wln 0018EnterEnter twotwo CaptainesCaptains, and●ndand Mr.MasterMr. CarrolCarrol.
wln 00191.1. Capt.CaptainCapt.
wln 0020WHenWhen putsputs mymy LordLord toto SeaSea?
wln 00212.2. Capt.CaptainCapt.WhenWhen thethe winde’swind’s fairefair.
wln 0022Car.CarrolCar.ResolveR●olveResolve meme II intreatentreat, cancan youyou notnot guesseguess
wln 0023TheThe purposepurpose ofof thisthis voyagevoyage?
wln 00241.1. Capt.CaptainCapt.MostMost menmen thinkethink
wln 0025TheThe Fleet’sFleet’s boundbound forfor thethe IlandsIslandsLands.
wln 0026Carr.CarrolCarr.NayNay, tis’tis likelike.
wln 0027TheThe greatgreat successesuccess atat CalesCales underunder thethe conductconduct
wln 0028OfOf suchsuch aa NobleNoble GenerallGeneral, hathhath putput heartheart
wln 0029IntoInto thethe EnglishEnglish: TheyThey areare allall onon firefire
wln 0030ToTo purchasepurchase fromfrom thethe SpaniardSpaniard. IfIf theirtheir CarracksCarracks
wln 0031ComeCome deeplydeeply ladenladen, weewe shallshall tuggetug withwith themthem
wln 0032ForFor goldengolden spoilespoil.
wln 00332.2. Capt.CaptainCapt.OO, werewere itit comecome toto thatthat!
wln 003411 Capt.CaptainCapt.HowHow PlimouthPlymouth swellsswells withwith GallantsGallants!!▪ howhow thethe (streetsstreets
wln 0035GlisterGlister withwith goldgold! YouYou cannotcannot meetmeet aa manman
wln 0036ButBut trickttricked inin skarffescarf andand featherfeather, thatthat itit seemesseems
wln 0037AsAs ifif thethe pridepride ofof EnglandsEngland’s GallantryGallantry
wln 0038WereWere harbourdharboredharboured herehere. ItIt dothdoth appeareappear (me thinkesmethinks)
wln 0039AA veryvery CourtCourt ofof SouldiersSoldiers.
wln 0040Carr.CarrolCarr.ItIt dothdoth soso.
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The faire Maid of the West:
wln 0041WhereWhere shallshall wewe dinedine to daytoday?
wln 00422.2. Capt.CaptainCapt.AtAt thethe nextnext TaverneTavern byby; there’sthere’s thethe bestbest winewine,
wln 004311 Cap.CaptainCap.AndAnd thethe bestbest wenchwench, BesseBess BridgesBridges, she’sshe’s thethe flowreflower
wln 0044OfOf PlimouthPlymouth heldheld: thethe CastleCastle needesneeds nono bushbush,
wln 0045HerHer beautybeauty drawesdraws toto themthem moremore gallantgallant CustomersCustomers
wln 0046ThenThanThen allall thethe signessigns ith’i’ th’i’th’ townetown elseelse.
wln 00472.2. Capt.CaptainCapt.AA sweetsweet LasseLass,
wln 0048IfIf II havehave anyany judgementjudgement.
wln 00491.1. Capt.CaptainCapt.NowNow inin trothtroth
wln 0050II thinkethink shee’sshe’s honesthonest.
wln 0051Carr.CarrolCarr.HonestHonest, andand livelive therethere?
wln 0052WhatWhat, inin aa publikepublic TaverneTavern, where’swhere’s suchsuch confluenceconfluence
wln 0053OfOf lustylusty andand bravebrave GallantsGallants? HonestHonest saidsaid youyou?
wln 00542.2. Capt.CaptainCapt.II vowvow sheshe isis forfor meme.
wln 00551.1. Capt.CaptainCapt.ForFor allall, II thinkthink. I’mI’m suresure she’sshe’s wondrouswondrous modestmodest.
wln 0056Carr.CarrolCarr.ButBut withallwithal
wln 0057ExceedingExceeding affableaffable.
wln 005822 Capt.CaptainCapt.AnAn argumentargument thatthat shee’sshe’s notnot proudproud.
wln 0059Carr.CarrolCarr.NoNo, werewere sheshe proudproud, she’dshe’d fallfall.
wln 006011 Capt.CaptainCapt.WellWell, shee’sshe’s aa mostmost attractiveattractive AdamantAdamant,
wln 0061HerHer veryvery beautybeauty hathhath upheldupheld thatthat househouse,
wln 0062AndAnd gain’dgained herher mastermaster muchmuch.
wln 0063Carr.CarrolCarr.ThatThat AdamantAdamant
wln 0064ShallShall forfor thisthis timetime drawdraw meme totooto, wee’llwe’ll dinedine therethere.
wln 00652.2. Capt.CaptainCapt.NoNo betterbetter motionmotion: ComeCome toto thethe CastleCastle thenthen.
wln 0066EnterEnter M.MasterM. SpencerSpencer, andand Capt.CaptainCapt. GoodlackGoodlack.
wln 0067Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WhatWhat, toto thethe oldold househouse stillstill?
wln 0068Spenc.SpencerSpenc.CanstCanst blameblame meme, CaptaineCaptain,
wln 0069BeleeveBelieve meme, II waswas nevernever surprisdesurprised tilltill nownow,
wln 0070OrOr catchtcatch●catchedcaught uponupon thethe suddensudden.
wln 0071Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.PrayPray resolveresolve meme,
wln 0072WhyWhy beingbeing aa GentlemanGentleman ofof fortunesfortunes, meanesmeans,
wln 0073AndAnd wellwell revenuderevenuedreserved, willwill youyou adventureadventure thusthus
wln 0074AA doubtfulldoubtful voyagevoyage, whenwhen onelyonly suchsuch asas II
wln 0075BorneBorn toto nono otherother fortunesfortunes thenthen mymy swordsword
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or, a Girle worth gold.
wln 0076ShouldShould seekeseek abroadabroad forfor pillagepillage.
wln 0077Spenc.SpencerSpenc.PillagePillage, CaptaineCaptain?
wln 0078NoNo, tis’tis forfor honorhonorhonour; AndAnd thethe bravebrave societiesociety
wln 0079OfOf allall thesethese shiningshining GallantsGallants thatthat attendattend
wln 0080TheThe greatgreat L.LordL. GenerallGeneral, drewdrew meme hitherhither firstfirst:
wln 0081NoNo hopehope ofof gainegain oror spoylespoil.
wln 0082Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.IAyay, butbut whatwhat drawesdraws youyou toto thisthis househouse soso oftoft?
wln 0083Spenc.SpencerSpenc.AsAs ifif thouthou knewstknewst itit notnot.
wln 0084Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WhatWhat, BesseBess?
wln 0085Spenc.SpencerSpenc.EvenEven sheshe.
wln 0086Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.ComeCome, II mustmust telltell youyou, youyou forgetforget your selfeyourself,
wln 0087OneOne ofof youryour birthbirth andand breedingbreeding, thusthus toto dotedote
wln 0088VponUpon aa TannersTanner’stanner’s daughterdaughter: whywhy, herher fatherfather
wln 0089SoldSold hydeshides inin SomersetshireSomersetshire, andand beingbeing trade-falnetrade-fallen,
wln 0090SentSent herher toto serviceservice.
wln 0091Spenc.SpencerSpenc.PretheePrithee speakespeak nono moremore,
wln 0092ThouThou telsttell’st meme thatthat whichwhich II wouldwould fainefain forgetforget,
wln 0093OrOr wishwish II hadhad notnot knowneknown. IfIf thouthou wiltwilt humorhumorhumour meme
wln 0094TellTell meme shee’sshe’s fairefair andand honesthonest.
wln 0095Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.YesYes, andand lovesloves youyou.
wln 0096Spenc.SpencerSpenc.ToTo forgetforget thatthat, werewere toto excludeexclude thethe restrest:
wln 0097AllAll savingsaving thatthat, werewere nothingnothing. ComeCome let’slet’s enterenter.
wln 0098EnterEnter 2.2. DrawersDrawers.
wln 00991.1. Draw.DrawerDraw.YouYou areare welcomewelcome GentlemenGentlemen. ShewShow themthem intointo
wln 0100thethe nextnext roomeroom therethere.
wln 01012.2. Draw.DrawerDraw.LookeLook outout aa TowellTowel, andand somesome RollsRolls, aa SaltSalt andand
wln 0102TrenchersTrenchers.
wln 0103Spenc.SpencerSpenc.NoNo sirsir, wewe willwill notnot dinedin●dine.
wln 01042.2. Draw.DrawerDraw.II amam suresure yeye wouldwould ifif yeye hadhad mymy stomackestomach.
wln 0105WhatWhat winewine drinkedrink yeeye, SackeSack oror ClaretClaret?
wln 0106Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WheresWhere’s BesseBess?
wln 01072.2. Draw.DrawerDraw.MarryMarry aboveabove withwith threethree oror fourefour GentlemenGentlemen.
wln 0108Spenc.SpencerSpenc.GoeGo callcall herher.
wln 01092.2. D.DrawerD.IleI’ll drawdraw youyou aa cupcup ofof thethe neatestneatest winewine inin PlimouthPlymouth
wln 0110Spen.SpencerSpen.IleI’ll tasttaste nonenone ofof youryour drawingdrawing. GoeGo callcall BesseBess.
2. Draw.
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The faire Maid of the West:
wln 011122 Draw.DrawerDraw.TheresThere’sthere’s nothingnothing inin thethe mouthesmouths ofof thesethese Gal-GallantsGal∣lantsGallants
wln 0112lants,
wln 0112butbut BesseBess, BesseBess.
wln 0113Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WhatWhat sa’ysa’ yesa’y SirSir?
wln 01142.2. Draw.DrawerDraw.NothingNothing sirsir, butbut IleI’ll goego callcall herher presentlypresently.
wln 0115Spenc.SpencerSpenc.TellTell herher who’swho’s herehere.
wln 01162.2. Draw.DrawerDraw.TheThe devilldevil ridrid herher outout ofof thethe househouse forfor meme.
wln 0117Spenc.SpencerSpenc.Sa’ySa’ yeSa’y sirsir?
wln 011822 Draw.DrawerDraw.NothingNothing butbut anonanon anonanon sirsir.
wln 0119EnterEnter BesseBess BridgesBridges.
wln 0120Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SeeSee she’sshe’s comecome.
wln 0121Bess.BessBess.SweetSweet MrMrMasterMr. SpencerSpencer, y’arey’ areyou’re aa strangerstranger grownegrown,
wln 0122WhereWhere havehave youyou beenebeen thesethese threethree dayesdays?
wln 0123Spenc.SpencerSpenc.TheThe lastlast nightnight
wln 0124IIfIfI sateatesatate upup latelate, atat gamegame: herehere taketake thisthis baggebag,
wln 0125AndAnd lay’tlay ’tlay’t upup tilltill II callcall for’tfor ’tfor’t.
wln 0126Bess.BessBess.SirSir II shallshall.
wln 0127Spenc.SpencerSpenc.BringBring meme somesome winewine.
wln 0128Bess.BessBess.II knowknow youryour tastetaste,
wln 0129AndAnd II shallshall pleaseplease youryour palatepalate.
wln 0130Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.TrothTroth tis’tis aa prettypretty soulesoul.
wln 0131Spenc.SpencerSpenc.ToTo theethee II willwill unbosomeunbosom allall mymy thoughtsthoughts,
wln 0132WereWere herher lowlow birthbirth butbut equallequal withwith herher beautybeauty
wln 0133HereHere wouldwould II fixefix mymy thoughtsthoughts.
wln 0134Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.YouYou areare notnot madmad sirsir?
wln 0135YouYou saysay youyou lovelove herher.
wln 0136Spenc.SpencerSpenc.NeverNever questionquestion thatthat.
wln 0137Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.ThenThen putput herher to’tto ’tto’t, winwin OportunityOpportunity,
wln 0138SheesShe’s thethe bestbest bawdbawd: IfIf (asas youyou saysay) sheshe lovesloves youyou,
wln 0139SheShe cancan denydeny youyou nothingno●hingnothing.
wln 0140Spenc.SpencerSpenc.II havehave provedproved herher
wln 0141VntoUnto thethe utmostutmost testtest. Examin’dExamined herher.
wln 0142EvenEven toto aa modestmodest forceforce: butbut allall inin vainevain:
wln 0143Shee’llShe’llshe’ll laughlaugh, conferreconfer, keepekeep companycompany, discoursediscourse,
wln 0144AndAnd somethingsomething moremore, kissekiss: butbut beyondbey●ndbeyond thatthat compassecompass
wln 0145SheShe nono wayway cancan bebe drawnedrawn.
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or, a Girle worth gold.
wln 0146Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.Tis’Tis aa vertuevirtue,
wln 0147ButBut seldomeseldom foundfound inin tavernestaverns.
wln 0148EnterEnter BesseBess withwith winewine.
wln 0149BesseBess.Tis’Tis ofof thethe bestbest GravesGraves winewine sirsir.
wln 0150Spenc.SpencerSpenc.GramarcieGramercygramercy GirleGirl, comecome sitsit.
wln 0151BesseBess.PrayPray pardonpardon sirsir, II daredare notnot.
wln 0152Spenc.SpencerSpenc.IleI’ll ha’itha’ it soso.
wln 0153BesseBess.MyMy fellowesfellows lovelove meme notnot, andand willwill complainecomplain
wln 0154OfOf suchsuch aa sawcysaucy boldnesseboldness.
wln 0155Spenc.SpencerSpenc.PoxPox onon youryour fellowesfellows,
wln 0156IleI’ll trytry whetherwhether theirtheir pottlepottle potspots oror headsheads
wln 0157BeBe harderharder, ifif II doedo butbut hearehear themthem grumblegrumble.
wln 0158SitSit: nownow BesseBess drinkedrink toto meme.
wln 0159BesseBess.ToTo youryour goodgood voyagevoyage.
wln 0160EnterEnter thethe secondsecond DrawerDrawer.
wln 016122 Draw.DrawerDraw.DidDid youyou callcall sirsir?
wln 0162Sp.SpencerSp.YesYes sirsir, toto havehave youryour absenceabsence. CaptaineCaptain, thisthis healthhealth.
wln 0163Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.LetLet itit comecome sirsir.
wln 016422 Draw.DrawerDraw.MustMust youyou bebe setset, andand wewe waitwait, withwith aa —
wln 0165Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WhatWhat saysay youyou sirsir?
wln 016622 Draw.DrawerDraw.AnonAnon, anonanon, II comecome therethere.ExitExit.
wln 0167Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WhatWhat willwill youyou ventureventure BesseBess toto seasea withwith meme?
wln 0168BesseBess.WhatWhat II lovelove bestbest, mymy heartheart: forfor II couldcould wishwish
wln 0169II hadhad beenebeen borneborn toto equallequal youyou inin fortunefortune,
wln 0170OrOr youyou soso lowlow, toto havehave beenebeen ranktranked withwith meme,
wln 0171II couldcould havehave thenthen presum’dpresumed boldlyboldly toto saysay,
wln 0172II lovelove nonenone butbut mymy SpencerSpencer.
wln 0173Spenc.SpencerSpenc.BesseBess II thankethank theethee.
wln 0174KeepeKeep●Keepe stillstill thatthat hundredhundred poundpound tilltill mymy returnereturn
wln 0175FromFrom th’Islandsth’ Islandsth’Islands withwith mymy LordLord: ifif nevernever, wenchwench
wln 0176TakeTake itit, itit isis thinethine owneown.
wln 0177BesseBess.YouYou bindebind meme toto youyou.
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The faire Maid of the West:
wln 0178EnterEnter thethe firstfirst DrawerDrawer.
wln 017911 Draw.DrawerDraw.BesseBess, youyou mustmu●tmust fillfill somesome winewine intointo thethe Port-Port-cullisPortcullis
wln 0180cullis,
wln 0180thethe GentlemenGentlemen therethere willwill drinkedrink nonenone butbut ofof youryour
wln 0181drawingdrawing.
wln 0182Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SheShe shallshall notnot riserise sirsir, goego, letlet youryour MasterMaster snick-upsnick-up.
wln 018311 D.DrawerD.AndAnd thatthat shouldshould bebe cousin-germancousin-german toto thethe hick-uphiccup.
wln 0184EnterEnter thethe secondsecond DrawerDrawer.
wln 018522 Draw.DrawerDraw.BesseBess, youyou mustmust needsneeds comecome, thethe gentlemengentlemen
wln 0186flingfling potspots, pottlespottles, drawersdrawers, andand allall downedown●down stairesstairs. TheThe
wln 0187wholewhole househouse isis inin anan uproreuproar.
wln 0188BesseBess.PrayPray pardonpardon sirsir, II needsneeds mustmust bebe gonegone.
wln 018922 D.DrawerD.TheThe GentlemenGentlemen sweareswear ifif sheshe comecome notnot upup toto thēthem
wln 0190TheyThey willwill comecome downedown toto herher.
wln 0191Spenc.SpencerSpenc.IfIf theythey comecome inin peacepeace,
wln 0192LikeLike ciuillcivil GentlemenGentlemen, theythey maymay bebe welcomewelcome:
wln 0193IfIf otherwiseotherwise, letlet themthem usurpeusurp theirtheir pleasurespleasures.
wln 0194WeWe standstand prepar’dprepared forfor bothboth.
wln 0195EnterEnter CarollCarrolCaroll andand twotwo CaptainesCaptains.
wln 0196Car.CarrolCar.SaveSave youyou gallantsgallants, wewe areare somwhatsomewhat boldbold toto pressepress
wln 0197IntoInto youryour companycompany. ItIt maymay bebe heldheld scarcescarce mannersmanners,
wln 0198ThereforeTherefore fitfit thatthat wewe shouldshould cravecrave youryour pardonpardon.
wln 0199Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SirSir, youyou areare welcomewelcome, soso areare youryour friendsfriends.
wln 020011 Capt.CaptainCapt.SomeSome winewine.
wln 0201BesseBess.PrayPray givegive meme leaveleave toto fillfill itit.
wln 0202Sp.SpencerSp.YouYou shallshall notnot stirstir. SoSo pleaseplease youyou wee’lwe’ll joynejoin cōpanycompany.
wln 0203DrawerDrawer, moremore stoolesstools.
wln 0204Car.CarrolCar.II tak’ttake ’ttake’t that’sthat’s aa sheshe drawerdrawer. AreAre youyou ofof thethe househouse?
wln 0205BesseBess.II amam sirsir.
wln 0206CarollCarrolCaroll.InIn whatwhat placeplace?
wln 0207BesseBess.II drawdraw.
wln 0208CarollCarrolCaroll.BeereBeer, doedo youyou notnot? YouYou areare somesome tapstressetapstress.
wln 0209Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SirSir, thethe worstworst charactercharacter youyou cancan bestowbestow
wln 0210VponUpon thethe maidemaid isis toto drawdraw winewine.
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or, a Girle worth gold.
wln 0211CarollCarrolCaroll.SheShe wouldwo●would drawdraw nonenone toto usus,
wln 0212PerhapsPerhaps sheshe keepeskeeps aa RundletRundletRoundlet forfor youryour tastetaste,
wln 0213WhichWhich nonenone butbut youyou mustmust piercepierce.
wln 021422 Capt.CaptainCapt.II praypray be●ebe civillcivil.
wln 0215Spenc.SpencerSpenc.II knowknow notno●not, GentlemenGentlemen, whatwhat youryour intentsintents bebe,
wln 0216NorNor doedo II fearefear oror carecare. ThisThis isis mymy roome〈◊〉room,
wln 0217AndAnd ifif youyou bearebear youyou, asas youyou seemeseem inin shewshow,
wln 0218LikeLike GentlemenGentlemen, sitsit andand bebe sociablesociable.
wln 0219Car.CarrolCar.WeWe willwill. MinxMin●Minx, byby youryour leaveleave: RemoveRemove II saysay.
wln 0220Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SheShe shallshall notnot stirstir.
wln 0221Car.CarrolCar.HowHow sirsir?
wln 0222Spen.SpencerSpen.NoNo sirsir: couldcould youyou out-faceoutface thethe devilldevil,
wln 0223WeWe doedo notnot fearefear youryour roaringroaring.
wln 0224Car.CarrolCar.ThoughThough youyou maymay bebe companioncompanion withwith aa drudgedrudge,
wln 0225ItIt isis notnot fitfit sheeshe shouldshould havehave placeplace byby usus.
wln 0226AboutAbout youryour businessebusiness, huswifehuswifehousewife.
wln 0227Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SheShe isis worthyworthy
wln 0228TheThe placeplace asas thethe bestbest herehere, andand sheshe shallshall keep’tkeepekeep●keepekeep ’t.
wln 0229Car.CarrolCar.YouYou lielie.TheyThey bustlebustle. CarollCarrolCaroll slaines●aineslain.
wln 0230Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.TheThe Gentleman’sGentleman’s slaineslain, awayaway.
wln 0231BesseBess.OhOhO heavenheaven, whatwhat havehave youyou donedone?
wln 0232Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.VndoneUndone thy selfethyself andand mem●me tootoo. ComeCome awayaway!!▪
wln 0233BesseBess.OhOhO sadsad misfortunemisfortune, II shallshall loselose himhim everever.
wln 0234WhatWhat, areare youyou menmen oror milkmilk sopssops? StandStand youyou stillstill
wln 0235SenslesseSenseless asas stonesstones, andand seesee youryour friendfriend inin dangerdanger
wln 0236ToTo expireexpire hishis lastlast?
wln 023711 Capt.CaptainCapt.TushTush, allall ourour help’shelp’s inin vainevain.
wln 023822 Capt.CaptainCapt.ThisThis isis thethe fruitfruit ofof whooreswhores.
wln 0239ThisThis mischiefemischief camecame throughthrough theethee..▪
wln 0240BesseBess.ItIt grewgrew firstfirst fromfrom youryour incivilitieincivility.
wln 024111 Cap.CaptainCap.LendLend meme aa handhand toto liftlift hishis bodybody hencehence.
wln 0242ItIt waswas aa fatallfatal businessebusiness.ExeuntExeunt CaptainesCaptains.
wln 0243EnterEnter thethe twotwo DrawersDrawers.
wln 024411 Dr.DrawerDr.OneOne callcall mymy MasterMaster, anotheranother fetchfetch thethe constableconstable,
wln 0245Here’sHere’s aa manman kildkilled inin thethe roomeroom.
2 Dr.
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The faire Maid of the West:
wln 024622 Dr.DrawerDr.HowHow, aa manman kill’dkilled saistsayest thouthou. IsIs allall paidpaid?
wln 024711 Dr.DrawerDr.HowHow fellfell theythey outout, canstcanst thouthou telltell?
wln 024822 Dr.DrawerDr.SureSure aboutabout thisthis boldbold BetriceBettriceBetrice: tis’tis notnot soso muchmuch forfor
wln 0249thethe deathdeath ofof thethe manman, butbut howhow shallshall wewe comecome byby ourour rec-reckoningrec∣koning
wln 0250koningreckoning?ExeuntExeunt DrawersDrawers.
wln 0251BesseBess.WhatWhat shallshall becomebecome ofof meme! OfOf allall lostlost creaturescreatures
wln 0252TheThe mostmost infortunateinfortunate. MyMy innocenceinnocence
wln 0253HathHath beenebeen thethe causecause ofof bloodblood, andand II amam nownow
wln 0254PurpledPurpled withwith murdermurder, thoughthough notnot withinwithin compassecompass
wln 0255OfOf thethe LawesLaw’slaw’s severesevere censurecensure: butbut whichwhich mostmost
wln 0256AddesAdds untounto mymy afflictionaffliction, II byby thisthis
wln 0257HaveHave lostlost soso worthyworthy andand approv’dapproved aa friendfriend,
wln 0258WhomWhom toto redeemeredeem fromfrom exileexile, II wouldwould givegive
wln 0259AllAll that’sthat’s withoutwithout andand inin meme.
wln 0260EnterEnter ForsetForset.
wln 0261Fors.ForsetFors.YourYour name’sname’s BesseBess BridgesBridges?
wln 0262BesseBess.AnAn unfortunateunfortunate MaidMaid.
wln 0263KnowneKnown byby thatthat namename tootoo wellwell inin PlimouthPlymouth herehere.
wln 0264YourYour businessebusiness, sirsir, withwith meme?
wln 0265Fors.ForsetFors.KnowKnow youyou thisthis RingRing?
wln 0266BesseBess.II doedo: itit isis mymy SpencersSpencer’s.
wln 0267II knowknow withallwithal youyou areare hishis trustytrusty friendfriend,
wln 0268ToTo whomwhom hehe wouldwould commitcommit itit. SpeakeSpeak, howhow faresfares hehe?
wln 0269IsIs heehe inin freedomefreedom, knowknow yeeye?
wln 0270Fors.ForsetFors.Hee’sHe’s inin healthhealth
wln 0271OfOf bodybody, thoughthough inin mindemind somwhatsomewhat perplextperplexed
wln 0272ForFor thisthis latelate mischiefemischief happenedhappened.
wln 0273BesseBess.IsIs hehe fledfled, andand freedfreed fromfrom dangerdanger?
wln 0274Fors.ForsetFors.NeitherNeither. ByBy thisthis tokentoken
wln 0275HeHe lovinglylovingly commendscommends himhim toto youyou BesseBess,
wln 0276AndAnd prayesprays youyou whenwhen tis’tis darkedark meetmeet himhim o’tho’ th’o’th HoeHoeho
wln 0277NeereNear toto thethe new-madenew-made FortFort, wherewhere hee’llhe’ll attendattend youyou,
wln 0278BeforeBefore hehe flyesflies, toto taketake aa kindekind farewellfarewell.
wln 0279TheresThere’sthere’s onelyonly GoodlackGoodlack inin hishis companycompany,
wln 0280HeHe intreatsentreats youyou notnot toto failefail himhim.
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or, a Girle worth gold.
wln 0281Bes.BessBes.TellTell himhim fromfrom meme, IleI’ll come●omecome, IleI’ll runnerun, IleI’ll flyefly,
wln 0282StandStand DeathDeath beforebefore meme: werewere II suresure toto diedie.ExitExit.
wln 0283EnterEnter SpencerSpencer andand GoodlackeGoodlackGoodlacke.
wln 0284Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.YouYou areare tootoo fullfull ofof passionpassion.
wln 0285Spenc.SpencerSpenc.CanstCanst thouthou blameblame meme,
wln 0286ToTo havehave thethe guiltguilt ofof murdermurder burdenburden meme,
wln 0287AndAnd nextnext, mymy lifelife inin hazatdhazardhaz●tdhazard toto aa deathdeath
wln 0288SoSo ignominiousignominious: lastlast, toto loselose aa LoveLove
wln 0289SoSo sweetsweet, soso fairefair, soso am’rousam’rousamorous, andand soso chastechaste,
wln 0290AndAnd allall thesethese atat anan instantinstant? ArtArt thouthou suresure
wln 0291CarolCarrolCarol isis deaddead?
wln 0292Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.II cancan beleevebelieve nono lesseless.
wln 0293YouYou hithit himhim inin thethe veryvery speedingspeeding placeplace.
wln 0294Spenc.SpencerSpenc.OhOhO butbut thethe lastlast ofof thesethese sitssits neer’stnearest mymy heartheart.
wln 0295Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.SirSir bebe advis’dadvised byby meeme.
wln 0296TryTry herher beforebefore youyou trusttrust herher. SheShe perchanceperchance
wln 0297MayMay taketake th’advantageth’advantage ofof youryour hopefullhopeful fortunesfortunes:
wln 0298ButBut whenwhen sheshe findesfinds youyou subjectsubject toto distressedistress
wln 0299AndAnd casualtycasualty, herher flatteringflattering lovelove maymay diedie:
wln 0300YourYour deceaseddeceased hopeshopes.
wln 0301Spenc.SpencerSpenc.ThouThou counselstcounsel’st wellwell.
wln 0302IleI’ll putput herher toto thethe testtest andand utmostutmost tryalltrial
wln 0303BeforeBefore II trusttrust herher furtherfurther. HereHere sheshe comescomes.
wln 0304EnterEnter ForsetForset, andand BesseBess withwith aa baggebag.
wln 0305Fors.ForsetFors.II havehave donedone mymy messagemessage sirsir.
wln 0306Bes.BessBes.FeareFear notnot sweetsweet SpencerSpencer, wewe areare nownow alonealone,
wln 0307AndAnd thouthou artart sanctuar’dsanctuaried inin thesethese minemine armesarms.
wln 0308Goodl.GoodlackGoodl.WhileWhile thesethese conferreconfer wee’llwe’ll centinelsentinel theirtheir safetysafety.
wln 0309ThisThis placeplace IleI’ll guardguard.
wln 0310Fors.ForsetFors.II thisthis.
wln 0311Bes.BessBes.AreAre youyou notnot hurthurt?
wln 0312OrOr youryour skinneskin rac’drazed withwith hishis offensiveoffensive steelesteel?
wln 0313HowHow isis itit withwith youyou?
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The faire Maid of the West:
wln 0314Spenc.SpencerSpenc.BesseBess, allall mymy afflictionsafflictions
wln 0315AreAre thatthat II mustmust leaveleave theethee: thouthou knowstknow’stknowest withallwithal
wln 0316MyMy extreameextreme necessitynecessity, andand thatthat thethe fearefear
wln 0317OfOf aa mostmost scandalousscandalous deathdeath dothdoth forceforce meme hencehence.
wln 0318II amam notnot nearenear mymy CountryCountry, andand toto staystay
wln 0319FromFrom newnew supplysupply fromfrom thencethence, mightmight deeplydeeply ingageengage meeme●me
wln 0320ToTo desperatedesperate hazardhazard.
wln 0321BesseBess.IsIs itit coynecoin youyou wantwant?
wln 0322HereHere isis thethe hundredhundred poundpound youyou gavegave meme latelate,
wln 0323VseUse thatthat, besidebeside whatwhat II havehave stor’dstored andand sav’desaved
wln 0324WhichWhich makesmakes itit fiftyfifty moremore: werewere itit tenten thousandthousand
wln 0325NayNay, aa wholewhole millionmillion, SpencerSpencer, allall werewere thinethine.
wln 0326Spenc.SpencerSpenc.NoNo, whatwhat thouthou hasthast keepekeep stillstill, tis’tis allall thinethine owneown.
wln 0327HereHere bebe mymy keyeskeys, mymy trunkestrunks taketake toto thythy chargecharge:
wln 0328SuchSuch goldgold fitfit forfor transportagetransportage asas II havehave,
wln 0329IleI’ll bearebear alongalong: thethe restrest areare freelyfreely thinethine,
wln 0330MoneyMoney, apparellapparel, andand whatwhat elseelse thouthou findstfindst,
wln 0331PerhapsPerhaps worthworth mymy bequestbequest andand thythy receivingreceiving,
wln 0332II makemake theethee mistressemistress ofof.
wln 0333BesseBess.BeforeBefore II doteddoted,
wln 0334ButBut nownow youyou strivestrive toto havehave meme extasideecstasied.
wln 0335WhatWhat wouldwould youyou havehave meme doedo, inin whichwhich t’t’toexpresseexpress
wln 0336MyMy zealezeal toto youyou?
wln 0337Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WhichWhich inin mymy chamberchamber hangshangs,
wln 0338MyMy picturepicture, II injoyneenjoin theethee toto keepekeep everever,
wln 0339ForFor whenwhen thouthou partstpartest withwith thatthat, thouthou losest〈◊〉losest meme.
wln 0340BesseBess.MyMy soulesoul maymay fromfrom mymy bodybody bebe divorc’ddivorced,
wln 0341ButBut nevernever thatthat fromfrom meme.
wln 0342Spenc.SpencerSpenc.II havehave aa househouse inin FoyFoy, aa tavernetavern calldcalled
wln 0343TheThe Winde-millWindmill, thatthat II freelyfreely givegive theethee tootoo,
wln 0344AndAnd thitherthither ifif II livelive IleI’ll send●endsend toto theethee.
wln 0345BesseBess.SoSo soonesoon asas II havehave castcast mymy reckoningsreckonings upup,
wln 0346AndAnd mademade eveneven withwith mymy MasterMaster, IleI’ll notnot failefail
wln 0347ToTo visitvisit FoyFoy inin CornwallCornwall. IsIs therethere elseelse
wln 0348OughtAughtaught thatthat youyou willwill injoyneenjoin meme?
wln 0349Spenc.SpencerSpenc.ThouThou artart fairefair,
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or, a Girle worth gold.
wln 0350IoyneJoinjoin toto thythy beautybeauty vertuevirtue. ManyMany suiterssuitors
wln 0351II knowknow willwill tempttempt theethee: beauty’sbeauty’s aa shrewdshrewd baitebait,
wln 0352ButBut untounto thatthat ifif thouthou add’stadd’st chastitiechastity,
wln 0353ThouThou shaltshalt ore-comeo’ercome allall scandallscandal. TimeTime calscalls hencehence,
wln 0354WeWe nownow mustmust partpart.
wln 0355BesseBess.OhOhO thatthat II hadhad thethe powerpower toto makemake TimeTime lamelame,
wln 0356ToTo staystay thethe starresstars, oror makemake thethe MooneMoon standstand stillstill,
wln 0357ThatThat futurefuture dayday mightmight nevernever hastehaste thythy flightflight.
wln 0358II couldcould dwelldwell herehere for everforeverfor ever inin thinethine armesarms.
wln 0359AndAnd wishwish itit alwayesalways nightnight.
wln 0360Spenc.SpencerSpenc.WeWe trifletrifle howershours. FarewellFarewell.
wln 0361BesseBess.FirstFirst taketake thisthis RingRing:
wln 0362Twas’Twas’twas thethe firstfirst tokentoken ofof mymy constantconstant lovelove
wln 0363ThatThat pastpassed betwixtbetwixt usus. WhenWhen II seesee thisthis nextnext,
wln 0364AndAnd notnot mymy SpencerSpencer, II shallshall thinkethink theethee deaddead:
wln 0365ForFor tilltill deathdeath partpart thythy bodybody fromfrom thythy soulesoul
wln 0366II knowknow thouthou wiltwil●wilt notnot partpart withwith itit.
wln 0367Spenc.SpencerSpenc.SweareSwear forfor meme BesseBess: forfor thouthou maistmayst safelysafely doe’tdo●do ’tdo’t.
wln 0368OnceOnce moremore farewellsarewellfarewell: atat FoyFoy thouthou shaltshalt hearehear fromfrom meme.
wln 0369BesseBess.TheresThere’sthere’s notnot aa wordword thatthat hathhath aa partingparting soundsound
wln 0370WhichWhich throughthrough minemine earesears shrillsshrills notnot immediateimmediate deathdeath.
wln 0371II shallshall notnot livelive toto loselose theethee.
wln 0372Fors.ForsetFors.BestBest bebe gonegone, forfor harkehark II hearehear somesome treadtread.
wln 0373Spenc.SpencerSpenc.AA thousandthousand farewelsfarewells areare inin oneone contractedcontracted.
wln 0374CaptaineCaptain awayaway.
wln 0375ExitExit SpencerSpencer, &and GoodlackeGoodlackGoodlacke.
wln 0376BesseBess.OhOhO, II shallshall dyedie.
wln 0377Fors.ForsetFors.WhatWhat meanmean youyou BesseBess, wilwill youyou betraybetray youryour friendfriend,
wln 0378OrOr callcall mymy namename inin questionquestion? SweetSweet, lookelook upup.
wln 0379BesseBess.HahHa, isis mymy SpencerSpencer gonegone?
wln 0380Fors.ForsetFors.WithWith speedspeed towardstowards FoyFoy,
wln 0381ThereThere toto taketake shipship forfor FiallFayalFiall.
wln 0382BesseBess.LetLet meme recollectrecollect my selfemyself,
wln 0383AndAnd whatwhat hehe leftleft inin chargecharge. VertueVirtue andand ChastitieChastity.
wln 0384NextNext, withwith allall suddensudden expeditionexpedition
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The faire Maid of the West:
wln 0385PreparePrepare forfor FoyFoy: allall thesethese willwill II conserveconserve,
wln 0386AndAnd keepekeep themthem strictlystrictly, asas II wouldwould mymy lifelife.
wln 0387PlimouthPlymouth farewellfarewell: inin Cornwall●ornwallCornwall II willwill proveprove
wln 0388AA secondsecond fortunefortune, andand for everforeverfor ever mournemourn,
wln 0389VntillUntil II seesee mymy SpencersSpencer’s safesafe returnereturn.
wln 0390HoboysHautboysHoboys.
wln 0391AA dumbedumb ShowShow. EnterEnter GenerallGeneral, CaptainesCaptains, thethe MayorMayor:
wln 0392PetitionersPetitioners thethe otherother wayway withwith paperspapers: amongstamongst thesethese thethe
wln 0393DrawersDrawers. TheThe GenerallGeneral givesgives themthem baggesbags ofof moneymoney. AllAll
wln 0394goego offoff savingsaving thethe twotwo DrawersDrawers.
wln 039511 Draw.DrawerDraw.Tis’Tis wellwell yetyet wew●we havehave gottengotten allall thethe moneymoney duedue
wln 0396toto mymy MasterMaster. ItIt isis thethe commonestcommonest thingthing thatthat cancan beebe forfor
wln 0397thesethese CaptainesCaptains toto scorescore andand toto scorescore: butbut whenwhen thethe scoresscores
wln 0398areare toto bebe paidpaid, NonNon estest inventusinventus.
wln 039922 Draw.DrawerDraw.Tis’Tis ordinaryordinary amongstamongst GallantsGallants now a dayesnowadays,
wln 0400whowho hadhad ratherrather sweareswear fortyforty oathsoaths, thenthanthen onelyonly thisthis oneone
wln 0401oathoath, GodGod letlet meme nevernever bebe trustedtrusted.
wln 040211 Draw.DrawerDraw.ButBut ifif thethe CaptainesCaptains wouldwould followfollow thethe noblenoble
wln 0403mindemind ofof thethe GenerallGeneral, beforebefore nightnight therethere wouldwould notnot beebe
wln 0404oneone scorescore owingowing inin PlimouthPlymouth.
wln 040522 Draw.DrawerDraw.LittleLittle knowesknows BesseBess●Bess thatthat mymy MasterMaster hathhath gotgot
wln 0406inin thesethese desperatedesperate debtsdebts: butbut sheshe hathhath castc●stcast upup herher accountaccount::▪
wln 0407andand isis gonegone.
wln 040811 Draw.DrawerDraw.WhitherWhither canstcanst thouthou telltell?
wln 040922 Draw.DrawerDraw.TheyThey saysay toto keepekeep aa TaverneTavern inin FoyFoy, andand thatthat
wln 0410M.MasterM. SpencerSpencer hathhath givengiven herher aa stockestock toto setset upup forfor her selfeherself.
wln 0411WellWell, howsoeverhowsoever, II amam gladglad, thoughthough hehe kildkilled thethe manman weewe
wln 0412havehave gotgot ourour moneymoney.
wln 0413ExplicitExplicit ActusActus primusprimus.