrueTrue, asas II wishwish heavenheaven;
wln 0418OrOr mymy infectedinfected honorhonorhonour whitewhite againeagain.
wln 0419K:KingK: H:HHenryH:WeeWewe knowknow allall (CliffordClifford) fullyfully, sincesince thisthis meteormeteor
wln 0420ThisThis ayrieairy apparitionapparition firstfirst discradleddiscradled
wln 0421FromFrom TournayTournay intointo PortugallPortugal; andand thencethence
wln 0422Advanc’dAdvanced hishis firiefiery blazeblaze forfor adorationadoration
wln 0423TothTo th’Tooth superstitioussuperstitious IrishIrish; sincesince thethe beardbeard
wln 0424OfOf thisthis wildewild CometComet, Conjurd’dConjured intointo FraunceFrance,
wln 0425SparkledSparkled inin antickantic flamesflames inin CharlesCharles hishis CourtCourt:
wln 0426ButBut shrunkeshrunk againeagain fromfrom thencethence, andand hidhid inin darknessedarkness,
wln 0427StoleStole intointo FlaundersFlanders, flourishingflourishing thethe raggesrags
wln 0428OfOf paintedpainted powerpower onon thethe shoreshore ofof KentKent,
wln 0429WhenceWhence heehe waswas beatenbeaten backeback withwith shameshame andand scornescorn,
wln 0430ContemptContempt, andand slaughterslaughter ofof somesome nakednaked out-lawesoutlaws:
wln 0431ButBut telltell meme, whatwhat newnew coursecourse nownow shapesshapes DukeDuke PerkinPerkin??!
wln 0432Cliff:CliffordCliff:ForFor IrelandIreland (mightiemighty HenrieHenryhenry:) soso instructedinstructed
wln 0433ByBy StephenStephen FrionFrion, sometimessometimes SecretarieSecretary
wln 0434InIn thethe FrenchFrench tonguetongue vntounto youryour sacredsacred ExcellenceExcellence,
wln 0435ButBut PerkinsPerkin’sPerkins tutortutor nownow.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:AA subtillsubtle villainevillain!
wln 0436ThatThat FrionFrion, FrionFrion, — youyou mymy LordLord ofof DurhamDurham
wln 0437KnewKnew wellwell thethe manman.Dur.DurhamDur.FrenchFrench bothboth inin heartheart andand actionsactions!
wln 0438K:KingK: H:HHenryH:SomeSome IrishIrish headsheads workework inin thisthis minemine ofof treasontreason;
wln 0439SpeakeSpeak em’em!Cliff.CliffordCliff.NotNot anyany ofof thethe bestbest; youryour fortunefortune
wln 0440HathHath dullddulled theirtheir spleenesspleens; nevernever hadhad CounterfeitCounterfeit
wln 0441SuchSuch aa confusedconfused rabblerabble ofof lostlost BanqueroutsBankrupts
wln 0442ForFor CounsellorsCounselorsCounsellors: firstfirst HeronHeron aa brokenbroken MercerMercer,
wln 0443ThenThan IohnJohnjohn aa WaterWater, sometimessometimes MajorMayorMajor ofof CorkeCork,
wln 0444SketonSkeltonSketon aa taylortailor audand aa ScrivenorScrivenerscrivener
wln 0445CalldCalled AstleyAstley: andand what erewhate’er thesethese listlist toto treatetreat ofof,
wln 0446PerkinPerkin mustmust harkenharkenhearken toto; butbut FrionFrion, cunningcunning
wln 0447AboueAbove thesethese dulldull capacitiescapacities, stillstill promptsprompts himhim,,▪
wln 0448ToTo fliefly toto ScotlandSc●●landScotland toto youngyoung IamesJamesjames thethe fourthfourth;
wln 0449AndAnd suesue forfor aydeaid toto himhim; thisthis isis thethe latestlatest
wln 0450OfOf allall theirtheir resolutionsresolutions.K.KingK. H.HenryH.StillStill moremore FrionFrion.
wln 0451PestilentPestilent AdderAdder, heehe willwill hissehiss outout poysonpoison
wln 0452AsAs dang’rousdang’rousdangerous asas infectionsinfections — wewe mustmust matchmatch ’em’em.
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wln 0453CliffordClifford thouthou hasthast spokespoke homehome, weewe giuegive theethee lifelife:
wln 0454ButBut CliffordClifford, therethere areare peoplepeople ofof ourour owneown
wln 0455RemaineRemain behindebehind vntolduntold, whowho areare theythey CliffordClifford?
wln 0456NameName thosethose andand weewe areare friendsfriends, andand willwill toto restrest,
wln 0457Tis’Tis thythy lastlast tasketask.Cliff.CliffordCliff.OhOhO SirSir, herehere II mustmust breakebreak
wln 0458AA mostmost vnlawfullunlawful OathOath toto keepekeep aa justjust oneone.
wln 0459K.KingK. H.HenryH.WellWell, wellwell, bebe briefebrief, bebe briefebrief.Cliff.CliffordCliff.TheThe firstfirst inin ranckrank
wln 0460ShallShall bebe IohnJohnjohn RatcliffeRatcliffe, LordLord FitzwaterFitzwater, thenthen
wln 0461SirSir SimonSimon MountfordMountford, andand SirSir ThomasThomas ThwaitesThwaites,
wln 0462WithWith WilliamWilliam DawbegneyDaubeneyDawbegney, ChessonerCressonerChessoner, AstwoodAstwood,
wln 0463WorsleyWorsley thet●ethe DeaneDeandean ofof PaulesPaul’s, twotwo otherother FryarsFriars,
wln 0464AndAnd RobertRobert RatcliffeRatcliffe.K.KingK. H.HenryH.Church-menChurchmen areare turn’dturned DivellsDevils.
wln 0465TheseThese areare thethe principallprincipal.Cliff.CliffordCliff.OneOne moremore remainesremains
wln 0466Vn-nam’dUnnamed, whomwhom II couldcould willinglywillingly forgetforget.
wln 0467K.K.H.KingK.H. H.HenryHaHa CliffordClifford, oneone moremore?Cliff.CliffordCliff.GreatGreat SirSir, dodo notnot hearehear himhim:
wln 0468ForFor whenwhen SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley youryour LordLord ChamberlaineChamberlainchamberlain
wln 0469ShallShall comecome intointo thethe listlist, asas hehe isis chiefechief
wln 0470II shallshall looselose creditcredit withwith yeeye, yetyet thisthis LordLord,
wln 0471LastLast nam’dnamed, isis firstfirst againstagainst youyou.
wln 0472K.KingK. H.HenryH.VrswickUrswick thethe lightlight, viewview wellwell mymy faceface SirsSirs,
wln 0473IsIs therethere bloudblood leftleft inin itit?Dur.DurhamDur.YouYou alteralter
wln 0474StrangelyStrangely SirSir.K.KingK. H.HenryH.AlterAlter LordLord BishopBishop?
wln 0475WhyWhy CliffordClifford stab’dstabbed meeme, oror II dream’ddreamed a’stabd’a stabbeda’ stabbed meeme.
wln 0476SirraSirrah, itit isis aa customecustom withwith thethe guiltieguilty
wln 0477ToTo thinkethink theythey setset theirtheir owneown stainesstains offoff, byby layinglaying
wln 0478AspersionsAspersions onon somesome noblernobler thenthan themseluesthemselves:
wln 0479LyesLies waitewait onon treasonstreasons, asas II findefind itit herehere.
wln 0480ThyThy lifelife againeagain isis forfeitforfeit, II recallrecall
wln 0481MyMy wordword ofof mercymercy, forfor II knowknow thouthou dar’stdar’st
wln 0482RepeateRepeat thethe namename nono moremore.Cliff.CliffordCliff.II daredare, andand onceonce moremore
wln 0483VponUpon mymy knowledgeknowledge, namename SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley
wln 0484BothBoth inin hishis counsailecounsel, andand hishis pursepurse, thethe chiefechief
wln 0485AssistantAssistant, toto thethe fain’dfai●’dfeigned Duke●ukeDuke ofof YorkeYork.Dur:DurhamDur:MostMost strangestrange!
wln 0486Vrs:UrswickVrs:MostMost wickedwicked!K:KingK: H.HenryH.YetYet againeagain, onceonce moremore;
wln 0487Cliff:CliffordCliff:SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley isis youryour secret●ecretsecret enemyenemy,
wln 0488AndAnd ifif timetime fitfit, willwill openlyopenly professeprofess itit.
wln 0489K.KingK. H.HenryH.SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley? WhoWho? SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley
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The Chronicle Historie
wln 0490MyMy ChamberlaineChamberlain, mymy CounsellorCounselorCounsellor, thethe louelove,
wln 0491TheThe pleasurepleasure ofof mymy CourtCourt, mymy bosomebosom friendfriend,
wln 0492TheThe ChargeCharge, andand thethe ControulementControlment ofof mymy personperson
wln 0493TheThe keyeskeys andand secretssecrets ofof mymy treasurietreasury;
wln 0494TheThe allall ofof allall II amam: II amam vnhappieunhappy:
wln 0495MiserieMisery ofof confidenceconfidence, — letlet meeme turneturn traytortraitor
wln 0496ToTo minemine owneown personperson, yeeldyield mymy ScepterSceptre vpup
wln 0497ToTo EdwardsEdward’s SisterSister, andand herher bastardbastard DukeDuke!
wln 0498Dur.DurhamDur.YouYou looselose youryour constantconstant tempertemper.
wln 0499K.KingK. H.HenryH.SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley!
wln 0500OhOhO doedo notnot blameblame meeme; heehe, twas’twas onelyonly heehe
wln 0501WhoWho havinghaving rescu’drescued meeme inin BosworthBosworth fieldfield
wln 0502FromFrom RichardsRichard’s bloudybloody swordsword, snatch’dsnatched fromfrom hishis headhead
wln 0503TheThe KinglyKingly CrowneCrown, andand plac’dplaced itit firstfirst onon minemine.
wln 0504HeeHe nevernever fail’dfailed meeme; whatwhat hauehave II deserv’ddeserved
wln 0505ToTo looselose thisthis goodgood mansman’s heartheart, oror heehe, hishis owneown?
wln 0506Vrs:UrswickVrs:TheThe nightnight dothdoth wastewaste, thisthis passionpassion illill becomesbecomes yeeye;
wln 0507ProvideProvide againstagainst youryour dangerdanger.K.KingK. H.HenryH.LetLet itit bebe soso.
wln 0508VrswickUrswick commandcommand streightstraight StanlyStanleyStanly toto hishis chamberchamber.
wln 0509Tis’Tis wellwell weewe areare ithi’ th’ith’ TowerTower; setset aa guardguard onon himhim;
wln 0510CliffordClifford toto bedbed; youyou mustmust lodgelodge herehere to nighttonight,
wln 0511WeelWe’llwe’ll talketalk withwith youyou to morrowtomorrow: mymy sadsad soulesoul
wln 0512DevinesDivines strangestrange troublestroubles.Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:HoHo, the●hethe KingKing, thethe KingKing,
wln 0513II mustmust hauehave entranceentrance.K.KingK. H.HenryH.DawbneysDaubeney’sDawbney’s voycev●ycevoice; admitadmit himhim.
wln 0514WhatWhat newnew combustionscombustions huddlehuddle nextnext toto keepek●epekeepe
wln 0515OurOur eyeseyes fromfrom restrest? — thethe newesnews?
wln 0516EnterEnter DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney.
wln 0517Daw:DaubeneyDaw:TenTen thousandthousand CornishCornish grudginggrudging toto paypay youryour
wln 0518SubsidiesSubsidies, hauehave gatherdgathered aa headhead, ledled byby aa
wln 0519BlacksmithBlacksmith, andand aa LawyerLawyer, theythey makemake forfor LondonLondon,
wln 0520AndAnd toto themthem isis joyn’djoined LordLord AudlieAudleyAudlie, asas theythey marchmarch,
wln 0521TheirTheir numbernumber dailydaily encreasesincreases, theythey areare —
wln 0522K.KingK. H.HenryH.RascallsRascals — talketalk nono moremore;
wln 0523SuchSuch areare notnot worthieworthy ofof mymy thoughtsthoughts to nighttonight:
wln 0524AndAnd ifif II cannotcannot sleepesleep, IleI’ll wakewake: — toto bedbed.
wln 0525WhenWhen CounsailesCounsels failefail, andand theresthere’s inin manman nono trusttrust,
wln 0526EvenEven thenthen, anan armearm fromfrom heavenheaven, fightsfights forfor thethe justjust.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0527FinisFinis ActusActu●Actus primiprimi.Actus
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wln 0528ActusActus SecundusSecundus: ScænaScaenaScaena primaprima.
wln 0529EnterEnter aboueabove: CountesseCountess ofof CrawfordCrawford, KatherineKatherine, IaneJanejane,
wln 0530withwith otherother LadiesLadies.
wln 0531Coun.CountessCoun.COmeCOme LadiesLadies, heereshere’s aa solemnesolemn preparationpreparation
wln 0532ForFor entertainmententertainment ofof thisthis EnglishEnglish PrincePrince;
wln 0533TheThe KingKing intendsintends gracegrace moremore thenthan ordinarieordinary,
wln 0534Twere’twere pittiepity nownow, ifif a’shoulda’ shoulda’ shoulc proueprove aa CounterfeitCounterfeit.
wln 0535Kat:KatherineKat:BlesseBless thethe youngyoung manman, ourour NationNation wouldwould bebe laughdlaughed atat
wln 0536ForFor honesthonest soulessouls throughthrough ChristendomeChristendom: mymy fatherfather
wln 0537HathHath aa weakeweak stomackestomach toto thethe businessebusiness (MadamMadam)
wln 0538ButBut thatthat thethe KingKing mustmust notnot bebe crostcrossed.Coun:CountessCoun:A’brings’A bringsA’ brings
wln 0539AA goodlygoodly troopetroop (theythey saysay) ofof gallantsgallants withwith himhim;
wln 0540ButBut veryvery modestmodest peoplepeople, forfor theythey strivestrive