wln 0013ActusActus. 11.11... ScænaScaenaScaena. 11.11...
wln 0014MycetesMycetes, CosroeCosroe, MeanderMeander, TheridamasTheridamas, OrtygiusOrtygius,
wln 0015CeneusCeneus, withwith othersothers.
wln 0016MycetesMycetes.
wln 0017BRotherBRother CosroeCosroe, II findfind my selfemyself agreeu’dagreeudaggrieved,
wln 0018YetYet insufficientinsufficient toto expresseexpress thethe samesame:
wln 0019ForFor itit requiresrequires aa greatgreat andand thundringthund’ringthundering speechspeech:
wln 0020GoodGood brotherbrother telltell thethe causecause vntounto mymy LordsLords,
wln 0021II knowknow youyou hauehave aa betterbetter witwit thanthan II.
wln 0022Cos.CosroeCos.UnhappieVnhappieUnhappy PerseaPersia, thatthat inin formerformer ageage
wln 0023HastHast benebeen thethe seatseat ofof mightiemighty ConquerorsConquerors,
wln 0024ThatThat inin theirtheir prowesseprowess andand theirtheir polliciespolicies,
wln 0025HaueHave triumphttriumphed ouerover AffrikeAfricAfrique, andand thethe boundsbounds
wln 0026OfOf EuropeEurope, wherwhere thethe SunSun daresdares scarcescarce appeareappear,
wln 0027ForFor freezingfreezing meteorsmeteors andand coniealedcongealed coldecold:
wln 0028NowNow toto bebe rulderuled andand gouernedgoverned byby aa manman,
wln 0029AtAt whosewhose byrth=daybyrth-daybirthday CynthiaCynthia withwith SaturneSaturn ioindejoined,
wln 0030AndAnd IoueJovejove, thethe SunSun andand Mercuriemercury denieddenied
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wln 0031ToTo shedshed hishis influenceinfluence inin hishis ficklefickle brainebrain,
wln 0032NowNow TurkesTurks andand TartarsTartars shakeshake theirtheir swordsswords atat th[··]thatth●●theethat
wln 0033MeaningMeaning toto manglemangle allall thythy ProuincesProvinces,
wln 0034Mycet.MycetesMycet.BrotherBrother, II seesee youryour meaningmeaning wellwell enoughenough.
wln 0035AndAnd thoroughthrough youryour PlanetsPlanets II perceiueperceive youyou thinkethink,
wln 0036II amam notnot wisewise enoughenough toto bebe aa kingeking,
wln 0037ButBut II referrefer meme toto mymy noblenoble menmen,
wln 0038ThatThat knoweknow mymy witwit, andand cancan bebe witnesseswitnesses:
wln 0039II mightmight commandcommand youyou toto bebe slaineslain forfor thisthis,
wln 0040MeanderMeander, mightmight II notnot?
wln 0041Meand.MeanderMeand.NotNot forfor soso smallsmall aa faultfault mymy soueraignesovereign LordLord
wln 0042Mycet.MycetesMycet.II meanemean itit notnot, butbut yetyet II knowknow II mightmight,
wln 0043YetYet liuelive, yeayea, liuelive, MycetesMycetes wilswills itit soso:
wln 0044MeanderMeander, thouthou mymy faithfullfaithful CounsellorCounselorCounsellor,
wln 0045DeclareDeclare thethe causecause ofof mymy conceiuedconceived griefegrief,
wln 0046WhichWhich isis (GodGod knowesknows) aboutabout thatthat TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0047ThatThat likelike aa FoxeFox inin midstmidst ofof haruestharvest timetime,
wln 0048DoothDoth praypray vpnonvponvpnonupon mymy flockesflocks ofof PassengersPassengers.
wln 0049AndAnd asas II hearehear, dothdoth meanemean toto pullpull mymy plumesplumes,
wln 0050ThereforeTherefore tis’tis goodgood andand meetemeet forfor toto bebe wisewise.
wln 0051Meand.MeanderMeand.OftOft hauehave II heardheard youryour MaiestieMajesty complaincomplain,
wln 0052OfOf TamburlaineTamburlaine, thatthat sturdiesturdy ScythianScythian thiefethief,
wln 0053ThatThat robsrobs youryour merchantsmerchants ofof PersepolisPersepolis,
wln 0054TreadingTreading byby landland vntounto thethe WesterneWestern IslesIsles,
wln 0055AndAnd inin youryour confinesconfines withwith hishis lawlesselawless trainetrain,
wln 0056DailyDaily commitscommits inciuillincivil outragesoutrages.
wln 0057HopingHoping (misledmisled byby dreamingdreaming prophesiesprophecies)
wln 0058ToTo raignereign inin AsiaAsia, andand withwith barbarousbarbarous ArmesArmies,
wln 0059ToTo makemake himselfehimself thethe MonarchMonarch ofof thethe EastEast:
wln 0060ButBut ereere hehe marchmarch inin AsiaAsia, oror displaydisplay
wln 0061HisHis vagrantvagrant EnsigneEnsign inin thethe PerseanPersianpersian fieldsfields,
wln 0062YourYour GraceGrace hathhath takentaken orderorder byby TheridimasTheridamas,
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0063Chardg’dCharged withwith aa thousandthousand horsehorse, toto apprehendapprehend
wln 0064AndAnd bringbring himhim CaptiueCaptive toto youryour HighnesseHighneseHighnesshighness thronethrone,
wln 0065Myce.MycetesMyce.FulFull truetrue thouthou speakstspeakst, &and likelike thy selfethyself mymy lordlord
wln 0066WhomWhom II maymay tearmeterm aa DamonDamon forfor thythy louelove.
wln 0067ThereforeTherefore tis’tis bestbest, ifif soso itit liklike youyou allall,
wln 0068ToTo sendsend mymy thousandthousand horsehorse incontinentincontinent,
wln 0069ToTo apprehendapprehend thatthat paltriepaltry ScythianScythian.
wln 0070HowHow likelike youyou thisthis, mymy honorablehonorablehonourable LordsLords?
wln 0071IsIs itit notnot aa kinglykingly resolutionresolution?
wln 0072Cosr.CosroeCosr.ItIt cannotcannot choosechoose, becausebecause itit comescomes fromfrom youyou.
wln 0073Myce.MycetesMyce.ThenThen hearehear thythy chargecharge, valiantvaliant TheridimasTheridamas
wln 0074TheThe chiefestchiefest CaptaineCaptain ofof MycetesMycetes’Mycetes hostehost,
wln 0075TheThe hopehope ofof PerseaPersia, andand thethe verievery leggeslegs
wln 0076WhereonWhereon ourour statestate dothdoth leanelean, asas onon aa staffestaff,
wln 0077ThatThat holdsholds vsus vpup, andand foilesfoils ourour neighbourneighborneighbour foesfoes,
wln 0078ThouThou shaltshalt bebe leaderleader ofof thisthis thousandthousand horsehorse,
wln 0079WhoseWhose fomingfoaming gallegall withwith ragerage andand highhigh disdainedisdain,
wln 0080HaueHave swornesworn thethe deathdeath ofof wickedwicked TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0081GoGo frowninggrowningfrowninggroaning foorthforth, butbut comecome thouthou smylingsmiling homehome,
wln 0082AsAs diddid SirSir ParisParis withwith thethe GrecianGrecian DameDame,
wln 0083ReturneReturn withwith speedspeed, timetime passethpasseth swiftswift awayaway,
wln 0084OurOur lifelife isis frailefrail, andand wewe maymay diedie to daytoday.
wln 0085Ther.TheridamasTher.BeforeBefore thethe MooneMoon renewrenew herher borrowedborrowed lightlight,
wln 0086DoubtDoubt notnot mymy LordLord andand gratiousgracious SoueraigneSovereign,
wln 0087ButBut TamburlaineTamburlaine, andand thatthat TartarianTartarian routrout,
wln 0088ShallShall eithereither perishperish byby ourour warlikewarlike handshands,
wln 0089OrOr pleadplead forfor merciemercy atat youryour highnessehighness’ feetfeet.
wln 0090Myce.MycetesMyce.GoGo, stoutstout TheridimasTheridamas, thythy wordswords areare swordsswords
wln 0091AndAnd withwith thythy lookeslooks thouthou conquerestconquerest allall thythy foesfoes:
wln 0092II longlong toto seesee theethee backback returnereturn fromfrom thencethence,
wln 0093ThatThat II maymay viewview thesethese milk-whitemilk-white steedssteeds ofof minemine.
wln 0094AllAll lodenladen withwith thethe headsheads ofof killedkilled menmen,
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wln 0095AndAnd fromfrom theirtheir kneesknees, eueneven toto theirtheir hoofeshooves belowbelow,
wln 0096Besmer’dBesmeared withwith bloodblood, thatthat makesmakes aa daintydainty showshow.
wln 0097The.TheridamasThe.ThenThen nownow mymy LordLord, II humblyhumbly taketake mymy leaueleave. (ExitExit.
wln 0098Myc.MycetesMyc.Therid.TheridTheridamasTherid. farewelfarewell tenten thousandthousand timestimes,
wln 0099AhAh, MenaphonMenaphon, whywhy staieststayest thouthou thusthus behindbehind,
wln 0100WhenWhen otherother menmen preasepress forwardforward forfor renownerenown::?
wln 0101GoGo MenaphonMenaphon, gogo intointo ScythiaScythia,
wln 0102AndAnd footfoot byby footfoot followfollow TheridamasTheridamas:
wln 0103Cos.CosroeCos.NayNay, praypray youyou letlet himhim staystay, aa greatergreater
wln 0104FitsFits MenaphonMenaphon, thanthan warringwarring withwith aa ThiefeThief:
wln 0105CreateCreate himhim ProrexProrex ofof AffricaAfrica,
wln 0106ThatThat hehe maymay winwin thethe BabyloniansBabylonians’Babylonians heartshearts,
wln 0107WhichWhich willwill reuoltrevolt fromfrom PerseanPersianpersian gouernmentgovernment,
wln 0108UnlesseVnlesseUnless theythey hauehave aa wiserwiser kingking thanthan youyou.
wln 0109Myc.MycetesMyc.UnlesseVnlesseUnless theythey hauehave aa wiserwiser kingking thanthan youyou?
wln 0110TheseThese areare hishis wordswords, MeanderMeander setset themthem downedown.
wln 0111Cos.CosroeCos.AndAnd adadd thisthis toto themthem, thatthat allall AsiaAsia
wln 0112LamentLament toto seesee thethe folliefolly ofof theirtheir KingKing.
wln 0113Myc.MycetesMyc.WellWell herehere II sweareswear byby thisthis mymy royalroyal seatseat.
wln 0114Cos.CosroeCos.YouYou maymay doedo wellwell toto kissekiss itit thenthen.
wln 0115Myc.MycetesMyc.EmbostEmbossed withwith silkesilk asas bestbest beseemesbeseems mymy statestate.
wln 0116ToTo bebe reueng’drevenged forfor thesethese contemptuouscontemptuous wordswords.
wln 0117OO wherewhere isis dutieduty andand allegeanceallegiance nownow?
wln 0118FledFled toto thethe CaspeanCaspianCaspean oror thethe OceanOcean mainemain?
wln 0119WhatWhat, shallshall II callcall theethee brotherbrother? NoNo, aa foefoe,
wln 0120MonsterMonster ofof NatureNature, shameshame vntounto thythy stockestock,
wln 0121ThatThat dar stdar’stdar’st presumepresume thythy SoueraigneSovereign forfor toto mockemock.
wln 0122MeanderMeander comecome, II amam abus’dabused MeanderMeander.ExitExit.
wln 0123ManentManent CosroeCosroe &and MenaphonMenaphon.
wln 0124Mena.MenaphonMena.HowHow nownow mymy LordLord, whatwhat, matedmated andand amaz’damazed
wln 0125ToTo hearehear thethe kingking thusthus thratenthreaten likelike himselfehimself?
wln 0126Cos.CosroeCos.AhAh MenaphonMenaphon, II passepass notnot forfor hishis threatesthreats,
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0127TheThe plotplot isis laidlaid byby PerseanPersianpersian NobleNoble menmen,
wln 0128AndAnd CaptainesCaptains ofof thethe MedeanMedean garrisonsgarrisons,
wln 0129ToTo crownecrown meme EmperourEmperor ofof AsiaAsia,
wln 0130ButBut thisthis itit isis thatthat dothdoth excruciateexcruciate
wln 0131TheThe verievery substancesubstance ofof mymy vexedvexed soulesoul::!
wln 0132ToTo seesee ourour neighboursneighborsneighbours thatthat werewere woontwont toto quakequake
wln 0133AndAnd trembletremble atat thethe PerseanPersianpersian Monarkesmonarch’s namename,
wln 0134NowNow sitssits andand laughslaughs ourour regimentregiment toto scornescorn,
wln 0135AndAnd thatthat whichwhich mightmight resolueresolve meme intointo tearestears:
wln 0136MenMen fromfrom thethe farthestfarthest Equinoctiallequinoctial lineline,
wln 0137HaueHave swarm’dswarmed inin troopestroops intointo thethe EasterneEastern IndiaIndia:
wln 0138LadingLading theirtheir shippesships withwith goldegold andand pretiousprecious stonesstones:
wln 0139AndAnd mademade theirtheir spoilesspoils fromfrom allall ourour prouincesprovinces.
wln 0140Mena.MenaphonMena.ThisThis shouldshould intreatentreat youryour highnessehighness toto reioicerejoice,
wln 0141SinceSince FortuneFortune giuesgives youyou opportunityopportunity,
wln 0142ToTo gainegain thethe tytletitle ofof aa ConquerourConqueror,
wln 0143ByBy curingcuring ofof thisthis maimedmaimed EmperieEmpire,
wln 0144AffrikeAfricAfrique andand EuropeEurope borderingbordering onon youryour landland,
wln 0145AndAnd continentcontinent toto youryour DominionsDominions:
wln 0146HowHow easelyeasily maymay youyou withwith aa mightiemighty hostehost,
wln 0147PassePass intointo GræciaGraeciaGraecia, asas diddid CyrusCyrus onceonce.
wln 0148AndAnd causecause themthem toto withdrawwithdraw theirtheir forcesforces homehome,
wln 0149Leastlest youyou subduesubdue thethe pridepride ofof ChristendomeChristendom..??!
wln 0150Cos.CosroeCos.ButBut Menaph.MenaphMenaphonMenaph. whatwhat meansmeans thisthis trumpetstrumpet’strumpets (soundsound
wln 0151Mena.MenaphonMena.BeholdBehold, mymy LordLord OrtigiusOrtygius, andand thethe restrest,
wln 0152BringingBringing thethe CrowneCrown toto makemake youyou EmperourEmperor.
wln 0153EnterEnter OrtigiusOrtigius &and ConerusConerus bearingbearing aa CrowneCrown
wln 0154withwith othersothers.
wln 0155Ort.OrtygiusOrt.MagnificentMagnificent andand mightiemighty PrincePrince CosroeCosroe,
wln 0156WeWe inin thethe namename ofof otherother PerseanPersianpersian statesstates,
wln 0157AndAnd commonscommons ofof thisthis mightiemighty MonarchieMonarchy,
wln 0158PresentPresent theethee withwith th’Emperiallth’ Imperialth’imperial DiademDiadem.
Cen. The
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 0159CeneCeneusCeneTheThe warlikewarlike SouldiersSoldiers, &and thethe GentlemenGentlemen,
wln 0160ThatThat heretoforeheretofore hauehave fildfilled PersepolisPersepolis
wln 0161WithWith AffrikeAfricAfrique CaptainesCaptains, takentaken inin thethe fieldfield:
wln 0162WhoseWhooseWhose ransomeransom mademade themthem martchmarch inin coatescoats ofof goldgold,
wln 0163WithWith costliecostly iewelsjewels hanginghanging atat theirtheir earesears,
wln 0164AndAnd shiningshining stonesstones vponupon theirtheir loftielofty CrestesCrests,
wln 0165NowNow liuingliving idleidle inin thethe walledwalled townestowns,
wln 0166WantingWanting bothboth paypay andand martiallmartial disciplinediscipline.
wln 0167BeginBegin inin troopestroops toto threatenthreaten ciuillcivil warrewar.
wln 0168AndAnd openlyopenly exclaimeexclaim againstagainst thethe KingKing.
wln 0169ThereforeTherefore toto staystay allall sodainesudden mutiniesmutinies,
wln 0170WeWe willwill inuestinvest youryour HighnesseHighness EmperourEmperor:
wln 0171WhereatWhereat thethe SouldiersSoldiers willwill conceiueconceive moremore ioyjoy,
wln 0172ThenThen diddid thethe MacedoniansMacedonians atat thethe spoilespoil
wln 0173OfOf greatgreat DariusDarius andand hishis wealthywealthy hoasthost.
wln 0174Cosr.CosroeCosr.WelWell, sincesince II seesee thethe statestate ofof PerseaPersia droopedroop,
wln 0175AndAnd languishlanguish inin mymy brothersbrother’s gouernmentgovernment:
wln 0176II willinglywillingly receiuereceive th’mperiallth’ imperialth’imperial crownecrown,
wln 0177AndAnd vowvow toto wearewear itit forfor mymy countriescountry’s goodgood:
wln 0178InIn spightspite ofof themthem shallshall malicemalice mymy estateestate.
wln 0179Ortyg.OrtygiusOrtyg.AndAnd inin assuranceassurance ofof desir’ddesired successesuccess,
wln 0180WeWe herehere doodo crownecrown theethee MonarchMonarch ofof thethe EastEast,
wln 0181EmperourEmperor ofof AsiaAsia, andand ofof PerseaPersia,
wln 0182GreatGreat LordLord ofof MedeaMedea andand ArmeniaArmenia:
wln 0183DukeDuke ofof AffricaAfrica andand AlbaniaAlbania,
wln 0184MesopotamiaMesopotamia andand ofof ParthiaParthia,
wln 0185EastEast IndiaIndia andand thethe latelate discouereddiscovered IslesIsles,
wln 0186ChiefeChief LordLord ofof allall thethe widewide vastvast EuxineEuxine seasea,
wln 0187AndAnd ofof thethe euerever ragingraging CaspianCaspian LakeLake:
wln 0188LongLong liuelive CosroeCosroe mightymighty EmperourEmperor.
wln 0189Cosr.CosroeCosr.AndAnd IoueJovejove maymay neuernever letlet meme longerlonger liuelive,
wln 0190ThenThan II maymay seekeseek toto gratifiegratify youryour louelove,
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0191AndAnd causecause thethe souldierssoldiers thatthat thusthus honourhonorhonour meme,
wln 0192ToTo triumphtriumph ouerover manymany ProuincesProvinces.
wln 0193ByBy whosewhose desiresdesires ofof disciplinediscipline inin ArmesArms,
wln 0194II doubtdoubt notnot shortlyshortly butbut toto raignereign solesole kingking,
wln 0195AndAnd withwith thethe ArmieArmy ofof TheridamasTheridamas,
wln 0196WhetherWhether wewe presentlypresently willwill fliefly (mymy LordsLords)
wln 0197ToTo restrest securesecure againstagainst mymy brothersbrother’s forceforce.
wln 0198OrtygOrtygiusOrtygWeWe knewknew mymy LordLord, beforebefore wewe broughtbrought thethe (crownecrown,
wln 0199IntendingIntending youryour inuestioninvestion soso neerenear,
wln 0200TheThe residenceresidence ofof youryour dispiseddespised brotherbrother,
wln 0201TheThe LordLord wouldwould notnot bebe tootoo exasperateexasperate,
wln 0202ToTo iniureinjure oror suppressesuppress youryour woorthyworthy tytletitle.
wln 0203OrOr ifif theythey wouldwould, therethere areare inin readinesreadiness
wln 0204TenTen thousandthousand horsehorse toto cariecarry youyou fromfrom hencehence,
wln 0205InIn spitespite ofof allall suspectedsuspected enemiesenemies.
wln 0206Cosr.CosroeCosr.II knowknow itit welwell mymy LordLord, &and thankethank youyou allall..,
wln 0207Ortyg.OrtygiusOrtyg.SoundSound vpup thethe trumpetstrumpets thenthen,
wln 0208GodGod sauesave thethe KingKing.ExeuntExeunt.